冀教版(三起)四上Unit 3 Let's Go!-Lesson 18 Lost in the City-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:0048e).zip

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  • 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_四年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Lets Go!_Lesson 18 Lost in the City_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:0048e)
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Lesson 18 Lost in the City 冀教版冀教版 四年级上册四年级上册 Boys Team Girls Team Lost in the City 1.Guess!What happens next ? 猜一猜,后来发生了什么事? Watch the video, then answer.听故事,回答问题。 2.Who helps her? 1.Guess!What happens next ? 猜一猜,后来发生了什么事? Watch the video, then answer.听故事,回答问题。 A dog and an old bird. 2.Who helps her? Read P1 and P2 quickly . Try to guess the meaning of “miss” and “visit”.速读1,2幅图,猜测词义。 I miss her very much. Today, I am going to visit her. A.想念 B.错过 A.参观 B.看望 Read it with emotion . Read P3-P5 silently then underline. 默读3-5图,用“_”划出答案。 Where is the Nice house? Yes? Im lost. Where is the NICE house? Excuse me! Look!Go straight and turn left. Read emotionally.试着体会人物心情。 If you were Mimis friend, what would you say to her? 如果你是咪咪的朋友, 此时你会说些什么? Thank you. Read emotionally.有感情的朗读对话。 Excuse me, where is the NICE house? Ill show you. Go straight and turn right at the traffic lights. Lets listen. 继续听故事。 How do they feel?Happy. 1 Im going to visit my sister. She lives in a city. 1 Im going to visit my sister.She lives in a city. Im lost. Yes? Im lost. Where is the NICE house? Excuse me! Look!Go straight and turn left. A dog helps me. Its not the NICE House. Excuse me, where is the NICE house? Ill show you. Thank you. Go straight and turn right at An old bird helps me. 6 I get to the NICE house. Were very happy. Lets watch a video. Role play. Practice in groups of four.四人小组角色扮演 bird dogMimi Kitty Group work. Act out the story.表演故事 correctly loudly 准确 声音洪亮 emotionally with action 有感情 有动作 speak natrally eye contact 说话自然 有眼神交流 Who is the best? 谁是每组最佳演员? If you were lost,who would you ask for help? 如果你迷路了,你会怎么做? If you were lost,what would you do? 如果你迷路了,你会向谁求助? What characters do you like in the story? Why? I like_. He/She is _. Kitty pretty help animals help old people help hungry people Homework 1.Tell the story to your father and mother. 给父母讲故事。 2.Exercise book Lesson 18. 练习册18课。 Thank you! Bye! Lesson 18 Lost in The City 一、教学目标: 1. 能根据图片、上下文、猜测 miss, visit 等单词的意义; 2. 能在教师的引导下,运用寻读等阅读策略读懂故事; 3. 能有感情地分角色读故事人物对话,体会角色内心感受,能在关键词句的帮助下复述故 事; 4. 能通过理解故事,多角度思考生活中的问题,创造性地想出更多解决问题的方法。 二、教学重点 能够读懂故事,理解并体会不同角色的内心活动。 三、预设教学难点 表演故事。 五、教学过程 1. Pre-reading 1)Free talk. Talk about stories. Enjoy a video with a question: What happens next? Who helps Mimi? 【设计意图】通过开放式的问题,引导学生进行头脑风暴,激活学生对于小猫的故事的想 象,并在此基础上观看整个视频,加深学生对整个故事发展的认识,调动已有的语言储备 进行预测,激发孩子对故事进程的期待。为孩子们能在后面的活动中更好地参与提供支持。 2. While-reading 1)Teacher asks students to read.Read P1 and P2 quickly. Guess the meaning of “miss” and “visit”. 2)Listen and repeat P3-P5. Imitate sentence by sentence. Read the dialogue with emotion. 【设计意图】通过问题设置,帮助学生了解故事的起因,并尝试猜测单词含义。引导学生 体会人物心情,指导朗读,为表演做铺垫。 3)Teacher asks students to listen the story and find the answer quickly: Where is the Nice house? If you were Mimis friend, what would you say to her? 【设计意图】通过指向性明确的问题,引导学生运用寻读策略,帮助学生找到快速寻找答 案的方法;通过有感情的角色带入朗读,帮助学生体会文本中所隐含的感情色彩,从而带 动真实的角色朗读;学生换位思考,体会朋友情谊。 4)Listen to the story of P7-P8. 【设计意图】完成故事阅读,为读后活动做铺垫。 3. Post-reading 1)Try to order the story 【设计意图】让学生为故事图片排序,巩固学生对故事的理解,在订正答案的同时引导学 生复述故事,促进学生综合语用表达能力。 2)Act out the story. 【设计意图】为学生表演故事提供示范。学生小组评价。 3)Share views. Which character do you like? Why? If you were lost, who would you ask for help? What will you do? 【设计意图】故事学习在于在读懂故事的内容的基础上,理解故事所蕴含的寓意,通过之 前的一系列教学活动,让孩子们用自己的话说一说在文章中喜欢哪个角色,并谈谈自己的 原因,让孩子置身于故事情景之中设想,如果自己是主人公该如何解决问题,既可以看到 孩子们是否能够理解故事内容,又给了孩子用英语表达观点的机会,并引导孩子们从故事 主人公的身上学习到的机智的解决问题这主旨。 4. Homework 1)Please read this story emotionally. 【设计意图】首先由于时间有限,课上没有给学生足够的时间去有感情朗读课文,所以让 学生课下练习朗读。
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