- 冀教2011课标版三年级起点_四年级上册(2014年7月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 Shopping in the City_Lesson 22 At the Supermarket_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_部级优课_(编号:92bb5)
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- English Game
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- 英语转盘游戏.html
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- Lesson 22 At the Supermarket.ppt
- 教案92bb5.doc--点击预览
1 (一)教材分析(一)教材分析 本课是冀教版小学英语四年级上册 Unit4 Shopping in the City 的第四课。本 单元的主要内容是学习去各种地方去做什么。本课围绕“Shopping At the Supermarket”这一学生比较感兴趣的话题展开讨论,重点学习超市里的物品单 词和购物时的常用句子并与同伴交流购物的场景。 (二)(二) 学情分析学情分析 四年级的学生已经掌握了一定量的英语词汇和基础的英语会话,在学习本 课之前学生已经接触并掌握了一些食物单词和购物句型,此时学习讨论有关购 物的话题降低了学习难度,而且本课教学内容贴近学生的生活,是学生比较喜 欢的话题,乐于进行表达。 二、教学目标分析二、教学目标分析 (一)(一) 知识目标知识目标 1 1学生能够掌握并熟练运用本课四会单词:tomato, potato, bag。 2 2学生能听懂、会说并认读单词:candy。 3 3学生能认读、理解并运用句型:Lets buy some. How about some. (二)能力目标(二)能力目标 学生能够熟练运用本课所学正确地用英语进行购物。 (三)情感目标(三)情感目标 感受购物的乐趣,养成良好的生活习惯,提高环保意识。 三、教学重难点分析三、教学重难点分析 (一)教学重点(一)教学重点 1 1学生能够掌握并熟练运用本课四会单词:tomato, potato, bag。 2 2学生能听懂、会说并认读单词:candy。 3 3学生能认读、理解并运用句型:Lets buy some. How about some. (二)教学难点(二)教学难点 2 1 1单词 tomato,potato 的发音及复数形式。 2 2学生能够熟练运用本课所学正确地用英语进行购物。 四、四、 教法学法分析教法学法分析 教学过程中运用任务型教学法、情景教学法、小组合作学习法,激发学生 学习兴趣,给学生创设情景,使学生灵活运用所学语言进行自主的交流活动。 五、解决策略五、解决策略 充分利用交互式电子白板、会声会影、网页制作和网页链接等功能进行直 观具体的呈现,教学内容由易到难,层层递进,充分调动学生的学习积极性, 发挥学生在课堂上的主体作用,通过教师、学生和白板之间的互动实现教学重 点和难点的突破。 六、教学过程六、教学过程 ( (一一) ) 创设情境,快速热身创设情境,快速热身 1. Greeting. 2. Play the “Super Brain”. Free talk: What do you see on TV? What do you do in the .? 慢慢地掀开幕布:Guess,what place is it? What can you see at the supermarket? 【设计意图:使用会声会影软件制作最强大脑小短片并利用电子白板的插 入媒体功能播放短片,使地点图片快速闪现,吸引学生的眼球,使学生快速进 入英语学习的氛围中并复习学过的地点名词。慢慢地掀开幕布能够使学生在极 大的好奇心下吸引学生的注意力,从而引出本节课的相关话题。】 ( (二二) ) 分步操练,层层新授分步操练,层层新授 1Present the words:toamto, potato, candy, bag. (1)tomato and bag T: Guess, whats this? Look!(放大超市角落里面的包并向学生展示)Its a bag. (教授单词 bag) 3 T: Guess, whats in the bag? Ss: . T: Maybe. 利用拖拽功能拖拽出西红柿,Oh, its a tomato. 分音节教授 to-ma-to 克隆西红柿图片并提问:How many tomatoes? 利用动作显隐功能显示 es, 讲解 tomato 的复数形式 tomatoes。 What colour are the tomatoes? Do you like red tomatoes or green tomatoes? (2)通过一个谜语引出单词)通过一个谜语引出单词 potato T: In the bag, there is other vegetable. It is yellow. It can make French fries. What is it? Can you guess? Ss: . T: Yes, its a potato. 分音节教授 po-ta-to 克隆土豆图片并提问:How many potatoes? 利用电子白板的放大、缩小图片功能进行追问: Do you like the big potato or small potato? 对比讲解 tomato,potato。 (3)Guess,whats else in the bag? 教授单词教授单词 candy 【设计意图:利用电子白板的拖拽功能对 tomato 进行分音节处理,能够提 高学生的拼读能力,并通过克隆图片形象直观地讲解 tomatoes 和 potatoes,突 破教学重难点。同时通过电子白板的动作隐显功能给学生提供各种糖果的图片, 让学生感知多种多样的 candy。】 2操练巩固新授单词操练巩固新授单词 tomato,potato,candy,bag 【设计意图:利用电子白板的聚光灯功能把学生的目光聚焦到刚刚所学的 新授单词与图片上,让学生快速说出单词,巩固所学,为下面的文本教学做好 铺垫。】 3Present the sentences. (1)通过通过 First Reading,让学生初步感知文本,让学生初步感知文本 4 Boys and girls, our friends Danny, Jenny and Mrs. Smith are at the supermarket. What do they want to buy? Lets watch and answer. 解决问题:T: What do they want to buy? Ss: They want to buy some fruit, some vegetables and some candy. 【设计意图:让学生带着问题去看、听,有效集中注意力的同时,也使他 们对文本有了初步的感知,锻炼了学生们听的能力的同时又利用了文本所提供 的语境呈现了新知。让学生亲自在白板上将蔬菜、水果和糖果拖拽到购物车, 体现电子白板的交互性,激发学生的热情。】 (2)通过)通过 Second Reading,让学生理解文本,让学生理解文本 Read Part 2 silently and then judge the sentences: A. Mrs. Smith wants to buy some vegetables. B. Jenny likes potatoes. Danny likes tomatoes. C. Candy is good for your teeth. D. Danny wants to buy some fruit. E. They use Dannys bag. T:Look at No. 1. Is this right? How do you know? 关闭遮屏功能显示文本内容第一幅图并抓取主要信息 Lets buy some vegetables.之后放大字体,认读句子。 【设计意图:利用电子白板的抓屏功能抓取主要信息 Lets buy some vegetables. 放大图片,教授句型。之后利用电子白板的网页链接功能链接到提 前使用网页制作好的转盘游戏页面,让学生摇动转盘并读出句子以此来巩固操 练句型 Lets buy some .提高学生学习兴趣。】 T: Mrs. Smith want s to buy some vegetables. What vegetables do Danny and Jenny like? 利用橡皮擦擦除遮挡显示主要信息并提问 What does Jenny like? What does Jenny say? Ss:I like tomatoes. T: What does Danny like? What does Danny say? Ss: I like potatoes. T: Jenny likes tomatoes. Danny likes potatoes. What do you like? Do you like 5 candy? Ss: Yes. (相信很多同学都会这样回答) T: Candy is so sweet. Does Danny like candy? What does Danny say? Ss: I like candy, too. 进一步追问:Does Mrs. Smith want Danny to buy some candy? Why? 利用媒体功能插入虫牙的图片并利用放大镜放大牙齿部位:Look, candy isnt good for our teeth. 【设计意图:通过利用媒体功能插入虫牙的图片并使用放大镜放大虫牙的 部位,学生们自然习得 Candy isnt good for our teeth. 并对他们进行情感教育, 糖果对我们的牙齿不好,所以应该少吃糖。】 T: Danny doesnt buy candy. Does Danny want to buy some fruit? Lets ask Danny. Ss: Do you want to buy some fruit? Danny: Okay! T: Guess, what does Mrs. Smith say? Ss: . T: Lets look! Ss: How about some fruit? T: (领读句型) What else does Danny want to buy? Lets ask Danny: How about.? 【设计意图:利用电子白板的插入音频功能实现学生与 Danny 之间的交流, 拉近学生与 Danny 的距离,使语言知识生活化、真实化。】 T: They buy many things. Where do they put them? Do they use Jennys bag or Dannys bag? Ss: Jennys bag. T: (抓取放大) Look, Jennys bag is a shopping bag. And these are shopping bags. T: Dannys bag is a plastic bag. Look! (播放一组塑料袋破坏环境的图片) Don t use that bag. We have our shopping bag. And we shoud protect the environment. 6 OK? Ss:OK. 【设计意图:通过电子白板的媒体功能播放一组塑料袋破坏环境的图片, 让孩子们意识到塑料袋给我们的地球带来的危害,从而呼吁孩子们要保护环境, 拒绝使用塑料袋,呵护我们赖以生存的家园。】 T: Youre good kids. Kids mean boys and girls. So youre kids. Do Danny and Jenny good kids? Why? Ss: .(通过文本的学习,相信学生们能够说出 They dont buy candy. It isnt good for our teeth. They buy some fruit. Fruit is good for our body.) (3) 通过通过 Third Reading,跟读文本,培养学生的朗读能力。,跟读文本,培养学生的朗读能力。 【设计意图:通过电子白板的插入媒体功能播放视频,使学生能更加深入 的理解课文内容,让学生跟读文本,培养学生的朗读能力。】 (4) Lets have a role play. 【设计意图:利用电子白板的计时器功能,倒计时 3 分钟,让学生 3 人一 组进行角色表演来检验学生对文本的掌握程度,同时培养学生的表演能力,也 为下面的拓展环节做好铺垫。】 (三)学以致用,巩固拓展(三)学以致用,巩固拓展 1Finish the shopping list and share with your partner. Today Danny, Jenny and Mrs. Smith buy something at the supermarket. I want to buy something, too. Look!This is my shopping list. I want to buy some milk. Its good for me. How about some tea? Okay. My father likes it. Lets buy some tea.What do you want to buy? Make your shopping list and share with your parents. 【设计意图:在这个环节,我利用电子白板的漫游功能给同学们提供购物 的场景,并利用电子白板的拖拽功能给学生们创设一个真实购物的语言环境, 这样的活动既紧贴教材又抛开教材,把学生学得文本知识内化成实实在在的生 活化的口语交际。】 2情感教育情感教育 T: Boys and girls. When we are at the supermarket, what can we do at the supermarket? What cant we do at the supermarket? 教育学生要做一名文明顾客。 七、七、 趣味作业,延伸课外趣味作业,延伸课外 7 What do your family and friends want to buy? Ask them and make a chart like this. When you go shopping, dont forget to use your shopping bag. What do you want to buy? Father Mother Friend . 【设计意图:学生通过完成调查活动的作业不仅可以提高他们的学习兴趣, 还可以培养他们的口语交际能力和自主学习的意识,同时也使所学语言能够真 正运用到生活中。】 八、八、Blackboard Design 九、九、Reflection In class, I was always exerting the Whiteboards function of assisted instruction by creating scene, guiding spelling, practice of asking and answer. With Whiteboard students feel class like magic and enjoy the charm of English class. However, we need to redesign some aspect such as using Whiteboard by themselves, exert interactive function of Whiteboard and so on. Lesson 22 At the Supermarket bag Lets buy some vegetables. tomatoes potatoes candy How about some fruit ? 8 a shopping bag You are good kids.kids What can we do at the supermarket? What cant we do at the supermarket? Homework: What do you want to buy? Father Mother Friend .