冀教版(三起)六上Unit 3 Winter in Canada-Lesson 15 Winter Fun-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:00020).doc

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1、教材内容分析:教材内容分析: 本课是冀教版小学英语六年级上册,是本册书第三单元 的第三课,本单元旨在给学生介绍关于冬天的基本词汇和表 达方式。李明在加拿大学习一年的英语。第三课是在学习了 描述冬天及其它季节的词汇和表达方式,学习了在冬季户外 衣着的基础上,开始学习冬季户外运动的一课。本课是一个 对话式教学,学生需要掌握本课的重点词汇主要是在三年级 已经学习过的有关身体部位的单词:nose, mouth, body, head, ear, arm, leg, eye, foot。并能够在实际生活中理解并运用重点 的句型:I have_ for his _. Can you put this sn

2、owball on that snowball? I think I can. I dont think I can.来表达冬季在户 外堆雪人这件趣事。掌握这些句型,对于他们以后参加户外 活动,与人交流有很大的帮助。通过了解加拿大的户外生活 进一步拉近了与其他国家人民的感情。 学情分析:学情分析: 本班的学困生不多,根据学情我将他们分为了 4 个英语 学习小组,并且设立了小组长。六年级的同学们已经学习了 三年的英语,有了一定的英语语言基础,并且在长期的课堂 教学中与老师形成了一种良好的默契,能够听懂老师在课堂 上的常用语句,形成了很好的互动。孩子们对于这门语言以 及使用这门语言的国家文化都特别

3、感兴趣,这也是最重要最 宝贵的财富。为了激发他们的学习兴趣,在本课中我更多的 融入了师生互动,一问一答,游戏,小组 PK 等活动,为他们 创造出更丰富的语言环境,激发了他们的学习兴趣和热情。 Teaching Goals: 1, Students will be able to aurally understand, orally use, read, and spell the following vocabulary: nose, mouth, body, head, ear, arm, leg, eye, foot 2, Students will be able to understa

4、nd and use the key sentences : I have_ for his _. Can you put this snowball on that snowball? I think I can./ I dont think I can. 3, Students will be able to understand and say :how to make a snowman? 4, Students will be able to enjoy the winter fun and feel happy. Teaching Key: 1, Key words: nose,

5、mouth, body, head, ear, arm, leg, eye, foot 2, Key sentences: I have_ for his _. Can you put this snowball on that snowball? I think I can./ I dont think I can. Teaching Difficulty: Key sentences: I have_ for his _. Teaching Preparation: CD; PPT, Pictures Teaching Process: 1, Greeting and Review T:

6、Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? Ss: Im fine. Thank you.And you? T: Very well ,thank you . Lets do some actions ,okay? I say some words about the weather and you do the actions. Windy! Windy! Rainy! Rainy! Hot! Hot! Cold! Cold! Ss:(They do the actions) T:Good job! Thank you. Sit down, pleas

7、e. Ss: Thank you. (设计意图:通过简单的日常问候拉近与学生 们的距离,使课堂气氛轻松起来;通过做 TPR 活动,激发学 生们的学习兴趣,使学生们通过身体动起来复习旧知,在快 乐中学习。) 2, Sing a song: T: Nice! Okay, everyone. How is the weather today? Ss: Its sunny. But it is cold. T:Yes!Because its winter now. Do you like winter? Now lets listen to a song about winter, okay? Ss:

8、 Okay! Ss:( They are singing this song and do actions. They enjoy this song and like it. ) (设计意图:通过观看动画短片学唱本课第三部分的歌曲, 并随着音乐一起歌唱舞蹈。欢乐的气氛更浓了,也了解到冬 天的户外运动有滑冰哦!) 3 ,New Concept (1)Words: T:Do you like this song? Ss: Yes. T:I like it ,too. Okay, class, please look at our PPT. Who is he? Ss: Kung Fu Panda

9、. T:Yes,this is his body. Can you read these words about body? Who can? Ss: nose, mouth, body, head, ear, arm, leg, eye, foot T:Nice!Lets play a game! I touch, you say. Ss: nose, mouth, body, head, ear, arm, leg, eye, foot T:Touch Touch Your Body! Ready? Ss: Go! T:Who want to be a little teacher to

10、say the order? Ss: Touch Touch Your_.(设计意图: 通过功夫熊猫身体部位 的图片,复习有关身体部位的单词,同学们特别喜欢功夫熊 猫,所以兴趣特别浓厚,并且通过摸摸身体部位的游戏,有 小老师参与的情况下学生们印象更深刻了!) (2)Question Time: T:Are you warmer now? Ss: Yes! Ha Ha T:Me too. Lets look at the pictures? How many seasons in a year? What are they? Ss: There are four seasons in a yea

11、r. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. T:Great! Whats your favourite season? Why? Ss: My favourite season is Because I T:Yes,Making a snowman is winter fun, yes? Ss: Yes! T:Right!So today we are going to learn lesson15 Winter Fun(设 计意图:通过 PPT 来引出季节方面的问题,问学生们为什么 喜欢这个季节,引出本课的题目。) (3) Make a sn

12、owman T:Everyone, whats this? Ss:A snowman. T: Yes, write the word on the blackboard. What are they? Ss: Snowmen. T: Yes! write the snowmen on the blackboard and read the words. Ss(read the words and phrase) T:Class,letslistentopartoneandtrytoanswerthe questions.Okay? Ss:Okay!( They answers the ques

13、tions.) T:Can you make a snowman? Ss: Yes. T:Okay!Lets make it together. Lets finish this chart together. (设计意图:通过 PPT 图片展示学习雪人的英文单词的单数 和复数以及堆雪人的词组。观看第一部分的动画短片回答问 题。 然后通过PPT动画演示一起用句型I have_ for his _. 来描述如何堆雪人。通过填写表格进一步巩固这一句型结 构。) (4)Pair Work T:Everybody!Its show time. Please find your partner and

14、practice the dialogue: How to make a snowman? Okay? Ss: Okay! T:Ready? Ss: GO!(设计意图:通过结对活动,俩人通过形象的肢体语 言和英语对话表演展示如何堆雪人,锻炼了学生们的口语表 达能力,增强了他们的自信心。) T:Great Show! Thank you !Please read after the CD and answer the questions. Ss:Okay.(They try to answer the questions.) (设计意图:通过跟读录音,全班一起读课文,模仿发音。 然后回答第二部分

15、的四个问题。目的是通过问题引导学生们 进一步理解课文内容,培养朗读课文的能力和感情。) (5)Role Play T:Boys and Girls, lets role play! Boys ,you are Li Ming. Girls, you are Jenny. Ss: Okay! T:Next one: UPAND DOWN.(role play) Ss: Go!(设计意图:通过角色扮演的活动全班一起来练习对 话。一种是男生扮演李明,女生扮演詹尼;第二种是每个人 自己选择自己喜欢的角色,然后通过起立坐下的方式朗读, 谁的角色谁起立一起朗读,达到全班一起练习的效果,也可 以锻炼学生们的

16、反应能力,使他们更能集中注意力。) 5,Practice! T:Practice !Can you order this sentences? Ss: Yes! I think I can. T:Put up your hands. (设计意图:通过对句子的排序练习,进一步整理堆雪人的 过程和思路。) T:Please fill in the blanks and draw a snowman by yourself. Ss: Okay! T:You should discuss with your members in your team and your team will draw yo

17、ur snowman on the blackboard. T: Which team want to show?(通过填空练习并且根据顺序画 出自己喜欢的雪人,练习与画画结合,趣味更浓,孩子们都 画的很认真。) T: Good try! Good show! Boys and girls please look at these pictures: What else do you do in winter? Ss: I.in winter.(设计意图:通过扔雪球,滑雪,雪橇和滑 冰来进一步拓展孩子们的思路和视野,冬天的户外运动除了 堆雪人还有其他有趣的运动,希望他们可以尝试。) T:Wis

18、h you have fun in winter!Bye! Ss: Good bye! 4,Homework! ( 1 ) Make a sock snowman ( 2 )Finish the exercise(look and number of part 2) 板书设计:板书设计: Lesson 15 Winter Fun snow + mansnowman(snowmen) I have_ for his _. -Can you put this snowball on that snowball? -I think I can./I do t think I can. 课后反思:课后反思: 本课是一节对话课文。内容活泼生动,非常贴近生活实 际,就是在冬季户外堆雪人这件趣事。使学生们感到并不陌 生。为此我设计了师生互动,唱歌,TPR 活动,情景表演对 话,一起来画雪人等丰富多彩的环节,并利用 PPT,给同学 们营造了语言氛围。在这些环节中引导孩子们操练重点单词 和句型,使他们在丰富多彩的环节中并不感觉到枯燥,在快 乐中听说读写各个方面都得到锻炼, 课堂反馈总体来说不错。 总体来说,孩子们对于本堂课的学习很感兴趣,课堂气氛很 活泼,并且积极参与小组比赛,显然他们成为了课堂的小主 人,是他们实践了生本教学的理念。


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