外研版(三起)六上Module 5-Unit 2 I can speak French.-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:60026).zip

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ModuleModule 5 5 UnitUnit 2 2 I I cancan speakspeak FrenchFrench . . Step1 Warming up WhatWhat areare theythey talkingtalking aboutabout ? ? Step2Leading in WhoWho areare theythey ? ? WhatWhat languagelanguage cancan theythey writewrite ? ? DoesDoes TomTom wantwant a a penpen friendfriend ? ? 我们可以用法语写信。我们可以用法语写信。 in in F Frenchrench 用法语用法语。 French 法语,法国人 lunch beach each Step3Text learning Do an interview(采访 ) 1. 1.WhereWhere areare youyou fromfrom ? ? 2. 2.WhatWhat languagelanguage cancan youyou speakspeak ? ? 3. 3.WhatWhat s s youryour hobbyhobby ? ? 1. 1. WhatWhat cancan youyou dodo in in EnglishEnglish ? ? 2. 2.WhatWhat s s youryour hobbyhobby ? ? story 故事 sorry very worry likelike dodoinging sth.sth. 1. 1. WhatWhat languagelanguage cancan youyou speakspeak ? ? 2. 2.WhatWhat s s youryour hobbyhobby ? ? 1. 1. WhatWhat languagelanguage cancan youyou speakspeak ? ? 2. 2.WhatWhat s s youryour hobbyhobby ? ? candy 糖果 handy body tidy Step4Consolidation 1.Listen1.Listen andand repeatrepeat (跟读课文)(跟读课文) 2. 2. ReadRead thisthis texttext ,then,then retellretell ( (小组内读课文,然后复述)小组内读课文,然后复述) Step5Exercise I I m m MikeMike . . I I m m 1111 . . I I m m fromfrom SydneySydney , , AustraliaAustralia . . I I cancan _ _ . . I I likelike footballfootball , , _ , , swimmingswimming andand _ _ . . I I m m TingtingTingting . . I I m m 1313 . . I I m m fromfrom HongHong KongKong , , ChinaChina . . I I cancan writewrite _ andand _ in in EnglishEnglish . . I I likelike _ andand _ _._. I I m m JimJim . . I I m m 1212 . . I I m m fromfrom LondonLondon , , UKUK . . I I cancan _ _ . . I I likelike musicmusic , , _ _ _,_, andand collectingcollecting stampsstamps . . I I m m LindaLinda . . I I m m 1212 . . I I m m fromfrom SanSan FranciscoFrancisco , , USUS . . I I cancan speakspeak _ andand _ . . I I likelike _ andand _ . . andand I I lovelove mymy petpet dogdog , , AlexAlex . . I I lovelove _ tootoo ! ! DearDear JimJim , , MyMy namename isis VickyVicky . . I I m m fromfrom ShandongShandong , , ChinaChina . . I I amam anan EnglishEnglish teacherteacher . . I I cancan speakspeak EnglishEnglish . . I I cancan speakspeak a a littlelittle KoreanKorean ( (韩语韩语)too)too . . CanCan youyou ? ? I I likelike musicmusic , , teachingteaching , , andand readingreading booksbooks . . AndAnd I I likelike mymy deardear studentsstudents veryvery muchmuch . . WhatWhat aboutabout youyou ? ? WhatWhat dodo youyou likelike ? ? CanCan youyou bebe mymy penpen friendfriend ? ? CanCan youyou telltell meme moremore aboutabout youryour countrycountry ? ? FromFrom , , VickyVicky . . Step6Summary What did we learn today? Step7Homework 1. Read the text 3 times. 2. Write a letter to your pen friend . longlong livelive friendshipfriendship 友谊地久天长友谊地久天长 longlong livelive friendshipfriendship 友谊地久天长友谊地久天长 THANK YOU 外研社版(三年级起)六年级上 Module5 Unit2 I can speak French. 教学设计 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本节课将围绕着 “I can speak French .”这一话题来展开学习, 课文通过介绍自己的情况结识笔友,引出本单元重点单词“ French , age , story , candy ”, 以及重点句型 “ I can speak French .”“ I like doing .”的学习。 二、教学设想二、教学设想 本单元课文内容主要通过介绍自己的情况结识笔友,引出本单 元的主题寻找笔友,从而引出本单元的重点单词“ French , age , story , candy ”以及重点句型 “ I can do.”“ I like doing .”。 本节课的课文内容是我们生活中会出现的场景,在教学中,教 师可以创设相同的情景,让学生体验怎样结识笔友,并把学到的知 识运用于日常生活中。练习时候,口头与书面形式相结合,达到听、 说、读、写多项能力练习的目的。 3、教学目标教学目标 1、能正确地理解、掌握课文对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对 话。 2、熟悉了解新句型 “ I can do.”“ I like doing .”。 3、当学生熟悉课文后,能够分组根据思维导图来进行表演课文。 4、让学生在小组合作,班级合作中体会到朋友的重要。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点: 1、学习本节课的新单词 “ French , age , story , candy ”,能够 将词汇灵活的运用到实际的语言表达中。 2、学习和巩固句型“ I can do.”“ I like doing .”的用法。 教学突破教学突破 在课文的学习中,创设一个情境,学生在老师的指引下, 先化身小记者,去采访文中的四位人物,通过采访,对他们有 深入的了解,最后挑选他们中的一个作为自己的笔友,利用本 节课所学的知识,给笔友写一封信,达到小练笔的效果。 五、教具准备:五、教具准备: PPT , 打印人物以及动画图片,点读笔,教育云登陆 六、教学过程:六、教学过程: Greeting : T : Good morning , boys and girls . Ss : Good morning , Vicky . T: How are you ? Ss : I m fine, thank you , and you ? T : I m fine , too . And what s the weather like today ? Ss : It s sunny . T : Yes , its sunny , but its very cold , you should wear more clothes . Warming up : T : Look , what s this ? Ss : It s a tree . T: Yes , today you are one group , and this is your friendship tree . If you do well , youll get one apple . So let s see how many apples you can get in this class. OK ? Well , fighting ! So let s begin our today s class happily! First let s listen to a song to relax our minds . Ready ? Go ! Leading in T : Now look at this picture , Who are they ? Ss : Sam , Amy and Tom . T : Great ! So what are they talking about ? What language can they write ? Does Tom want a pen friend ? Well , boys and girls , let s listen to the tape carefully , and find out the answers . Here we go ! Ss1 : They are talking about friendship . Ss2 : They can write in English , Chinese , and French . T : Pay attention to the phrase : in French . Follow me : in French , in French . And here is the new word : French . “ch” says /t/ each lunch beach OK , boys and girls , read this word one by one . Good job ! Text learning : T : just now weve talk about pen friend . Now Ill ask you several questions : Q1: Do you have pen friends ? Ss : No , I don t . Q2 : Do you want a pen friend ? Ss : Yes , I do . T : Great ! Now look at these pictures . You can choose one of them to be your pen friend . So do you want to know more about them ? Ss : Yes . T : Wonderful ! let s listen to the tape carefully . T : look , this is Mike . Let s do an interview . Let s interview Mike . Let s ask him some questions : Q1 Where are you from ? Q2 What language can you speak ? Q3 What s your hobby ? OK , boys and girls , let s listen to Mike carefully . T : Now boys and girls , Who wants to be Mike , Ill interview him . OK , you please . Hello , Mike , Where are you from ? Ss1 : Im from Sydney , Australia . T : What language can you speak , Mike ? Ss2 : I can speak English . T : Whats your hobby ? Ss 3 : I like football , reading , swimming and singing songs . T : Look , who is she ? Ss : She s Tingting . T : Let s interview Tingting . Let s ask her some questions : Q1 What can you do in English ? Q2 What s your hobby ? OK , boys and girls , let s listen to Tingting carefully . T : Now boys and girls , Who wants to be Tingting , Ill interview her . OK , you please . Hello , Tingting , What can you do in English ? Ss1 : I can write emails and stories in English . T : Here is the new word : story “ry” says / ri / sorry very worry T : OK , boys and girls , read this word one by one . Perfect ! T : What s your hobby ? Ss2 : I like drawing and playing games . T : look , this is Jim . Let s interview Jim . Let s ask him some questions : Q1 What language can you speak ? Q2 What s your hobby ? Let s listen to Jim first . T : Now boys and girls , Who wants to be Jim , Ill interview him . OK , you please . Hello , Jim , What language can you speak ? Ss 1 : I can speak French . T : Great ! Pay attention to the phrase : speak French . Follow me , speak French , speak French . T : Whats your hobby ? Ss : I like music , riding my bicycle and collecting stamps . T : Now boys and girls , Let s interview Linda . Let s ask her some questions : Q1 What language can you speak ? Q2 What s your hobby ? OK , boys and girls , let s listen to Linda carefully . T : Now boys and girls , Who wants to be Linda , Ill interview her . OK , you please . Hello , Linda , What language can you speak ? Ss 1 : I can speak English and Chinese . T : What s your hobby ? Ss 2 : I like dancing and painting , and I love my pet dog , Alex . I love candy ,too . T : Here is the new word : candy “dy” says / di/ handy body Tidy OK , boys and girls , read this word one by one . Consolidation T : Ok , boys and girls , Now let s listen and repeat , then read this text in groups , try to retell this text based on the mind map on the blackboard . Clear ? Ss : Yes ! T : Let s begin ! T : Stop here , boys and girls . Now show time for you . Which group wants to show ? Wonderful , you group ,please, Exercise T : Good job ,boys and girls . Now let s do an exercise . Let s do the first one together . T : Who can finish the second one ? . T : Boys and girls , now let s choose a pen friend from activity 2 and write a letter to him or her . First let s read my letter to Jim . T : Now boys and girls , five minutes for you , write a letter to your pen friend . Summary T : Stop here boys and girls , time is limited , so you should finish your letter after class . Next let s have a summary . What did we learn today ? Ss : We learn the new words : candy , French , story And we learn something about pen friend . Homework T : Homework for you . 1. Read the text 3 times. 2. Write a letter to your pen friend . T : Good job ,boys and girls , today you did a very good job . Next let s enjoy a song and some pictures . Here we go ! T : Now boys and girls , let s see how many apples you have got . Wow you ve got so many apples , All of you are winners . I think you established deep friendship , congratulations ! T : Ok , so much for this class , thank you my deat students . Ss : Thank you my dear teacher . Blackboard design
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