外研版(三起)六上Review Module-Unit 1-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:e20d5).docx

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1、英语绘本阅读课英语绘本阅读课Daddy Robot教学设计教学设计 绘本阅读课例Daddy Robot教学设计 单元名称: 攀登英语阅读系列分级阅读第四级 教材版本: 自选绘本 授课年级: 六年级 一、学情分析一、学情分析 本节课的教学内容题为Daddy Robot的绘本故事。这是一个 父亲和孩子的故事。爸爸很忙,每天都在工作,做机器人。孩子想要 爸爸陪自己下棋、打球和读书,但是爸爸觉得机器人也可以做。于是 孩子只有机器人陪着,他觉得很不开心。孩子的生日到了,爸爸问孩 子要什么机器人。孩子说要爸爸机器人,爸爸听到孩子的理由才彻底 明白原来自己的陪伴才是最重要的。绘本内容贴近孩子的生活,让孩 子

2、有兴趣读,有机会思考。高年级学生有一定的英语学习基础。他们 的学习动机主要取决于对学习内容感兴趣的程度,绘本图文并茂,有 趣且直观, 是一个很好的教学材料。 在学完 Module 5 Unit 2 I can speak English.后,他们对情态动词 can 和一般现在时有了初步的了解。绘 本的阅读能促进他们进一步巩固所学知识, 并在阅读的基础上提高他 们书写的能力。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1、语言目标: (1)单词:学生能够正确读单词:engineer, busy, cool, special, weekend, hug, arrive (2)句型:1. I can play ch

3、ess.2. He plays chess with me. 2、阅读目标: (1)学生能说更多有关 can 的句子。 (2)学生能用第三人称单数来谈论我的家庭。 3、思维目标: (1)学生能用思维导图来复述故事。 (2)学生相互合作,表演绘本。 (3)学生能思考更多关于父子、亲人的事情。 三、三、教学重难点重点教学重难点重点 重点:对故事的整体理解与关键词语的学习。 难点:通过阅读进行写作。 四、四、教学过程教学过程 1、Pre-reading (1) Free talk T: Good morning, boys and girls. Today is a special day. I h

4、ave a special friend to introduce to you. Guess. What can he do? Ss: He can T: (Watch the ppt) Look, this is my special friend. He is a robot. He is good at everything. He can play basketball / play chess / read books (2)Sing a song T:Do you like robots. Heres a song about robots. Please listen and

5、then sing together. 【设计意图】教师通过介绍朋友创设情境引出机器人的话题,建立评 价机制,让孩子在游戏比赛中学习。提出问题让孩子自由回答,唱歌 解决难点知识。利用 flash 图片激起孩子的兴趣,让孩子逐渐融入课 堂。 2、While-reading (1) Read the cover T:Heres a book. Look! What can you see on the cover page? 教师出示绘本封面,带领学生读标题。 【设计意图】 首先让学生明白书的题目是什么,猜测书讲的什么内 容。 (2) Read the story (P2-5) . Listen

6、and answer T:Who gives Ben robots? What does he do? Whats his job? Ss: T:Bens dad is great. He can make so many robots. Ben is proud of his dad. He loves him very much. T:Listen, its the clock. what time is it? Is it in the morning or at night? S: T:Dad is still working. He is very busy. T:Ben loves

7、 his dad. He wants to play with him. T:Ben comes in. he says “Can you play chess with me?” Dad answers. “Oh, dear, I am busy now. Take this robot. He can play chess with you.” . Think and say T:Is Ben happy? Ss: T:Ben wants to play with Dad again. T:(Doors open again.) Look at Ben and Dad. What will

8、 they say? . Read the story, then retell the story (P2-5) (呈现第一段对话,用不同语气的声音表演出来,给学生做示范,然 后让学生猜测第二、三段对话的内容,小组讨论。) T:Is Ben happy? Ben goes back to his room. Is he sad? T:Is Dad happy? Yes, he is. He thinks the cool robots can be with Ben. So he is thinking of an important day. What day? When is Bens

9、birthday? What present will Dad give to Ben? (小组讨论爸爸会送什么礼物给 Ben。) 【设计意图】通过看图、回答问题,学生能初步了解故事的开头。提 出问题,设置悬念。孩子会收到什么礼物呢? (3) Read the story (P6-15) and finish 2 tasks . Read and underline the new words T: Find the new words and underline them. Discuss the new words in your groups and learn from each ot

10、her. . Read and answer: Whats Bens birthday present? . Listen and repeat (P7-15) 【设计意图】孩子自己整体阅读故事,找出新单词、难的句子,并小 组讨论出新单词的意思;同时解决悬念问题。 (4) Listen to the recordings and answer the questions 1. Why is Ben unhappy? 2. Is Ben happy at last? 【设计意图】孩子第二次读故事,了解故事梗概。 3、Post-reading (1)Role play according to P

11、7-15. (2)Think and say : What have you learned from the story? T: What have we learned from the story? Is “Daddy Robot a real robot? Ss: No. T: We should spend more time with our family. (3)Watch the video: My family 4、Homework Finish the reading log. Name:_ Title:_ What is the story mostly about? _ _ Tell me two things you remember from the story. _ _


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