外研版(三起)三上Module 3-Unit 2 Point to the desk.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:f1dd9).zip

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Module 3 Unit 2 Point to the desk. chair doorwindowblackboard desk Words: Point to the window desk door chair blackboard Homework: 1、Remember new words. 2、Play the game “Point to .” . Module3 Unit2 Point to the desk. 三年级 上册 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本单元是上一单元“发出指令和执行指令”这一题材的拓 展单元,并提供若干任务型练习。要求学生认读 desk、chair 等词,继续学习发出指令和执行指令,本单元呈现的是语言扩 展和语言练习,旨在学习发出指令和执行指令。通过学习“Poi nt to the desk/chair.”等指令,进一步巩固学生上节课所 学的知识。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 学生初学英语,在学习了前两个模块之后,已经懂得了一 些简单的问候语,学习英语的兴趣也很高。在本模块的第一单 元,学生学习了教室里的一些物品如 window、blackboard、do or,还有 Stand up. Sit down.两个简单的指令用语。在本节 课,学生要学会另外两个教室里的物品:desk、chair.之外, 还将用英语歌曲Please stand up,将本模块重点单词与短 语快乐的唱出来。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)知识目标: (1)听:能听懂关于描述教室里的物品的单词,发指令和执行 指令的句子: desk、chair、window、door、blackboard。Point to the . Stand up. Sit down. (2)说:能够使用关于描述教室里的物品的单词,发指令和执 行指令的句子: desk、chair、window、door、blackboard。Point to the . Stand up. Sit down. (3)读:能够在图片的提示下,认读单词: desk、chair、window、door、blackboard 及发指令和执行指 令的句子:Point to the . Stand up. Sit down. (二)技能目标: (1)根据语言技能一级目标的描述,要求学生能够听懂老师的 指令 Stand up. Sit down. 和 Point to ,并做出相应的反 应和动作。 (2)通过指认和认读 window、door、blackboard、desk ,chair 等实物及图片,使学生认识我们的教室。 (三)情感目标: (1)通过指认实物及图片,大大提高学生的英语学习兴趣,使 他们积极参与到“玩中学,学中玩”的教学活动当中去。 (2)通过对教室环境的认识,培养学生热爱班级,热爱集体的 意识。 四、教学重点和难点四、教学重点和难点 1 1、教学重点:、教学重点: 学习新单词 desk、chair 和复习 Stand up. Sit down. 和 Point to.指令性短语。 2 2、教学难点:、教学难点: 学生能够透彻理解 Stand up. Sit down.和 Point to三个指 令性短语的意思,并在老师的帮助下灵活运用,指认身边的实 物及图片。 五、课时:五、课时:1 课时 六、教具准备:六、教具准备:单词卡片、多媒体课件。 七、教学过程七、教学过程: : (一)(一)Warming-upWarming-up Sing a English songHow are you?. (二)(二)Leading-inLeading-in Play the game“Point to the ” ( (三三)Presentation)Presentation (1)Present new words and expressions with flash cards and courseware. (2)Present new sentence patters with examples in a set context. ( (四四)Practice)Practice ControlledControlled practicepractice (accuracy(accuracy inin form)form) (1)Read the newly learned words and expressions by repeating after the teacher and play a game. (2)The teacher should teach student to sing a song. (3)Get familiar with them through courseware and role- play reading. FreerFreer practicepractice (fluency(fluency inin meaning)meaning) (1)Perform a communicative task through activities. (2)Do pair work or group work. (3)Practise listening. ( (五五)Consolidation)Consolidation (1)Open the textbook and read the lesson just learned. (2)Line down the important sentences and words. ( (六六)Summary)Summary andand HomeworkHomework (1)Sum up what have learned in this lesson. (2)Assign todays homework. 八、八、BlackboardBlackboard arrangement:arrangement: Module 3 Unit 2 Point to the desk. words: desk chair door window blackboard Point to the . 九、九、Comments(FilledComments(Filled inin immediatelyimmediately afterafter thethe lesson)lesson) 学生在活动过程中,对于老师发出的指令能够准确做到, 同时积极上讲台自己发出指令,课堂气氛很活跃。效果也很好。 Module 3 Unit 2 Point to the desk. 凉州区西关小学 孙 韶 梅 chair doorwindowblackboard desk Words: Point to the window desk door chair blackboard Homework: 1、Remember new words. 2、Play the game “Point to .” .
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