外研版(三起)四上Module 4-Unit 1 Do you want some rice -ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:40050).zip

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Module4 Unit 1 Do you want some rice? tomato 西红柿西红柿 egg 鸡蛋鸡蛋 potato 土豆土豆 juice with ice 加冰的果汁加冰的果汁 Chinese fast food Western fast food Read by yourself and answer the question. 1、What is the man doing? He is making noodles. 2、What food does Amy want? Noodles with tomato and egg. rice eggs noodles apples fish meat ice cream milk Listen to the tape and read the text Write the new words for three times. Make a survey use Do you want some.? Yes,please.No,thank you. Homework Module 4 Unit1 Do you want some rice? 教教 学学 设设 计计 .Topic: Do you want some rice? (新标准英语四年级上) . Teaching materials Do you want some? Yes, please. / No, thank you. What do you want? , please. .The analysis of the textbook 本模块的主题是 Food。 主要语言功能是谈论有关食物的话题。 它是在已经学习了一些食物单词如 meat, rice, noodles 等的基础上, 继续学习一些表示食物的单词并展开话题进行谈论,如 Do you want? Yes, please. / No, thank you. What do you want? 及答语 , please.等。从对食物的谈论中让学生体会到中西方饮食文化 的一些差异。题材非常生活化,学生能够对学习充满兴趣,并学以 致用。 . Analysis of the situation 四年级的学生此时已具备了初步的英语感知能力,学习能力, 能体会到课上收获的喜悦,同时产生强大的成就感,所以他们对英 语有着浓厚的兴趣,在课堂上渴望得到更多展示自我的机会,渴望 运用所学的英语知识做更多的事情。因此,课堂上要根据教学实际, 采用孩子喜闻乐见的游戏、律动及语言交流等手段展开教学,既能 充分调动学生积极性,活跃课堂气氛,又培养了学生良好的学习方 法和学习习惯。 V V. . Teaching aims and demands 1. Competence objectives (1)全体能听懂本节课学习的主要句型。 (2)大部分学生能正确运用所学的新知识点餐。 2Knowledge Objectives (1)掌握四会单词:want some juice also food make tomato egg potato 三会单词:ice fast food (2)全体学生能理解并初步运用句型: Do you want some? Yes, please. / No, thank you. What do you want? , please. 3. Emotion Objectives 1)尝试归纳已学的食物词汇,建立食物的相关词汇图。 2)进一步了解典型的食品和饮料的名称,体会中西方饮食文化的差 异。 Important points 1) New vocabularies: want some juice ice also food fast food make tomato egg potato 2) New drills: Do you want some? Yes, please./ No, thank you What do you want? , please. Difficult points 正确使用新句子点餐。 Teaching methods TPR, Situational teaching method, Task-based teaching method. Teaching tools: PPT、食物图片、实物、餐盘等。 VIVI. . Teaching process Step1.Warming-up Greeting and chant T: Hello,boys and girls. S: Hello, Ms Song. T: Sit down, please. T: Now begin our class. First, lets chant together. OK? S: Ok! (Noodles and rice are very very nice. Mm Mm Mm ,very very nice.) 【设计意图】齐说学过的 chant,既活跃了课堂气氛,又复习了本 课将要用到的食物单词,为学习新知识做好铺垫。 Step2Step2 .Presentation.Presentation. 1出示课件,与学生交谈。 T:Whats this? S:Its a bag.(简笔画包) T:Lets have a look.whats in it? Who can tell me?(根据回答板书) 【设计意图】课件加上简笔画为学生创设真实的语言交际环境,既 复习了旧知识,又引入本课的新话题。 2.出示米饭图片,与学生交谈。 (1)与学生交谈 Do you like rice? Does your mother /your father like rice? (2)引出新句子 Do you want some? I like rice.I want some. Do you want some rice?(板书) 引导学生回答:Yes ,please ./No, thank you.(板书) (3)操练 3出示课件学习 tomato . (1)Look!Its a tomato.Read follow me. (2) 简笔画并板书 tomato.学生 spell and write . (3)与学生交谈 Do you want some tomatoes? (4)操练 4.出示课件学习 egg . (1) Look!Its an egg. (2)简笔画并板书 egg (3)How to pronounce e-g-g? 答后小结 e,e /e/.g g/g/. Then read and write (4)操练 【设计意图】向学生渗透单词的拼读规则。 5. 出示课件学习 potato. (1)Look!Its a potato. (2)师板书并简笔画 potato。Then read and write . (3)Do you want some potatoes? 6 学习 juice,ice (1)出示一杯水,与学生交谈 T: This is water.Water is a kind of drink . Here is a kind of drink , too (画 juice,ice 并板书) Can you read this word ? (rice)(先指读 rice,再试读 ice 和 juice, 然后书写。) 【设计意图】从 rice 的读音出发,引导学生自己猜出 juice,ice 的 发音,不仅给学生一种学习方法的引领,实现了温故而知新。 (2)juice with ice(PPT) (3)Chant Noodles and rice are very,very nice. Juice with ice is also very nice. 7.Summary.(教师引导学生总结): So many words .They are food(板 food ).They are fruit (板 fruit). They are drink(板 drink) . They are Chinese fast food(板 Chinese fast food). Here are Chinese fast food.Here are Western fast food(PPT) 【设计意图】让学生通过图片观察中、西方的食物,然后教师引导 学生比较西式快餐和中式快餐,从中体会到中西饮食文化的差异。 同时总结出本节课的教学重点和难点。 8.Listen to the tape and answer the questions T: Amy likes Chinese fast food .What does Amy want ? Listen to the tape. (1)Listen and circle the words about food. (2)Listen and read follow it. (3)Read by yourself and answer the questions.(课件出示问题和答 案) What is the man doing ? What does Amy want? Step3Step3、PracticePractice (1)Wheel of fortune(出示课件) (2)Role play 【设计意图】这是一个放松的环节,在这个真实的情景中,学生自 由交际,体现在做中学,学以致用。 Step4.Homework 1、Listen to the tape and read the text. 2、Write the new words for three times. 3、Make a survey use “Do you want some.?Yes,please./No,thank you .” Blackboard design: 外语教学与研究出版社四年级上册 ModuleModule 4 4 Unit1Unit1 DoDo youyou wantwant somesome rice?rice? 教教 学学 设设 计计
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