外研版(三起)五上Module 2-Unit 2 How much cheese did you buy -ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:00caf).zip

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    • How much cheese did you buy.pptx--点击预览
    • 动画视频 M2U2a1.swf
    • 动画视频 M2U2a2.swf
    • 动画视频 M2U2a5.swf
    • 教案00caf.docx--点击预览
    • 课前改编歌 示范版.mp3
    • 课文录音 P11-A2-3.mp3
    • 课文录音 P11-A2-5.mp3
    • 课文录音 P11-A2-8.mp3


Module 2 Unit 2 How much cheese did you buy? 新标准英语三年级起点(陈琳主编)第五册 How many apples? How many pears? How many did you buy? I bought four apples and four pears. Heres a shopping list for you. How much cheese? How much cheese? How much did you buy? I dont know. I dont know. I lost my list. Oh no! Lets sing! How many 和how much 的区别 Chant: How many How many 有多少, How many 询问可数复数; How much How much 有多少, How much 用来询问不可数。 how many how much applespearscheese bananasmilkjuicechocolate rice eggs Task 1: Where is my home? Task 2: Learn Activity 1 Amy has got a stomach ache. Why?Why? What did Amy eat?What did Amy drink? Answer the questions. 1.What did Amy eat? She ate all the chocolate. (eat-ate) 2. What did Amy drink? She drank all the juice. (drink-drank) ListenListen repeat!repeat! This Sunday, Im going to have a picnic with my friend. supermarket I bought two bottles of juice a kilo of cheese a lot of chocolate = lots of 许多 bo ottle 瓶子;一瓶的容量 a bottletwo bottlesthree bottles Lets count! 数一数。 How much juice did I buy? Two bottles (of juice). How much milk did I buy? Five bottles (of milk). kilo 千克 one kilo two kilos half a kilo half a kilo hal alf 一半 半公斤 Lingling is going to have a picnic with Sam and Amy, too. What did they buy for their picnic? What did they buy for their picnic? They boughtbought two bottles (of juice) 1.How much juice did they buy? They bought two bottles. 2.How much cheese did they buy? 3.How much chocolate did they buy? They bought half a kilo. They bought half a kilo. We can use the bag over there.在那边 使用 Find out the new words. Good luck ! a lot of over there use kilo bottle half Task 3: A rolling disk 齐读出转 盘停止后指针 所指向的单词 ,如果指向没 有单词的框, 则发出 “bomb”的声 音。 We can use the bag over there. How much juice did you buy? We bought two bottles. How much cheese did you buy? Half a kilo. And we also bought a lot of chocolate! How much chocolate did you buy? Half a kilo! We can eat some now! Task 4: Task 5: Play a game A: How many/ How much . did you buy? B: I bought . . ListenListen chant!chant! Homework:Homework: 1.Listen to the tape and read the new words and texts.(3-5 times) 2.Play the game with your partner. 1 Module 2 Unit 2 How much cheese did you buy? 教学设计教学设计 一教学目标一教学目标 1. 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: (1)全体学生能掌握本单元四会词汇:use, over there, bottle, half, kilo, a lot of. (2)全体学生能够听、说、认读主要句型“How much cheese did you buy?Half a kilo.”。 2. 语言技能目标:语言技能目标: (1)能够正确认读和运用重点单词。 (2)能够在课堂活动中正确运用主要句型对过去买了多 少东西(不可数名词)进行问答。 (3)能理解、会唱歌曲“HOW MANY DO YOU WANT? ” 3. 情感态度目标:情感态度目标: (1)培养学生关心他人,合理安排生活的能力。 (2)了解英国的文化和习俗,培养跨文化意识。 2 (3)通过 chant,角色扮演、游戏等课堂活动,学生能体 验到英语学习、参与、合作与竞争的乐趣,并能够积极参 与到各种课堂学习活动中。 二教学重、难点二教学重、难点 1. 重点:重点: (1)能够正确认读和运用重点单词。 (2)能够在课堂活动中正确运用主要句型对过去买了多 少东西(不可数名词)进行问答。 2. 难点:难点: (1)How many 和 How much 的用法区别。 (2)词汇 bottle 和 half 的运用。 三学情分析三学情分析 本教材选自新标准英语三年级起点(陈琳主编)第五 册。本模块的教学内容主要围绕着过去买了什么东西和买 了多少东西的话题而展开一系列的对话和活动。学生在本 模块第一单元中已初步掌握了如何应用一般过去时来询问 他人过去买了什么东西和买了多少东西。在本单元中,学 3 生将通过听、说、认读主要句型“How much cheese did you buy? Half a kilo.”来进一步掌握如何对过去买了多少东西 (不可数名词)进行问答。 四教具准备四教具准备 PPT,课文录音,课本动画视频,手工制作教学卡片, 骰子,角色扮演头饰 五课时安排:第五课时安排:第一课时一课时 六教学过程六教学过程 Step 1(warm-up) 1. Greetings. 2. Rules for class. 3. Show the title of this unit and read together. 4. Lets sing.(改编课本(改编课本 12 页页 Activity 5 的歌曲。)的歌曲。) PPT 上呈现经改编后的歌曲,师生集体拍手齐唱。 How many apples? How many pears? How many did you buy? 4 I bought four apples and four pears. Heres a shopping list for you. How much cheese? How much cheese? How much did you buy? I dont know. I dont know. I lost my list. Oh no! (教学法:TPR 全身反应法) (设计意图:活跃课堂气氛,创造英语氛围,同时复习 旧知,导入新知,自然而然进入学习状态。) Step 2(Revision) 1. 复习复习 How many 和和 How much 的区别的区别 (1)Lets chant!(师生带上节奏边拍掌边拍桌子齐唱) How many,How many 有多少, How many 询问可数复数; How much,How much 有多少, 5 How much 用来询问不可数。 (2)Task:Where is my home? apples cheese pears rice eggs milk juice bananas chocolate Step 3(Presentation) 1. Learn Activity 1 (1)PPT 上呈现 Amy 不舒服的图片, 师对图片进行描述:Amy has got a stomach ache. 并提问:Why? (2)Watch and answer 师呈现问题: What did Amy eat?What did Amy drink? 6 师播放 Activity 1 的动画视频,生带着问题初步感 知文本。 点名学生回答问题,师呈现答案。 师带读两组动词原形及其过去式形式。 eat - ate;drink - drank (3)Listen repeat 师播放动画视频,学生模仿语音语调跟读文本一遍。 (4)Read the text together. (5)Choose one student to read the text. (及时评价并给予奖励) (6)情感教育:吃零食,喝饮料要适度,不能过量。 2. Learn new words“bottle”, “kilo”, “half” and “a lot of”. (1)师创设情境:This Sunday,Im going to have a picnic with my friends.Yesterday I went to the supermarket. (2)I bought two bottles of juice. 7 1 设置超链接引出新单词 bottle,板书并教授。 (自然拼读法、齐读、one by one) 2 操练新单词 bottle。 a、Lets count!(逐图数一数) T:How many bottles are there? Ss:One bottle. T:How many bottles? Ss:Two bottles. T:How many bottles? Ss:Three bottles. b、(图片)操练运用新单词 bottle: How much juice did I buy? 8 Two bottles(of juice). How much milk did I buy? Five bottles(of milk). c、(实物)操练运用新单词 bottle: How much water did I buy? Three bottles(of water). (3)I bought a kilo of cheese. 设置超链接引出新单词 kilo,板书并教授。 (自然拼读法、齐读、男女读、one by one) 操练新单词 kilo。 a、Lets say! 9 one kilo;two kilos;half a kilo b、设置超链接引出新单词 half,板书并教授。 (自然拼读法、齐读、升降调、one by one) c、教授短语 half a kilo(半公斤)。 (齐读、one by one) (4)I bought a lot of chocolate. 师板书并教授新词汇 a lot of 。(齐读、one by one) 师引导学生说出 a lot of = lots of。 (设计目的:利用旧词汇记忆新词汇的意思) 3. Learn Activity 2 10 (1)师重新描述一遍创设的情境,引出 Activity 2 的情 境:Lingling is going to have a picnic with Sam and Amy too. (2)师呈现问题:What did they buy for their picnic? (3)Watch and say 师播放 Activity 2 的动画视频,生带着问题初步感 知文本。 点名学生回答问题,师呈现答案。 (4)Listen and answer 逐题同时播放问句和答句,学生根据听到的数量多 少进行回答。(及时评价并奖励学生,调动学生参与课堂 的积极性) (设计目的:听录音回答问题,锻炼学生的听力能力。 11 ) (5)Watch again and find out the new words (师再次播放动画视频,让学生在课本里圈出 Activity 2 中未学的新单词。) (6)Teach the new words “use” and “over there”. 师板书并教授新词汇。 (自然拼读法、齐读、分组读、one by one) 教授并实物操练句子“We can use the bag over there.” (7)Practice the whole new words Read the new words together Play a game:A rolling disk 齐读出转盘停止后指针所指向的单词,如果指向没 有单词的框,则发出“Bomb”的声音。 (设计目的:操练巩固新单词,活跃课堂气氛) (8)Read the text after Miss Huang. (师带读,生跟读) (9)Read the text together.(强调指读) 12 (学生读完后,老师及时评价并给予奖励) (10)Role play. 1 搭档之间练习 12 分钟; (学生在练习时自行选好搭档和表演角色) 2 请三组学生上台表演展示。 (师生及时共同评价表演并根据展示结果进行适当 奖励) Step 3(Consolidation) 1. Learn Activity 6 “Do and say.” (Practice the key sentence structure: How many / How much did you buy? I bought .) (1)老师示范后,学生集体依次说出每个格子里的是什 么食物或饮料,并说出应用“How many”还是“How much”提 问。如:milk,milk, how much. (设计目的:让学生再次复习巩固在英语中提问不可数 13 物品的数量应用“How much”,而提问可数物品的数量应用 “How many”,同时为接下来的游戏环节做好铺垫。) (2)掷骰子游戏。 师生示范 生生操练(一学生上台掷骰子,根据骰子上的数字 前进,其余学生根据所在方格中的图片进行提问,然后该 生进行回答。) (设计目的:寓教于乐,在游戏中操练本模块的重点句 型,充分调动学生参与到课堂活动中的积极性。) Step 4(Summary) Listen and ChantHOW MANY DO YOU WANT! (1)播放第一遍,学生听并小声跟唱。 (2)播放第二遍,全体学生起立并拍手齐唱。 (设计目的:以一首轻松愉快的,并且跟热身环节老师 改编的歌曲相似的歌曲来总结本节课所学知识,充分地让 学生感知到学习英语的乐趣。) 14 Step 5(Homework) 1. Listen to the tape and read the new words and texts. (35 times) 2. Play the game with your partner. 七板书设计七板书设计
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