外研版(三起)五上Module 8-Unit 1 What time does your school start -教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:90d44).doc

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外研版(三起)五上Module 8-Unit 1 What time does your school start -教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:90d44).doc_第1页
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1、第1页 共 8 页 新标准小学英语(三起点)五年级上册 Module 8 Unit 1 What time does your school start? 教材分析教材分析 本课是外研社新标准小学英语(三起点)五年级上册第八模块第一单 元。主要教学内容是谈论时间。本模块的学习重点是时间的表达方式, 尤其是整点和半点的表达方式。这一内容在语法上难度不大,学生认 真学习即能掌握。课文情境是 Amy 和 Lingling 第二天要去 Amy 的学 校上学。通过 Lingling 向 Amy 询问时间的对话内容,学习时间的表达 方式,并了解英国学校的一些情况。 学情分析学情分析 本课的教学对象是小学五

2、年级学生。他们的英语知识有了一定的累积, 比较能控制自己的学习注意力,具备一定的英语学习能力。这个年龄 段的孩子具有好奇、好动、爱表现、善模仿等特点。因此,在教学过 程中我依据学生的特点,设计生动有趣的教学环节,创设贴近生活实 际的教学情境,鼓励学生运用所学语言大胆实践并积极参与课堂教学。 但个别班级已经出现两级分化现象,因此在设计练习和作业时要注重 关注不同水平的学生。 教学目标教学目标语言知识语言知识 功能:功能:谈论时间。 语法:语法:全体学生能运用:What time does your school start? My school starts at nine oclock. Wh

3、at time do you get up? I get up at half past seven. 词汇:词汇:全体学生能理解:time, school, start, past, late, exercise, playground, before, join, coffee, tea 以及词 组 go to bed, skipping rope 全体学生能运用:time, school, late, exercise, playground, before, tea 部分学生能运用:start,past, join, coffee 以及词组 go to bed, skipping ro

4、pe 第2页 共 8 页 语音:语音:全体学生能正确朗读单词和语句,部分学生能流利 朗读课文,语音语调正确。 语言技能语言技能 听:听:全体学生能听懂:What time does your school start? My school starts at nine oclock. What time do you get up? I get up at half past seven. 说:说:全体学生能说:What time does your school start? My school starts at nine oclock. What time do you get up?

5、I get up at half past seven. 读读: 全体学生能认读: time, school, late, exercise, playground, before, tea 写写: 全体学生能书写: time, school, late, exercise, playground, before, tea What time does your school start? My school starts at nine oclock. What time do you get up? I get up at half past seven. 情感态度情感态度积极参与各种课堂

6、学习活动 学习策略学习策略会制订简单的英语学习计划 文化意识文化意识在学习和日常交际中,进一步注意到中外文化异同 教学重、难点教学重、难点 教学重点教学重点 全体学生能运用词汇:time, school, late, exercise, playground, before, tea 全体学生能运用语句:What time does your school start? My school starts at nine oclock. What time do you get up? I get up at half past seven. 教学难点教学难点全体学生能说明自己的作息时间 教学准

7、备教学准备外研通点读笔互动教学系统、PPT、单词卡片 第3页 共 8 页 环节与环节与时间时间教学过程教学过程资源应用说明资源应用说明 热身导入热身导入 (5 分钟分钟) 1. Greeting:Goodmorning.ImyourEnglishteacher today. Look,this is me.Whats your name? My names Michael. T: Now you can ask some questions about me. Ss: . 2. Show a clock and review the numbers. T: Lets review some n

8、umbers. Ss: One, two, three T: What is it?S1: Its a clock. T: What time is it? S2: Its six oclock. (板书 six oclock) T: Now can you guess what time it is? S3: Its half past eight. ( PPT 出示数字 112 并板书, 请学生依次说出它们的 英文表达,并在相应的数字旁边写出英文。学习单词 time 和 past, 卡片出示。板书 time 和 half past eight。) 3. Show the picture a

9、nd think about the question. T: Now look at this picture. Its also half past eight. Where is the boy going? S1: He is going to school. 4. T: What time does his school start? Lets watch the video. S1: His school starts at nine. (Teach the new words: school, start, late. 出示卡片,并 板书 school, late) T: His

10、 school starts at nine. What about you? S2: My school start at eight. T:His school starts at nine,but he goes to school at half 聚焦单词卡片 M8U1A1 动画 PPT 第 7 页 聚焦单词卡片 PPT 第 9 页 PPT 第 10 页 第4页 共 8 页 past eight. Why? Listen! S:I dont want to be late. T: Today we are going to learn Module 8 Unit 1 What time

11、 does your school start? (PPT 出示, 并板书标题 Module 8 Unit 1 What time does your school start?) 5. The teacher says the chant. T: Do you want to join me? (Teach the new word: join.) 6. Listen and imitate. 教 学 系 统 M8U1A1 动画 任务呈现任务呈现 (1 分钟)分钟) T: Today we are going to learn how to express the specific time

12、. After learning, lets make a timetable. Now lets finish Amys timetable first. OK? PPT 第 11 页 课文学习课文学习 (12 分钟)分钟) 1. Show the picture and ask: T:Who are they? Where are they? Is it in the morning? T: What are they going to do? Whats the time now? Listen and try to answer. S1: They are going to go to

13、 bed. (Teach the new phrase: go to bed.) S2:Its nine oclock. (Where do you find the answer? ) 2. T: Now watch the video ,think anout 3 questions about Amy. Lets do a pairwork: Read and try to answer. Lingling: What time does your school start? Amy: _ Lingling: What time do you get up? Amy: _ Linglin

14、g: Do you walk to school? Amy: _ 学生读问题 聚焦单词卡片 M8U1A2 动画 无字幕播放 PPT 第 13 页 M8U1A2 音频 PPT 第 14-20 第5页 共 8 页 Students answers: My school starts at nine oclock in the morning. I get up at half past seven. Yes, I do. (板书 My school starts at nine oclock. What time do you get up? I get up at half past seven

15、.) 3. Read and try to answer Lingling: Do you do exercise every morning? Amy: _ Lingling: What do you do before nine oclock? Amy: _ Students answers: S2: No, we dont. S3: We play in the playground before nine oclock. T: What are they going to do tomorrow? S: They are going to skip in the playground.

16、 (Teach the new words: exercise, before, playground, 出 示卡片,并板书 exercise, before, playground) 4. Now Lets learn by yourself.Find the new words and tell me. T: Whats this? Teach the new words: skipping rope, coffee, tea. (出示卡片,并板书 tea) Do you like coffee/tea? I dont think its good for you. Water is go

17、od for children. (小组 4 人自主学习,找出新单词,小组汇报,教师 解答) 5. Say a chant. 页 学 生 扮 演 Lingling 提问, 学生扮演Amy 回答。 聚焦单词卡片 PPT 第 21-22 页 聚焦单词卡片 PPT 第 23 页 M8U1A2 动画 同桌拍手自编 儿歌 点读笔跟读 第6页 共 8 页 I like coffee. I like tea. I like (Name) skipping with me. 6. Listen and read. Listen and imitate. Practise reading the dialogu

18、e in pairs. Read the dialogue according to roles. 训练巩固训练巩固 (12 分钟)分钟) 1. Retell the text according to some pictures. (完成黑板上的板书) 2. Listen and say the SB Activity 3. 2. Finish SB Unit 1 Activity 4. Describe the pictures with some phrases. (利用聚焦工具依次出示五幅图片。) Ask and answer. T: Who can make an example f

19、or us? S1: What time do you get up? S2: I get up at half past eight. T: Now finish this exercise with your partner. (两人一组模仿例句进行问答,请部分学生展示。) M8U1A3 音频 PPT 第 24 页 M8U1A4 图片 PPT 第 25 页 PPT 第 26 页 任务完成任务完成 (8 分钟)分钟) Make a timetable and then report. T: Weve learned how to talk about time. Now lets make

20、our timetables. Heres the boys timetable. I get up at half past seven. I go to school at half past eight. I do homework at half past five.I watch TV at seven oclock.I go to bed at nine oclock. Talk about students timetables. T: Now talk about your timetable in your group. And make a timetable accord

21、ing to your daily life. Write down your timetable. 1I get up at _. I go to school at _. PPT 第 27 页 PPT 第 28 页 PPT 第 29 页 第7页 共 8 页 Module 8 Unit 1 What time does your school start? 拓展学习活动单拓展学习活动单Name: Idoexerciseat_inthe playground. I go home at _. I watch TV at _. I go to bed before _. Igetupat_.I_

22、at _. I_at_.I_at _. 小结小结 与与 布置作业布置作业 (2 分钟)分钟) 1. Summary T: Lets look at the blackboard. What have we learnt today?(The teacher leads the students to say the main words and sentences.) 2. Homework (1) Read the dialogue after the tape. (2) Copy the words and sentences. (3) Finish the timetable. PPT

23、第 30 页 PPT 第 31 页 板书设计板书设计Module 8 Unit 1 What time does your school start? six oclocktimehalf past eight schoollateexercisebeforeplaygroundtea My school starts at nine oclock. What time do you get up? I get up at half past seven. 教学反思教学反思今天的教学完成了一个单元的学习,在课文主要功能句的练习上不够,学生在课 文对话的操练还不够。在开课时虽然用猜疑的形式让学生

24、了解时间的表达,但却 没有拓展练习,课文读图时没有很好的聚焦问题引导学生积极思考。由于时间较 紧,有些答案的处理没有到位,培养学生阅读后寻找答案的能力应加强。虽然有 一定的文化意识渗透, 但还不够深入, 此外在课堂上评价激励还不够有效和及时。 第8页 共 8 页 1.Write down your timetable.写出你的时间表。写出你的时间表。 任选一个任选一个完成。 (可填序号或写短语) I get up at _. I go to school at _.I do exercise at _ in the playground. I go home at _. I watch TV

25、at _. I go to bed at _. I get up at _. I _ at _. I _ at _. I _ at _.I _ at _. I _ before _. Word Bank: 1.get up2.have breakfast3.go to school 4. do exercise5.read books6.have lunch 7. play basketball8.skip9.listen to music 10.go home11.do homework12.watch TV 13. play computer games14.have dinner 15.go to bed


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