外研版(三起)五上Module 5-Unit 2 There are forty.-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:00143).doc

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1、外研社版(三年级起点)五年级上册Module 5 Unit 2 There are forty Activity1-3 五、五、Teaching procedures Step 1: Warm-up 1、T:Hello,boys and girls,Im Miss Yu.Would you like to sing a song?What aboutNumbers1-20? Ss:OK. T:Stand up,please.学生表演歌曲。将歌词念出来。(镜头给老(镜头给老 师和学生互动。)师和学生互动。) Step 2: Presentation 1、利用拉幕功能,让学生看动图的数字图片,(镜

2、头给老师和(镜头给老师和 白板白板,突出强调老师的拉幕功能突出强调老师的拉幕功能)T:Who are they?Ss:They are numbers.T:What are they doing?Ss:They are singing. Ss: They are dancing. T:Yes,They are singing and dancing,They are having a party,/p/,/ar/,/t/,/i/,拼读单词,read after me, party, party,指着 party 的图片说 They are having a party.(后方镜头(后方镜头 给

3、老师和学生)给老师和学生) 2、利用放大镜功能,(镜头给老师和白板,突出强调老师的放(镜头给老师和白板,突出强调老师的放 大镜功能大镜功能) read them aloud,please.T: Can you readtwenty?S s:twenty.(镜头给老师和学生镜头给老师和学生)T:So you are Group twenty.(镜镜 头给数字板书一个特写)头给数字板书一个特写)其他分组也是同样的方法。由此引出 t hirty,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty, ninety.将艺术字体提前贴在 黑板上。(当学生回答问题时,尽量将老师和学生都录进去。

4、(当学生回答问题时,尽量将老师和学生都录进去。) 3、T:Today,Id like you to work in groups,here are some rules. (镜头给老师和板书,加星星那里)(镜头给老师和板书,加星星那里)If you say correctly,you can get a yellow star.If you say emotionally ,you can get a n orange star.If you say creativelly, you can get a red star.Cle ar? Ss:Yes. 4、T:Now,lets listen

5、and chant.Please,tell me,what are the num bers doing?(先将镜头给白板,学生听音时将镜头给学生)(先将镜头给白板,学生听音时将镜头给学生)学 生只听不跟唱。 听完之后, 再问: What are the numbers doing? Ss:They are dancing.T:Yes,Look at me, what am I doing?(镜镜 头给老师头给老师)做舞蹈的动作.Ss:You are dancing. T:Yes,Im danci ng.问学生 Do you like dancing? (镜头给老师和学生互动情况镜头给老师和学

6、生互动情况) 学生配合手势,边表演读 I like dancing.邀请学生一起跳舞,学生 边读边做出舞蹈的动作,T: Youre dancing happily 转向另外的学 生,T:Do you likedancing?Ss:Yes 学生做出舞蹈的动作,T: Youre dancing happily.转向另外的学生, T:Do you like danci ng?Ss:Yes.学生做出舞蹈的动作,表扬Youre dancing happily.向 其他同学说,(镜头先给老师,再给电子白板)(镜头先给老师,再给电子白板)T:All of them ar e dancing happily.

7、OK,read after me,用动作和表情感染学生,将 happily 分开读.强调 linking。边画圈边读, all of them,all of th em. 5、T:OK,lets chant again,be happy and emotionally.学生跟唱 chant.(后方给个大写镜头,将老师和学生互动情况录下来)(后方给个大写镜头,将老师和学生互动情况录下来) 6、T:Well done, You can go to the party, let me guess,(站在站在 学生中间学生中间,给老师和周围几个孩子的镜头给老师和周围几个孩子的镜头) how many

8、pupils are there in your class?Fifteen?Sixty?Ss:No. T:I dont know,How many?问学生。Ss:There are 32.(镜头给学生镜头给学生)T:Thank you so much,Look at me,/r/,/r/,/r/,show me your finger 做动作帮助 学生发音。Ss:There are 32.There are 32. 7、T:good,I also want to know how many pupils are there in your big group.指着一大组,Ss:There a

9、re.T:Is he right?和学 生一起数一数,lets check.转向其他小组 T:How many pupils are there in your Line1?Ss:There are 4.T:How many boys are there in your Group 1?Ss:There are 18. 8、T; now, you can ask and answer in your group,连锁反应。 点 2 组汇报成果.(镜头给学生在小组内互动的镜头,给几个小(镜头给学生在小组内互动的镜头,给几个小 组特写组特写)(把学生固定好,第一组学生问 boys,girls,pe

10、ns.第二组学 生问 chairs,pens,pencils.) 9、T:Look,my friends are coming to the party,too.Who are they?Ss:They are LingLing,John and Amy.(镜头给学生)(镜头给学生)T: Now,look and listen carefully 播放第一遍,有声音,Now,watch it again,think:What are they talking about?看完第二遍之后 请学生回答 S:They are talking about pupils.再点另外一个学生 说: They

11、 are talking numbers.T:Maybe you are right,OK, take outyour paper,and find the answers.学生自己看书找答 案 2 分钟(镜头给几个学生划线找答案几个特写)(镜头给几个学生划线找答案几个特写) 10、T:Lets listen again.听第三遍,再问:What are they talking about?学生:They are talking about thenumbers of pupils in Linglings class.(镜头给老师和学生互动情况)(镜头给老师和学生互动情况) 11、 问 H

12、ow many pupils are there in Linglings class?Ss:T here are fourteen.T:Can you underline on the blackboard.学生 上来划出 There are fourteen. (镜头给学生镜头给学生) T:Any answers?再请 一个学生上来 T:show me your answer.这位同学划出 There are forty。T:lets check,together.(镜头给白板)(镜头给白板)利用电子白板探照 灯功能,将探照灯指向There are forty.问一问学生:Who is r

13、ig ht?学生:moumou is right. T:Yes,moumou is right.再把探照灯移到 fourteen,How to read this number?请学生读fourteen.T:Now,lets make a change.(镜镜 头给老师)头给老师)Look at my hands.用手势比划 fourteen 和 forty. T: Wow,you are so clever. Step 3: Practise 1、T:Its time to play.Now,Im John,G20,G30,G40and G50,you are Amy.And you are

14、 Ling ling.Say emotionally,OK. 教师和学生表演对话,不拿书,和学生眼神交流。 2、T:Big hands for yourselves,G50 and G60 are emotionally, so you can get an orange star.Now,you have 2 minutes to play in your group.Go! 3、学生完成表演。 4、T:Lets enjoy our show,学生上台表演,5 组。 5、T:Big hands,lets enjoy another game,each of group had some re

15、d cards, you have 2 minutes to make an order.Who wants to come here?点一组同学上来排序.T: Now,Lets check together.一起核对答案后问 Which group is right? Show your hands.Great,youre so creatively,each of you can get a red star. (学生小组互动时,镜头给学生在小组内互动的情况。)(学生小组互动时,镜头给学生在小组内互动的情况。) 6、T:Lets read and say.You are Lake scho

16、ols students.You are Park schools students.You should use the words to make a new dialogue。学生完成 Activity3. 7、学生读句子,老师读数字 T:There are 32 pupils in our cl ass.And there are 130pupils in our Grade,and there are 895 pupils in our school,there are 470 thousand pupils in our city.there are3.35million pupi

17、ls in our province.there are 99.13 million pupils inour country.So China is big family,we should love our country.Ss:OK. 8、T:Toady you did a good job,Lets count who is the winner?T:Oh,G20,you are the winner. Congratulation.G60.you had the 4 orangestars,you are so emotionally.G50,you had 3 red stars, you are so creatively.Im so proud of you. Step 4: Extension/Consolidation Homework: 1、In the daily life,you should get some messages about numbers . 2、then,preview Activity4-6. 3、Last, You should completedo a survey . Thank you,Good bye.


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