牛津译林版三年级上册Unit 5 Look at me!-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:400a8).zip

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摆出与它相同的造型,大声说摆出与它相同的造型,大声说: : Hello! 今天我们要去参加 一个时装表演哦! 大家快来看看我们 的服装吧! skirt Look my skirt. at my skirt skirt Its nice. 它很漂亮。 Can you read? Lets chant Skirt, skirt. Look at my skirt. Nice, nice. Its nice. Look at my cap. How nice! 多么漂亮啊! cap Make a chant _, _. Look at my _. Nice, nice. How nice! T-shirt 大声说“Look at my T-shirt. ” 它会变得更漂亮哦! Make a nice T-shirt 同学们,大声说“Look at my T-shirt. ” 它会变得更漂亮哦! Pair work (同桌对话) look at my T-shirt. Its nice./ How nice! 我也想去参加时装表 演,要穿什么衣服呢 ? watch and choose 观看动画,选出杨玲试穿的衣服。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 观看动画,记住杨玲试穿的衣服。 watch and choose 观看动画,选出杨玲试穿的衣服。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 2 3 4 听一听,杨玲试穿衣服的时候说了什么? ? ? ? ? Listen and repeat 1 2 3 4 ? ? ? 它真棒 。 Its great. ? read and underline 自读课文,划出妈妈说的话。 tip:用高兴地语气来说妈妈说的话,可配上动作表情哦! Letread 同学们跟录音朗读的时候, 注意模仿杨玲和妈妈说话的语音语调哦! Letread 12 3 4 同桌两人,一个扮演杨玲,一个扮演妈妈。 tip:丰富的表情和动作可以使表演更精彩哦! LetactLetact 同学们,你们能展示下自 己的服装吗? Lets Show Work in groups 四人小组内展示 Look at my Look at me. Its nice. How nice. Its great. Great. 第第 5 单元单元 课题课题LookLook atat me!me! 第第 1 教时教时 总第总第 个教案个教案 教学目标:教学目标: 1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词:a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket,a cap 2.能初步听懂、会读句型 Look at,并且能用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!/来回答。 3.让学生能理解中西方对待赞美的差异。 教学重点:教学重点: 1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词:a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket, a cap 2.能初步听懂、会读句型 Look at,并且能用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!/来回答。 教学难点教学难点: 能初步听懂、会读句型 Look at,并且能用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!/来回答。 教学准备:教学准备: 每四个学生组成一组,每组一个小信封,信封里有:三至四个物品的单词,句 型词组(This Is, Look at, my) 教学过程:教学过程: Step1 Preparation 1.Greeting 2.Warm up a. Say some rhymes T: What a nice day!(天气不好就换个说法) Lets sing a rhyme to begin to learn our English . (1)Lets learn (2)Look at the moon T:You are so great. (先让学生耳朵熟悉本课的重点内容:look at, great, nice) b. Daily report 课前布置的内容:让学生准备一张家庭全家福或者是好朋友 的照片 S:Hello!My name is XX. Im (age). This is my family/friend. Hes/Shes (name). Hes/Shes a (job). Step2 Presentation and practice 1. Play a game-Great box 游戏规则:教师准备一只大盒子,里面装一些学生学过的物 二次备课二次备课 品,先让学生抽,然后再让学生用 Its a 来回答。 T: You did a good job. Now lets play a game. T:I have a great box. 教师出示 great,并出示中文意思:棒极了 T: Try to read with me ,please. Read in roles T: There are many pictures in Great box. Try to use Its ato describe it. 教师出示:Its ,并出示中文意思:它是 eg: a banana Hello, Great box. Its a banana. T: Is he/she right? Lets say Hey, hey, great!. (从这一环节开始,让学生习惯用英语表扬或者赞美别人。 ) 2. Play a game-Look at me! Im great T:You are great.Now lets play another game. 游戏规则:教师出示图片,先词组,再让学生组成完整的句 子。 T:You can see this sentence structure :Look at. 教师出示 Look at,并教授(出示中文意思) at /t/ 教授 a 的发音,为后面 cap 学习做好铺垫 Eg: pencil my pencil This is my pencil. a.Look at my pencil. 其他学生回答:Hey, hey, great! 3.Story time b.听录音,回答老师问题,学习单词:a T-shirt, a skirt a cap T:Miss Zhang has a great box. Yang Ling has a great wardrobe .(/w:drub/) lets watch the cartoon. Try to answer my question, please. What clothes does Yang Ling mention(提及,提到) in the cartoon? a T-shirt, a skirt a cap. 学习单词 a T-shirt, a skirt ,a shirt ,a cap. 1)教师出示单词 a T-shirt 和图片,并教授 T: Can you tell me how to read it? A T-shirt, a T-shirt, Its my T-shirt. Look at my T-shirt. c.教授单词和图片 a skirt. 出示 ir,教授组合发音/:/ T:iris pronounced /:/. 跟读:ir /:/ T-shirt (出示 skirt)T:Can you try? (a)学生试着说 (b)教师示范 (c)小组拼读 (d)全班拼读 d.Say a rhyme A T-shirt, a T-shirt, Its my T-shirt. Look at my T-shirt. 3)教授单词 cap T(教授出示 cat):Look at the cat. It has a cap. a is pronounced / / at cat cap e. 复习 a T-shirt, a skirt, cap,拓展单词 a shirt 和 a jacket ir : T-shirt skirt shirt bird T-shirt skirt shirt cap 教师出示 a jacket 图片和单词 T:Look at it.Is this a ? S: No,its a jacket. 教读单词 a jacket T:Look at my jacket.Its nice. T:They are all clothes. Step3 Production a. How to praise(赞扬)? Its nice./ How nice, /Great!/Its great. 教师同时出示四句句子,T: Can you read it? 让学生先想想怎么怎么读,自己选会读的句子,做小 老师。 Eg: I can read Its nice. 等学生说完,教师再教授,并出示中文。 b. Listen to the tape, try to fill in the blanks. 教师出示课文图片,听录音,完成练习: Look at my T-shirt. Look at my skirt. Its nice. (跟录音读) How nice!(跟录音读) Look at my cap . Look at me ! Its great.(跟录音读) Great ! (跟录音读) c.Read-Story time 分角色朗读,全班一起读。 Step4 Progress 1.完成单词,并在括号里写中文。 T- irt ( ) sk t( ) c p ( ) hir ( ) ack t( ) 拼读上面的单词 2.Try to make dialogues(画图,做对话) 在刚才第一题上画图,然后和同桌做对话 A:Look at my B:Its nice./ How nice, /Great!/Its great. 3. How do we give praise. 当我们赞扬和夸奖时,可以说“Great!”,“How nice!”等。 如果你发现值得赞扬和夸奖的人或事物,就说这些话吧! Step5 Homework 1.Finish the exercises. 2.Find the other names of the clothes 3.Try to recite StoryStory timetime. 第第 5 单元单元 课题课题LookLook atat me!me! 第第 2 教时教时 总第总第 个教案个教案 教学目标:教学目标: 1.能听懂、会读、会拼写单词:a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket,a cap 2.能听懂、会读句型 Look at,并且能熟练地用 Its nice./How nice!/It s great./Great!/来回答。 3.拓展单词:red,yellow,学生能听懂并且会读 4 拓展句型:What colour is my ? 学生能听懂并且会读,并且能用 Its 来回答。 5.能体会 Cartoon time 的幽默 教学重点:教学重点: 1.能听懂、会读、会拼写单词:a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket,a cap 2.能听懂、会读句型 Look at,并且能用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!/来回答。 3.拓展单词:red,yellow 学生能听懂并且会读 4 拓展句型:What colour is my ? 学生能听懂并且会读,并且能用 Its 来回答。 教学难点:教学难点: 1.拓展单词:red,学生能听懂并且会读 2.拓展句型:What colour is my ? 学生能听懂并且会读,并且能用 Its 来回答。 教学准备教学准备: 让学生准备一些新的学习用品,为对话做准备。 【教学过程教学过程】 Step1 Preparation 1.Greeting 2.Say two rhymes a. Look at the moon T: Look at the moon. Ss: Oh, its bright. T: Lets say a rhyme- Look at the moon. b. A cat and a dog StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation T: Look at the dog. S: Oh, its black. 二次备课 T: Look at the cat. S: Oh, its white. T: Lets say a rhyme- A cat and a dog. 1.Warm up a. 教授 new T: I have a new pen. Look at my new pen. 教师出示 new,并教授 T:Follow me, please. 跟读单词 new 小组读,全班读。 T:This is my new pen. Look at my new pen. S: Its nice. / How nice! T:Can you make a dialogue like this? Try to do it, please. 出示句型:A: This is my new Look at my new B: Its nice. / How nice! b. Play a game: Do puzzles T: Now, Lets have a fun. Look at the puzzles. 把衣服的图片做成拼图,让学生猜 教师出示单词,拼读单词。 c. Cartoon time (1)T(出示):Look at the T-shirt. Whose T-shirt is this?. S: Its Bobbys. T(出示 Bobby):Yes, you are right. Hes Bobby. Its Bobbys T-shirt. T(出示):Whats this? Ss: Its a skirt. T: Look at the skirt. S: Its nice. / How nice! T: Is it Bobbys? S: No. T: You are right. Lets watch the cartoon together. Try to find the answer whose skirt is it? Whose(谁的) skirt is it? A B. C. S: Choose C. T: You are right. Its Bobbys mothers. There are two mice in the cartoon. One is Bobbys mother. Another one is Bobbys father. Its Bobbys mothers new skirt. 教师出示:a new skirt, my new skirt,学生齐读。 (2)Watch the cartoon again.Answer Bobbys mothers question. What colour is my T-shirt? A. red B. yellow 教师出示 What colour is my T-shirt? What colour 什么颜色 Say a rhyme: What colour,what colour What colour is my T-shirt? T:Is it red? 教师出示 red,教授并出示中文。 拼读单词 T:Or is it yellow? 教师出示 red, 教授并出示中文。拼读单词 S:Its yellow. (3)Why is Bobbys mother angry(生气)? A.Bobbys father doesnt like the T-shirt. B.Bobbys father doesnt look at her(她). 给出 doesnt 的解释:不 (4)Try to read Cartoon time together. (5)角色扮演 Cartoon time 利用光盘中的这个角色扮演的功能。 Step 3 Production Fill in the blanks Bobbys mother has a new skirt. Shes very happy. Bobbys father tells(告诉) her its nice .Then, Bobbys mother shows(展示) a new T-shirt. The T-shirts colour is yellow .But Bobbys father tells(告诉) her its red . Bobbys mother is very (happy, angry).Because Bobbys father doesnt look at her. Try to read it with Miss Zhang. Step 4 Progress 1.Try to retell the dialogue 2.Recite Cartoon time 第第 5 单元单元 课题课题UnitUnit 5 5 LookLook atat me!me! 第第 3 教时教时 总第总第 个教个教 案案 教学目标:教学目标: 1.能会读、会拼写单词:a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket,a cap, yellow,red 2.能熟练运用句型 Look at,并且能熟练地用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!来回答。 3.拓展单词:a sweater, a coat, a dress, a blouse ,学生能听懂并且会读。 4.学生能初步会读本单元小诗Nice clothes 。 教学重点:教学重点: 1.能会读、会拼写单词:a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket,a cap, yellow,red。 2.能熟练运用句型 Look at,并且能熟练地用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!来回答。 3.拓展单词:a sweater, a coat, a dress, a blouse ,学生能听懂并且会读。 教学难点教学难点: 拓展单词:a sweater, a coat, a dress, a blouse ,学生能听懂并且会读。 教学准备:教学准备:PPT、头饰等。 教学过程:教学过程: Step1 Preparation 1.Play a game-Magic eyes 快速闪现单词、图片和句型 2.利用上节课的单词、词组和句型小信封,让学生造句(类 似于连词成句) 3.出示单词 a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket,a cap,教师带领学生拼读单词。注意把前三个归类,ir 组合 要用红色标注出来。 Step2 Presentation and practice 1.拓展单词 a sweater, a coat, a dress, a blouse T: Yang Ling has many new clothes. Bobbys mother has new clothes, too. Lets go to buy some new clothes. OK? S: OK? 二次备课二次备课 T: OK. Lts go. 出示场景 A clothes shop T: Look at the nice clothes .They all look great 为小诗教学埋下伏笔,并且板书:Nice clothes. 教师领读 Nice clothes T(指着一件 jacket):Look at the jacket. S: Its nice.(提醒学生可以用不同的赞扬语言) 出示小诗: T:Lets say a rhyme. T(指着一件 coat):Is this a jacket? S: No. T: This is a coat. 教师出示 coat,领读单词,并且拼读 出示一首小诗, Put on your coat T:I can see a jacket and a coat. What can you see? S: I can see a 根据学生的回答随机出示单词,并且教读 然后用 Look at 句型和学生对话。 如果有学生没有提到的,老师指引学生:Look at the 学生比较不会说的是:sweater, blouse 在进行对话的时候,教师注意把小诗的句子逐行板书在黑板 上,最后小诗呈现 最后总结:They all look great. 出示句子,并且教读 教师在引导的时候要有耐心 2.小诗教学-Nice clothes a.跟老师读 b.学生自己读 c.全班读(小组比赛) Step3 Production Play a game -Whats missing? 这个环节的作用:复习单词,复习句型 先回答 XX is missing.在说 Look at the 同桌回答:Its nice./How nice!/Its great./ Great! Step4 Progress 1.Try to say the rhyme with your friends. 2.Spell the new words after class: a sweater, a coat, a dress, a blouse 第第 5 单元单元 课题课题UnitUnit 5 5 LookLook atat me!me! 第第 4 教时教时 总第总第 个教案个教案 教学目标:教学目标: 1.能会读、会拼写单词:a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket,a cap, a sweater, a coat, a dress, a blouse ,yellow, red 2.能熟练运用句型 Look at,并且能熟练地用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!来回答。 3.学生能会读、会表演本单元小诗Nice clothes 4.学生能会认、会读、会写字母 Oo , Pp, Qq 教学重点:教学重点: 1.能会读、会拼写单词:a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket,a cap, a sweater, a coat, a dress, a blouse ,yellow, red 2.能熟练运用句型 Look at,并且能熟练地用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!来回答。 3.学生能会认、会读、会写字母 Oo,Pp,Qq 教学难点:教学难点: 在各项练习中掌握本单元的重点内容 教学准备教学准备: 挂图,卡片,ppt,人物头饰 【教学过程教学过程】 Step1 Preparation 1.Greeting 2.Sing the songs and say rhymes T: Last lesson, we learnt a new rhyme. Do you remember it? 教师出示Nice clothes ,先让学生一起读,然后对于读得 不到位的句子纠正读音。 (They all look great.) Step 2 Presentation and practice 1.Play a game-Whats missing? a.看图片快速说缺了哪一幅图 b.出示单词,全班大声拼读 2.Magic eyes 二次备课 快速闪现图片、单词、词组或者是句子,由简入难。 3.PPT 出示单词题目:完成单词,并且说出中文意思。 Eg: j acke t( ) T- irt( ) 注意题目能起到音标发音渗透的作用,让学生找到单词发 音的规律。 4,Read-Story time a.跟录音读 T: We know Yang Ling has some new clothes. Lets read the story together. b. Read together 5.Read-Cartoon time a.出示 Bobbys mother 的 new T-shirt and new skirt. 跟录音齐读 Cartoon time 部分 b.Read together 6.Check out time-Look and say 让学生先看图片,然后和同桌做这样的对话,最后再听录音 全班做相应的回答。 Step 3 Production and progress 1 .复习以前学过的字母 (1).大小写配对 (2).左邻右舍 b.本单元新字母学习 小写的 p 和 q 很容易弄错。 同时有个别学生 Gg 和 Jj 的发音也会和语文中的字母混淆。 所以还是要多读,多写。可以把字母放进单词中练习: grandpa jacket。从单词中了解字母发音,然后再记住字母。 2.Fun time-make and say 教师出示废物利用服装秀视频和自己做的服装,让学生展示 自己制作的服饰。 T:Whats this? S: Its a T:Look at my new S:Its nice. T:I know you are ready for our clothing show. Right? Now,please show your great clothes to us. Eg: S1:This is my Look at my S2:Its nice. 让学生用这样的句型 进行对话联系。 Step 4 Homework 1.Show your clothes to your friends after class. 2.Recite-Story time and Cartoon time 3.Finish the exercises.
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