牛津译林版三年级上册Unit 7 Would you like a pie -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:500c1).zip

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课题课题Unit 7 How much?课型课型 Story time授课者授课者 微课微课 教材教材 分析分析 本节课的教学内容为译林小学英语 4A unit7How much?Story time 板块。在教学 中,我以如何询问物品价格这一知识点为线索,贯穿整节微课的教学。通过读前、 读中和读后的活动,引导学生在真实的情境中运用句型 “How much is it/are they?”交 际;通过出示贫困山区孩子的图片,让学生真正理解“义卖”的含义,激发他们主 动关心他人、帮助他人的爱心。 教学教学 目标目标 1. 会说、会读单词:a fan, an umbrella, shoes, socks 和部分数字单词。 2. 会运用句型 How much is it/are they? 进行交际。 3. 理解 story time 大意并能尝试复述课文。 教学教学 重点重点 单词 shoe, twenty, thirty, fifty 的读音。 2句型 How much is it? How much are they?中单复数的正确使用。 教 学 过 程 设 计 教学环节教学环节教学设计教学设计设计意图设计意图 Step 1 Pre-task 1. Sing a song. 2. Play a game. 1. Sing a songnumber song T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you? First, lets sing a song. 2. T: My friends birthday is coming. I want to buy a pair of shoes, a pair of socks, a bear and an umbrella. How much are they? Can you guess? Ss try to guess. Create a relaxed atmosphere for ss to get into the lesson. Let ss guess the prices and review the numbers. Step 2 While-task 1. Present the story. 2. Teach the key and difficult points. 1.Present the story. a. Teach “charity sale”. T: Look, boys and girls,Theyre Su Hai and Su Yang, theyre holding a charity sale. So what is a charity sale? Do you know? In Chinese, it means,”义卖”, you can buy things at a charity sale, In a shop, the shoes are 100 yuan, maybe at a charity sale, the Present the story. shoes are only 20yuan. And all the money will be given to the people in need. b. Teach the story. T: Su Hai and Su Yang are holding a charity sale, Look, whats on the table? Yes, therere shoes, we can also say a pair of shoes, socks, or a pair of socks, a fan and an umbrella! Cool! Now, whore coming? Liu Tao, Yangling and Mike. What would they like to buy? Pls open your books at page 44, read by yourselves and choose. c. Check the answers. 2.讲解知识点:讲解知识点:How much is it/are they? a. T: So Liu Tao would like these shoes, Yang ling would like these socks Mike would like this umbrella. But how much are they?物品多少钱呢? Lets have a look. Su hai says: Good morning! Can I help you?我能帮助你吗? We can also say: What would you like? Liu Tao says: Yes, Id like these shoes, how much are they? Liutao 说:我想要这双鞋子, 多少钱?SU hai says: Five yuan, please. 当我们想询问物品的价格时可以问:How much are they?或者 How much is it? Practice: Yang ling would like these socks, because these socks are very nice. How much are they? You are right, theyre 4yuan. b.Teach ”only”. Mike would like this umbrella, because this umbrella is cool. How much is it? Is it forty yuan? No, its only 19yuan. Here only means”仅仅, 只有”。 c.拓展对话。 To help them better understand the story. To help ss get a better understanding of talking about prices. Teach the key and difficult points. T: Now how much money do su hai and su yang have? Thats 28yuan. Are you right? What do they say to Miss Li? We have28yuan What does Mill Li say? What else can she say? Miss Li 还可以说什么呢? 3. Listen and imitate T: Lets read the story after the tape. Try to imitate. When you read, please pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Are you ready? 4.Read in roles. To train their proper pronunciation and intonation. Read in roles. Step 3: Post-task 1. Recite the story. 2. Show some pictures of students in poor areas. 3. Have a summary. 1.Recite the story. T: Now can you recite the story? Dont be shy! Just Try it! You can practice first. Now lets begin. 2.Show some pictures of students in poor areas. We know the children and Miss Li has got 28yuan from the charity sale. What are they going to do with the money? What would you like to say to them? Now, Its your turn. (孩子们,你们想对他们说什 么呢?)Try to say sth. Look, I think with your help, they will be happy 3. Have a summary. Learn two slangs: The more you give, the more you receive Cherish what you have at the moment! Let ss recite the story. Stimulate their desire of helping others. Let ss have a short summary. Homework1.Read after the tape 10mins and try to recite the story. . 2.Preview Fun time and Cartoon time. 板书设计板书设计: Unit 7 How much? Can I help you? Id like. How much are they? 5 How much is it? 4 19 Theyre .yuan. Its .yuan. 4A 询问价格 How much? 选择题 1、当你要询问别人想要什么时,可以说: A. Can I help you? B. What do you like? 2.当你想要这些袜子时,可以说: A. Id like these shoes, please. B. Socks, please. 3.当你想询问一把伞的价格时,可以说: A. How much is the umbrella? B. How many umbrellas? 4.当你想询问一双鞋子的价格时,可以问: A. How much are the shoes? B. Id like a pair of shoes. 5.当你想赞美这把扇子很好看时,可以说: A. The fan is very nice. B. I like it! Unit 7 How much? (Period 1) Guess ! How much? + 22 20 3040 100 50 419 twenty twenty-two thirty forty one hundred fifty Guess ! How much? 22 20 3040 100 50 419 charity sale charity sale 义 卖 charity sale shoes socks a fan an umbrella Look and say a pair of shoes a pair of socks Read and choose What would they like? A B CD Watch and choose What would they like? A B CD C A D Listen and match 4 19 5four yuan nineteen yuan five yuan How much money do and have? += How much is the ? Its yuan. How much are the ? Theyre yuan. only(仅仅,只有 ) Think and answer Miss Li 还可以怎么说呢? How much money do and have? We have twenty-eight yuan,Miss Li . Well done. Try to imitate These socks are very_. This umbrella is_. nice cool How are these socks? How is this umbrella? 仅仅 Lets read in roles together. 六人分角色朗读故事,注意语音语 调哦! Good morning! _? Yes. _. _? These socks are very nice. _?_. OK. Here you are. Hi, Mike. Hi. This umbrella is cool. _? _. We have _,Miss Li . _. 1 42 3 Memory King _. OK. Good morning! _ Yes. _ _ _OK. Memory King Can I help you? Id like these shoes. How much are they? 1 Five yuan, please. _ _ _ OK. Here you are. How much are they? Theyre four yuan. 2 These socks are very nice. Hi, Mike. Hi. _ _ _ How much is it ? Its only nineteen yuan. 3 This umbrella is cool. We have _,Miss Li . _ twenty-eight yuan Well done. 4 1、当你要询问别人想要什么时,可以说: 2.当你想要这些袜子时,可以说: 3.当你想询问一把伞的价格时,可以说: 4.当你想询问一双鞋子的价格时,可以问: 5.当你想赞美这把扇子很好看时,可以说: Summary Can I help you? / What would you like? Id like these socks, please./ Socks, please. How much is it? / How much is the umbrella? How much are they? / How much are the shoes? This fan is very nice. The more you give, the more you receive. 你给予的越多,得到的也会越多。 Cherish what you have at the moment! 且行且珍惜!
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