牛津译林版三年级上册Unit 5 Look at me!-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:400a8).doc

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牛津译林版三年级上册Unit 5 Look at me!-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:400a8).doc_第1页
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牛津译林版三年级上册Unit 5 Look at me!-Story time-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:400a8).doc_第5页
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1、第第 5 单元单元课题课题LookLook atat me!me!第第 1 教时教时总第总第个教个教案案 教学目标:教学目标: 1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词:a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket, a cap 2.能初步听懂、会读句型 Look at,并且能用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!/来回答。 3.让学生能理解中西方对待赞美的差异。 教学重点:教学重点: 1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写单词:a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket, a cap 2.能初步听懂、会读句型

2、 Look at,并且能用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!/来回答。 教学难点教学难点: 能初步听懂、会读句型 Look at,并且能用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!/来回答。 教学准备:教学准备: 每四个学生组成一组,每组一个小信封,信封里有:三至四个物品的单词,句型 词组(This Is, Look at, my) 教学过程:教学过程: Step1 Preparation 1.Greeting 2.Warm up a. Say some rhymes T: What a nice day!(天气不好就

3、换个说法) Lets sing a rhyme tobegin to learn our English . (1)Lets learn (2)Look at the moon T:You are so great. (先让学生耳朵熟悉本课的重点内容:look at, great, nice) b. Daily report 课前布置的内容: 让学生准备一张家庭全家福或者是好朋友的 照片 S:Hello!My name is XX. Im (age). This is my family/friend. Hes/Shes (name). Hes/Shes a (job). Step2 Pres

4、entation and practice 1. Play a game-Great box 游戏规则: 教师准备一只大盒子, 里面装一些学生学过的物品, 二次备课二次备课 先让学生抽,然后再让学生用 Itsa 来回答。 T: You did a good job. Now lets play a game. T:I have a great box. 教师出示 great,并出示中文意思:棒极了 T: Try to read with me ,please. Read in roles T: There are many pictures in Great box. Try to use I

5、ts ato describe it. 教师出示:Its ,并出示中文意思:它是 eg: a banana Hello, Great box. Its a banana. T: Is he/she right? Lets say Hey, hey, great!. (从这一环节开始,让学生习惯用英语表扬或者赞美别人。 ) 2. Play a game-Look at me! Im great T:You are great.Now lets play another game. 游戏规则: 教师出示图片, 先词组, 再让学生组成完整的句子。 T:You can see this sentenc

6、e structure :Look at. 教师出示 Look at,并教授(出示中文意思) at /t/ 教授 a 的发音,为后面 cap 学习做好铺垫 Eg: pencilmy pencil This is my pencil. a.Look at my pencil. 其他学生回答:Hey, hey, great! 3.Story time b.听录音, 回答老师问题,学习单词: a T-shirt, a skirt a cap T:Miss Zhang has a great box. Yang Ling hasa great wardrobe .(/w:drub/) lets wat

7、ch the cartoon. Try to answer my question, please. What clothes does Yang Ling mention(提及,提到)in the cartoon? a T-shirt, a skirt a cap. 学习单词 a T-shirt, a skirt ,a shirt ,a cap. 1)教师出示单词 a T-shirt 和图片,并教授 T: Can you tell me how to read it? A T-shirt, a T-shirt, Its my T-shirt. Look at my T-shirt. c.教授

8、单词和图片 a skirt. 出示 ir,教授组合发音/:/ T:iris pronounced /:/. 跟读:ir /:/T-shirt (出示 skirt)T:Can you try? (a)学生试着说 (b)教师示范 (c)小组拼读 (d)全班拼读 d.Say a rhyme A T-shirt, a T-shirt, Its my T-shirt. Look at my T-shirt. 3)教授单词 cap T(教授出示 cat):Look at the cat. It has a cap. a is pronounced / / at cat cap e. 复习 a T-shir

9、t, a skirt, cap,拓展单词 a shirt 和 a jacket ir : T-shirt skirt shirt bird T-shirt skirt shirt cap 教师出示 a jacket 图片和单词 T:Look at it.Is this a ? S: No,its a jacket. 教读单词 a jacket T:Look at my jacket.Its nice. T:They are all clothes. Step3 Production a. How to praise(赞扬)? Its nice./ How nice, /Great!/Its g

10、reat. 教师同时出示四句句子,T: Can you read it? 让学生先想想怎么怎么读,自己选会读的句子,做小 老师。 Eg: I can read Its nice. 等学生说完,教师再教授,并出示中文。 b. Listen to the tape, try to fill in the blanks. 教师出示课文图片,听录音,完成练习: Look at my T-shirt.Lookatmy skirt. Its nice. (跟录音读) Hownice!(跟录音读) Look at my cap .Look at me ! Itsgreat.(跟录音读) Great ! (跟

11、录音读) c.Read-Story time 分角色朗读,全班一起读。 Step4 Progress 1.完成单词,并在括号里写中文。 T-irt ()skt() cp ()hir() ackt() 拼读上面的单词 2.Try to make dialogues(画图,做对话) 在刚才第一题上画图,然后和同桌做对话 A:Look at my B:Its nice./ How nice, /Great!/Its great. 3. How do we give praise. 当我们赞扬和夸奖时,可以说“Great!”,“How nice!”等。 如果你发现值得赞扬和夸奖的人或事物,就说这些话吧

12、! Step5 Homework 1.Finish the exercises. 2.Find the other names of the clothes 3.Try to reciteStoryStory timetime. 第第 5 单元单元课题课题LookLook atat me!me!第第 2 教时教时总第总第个教个教案案 教学目标:教学目标: 1.能听懂、会读、会拼写单词:a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket,a cap 2.能听懂、会读句型 Look at,并且能熟练地用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Grea

13、t!/来回答。 3.拓展单词:red,yellow,学生能听懂并且会读 4 拓展句型:What colour is my ? 学生能听懂并且会读,并且能用 Its来 回答。 5.能体会 Cartoon time 的幽默 教学重点:教学重点: 1.能听懂、会读、会拼写单词:a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket,a cap 2.能听懂、会读句型 Look at,并且能用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!/来回答。 3.拓展单词:red,yellow 学生能听懂并且会读 4 拓展句型:What colour is my

14、? 学生能听懂并且会读,并且能用 Its来 回答。 教学难点:教学难点: 1.拓展单词:red,学生能听懂并且会读 2.拓展句型:What colour is my ? 学生能听懂并且会读,并且能用 Its 来回答。 教学准备教学准备: 让学生准备一些新的学习用品,为对话做准备。 【教学过程】【教学过程】 Step1 Preparation 1.Greeting 2.Say two rhymes a. Look at the moon T: Look at the moon. Ss: Oh, its bright. T: Lets say a rhyme- Look at the moon.

15、b. A cat and a dog StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation T: Look at the dog. S: Oh, its black. T: Look at the cat. S: Oh, its white. T: Lets say a rhyme- A cat and a dog. 1.Warm up a. 教授 new T: I have a new pen. Look at my new pen. 教师出示 new,并教授 T:Follow me, please. 二次备课 跟读单词 new 小组读,全班读。 T:This is m

16、y new pen. Look at my new pen. S: Its nice. / How nice! T: Can you make a dialogue like this? Try to do it, please. 出示句型:A: This is my new Look at my new B: Its nice. / How nice! b. Play a game: Do puzzles T: Now, Lets have a fun. Look at the puzzles. 把衣服的图片做成拼图,让学生猜 教师出示单词,拼读单词。 c. Cartoon time (1)

17、T(出示):Look at the T-shirt. Whose T-shirt is this?. S: Its Bobbys. T(出示 Bobby):Yes, you are right. Hes Bobby. Its Bobbys T-shirt. T(出示):Whats this? Ss: Its a skirt. T: Look at the skirt. S: Its nice. / How nice! T: Is it Bobbys? S: No. T: You are right. Lets watch the cartoon together. Try to find th

18、e answer whose skirt is it? Whose(谁的) skirt is it? AB.C. S: Choose C. T: You are right. Its Bobbys mothers. There are two mice in the cartoon. One is Bobbys mother. Another one is Bobbys father. Its Bobbys mothers new skirt. 教师出示:a new skirt, my new skirt,学生齐读。 (2)Watch the cartoon again.Answer Bobb

19、ys mothers question. What colour is my T-shirt? A. redB. yellow 教师出示 What colour is my T-shirt? What colour 什么颜色 Say a rhyme: What colour,what colour What colour is my T-shirt? T:Is it red? 教师出示 red,教授并出示中文。 拼读单词 T:Or is it yellow? 教师出示 red, 教授并出示中文。拼读单词 S:Its yellow. (3)Why is Bobbys mother angry(生

20、气)? A.Bobbys father doesnt like the T-shirt. B.Bobbys father doesnt look at her(她). 给出 doesnt 的解释:不 (4)Try to read Cartoon time together. (5)角色扮演 Cartoon time 利用光盘中的这个角色扮演的功能。 Step 3 Production Fill in the blanks Bobbysmotherhas a new skirt. Shes very happy. Bobbys father tells(告诉) her itsnice .Then

21、, Bobbys mother shows(展示) anew T-shirt. The T-shirts colour is yellow .But Bobbys father tells(告诉) her itsred . Bobbysmotherisvery(happy,angry).Because Bobbys father doesnt look at her. Try to read it with Miss Zhang. Step 4 Progress 1.Try to retell the dialogue 2.Recite Cartoon time 第第 5 单元单元课题课题Un

22、itUnit 5 5 LookLook atat me!me!第第 3 教时教时总第总第个教个教案案 教学目标:教学目标: 1.能会读、 会拼写单词: a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket, a cap, yellow, red 2.能熟练运用句型 Look at,并且能熟练地用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!来回答。 3.拓展单词:a sweater, a coat, a dress, a blouse ,学生能听懂并且会读。 4.学生能初步会读本单元小诗Nice clothes 。 教学重点:教学重点: 1.

23、能会读、 会拼写单词: a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket, a cap, yellow, red。 2.能熟练运用句型 Look at,并且能熟练地用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!来回答。 3.拓展单词:a sweater, a coat, a dress, a blouse ,学生能听懂并且会读。 教学难点教学难点: 拓展单词:a sweater, a coat, a dress, a blouse ,学生能听懂并且会读。 教学准备:教学准备:PPT、头饰等。 教学过程:教学过程: Step1 Prepa

24、ration 1.Play a game-Magic eyes 快速闪现单词、图片和句型 2.利用上节课的单词、词组和句型小信封,让学生造句(类似 于连词成句) 3.出示单词 a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket,a cap, 教师带领学生拼读单词。注意把前三个归类,ir 组合要用红 色标注出来。 Step2 Presentation and practice 1.拓展单词 a sweater, a coat, a dress, a blouse T: Yang Ling has many new clothes. Bobbys mother has ne

25、w clothes, too. Lets go to buy some new clothes. OK? S: OK? T: OK. Lts go. 出示场景 A clothes shop T: Look at the nice clothes .They all look great 为小诗教学埋下伏笔,并且板书:Nice clothes. 教师领读 Nice clothes T(指着一件 jacket):Look at the jacket. S: Its nice.(提 醒学生可以用不同的赞扬语言) 出示小诗: T:Lets say a rhyme. T(指着一件 coat):Is th

26、is a jacket? 二次备课二次备课 S: No. T: This is a coat. 教师出示 coat,领读单词,并且拼读 出示一首小诗, Put on your coat T:I can see a jacket and a coat. What can you see? S: I can see a 根据学生的回答随机出示单词,并且教读 然后用 Look at 句型和学生对话。 如果有学生没有提到的,老师指引学生:Look at the 学生比较不会说的是:sweater, blouse 在进行对话的时候,教师注意把小诗的句子逐行板书在黑板 上,最后小诗呈现 最后总结:They

27、 all look great. 出示句子,并且教读 教师在引导的时候要有耐心 2.小诗教学-Nice clothes a.跟老师读 b.学生自己读 c.全班读(小组比赛) Step3 Production Play a game -Whats missing? 这个环节的作用:复习单词,复习句型 先回答 XX is missing.在说 Look at the 同桌回答:Its nice./How nice!/Its great./ Great! Step4 Progress 1.Try to say the rhyme with your friends. 2.Spell the new

28、words after class: a sweater, a coat, a dress, a blouse 第第 5 单元单元课题课题UnitUnit 5 5 LookLook atat me!me!第第 4 教时教时总第总第个教个教案案 教学目标:教学目标: 1.能会读、 会拼写单词: a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket, a cap, a sweater, a coat, a dress, a blouse ,yellow, red 2.能熟练运用句型 Look at,并且能熟练地用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./

29、Great!来回答。 3.学生能会读、会表演本单元小诗Nice clothes 4.学生能会认、会读、会写字母 Oo , Pp, Qq 教学重点:教学重点: 1.能会读、 会拼写单词: a shirt, a skirt, a T-shirt, a jacket, a cap, a sweater, a coat, a dress, a blouse ,yellow, red 2.能熟练运用句型 Look at,并且能熟练地用 Its nice./How nice!/Its great./Great!来回答。 3.学生能会认、会读、会写字母 Oo,Pp,Qq 教学难点:教学难点: 在各项练习中掌

30、握本单元的重点内容 教学准备教学准备: 挂图,卡片,ppt,人物头饰 【教学过程】【教学过程】 Step1 Preparation 1.Greeting 2.Sing the songs and say rhymes T: Last lesson, we learnt a new rhyme. Do you remember it? 教师出示Nice clothes ,先让学生一起读,然后对于读得 不到位的句子纠正读音。 (They all look great.) Step 2 Presentation and practice 1.Play a game-Whats missing? a.

31、看图片快速说缺了哪一幅图 b.出示单词,全班大声拼读 2.Magic eyes 快速闪现图片、单词、词组或者是句子,由简入难。 3.PPT 出示单词题目:完成单词,并且说出中文意思。 Eg: jacket()T-irt() 注意题目能起到音标发音渗透的作用,让学生找到单词发 音的规律。 4,Read-Story time a.跟录音读 T: We know Yang Ling has some new clothes. Lets read the story together. b. Read together 二次备课 5.Read-Cartoon time a.出示 Bobbys moth

32、er 的 new T-shirt and new skirt. 跟录音齐读 Cartoon time 部分 b.Read together 6.Check out time-Look and say 让学生先看图片, 然后和同桌做这样的对话, 最后再听录音全 班做相应的回答。 Step 3 Productionand progress 1 .复习以前学过的字母 (1).大小写配对 (2).左邻右舍 b.本单元新字母学习 小写的 p 和 q 很容易弄错。 同时有个别学生 Gg 和 Jj 的发音也会和语文中的字母混淆。 所 以还是要多读,多写。可以把字母放进单词中练习:grandpa jacket

33、。从单词中了解字母发音,然后再记住字母。 2.Fun time-make and say 教师出示废物利用服装秀视频和自己做的服装, 让学生展示自 己制作的服饰。 T:Whats this? S: Its a T:Look at my new S:Its nice. T:I know you are ready for our clothing show. Right? Now,please show your great clothes to us. Eg: S1:This is myLook at my S2:Its nice. Step 4 Homework 1.Show your clothes to your friends after class. 2.Recite-Story time and Cartoon time 3.Finish the exercises. 让学生用这样的句型 进行对话联系。


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