人教PEP版三年级上册Unit 5 Let's eat !-C-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:9001c).doc

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人教PEP版三年级上册Unit 5 Let's eat !-C-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:9001c).doc_第1页
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1、Unit 5 Lets eat! Part C Story time教学设计 一、教学内容 Unit 5 Lets eat! Part C Story time 二、教材分析 本单元主要通过就餐这一话题,学习常见的有关食品、 饮料的 8 个英文单词和与此有关的日常用语。 为体现语言运 用、真实性,本单元围绕这一话题,设计了 PartALets talk 与 Part B Lets talk 两种生活情景,教给先生如何外达自己喜 欢的或打算要的食物。Part C Story time 部分是通过 Zoom 到 餐馆用餐的趣味小故事,重现了本单元的重点词汇和句型并 加入了两个新词Coke和ice

2、cream,目的是扩大学生语言的输 入以及训练学生逐步适应文本的阅读,更加能体现学生对本 单元所学知识的综合运用能力。 三、学情分析 小学生有较强的瞧察力和模仿力,对新鲜事物充满好奇 心,动口、动手、动脑能力强。通过前几个课时的学习,学 生们基本掌握了目标单词与简单的句型,有了前面基础知识 的铺垫,学习本课就相对容易一些了。 四、教学目标 1语言知识: 能听说认读本单元 8 个单词: bread , juice , egg , eggs , milk, water , cake, fish , rice. 能 运 用 本 单 元 主 要 句 型 : Id like some,please. C

3、an I have some, please?来进行点餐。 2语言技能:能运用所学句型? Id like some,please . Can I have some, please?来进行点餐。 能运用所学单 词说出所吃食物。 3情感态度价值观:学生养成良好饮食习惯,了解中西 方饮食文化差异。学生明白粮食来之不易,养成节约 粮食的好习惯。 五、教学重难点 在实际生活中综合运用本单元所学的知识进行交际。 六、教学准备 所学单词的图片,单词卡,实物,视频等。 七、教学过程 Step 1Greeting T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Ss: Good afte

4、rnoon,Anna. Step 2Warming up Check Ss whether they remember those words about food that have learned in unit 5. Let Ss play a game “Food Party”. Two students to compete to choose the words about food in the same time.Who gets higher score is the winner and he or she can get two red stars for his or

5、her group. Step 3 Lead-in T: Play a short video about taking an order in a fast food shop. Ask Ssto find the food in the short video. Ss: Watch the video and finish the teachers task. Step 4Presentation 1.Look and say 1T: Show some food for Ss and ask Ss to say the English words. eg: bread , juice ,

6、 egg , eggs , milk, water , cake, fish , rice. Ss: Finish the task. 2T: Add some new words. tea ,hamburger , coffee , ice cream , Coke. Teach these new words. Ask the Ss pay more attention to ice cream and Coke. Ss: Learn new words. 2.Part C Story time T: Ask Ss to look at the pictures about Part C

7、and answer the question: What and who can you see in these pictures? Ss: Finish the task. T: Explain the pictures and ask Ss guess what happened about Zoom. Teach the sentences: Id like some.,please. Here your are . Thank you. Youre welcome. Can I have some., please? Sure. Thanks. Youre welcome. Ss:

8、 Learn the sentences and guess what happened about Zoom. T: Play the video of Part C. Ss:Watch the video. T:Ask one group to act Prat C. Ss: Role play Part C. 3.Play a game T: Ask Ss to play the turntable game to practice the sentences. Each group has a chance to play the turntable game. Ss: Play th

9、e turntable game. Step 5Group work T: Ask Ss to practice the sentences with pictures and show the short conversation on the platform Ss: Practice the sentences and show the short conversation on the platform for everyone. Step 6Show time T:Ask some students to act of taking an order. Ss:Finish the t

10、ask. Step 7 Summary 1. Use the mind map to summarize how to take an order. 2. Watch the video of Part C Storm time again. Step 8 Emotion education 1. Let the Ss know waste food is wrong and cherish food. 2. To know hamburgers and sandwiches are junk food. They are bad for our health.We should eat le

11、ss, but vegetables and fruits are good for. Step 9 Homework Role play Part C with your partner. Blackboard Design Unit 5 Lets eat! Part C Story time Id like some,please .G1: Can I have some, please?G2: Cokeice creamG3: G4: 教学反思:本堂课我主要采取了一个比赛的游戏活动来导 入,主要目的是检测学生对所学的单词的掌握情况及活跃 课堂氛围,接着用所学单词的实物来展示给学生复习本单

12、 元所学 8 个单词,再拓展了 5 个单词,再把图片和单词的 正确书写格式展示给学生。用这种实物来展示学习的方式 很好地吸引学生的注意力。在讲解 Part C 环节时,解释完 图片后再让学生观看视频,学生能更好地理解。用不同的 图片让学生练习所学的句型,再通过游戏的方式对学生的 练习结果进行检测。在总结的时候再次观看 Part C 的视频, 加深学生对 Part C 部分的记忆。最后通过图片的对比对学 生进行情感教育,让学生知晓浪费食物是错误的,要珍惜 粮食,保持健康,多吃水果蔬菜,少吃垃圾食品。其中在 学生表演 Part C 这个环节指令不是很清晰导致学生不是很 清楚要做什么,在今后的的教学中,应该注意在每一个活 动之前都该讲清楚指令。鼓励学生更加大胆地参与活动。


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