- 人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级起点(吴欣主编)_三年级上册_小学英语_Recycle 2_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_市级优课_(编号:c0079)
- PEP1 recycle2 A story.ppt--点击预览
- Recycle2.swf
- 教案c0079.doc--点击预览
Recycle2Recycle2TheThe catcat andand TheThe birdsbirds A story Look at the. It has.(a big body.) Its. (cool,funny,fat,big,brown) I like it. Look at the fish. It has a big body. Its cute. I like it. Look at the. It has. Its. (cool,black,fat,big,brown) motherbird babybird Baby bird, ? 你想对Baby bird说什么呢? Baby,havesomewater. No,thanks. OK,waitaminute. Wouldthebabybirdlikesomewater? _ Hedlikesomebread. Readingroups. 2 2人小组内朗读,任选一种展示形式人小组内朗读,任选一种展示形式: 一起读;一起读;分角色读;分角色读;表演等。表演等。 No. CanIhavesome bread,please? Name(姓名): _ Name(姓名): _ Age(年龄): _ Bobby Tom 2 Bobby. ImTom. Im2. Morning!Whatsyourname? Youareabigboy! Howoldareyou? Lookatyourhead. Ilikeit! Thankyou. Lookatyourface. ILIKEit! Thanks . Lookatyourbody. ILIKEIT! Findoutthekeysentences! (找出关键句!) 读出这三句话的不同语气读出这三句话的不同语气 你能行哦!你能行哦! Lookatyourhead. Ilikeit! Thankyou. Lookatyourface. ILIKEit! Thanks. Lookatyourbody. ILIKEIT! 声音够亮,感情丰富声音够亮,感情丰富 带着动作表演带着动作表演 动作有创意动作有创意 2人一组分角色朗读选择人一组分角色朗读选择 Thebabybirdisyummy. Guess:cat在想什么呢? 小鸟遇到危险时,心里会想什么呢 ? Heycat! Goaway! Look at your body. I LIKE IT! Look at your face. I LIKE it! Thanks. Look at your head. I like it! Thank you. Morning! Bobby. Im 2. Whats your name? Im Tom. You are a big boy! How old are you? OK, wait a minute. Baby, have some water. TheCat and TheBirds Listenandimitate 听音,模仿跟读听音,模仿跟读 3人一组分角色进行人一组分角色进行 朗读并朗读并表演表演 1.可以选择喜欢可以选择喜欢 的几的几个个片段片段 2.能表演整段话能表演整段话 就更棒啦!就更棒啦! 赶紧讨论起来赶紧讨论起来,准准 备一下吧!备一下吧! 集体朗读,注意语集体朗读,注意语 音和语调哦音和语调哦 Make up an animal riddle (编一个动物谜语) Hello! My name is _. Im _ years old. Im_. Im _. I have_ and_. I like_. Bobby 2 blue and blackcute a small heada small body bread cool /cute/ nice /fat funny / big / long Tips: 1.仿照仿照Bobby的自我介绍。的自我介绍。2人小组合人小组合 作编一个谜语。作编一个谜语。 2.用你们喜欢的方式展示用你们喜欢的方式展示,让同学们猜让同学们猜 。 nose mouth fish /banana bamboo(竹) /rice Bobby is a _.bird 教材分析:教材分析: 通过让学生阅读和表演一个有趣的故事对 4-6 单元所学的重点句型和词汇进 行复习。 学情分析学情分析: 三年级学生已学完本册教材的六个单元,能进行一些简单的对话交流。学习英 语兴趣浓厚,活泼好动,思维活跃,乐于模仿和参与活动,富有想象力和创造力。因此, 这节课以引导学生对故事情境进行猜测,猜测过程中对食物、年龄、动物等单词 进行复习,学生以听动物歌曲、读图预测、读故事、演故事、编动物谜语为主要 学习任务,目的是通过故事教学活动既培养学生初步的故事阅读能力,也帮助学生 综合复习 46 单元的核心句型。 教学目标:教学目标: (1) 能听懂、会说学过的动物、食物和数字的词汇; (2)能够能听懂、会说句型 Have some. Can I have some? Whats your name? How old are you? Im. Look at your. I like it! Thank you. Thanks. (3)能够用正确的语音、语调朗读故事; (4)能够理解并表演故事。 (5)培养学生的文明礼貌教育。 教学重点:教学重点: 1、理解、朗读故事。 2、通过故事的学习,巩固复习四、五、六单元(部分二、三单元)的词汇及句型。 3、学生能够在图片情境的帮助下猜测故事情节,输出本册学习的相关语言。 教学难点:教学难点: 1、根据图片情境猜测故事情节。 2、理解句子 Wait a minute.Go away.及语调和发音。 3、体会 I like it.在不同语境中的读法。 教学步骤教学步骤教师活动教师活动设计意图设计意图 Step 1 Warm-up 1. Enjoy a song. 2. What animals do you see in the song? 3. Talk about the animals. 借助动物声音歌曲, 引入情境,激活背 景,复习有关动物的 Which animal do you like?单词,及描述动物 特征的句子。 Step 2 Presentation 1. Show the tittle page of the story. a. What do you see? Which one do you like? b. What do you want to know about the baby bird? 2. Show picture 1. a. What will mother bird say? Guess. b. Would the baby bird like some water? What would he like to eat? Hed like some bread. But Is there some bread? c. What will mother say? Learn Wait a minute. d. Act or read the dialogue of picture 1 in pairs. 3. Show picture 3. a. Describe the picture b. Listen and find out c. Listen and repeat. Learn “You are a big boy”. 4. Learn picture 4,5,6. a. Show picture 4, 5, 6 one by one. Listen and repeat. b. Look at Tom and guess: How does Tom feel? c. Find out the key sentences: I like it! d. Read and act the dialogue of picture 4,5,6 5. Act the dialogue of picture 3,4,5,6. 6. Show the ending of the story. Show the picture of mother bird. Listen and repeat. Learn: “Go away!” 呈现故事封面,让学 生初步感知故事,并 让学生带着思维去 学习。 引导学生观察、感 知故事的重点内容, 巩固核心句型。 突出三个“I like it!” 的不同语气。体会 并朗读。 通过让学生听模仿 朗读、分角色朗读, 促进学生对故事文 本有更深层次的理 解。 Step 3 Practice 1. Listen and imitate the story. 2. Retell the whole story. 3. Act out the story in groups. 训练学生的语音语 调和朗读技巧,为读 后的表演故事任务 奠定基础。 Step 4 Extend 1. Make up an animal riddle以动物谜语为依托, 将 46 单元的话题 内容进行复习整合, 培养学生综合运用 语言能力。 Step 4 Homework 1. Listen and read the story. Then, act it out with partners.