人教PEP版三年级上册Unit 5 Let's eat !-C-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级优课-(编号:2081f).zip

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  • 人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级起点(吴欣主编)_三年级上册_小学英语_Unit 5 Lets eat !_C_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_部级优课_(编号:2081f)
    • Unit 5 C Story time.ppt--点击预览
    • Unit5 C story time.doc--点击预览
    • 教案2081f.doc--点击预览


Id like some.please. hambuger hot dogchicke n pizza noodlessaladCokesoupcoffeetea Can I have some.please? ice cream hot dogs hambugers eat drink restaurant 餐厅餐厅 Can I help you ? What would you like ? Id like some. please. Can I have some .please ? Sure. Here you are. Thanks. Thank you. order 点餐点餐 可可数数名名词词 不可数名不可数名词词 Can I help you ? What would you like ? Id like some. please. Can I have some .please ? What will Zoom order ? Some fish,rice,Coke,and ice cream. Listen and fill in the blanks. Id like some_, please. fish Here you are. Sure Id like some_ , please. rice Can I have some_, please ? Here you are. Coke Can I have some_, please ? ice cream Here you are. Oh,no! My fish! What happened ? 发发生了什么生了什么? Is Zoom happy ? Zoom 高兴吗?高兴吗? Where is the fish ? 鱼哪里鱼哪里去了去了? What happened ? Is Zoom happy ? Where is the fish ? The fish was missing. No,he isnt. Its in the cats tummy. Can you find the ordering setences? 你你能找出点餐能找出点餐的的句子吗?句子吗? pleas e pleas e Be polite.文明用文明用语语有礼貌有礼貌。 What will happen then? 你你认为接认为接下下来会发来会发生什么生什么呢?呢? Show time ! 选择任意一 个场景,用所学 的句型和词汇创 编对话并表演。 童鞋们,展示你 们才华的机会来 啦! on a picnic 野餐野餐at home 在家在家 at a restaurant 餐厅餐厅 Hello! Can I help you? What would you like ? Hello,Id like some.please. Can I have some.please? Im hungry/thirsty. Have some. Here you are. Thanks. Super! 西餐注重营养西餐注重营养的的搭配搭配 中餐讲究色香味俱全中餐讲究色香味俱全 Knife fork & spoon Chopsticks & spoon Eat in measure and defy the doctor. 吃吃的的适度适度,不找不找大大夫夫。 多多吃吃 少吃少吃 Summary 1.Review the words and sentence patterns in Unit 5. 复复习了第习了第5 5单元的词单元的词汇汇和和句型句型。 2.Learn more words and sentence patterns. 拓展拓展了了更更多多食物食物词词汇汇和和句型句型。 Homework 1.Dub the story. 完成故事配音完成故事配音。 2.Search more words about food and make a menu . 查找更查找更多多食物食物的单词,的单词,制作制作一一张菜张菜单。单。 Good bye! Good bye! Unit 5 C Story time 1.Fill in the blanks.(填空) Id like some_, please. Here you are. Here you are. Id like some_, please. Sure. Can I have some _, please? Can I have some _, please? Here you are. Oh,no ! My fish ! ice cream fish Coke rice Here you are. PEP 三年级上册三年级上册 Unit 5 Lets eat ! Part C Story time 教学设计教学设计 教学目标教学目标 1、知识目标: 1.复习本单元所学食物单词和点餐时用到的句型,学习新词 Coke,ice cream。 2.了解更多的食物单词和表达句型。 二、能力目标: 1.能在真是情境中运用所学句型和单词表达自己想吃的食物。 三、情感态度价值观目标: 1.了解中西方饮食文化。 2.就餐时要有礼貌,使用文明用语。 3.培养健康合理饮食的观念。 学情分析学情分析 三年级学生活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、故事、动画、 歌曲特别感兴趣。但注意力集中时间短,这就需要老师要不断的调动学生 的积极性和保持学生对课堂活动的兴趣。本节课创设了一个去餐厅吃饭的 情境,在生活场景中进行词汇和句型的教学,让学生在真实情境中体验句 型和单词的使用,加深学生对语言功能的理解。 重点难点重点难点 教学重点:通过故事重现本单元重点词汇和句型。 教学难点:拓展点餐时的句型和更多食物单词。 教学方法教学方法 情景教学法 视听法 小组合作法 TPR 教学法 思维导图 表演法 教学设备教学设备 PPT 课件 头饰 单词卡片等 教学过程教学过程 Step I Warming up 1.Sing a song together.“Ice cream” (设计意图:全班齐唱英文歌,配合可爱舞蹈,缓解学生的紧张情绪,营 造快乐英语的氛围。) 2.Sharp eyes and good memory . Some pictures will appear on the screen and disappear quickly,ss say the food words, using the sentence patterns. 3.Do you know more ? Lets guess . Ss guess the words .Teacher teach more words about food . 4.Classify the words.These are things to eat,and those are things to drink. (设计意图:复习之前学过的食物单词和句型,调动学生积极性,通过猜 测了解更多食物单词。) Step II Presentation & Practice 1. Teacher is going to have a big meal at a restaurant to celebrate her birthday and she will treat all the ss . (设计意图: 视听先行,创设情境,贯穿整节课) Teach the sentence “Can I help you ? What would you like to eat/drink ? Id like some. Can I have some.Sure.Here you are. 2. The teacher and ss read the menu and order their meals . 3.In the restaurant they come across Zoom. Guess what will Zoom order ? 4. Listen to the story and say . 5. Explain the story sentence by sentence. (1)Listen ,look at the picture and fill in the blanks . (2)Read the sentences together. (3)Ask some questions about the story . What happended ? Is Zoom happy ? Where is the fish ? 6. Watch the cartoon of story and check the answer. 7. Read the story together. (1)Follow the tape. (2)Retell the story with the help of blackboard. (3)Circle the ordering sentence in the text . (4)Dub the story. 8. Guess an ending of the story. (设计意图:听说先行,有一定的语言输入,多种方式跟读以及问题的设 置,通过给故事配音的方式帮助学生有效的语言输出,培养学生的交际能 力、独立自主学习的能力,锻炼学生的想象力。以学生为中心,全员参与。 ) Step III Extension 1. Its show time! Ss can choose a scene to act out. 2.Know something about the food culture . 3.Let ss know we should eat healthy food and keep a healthy diet. (设计意图:在真实语境中操练所学单词和句型。了解西方饮食文化,培 养合理健康饮食的观念。) Step IV Summary Summaries what theyve learned today . (设计意图:培养学生养成善于总结的好习惯。) Step V Homework 1.Dub the story . 2. Search more words and expressions about food on the internet and make a menu. (设计意图:培养学生自学的能力。)
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