人教PEP版六年级上册Recycle 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-市级优课-(编号:e040b).zip

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人教 2011 课标版英语六年级上册 Recycle 1 教 学 设 计 1、教学内容 人教 2011 课标版英语六年级上册 Recycle1 二、教学内容分析 本部分内容是复习课,主要通过几个小的场景:拜访外祖母 家,日常交通,购物以及找妈妈,这几个事件来复习询问如何去 某地及利用方向进行回答,交通规则,一般将来时态这几个知识。 三、学情分析 六年级的学生已经具备了二级听说读写的各项能力,他们已 经能听懂课堂活动中简单的提问,能就日常生活话题做简短的叙 述,能朗读对话,能写出简短的语句。因为在进行完三个单元的 内容学习后,通过一个或几个话题,将所学知识进行串联,并在 老师的带领下进行复习,是能够达到学习目标的。 四、教学目标 1,学生能听懂课文录音,并且根据对话完成相应的填空。 2,学生能听懂一首关于购物的歌曲,并且能找出相应的商 品,复习用一般将来时叙述。 3,学生能在课文,对话和图片的帮助下,复习询问如何到 达某地及如何利用方向进行回答。 4,学生能在图片和句子的帮助下完成一篇简短的作文。 5、教学重难点 1,学生能根据情境,自觉用一般将来时进行叙述。 2,学生能在图片和句子的帮助下,写一篇小短文。 3,学生能对情境中的不同时态进行有效感知。 6、教学策略 1、产生式教学策略:让学生积极地把信息与他们自己的认知 结构联系起来,通过听课文和读句子的方式复习询问如何到达某 地及回答 2、替代式教学策略:给学生提供相应的句子,帮助他们组织、 提炼教学内容,安排恰当的教学顺序,指导学生学习,替学生处 理教学信息,初步感知整体故事和其中不同的时态。 3、启发式教学策略:在整篇情境的带领下,让学生设计自主 设计旅行,在复习的最后,给出一些图片和文章的架构,让学生 尝试写一篇小短文。 7,教学过程 1,热身 完成两个与将来时有关的小练习,帮助学生回忆将来时, 对将来时的用法和特殊疑问句进行总结。 2,导入 介绍故事背景:我们的朋友张鹏不开心了,因为每次爸爸 出差都不带他一起,爸爸为了安慰他,准备带他去买很多物品。 让学生听看歌曲,找出爸爸将为他买些什么。 3,呈现 (1) 分别展示三个物品,先让学生自己想象可以买到这些物 品的地点,在通过课件呈现,让学生记住三角形的移动方向, 告诉学生我们从中国出发,即将要到达买这些物品的地点。接 着,让学生自主设计三场旅行,包含询问如何去某地以及看地 图回答如何到达某地。由于学生在热身环节已经复习了特殊疑 问句的提问,在这里设计问和回答是更深一步学会利用。 (2)呈现故事第二阶段:爸爸和张鹏出国旅游回国了,今天 和我们讲了很多在国外发生的事情。先让学生听课文录音,然 后结合图片,找出在国外发生的第一件事情:一个小男孩遵守 交通规则。通过这个环节之后,带领大家一起复习交通规则。 (3)呈现故事第三阶段:小男孩找不到妈妈了,张鹏在 Robin 的帮助下通过地图找到了警察局。让学生听录音,完成 对话。 (4)呈现故事第三阶段:小男孩的妈妈由于不认识路,也找 不到了去邮局的路,让学生先看地图和移动方式,完成警察和 妈妈之间的对话。先小组合作,在大组扮演。 4,巩固提升 给出背景:五一劳动节即将来临,让学生设计一场自己的 旅行。给出相应的图片开拓思维,再给出相关的句子架构,帮助 学生完成一篇小作文的尝试。 8,课后作业 完成小作文,并互相欣赏和讨论。 9,课后反思 这节课达到了基本的教学效果,学生通过一开始的复习很好 的激发了头脑中关于一般将来时的知识,为后面的复习做了很好 的铺垫。学生对于故事一般是很敏感的,故事的一开头的悬念很 让学生有兴趣,买一些自己喜爱的东西是每个孩子都很喜欢的事 情,同样和张鹏一起去购物更不例外。所以学生很好的完成了任 务一,为后面的学习打下基础。在故事的跌宕起伏中,学生不仅 有效的锻炼了听力,也通过帮助小男孩过马路激发了对交通信号 规则的记忆。机器人 Robin 一直是孩子很喜欢的一个人物,孩子 和乐意在他的带领下一起帮助小男孩找到妈妈,更希望能帮助妈 妈找到警察局,最终找到自己的孩子。这部分的内容不仅符合孩 子的心理,更让学生有兴趣,让学生在有效的情境中自然而然的 回忆并复习了问路以及回答的方式。不足之处就是,这节课时间 没有把控好,原本设计是让优秀的学生展示自己的文章,以此作 为范文,不仅可以检查教学效果,更能为中等学生回家完成作业 提供一个很好的范例。但是由于时间关系,没有得到展示。 Recycle1 We are going to learn recycle1 today. be going to+动词原形 will +动词原形 写出同义句: 1. I am going to eat. I . 2. He is going to eat. He . 3. She is going to play piano. She piano. 4. The cat is going to jump. The cat _. 5. We are going to fly kites tomorrow. We tomorrow. will eat will eat will play will jump will fly kites 绿色圃中小学教育网 Lets review. 1, Amy is going the library on foot. How is Amy going to the library? 2,Amy is going to read books next weekend. What is Amy going to do next weekend? 3,Amy is going to the library to read books. Where is Amy going to read books? 4,Amy is going to read books at 10 oclock. When is Amy going to read books? Task1:First lets listen to a song about our friend Zhang Peng and finish the task(Whats papa going to buy?) Papa is going to buy a little bird. Papa is going to buy a big ring. Papa is going to buy a looking glass. The little boy Zheng Peng is sad,because his parents often go to other cities without him.But this time they will go with him together to buy things. lets design our travel. Where are you going to buy a little bird? We are going to Africa. How are we going there? Go straight then turn left. lets design our travel. Where are you going to buy a big ring? We are going to the Europe. How are we going there? Turn left then go straight. lets design our travel. Where are you going to buy a big ring? We are going to the Argentina. How are we going there? Turn right then go straight. lets talk about the way of our travle. by plane on foot by bike by bus by ship by train by subway Now Zhang Peng come back and talk about a lot of things that happened on the way. lets listen to the radio and find what happened. A little boy cant find his_. Look at the picture and think can you say something to the little boy. Its a red light. We should say_ _ Stop! Dont go at the red light. traffic lights Know the traffic rules? Look at the _ Red on the left. You must_. Yellow in the middle. Youll_. Green on the right. You can_. stop and wait slow down and stop go Do you know how did he help the little boy? Lets listen again and finish the sentences. First, they are going to the_,then they are going to the_. restaurant police station -How will they go to the police station? -First they go straight then turn left ,then go straight again. The little boys mother felt so worried. After they got to the police station, the policeman called his mother to let her come to the police office. But the mother didnt know the way. Look at the map and help the mother. go straight turn left at the crossing go straight again Lets finish the dialogue. get there hospital turn left go straight next to Lets do some exercise. An interviewer is going to our school. Can you be a good guide? A:Hello, Where are you going? B:Im going to _.How can I get there? A:_ A:Excuse me, Can you help me? B:Were are you going? A:_ B:Where are you now? A:_ B:_ The labour Day Holiday is coming.Do you have some plans about your holiday? The Labour Day Holiday is coming. My study in school is so busy. I can have a good rest now. I want to go to. Ill go on. I am going there by. Im going to.
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