人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 2Ways to go to school-B-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级优课-(编号:a1dc7).zip

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一、你会吗?一、你会吗? st _ p ( ) w _ _ t( ) tr _ ff_ c l_ _ _ t( ) tr_ ff_ c r_ l_s ( ) 二、来填一填二、来填一填 1、If the light is red, you must_. 2、If the light is green, you must_. 3、If the light is yellow, you must_. 三、连词成句三、连词成句 1. at red stop light a (.) 2. at yellow a light wait (.) 3. light at a go green (.) 4. the look at traffic light (.) 5. traffic the rules remember (.) Unit2 Ways to go to school Part B Lets learn 2014新版六年级上册新版六年级上册 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/ 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/ 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/ 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/ 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/ By car, by car, Di Di Di By bus, by bus, Du Du Du By bike, by bike, Ding Lingling By train ,by train,WuWuWu Walk , walk, one two one. Walk, walk, one two one. Lets chant 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/ 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/ 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/ 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/ 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/ 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/ light traffic lights lights 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/ a green light Go at a green light. a red light Stop at a red light. a yellow light Wait at a yellow light. 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/ Please remember the traffic rules. Stop and wait at a red light. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Go at a green light. Look at the traffic lights. Remember the traffic rules. Red light, red light, stop, stop, stop. Yellow light, yellow light, wait, wait, wait. Green light, green light, go, go, go. 交通规则交通规则 go tr_ff_c l_t tr_ff_c r_l_ a i igh a i u e st_p w_t o ai the traffic rules. at the traffic lights. at a yellow light. at a green light. at a red light. 1. Look 5. Remember 3. Stop 4. Wait 2. Go ) 7. green 棕棕 8. traffic规则规则 9. light灯灯 10. remember注意注意 11. rule交通交通 12. black黑黑 1. red绿绿 2. stop停停 3. light灯灯 4. yellow黄黄 5. wait走走 6. go 行行 )( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 意思一致的画意思一致的画 ,不一致的画,不一致的画 。 ( ) ) 1.If the light is red, you must_. 2. If the light is green, you must_. 3. If the light is yellow, you must_.wait go stop 4. _at a_(红色)红色) light . 3. _at a yellow light . 5. _at a green light . 1. Look at the_ _. 2. Remember the_ _. traffic lights traffic rules Stopred Wait Go 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/ Village Mouse: Whatre those? They have 3 eyes,red,yellow and green. City Mouse: Oh, they are_ _. Village Mouse: But why do they have3 colours? City Mouse: Because there are _ _.Look! Its a red light. Lets_! Village Mouse: Oh, I see. Stop at a red light. Its yellow. Can we go? City Mouse: No,_ at a yellow light. Its green now. Lets_. Village Mouse: So these are the_ _. I remember now. traffic lights stop wait traffic rules go traffic rules traffic rulesgo traffic lights wait stop traffic lights 1. Look at the traffic rules. 2. Remember the traffic lights. 3. Stop at a yellow light. 4. Wait at a green light. 5. Go at a red light. 1. Look at the traffic rules. 2. Remember the traffic lights. 3. Stop at a yellow light. 4. Wait at a green light. 5. Go at a red light. 1. Look at the traffic rules. 2. Remember the traffic lights. 3. Stop at a yellow light. 4. Wait at a green light. 5. Go at a red light. Look at the traffic lights. Remember the traffic rules. Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light. 1. Look at the traffic rules. 2. Remember the traffic lights. 3. Stop at a yellow light. 4. Wait at a green light. 5. Go at a red light. Remember the traffic rules. Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light. 1. Look at the traffic rules. 2. Remember the traffic lights. 3. Stop at a yellow light. 4. Wait at a green light. 5. Go at a red light. Remember the traffic rules. Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light. Remember the traffic rules. Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light. 1. Look at the traffic rules. 2. Remember the traffic lights. 3. Stop at a yellow light. 4. Wait at a green light. 5. Go at a red light. Remember the traffic rules. Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light. 1. at red stop light a (.) 2. at yellow a light wait (.) 3. light at a go green (.) 4. the look at traffic a light(.) 5. traffic the rules remember (.) Stop at a red light . Wait at a yellow light . Go at a green light . Look at the traffic light. Remember the traffic rules. 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/ Unit2 Ways to go to school 教学目标 1、能够正确听说,朗读 Stop and wait at a red light. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Go at a green light.并能 在实际情景中运用。 2、能够正确听说,认读单词,如 slow down,stop,wait。 3、了解一些简单的交通标志,增强学生的交通意识。 教学重难点 重点 1、 掌握四会单词及其词组:slow down,stop,wait。 2、 能够正确听说,朗读 Stop and wait at a red light. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Go at a green light.并能在实际情景中运用。 难点 1、 理解动词 stop 和 wait 的含义. 2、 能够用描述性语言叙述交通指示灯的作用。 教学准备 1、 课件、动画素材。 2、 制作教具:红绿灯。 教学设计: Step1 Warming-up 1、Greeting 2、 Lets sing a song 3、 Lets chant “How do you get there?”两遍 4、 Free talk T:Good morning!How do you come to school?复习如 何询问别人出行方式句型。学生可根据实际情况进行回答。 教师由对话总结引出 T:Some students come to school by bike, some students come to school on foot. When you come to school, what must you remember?引出交通规则。 Step2 Presentation 1.Lets learn (1)出示红绿灯,引出 red light.、yellow light 、green light 和 traffic lights,并领读“traffic lights” 。 (2)由 traffic lights 引出 There are red ,yellow and green. Red means stop, green means go, yellow means wait. T:大家听一听 MIKE 有哪些地方做的不对,他应该怎么做 呢? (3)教师板书新单词,用肢体语言解释做 slow down, wait, stop, go 的动作。 (4)学生仔细听并跟读对话内容。 (5)出示每一种交通灯,把单词放到句子中,教师用英语 解释并配有动作,用英语来解释刚才听力中 Mike 的错误, 引出新知: Stop and wait at a red light. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Go at a green light. 开火车读,检查读,同时做出相应的动作。 (6)再放一次录音,完成探究性学习第一题和第二题部分。 (7)巩固操练:全班一起唱 Lets chant,同时做出相应的 动作。 (8)Practice in pairs。以小组进行操练,其中一人任意举 起一个交通灯,另一个学生做出相应的动作,并说出该交 通规则。 2.Role play 四个同学一组,让一位学生扮演交警,指挥交 通,其他同学根据所示的灯做出动作并说出相应的句子, 对表现好的学生进行奖励。 轮流几回合后,总结规则,完 成探究学习第三题。 Step 3 Consolidation 快乐对对碰:学生准备红,黄,绿卡 片若干张,学生随手取出一张,学生根据改词,快速说出 相应的句子。 Step 4 Summary Please remember the traffic rules. Stop and wait at a red light. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Go at a green light. Step5 Homework 1. Listen and recite the dialogue.听录音并背诵对话 2. 2.Finish the relevant workbook exercises.完成课堂检测 中的相关习题。 Step6 板书设计 Unit2 Ways to go to school traffic lights traffic rules red light Stop and wait at a red light. yellow light Slow down and stop at a yellow light. green light Go at a green light. 教 学 案 例
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