人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 5What does he do -B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:80067).zip

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Unit 5 What does he do? Read and write 教案 Read and write 一、教学目标一、教学目标 知识与技能目标:(1)能够读懂短文,完成读后任务;(2)能够 按照正确的意群朗读短文,并能有意识的关注句子中的停顿 问题。 过程与方法目标:(1)通过反复听、读,整体感知课文内容, 并掌握朗读技巧;(2)通过对话与小组合作,增强学生综合语 言运用能力。 情感态度与价值观目标:通过品读文本,让学生设计根据自 己的能力和兴趣谈未来能胜任的工作 二、教学重难点二、教学重难点 教学重点:读懂课文,并完成读后任务。 教学难点:在基本掌握短文内容后,用自己的语言描述自己 的爱好和职业理想。 三、学情分析三、学情分析 小学六年级的学生,已经掌握了一定量的英语单词和句子, 能基本听懂课堂用语,养成了主动倾听,善于观察,乐于 思考的好习惯。但也存在注意力不能长时间集中,不喜欢 单独回答问题的情况。所以本节课我力求让学生积极参与 到课堂活动中来,敢于表达自己的想法和观点,在小组活 动中积极配合共同完成学习任务。 四、教学过程四、教学过程 Step1 Warm-up &lead-in Activity 1 Lets review T:There are some pictures and words here. Lets match it. For example: What does he /she do? He/she is a _. Activity 2 Guessing game T:When I was a student, I like English very much. I study hard and then I am a teacher now. Lets play a guessing game: What can he be? Someone likes flying planes, he can be a _pilot_. Someone likes science, he can be a _scientist_. Someone likes sports, he can be a coach, PE teacher. Someone likes teaching , he can be a teacher . Someone likes dancing, he can be a dancer . Someone likes writing stories, he can be a writer . 让学生观察后三道题,What rules can you find? Step2 Presentation T:Everyone has a hobby. If you study and work hard, maybe you can take a hobby as your job. 1.Please open your book turn to page 52. Read the first paragraph and underline the key words. a.Whats Hu Bins hobby? Where does Hu Bin want to work? b.引导学生填写 Tip。 If you like sports, you can be _, Tip Tip means advice and suggestion. 教授 a sports reporter 分音节教读 port report reporter c. Read the first paragraph again and fill in the blanks. Hu Bin likes sports. He is good at _, _ and _. He often _ after school. d. Here are 2 tips for pronunciation,引导学生英语 中用来划分句子的意群,表示句子的停顿。同桌互度这 两个句子,用心体会,找几名学生读一读。 If you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter or a PE teacher. He is good at football, ping-pong and basketball. 2. Read the second paragraph. a. Find out the new words. 教读 using computers, type quickly, secretary b.四人小组合作读第二段,并请 3 组学生展示。 c. Tick or cross ( )1. Sarah likes playing computer games. ( )2. Sarah can type very quickly. ( )3. Sarah wants to work in an office. 3. Read the third paragraph quickly. What does Robin want to be? 听录音填空。 Robin wants to be a _ like Wu Yifans grandfather. He _ very hard, and he Tip: If you like _, you 4.Choose a title for the text. Hobbies and jobs 5.Fill in the table. Step3 Consolidation & Extension T:whats your hobby? What do you want to be? Lets make a dream book. 学生展示。 T:Please hand in your paper. 老师把学生写的梦想装订 成书。向学生展示 dream book. T:You are the stars of hope, hold the future of the motherland. If your dreams come true, Chinese dream will come true ,too. HomeworkHomework Make a plan for your dreams.
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