人教PEP版四年级上册Recycle 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:30baa).zip

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PEP3 Recycle 1 Read aloud 21世纪教育网()全国最大的中小学教育资源网站 版权所有 盗版必究 精品 上21世纪教育网 下精品教学资源 I dont know ! I know.Hes/Shes. . GuessiGuessi ng ng gamegame Whos heWhos heshe?she? ? ? short hairshort hair aa big big nosenose blue shoesshoes aa blue schoolbagschoolbag nicnic ee He is. . He has. . John is a good good boy. _ short and thin. _ short hair and a big nose. _ a blue bag and blue shoes. _ friendly and nice. He is He has He has He is _ ! _ ? ? ? ? So heavy! Whats in the schoolbag? 1.Watch and circle” ”. English book maths book picture book notebook Chinese book storybook 2.Watch again and write 1, 2. 11 11 11 11 00 Whats in the schoolbag? toys keys candies Let me help you! Thanks! Wow! Your bag is so heavy . Whats in it? Can you act it out? Whats in the schoolbag? _ . Yes. Theyre my friends storybooks.friend Ten ? _ ? P32 name:_?_ P32 6 1 .Read (快速阅读)and circle 西方人的姓名文化:名在前,西方人的姓名文化:名在前, 姓在后。此处姓在后。此处Sandy 是名字,是名字, White是姓。是姓。 4 5 6 2 . Read and underline 读一读,划出有关读一读,划出有关Sandy White的句子哦!的句子哦! She . . Sandy white , our English teacher. Shes tall. She has short hair and big eyes. Shes friendly and she speaks English well. She has short hair and big eyes. Sandy white , our English teacher. She has short hair and big eyes. Shes friendly and she speaks English well. Shes tall. She has short hair and big eyes. Shes tall. 3. Read and choose A B Shes tall. 读一读,选一选:哪首小诗更好哦!读一读,选一选:哪首小诗更好哦! Tips:描述人物时, 要层次分明(外 貌、性格),先 整体后局部 Lets read.1. + ? ? Miss White, your books. Here you are. Haha! theyre my gifts for you and your friends. En? Childrens DayChildrens Day A:Look! My_ is heavy/small/nice. B: Whats in it? A: _. Its for my friend. B: Whos your friend? A: Can you guess? He/She is _. He/She has _ and _. He/She has _and _. He/She is _! B: I know. Her / His name is_ ! Sorry. I dont know! Pair work:Lets guess! 同桌之间猜猜各自礼物送给谁。 Class work: Lets show! 上台展示并把礼物送出去哦! HomeHome workwork Finish the exercise on exercise book. Read the dialogue for three times. Act the dialogue out. Thanks 教师教师 姓名姓名 单单 位位 上课上课 年级年级执教内容执教内容 徐虹敏 四上Recycle1 教学 材料 分析 本课的教学材料选自人民教育出版社义务教育教科书.英语(三年级起点) 四年级上册Recycle1。本单元的活动通过新的语境和不同的趣味活动形式 重现了前三个单元的核心句型和重点词汇。本课时是通过教室里发生的 John 和 Chen jie 谈论书本和好友的故事情境,重点重现了前面三个单元的主要句 型和词汇,使学生加深记忆所学句型和词汇的语义及使用情境,旨在让学生 全面地运用所学知识,培养综合语言运用能力。 教学 设计 说明 课前播放歌曲Friends ,渲染氛围,让整个教室充满了学习气氛。教 学过程中,用书本 P15 的 Lets do让学生动起来,接着 Guessing game 的小游戏吸引住学生的注意力,不仅活跃了气氛,同时让学生巩固旧知,一举 两得。老师紧紧抓住学生语言操练,从师生对话”Wow,your bag is so heavy,Whats in it?”引出”Johns bag is heavy,too.Whats in it?”自然而然地呈现 文本内容。文本的环节处理中,我采用了从整体到局部的顺序,让学生先整 体感知书包里有什么,再到细节的处理:书是谁的?最后到课堂拓展,互赠 礼物,将整节课推向高潮。 教学 内容 确定 Recycle1 period one 教学 目标 定位 1.The Ss can use the main sentence patterns and words they have learnt: Whats in your classroom/schoolbag. Let me. ./Whos he/she? He/She is. He/She. . 2.Understand the dialogue and then act it out. 3.The Ss will learn how to cooperate with each other and make a good habit of learning English. 教学 重点 难点 Key points: The Ss can act the dialogue out. The Ss can use the words and phrase in real situation. Difficult points: The Ss can describe their friends by using: She/He is .She/He has . The Ss can ues the main sentence pattern in real situations. 板书 设计 Recycle 1 Read aloud Your bag is so heavy. Whats in it? An_,a _,a_and _. Whos your friend? Hes/Shes . He/She/s . 教学设计教学设计 教学教学 步骤步骤 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动教学设计说明教学设计说明 Warm up &revision 1. Sing a song. 2. 1)Freetalk T:Good afternoon./How are you?/Whats in your pencil-box? 2)Lets do! 3.Guessing game Watch and sing. 2.Students watch and do 3.The Ss can describe their friends and let others guess. The song can attract the Sss interesting of learning English.And it can make a happy atmosphere of learning. The revision of the sentence what they have learned can help Ss learn new things better. Presentation &Practice 1.Watch and guess:Whos he/she? T shows out:He is short. He has. . 2.Lets chant T shows out a chant about John. 3.Show out Johns heavy bag. 4.Show out the vedio again. 5. Show out the 1st,2nd pictures. 6. Read and circle. 7. Read and underline 8. Show out two poems about Sandy White. 9. Show out the whole dialogue. 1.Listen and guess according to the main sentences. 2.Fill in the blanks and chant together. 3. Watch and circle -Whats in the bag? 4.Watch again and write down the number. 5.Act the 1st,2nd picture out. 6.Read quickly and circle:Whose storybooks are there? 7.Read and underline: 读一读,划出有关 Sandy White 的句子哦 8.Read the two poems about Sandy White and choose a better one. 9.Listen and follow the tape Read in roles and then act it out. Ask and answer in the real situation.It can help Ss learn the target language much freely and better. It can give Ss some examples,it can help them express much better. It can also solve the difficult points in the lesson. It can help the Ss know the dialogue better. It can help Ss improve the understanding of the dialogue. It can help Ss concentrate on the main points. It can help Ss get more details about Sandy White by using the target languages. It can help Ss improve the feeling of reading. Its good for Ss to improve their pronunciation and intonation.Thepronunciation and intonation are very useful in English learning. Give an ending of the dialogue.Sandy Whites storybooks are the gifts for Ss. Enjoy the dialogue again. Its not very difficult for Ss to finish this part.And it can help them summarize the whole diary later. Consolidation &Extension 1.T shows out :Childrens Day is coming. 1.Finish the new dialogue. 2.Send the gift for their friends in the class. In this part, the Ss can express themselves freely. Homework 1.Listen and follow the tape about the dialogue. 2. Finish the exercise on exercise book. 3. Act the dialogue out.
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