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人人教教版版PEP小小学学英英语语六六年年级级上上册册 Useful expressions Unit 5 What does he do? Useful expression I am a student. I am a teacher. I am a driver. I am a farmer. I am a player. Lets chant and do Game1 Bright eyes writer singer dancer football player teacher nurse cleaner farmer taxi driver Game2 Best partners Lets find out the working places. 找到职业单词卡的最佳搭档, 即适合这种职业 工作的地方的单词卡。 Game3 Brain storm How does he/she go to work? businessman Olivers father Mikes uncle fisherman at sea by bike Activity Pair work Work in two and talk about one picture. 同桌两人合作, 根据图片上的信息提示, 用英语进行对话。 Nina nurse in a hospital by bus Lee doctor in a pet hospital by bike Ann scientist at a university by bus Li Gui fisherman at sea by boat Lippi coach in a gym by car Thomas football player in a gym by subway Zhou Jias mother worker in a factory by train Guo Wei pilot on a plane by taxi Yu Xu pilot on a rescue plane by plane Ge Nans sister police officer in a police station on foot Zhao Jies father postman in a post office by bike Activity Do a survey (小组小组合作,合作,调查小组成员调查小组成员一位一位家人的家人的工作工作情况,并记录在情况,并记录在对应的对应的表格里表格里。) Report 请小组长汇报调查情况。 Mikes uncle is a fisherman. He works at sea. He goes to work by bike. Study hard and your dream will come true. 努力学习,你的梦想 才会实现。 A dream job is just a dream. 梦想中的工作 还只是个梦想。 Homework Look at your survey, talk about one people in the chart. 从调查表中选出一个人物, 跟同学用英语对话。 Bye! Goodbye! 小学英语教学设计小学英语教学设计 一、教学内容分析 教学内容教学内容 本节课是 PEP 版教材小学英语六年级上册 Useful expressions 中的 Unit5 What does he do? 部分的内容,其主要内容是 Unit5 中的 6 个重点句子,是有 关人物工作的类型、场所和上班的交通方式三方面问答的,它们是: What does he do? / Hes a businessman./Where does he work? / He works at sea. / How does he go to work? / He goes to work by bike. 。这 6 个句子分别出现在本单元的 两个 Lets talk 中,所以他们的呈现情境是不同的。对于学生而言,在对话之外 再次纯粹地接触这 6 句话是很突兀的,所以在教学呈现环节,我以图中的人物 为契机,分别在具体的情境中再次呈现主要句子。当然,我教学的视野并没有 仅仅局限在这 6 句话上,而是引导学生在具体情境中具体、灵活地运用相关句 型。 教学对象教学对象阜阳市颍东区育新小学 六年级 学生 46 人 教学方法教学方法 TPR、任务型教学法、多媒体教学法、小组合作学习法 教学手段教学手段 利用多媒体课件等辅助教学工具,给学生提供尽可能多的展示机会,充分 调动全体学生参与课堂活动,从而提高课堂教学效率。 教学目标教学目标 语言知识目标语言知识目标 复习巩固本单元的主要句子:What does he do? / Hes a businessman./Where does he work? / He works at sea. / How does he go to work? / He goes to work by bike.; 复习本单元的重点词汇:factory worker, postman, businessman, police officer, pilot, fisherman, coach, scientist; 3.复习有关职业的词汇,如:teacher, doctor, cleaner,driver,nurse,等等。 能力目标能力目标 能够在具体情景中应用主要句型“What does he/she do? Hes/Shes a/an . Where does he/she work? He/She works . How does he/she go to work? He /She goes to work .”询问和回答; 通过学习,提高学生“学以致用”的能力。 教学重点教学重点 复习巩固本单元的主要句子:What does he do? / Hes a businessman./Where does he work? / He works at sea. / How does he go to work? / He goes to work by bike.; 2.在具体情境中灵活应用主要句型:What does he/she do? Hes/Shes a/an . Where does he/she work? He/She works . How does he/she go to work? He /She goes to work .。 教学难点教学难点 在具体情境中灵活应用主要句型:What does he/she do? Hes/Shes a/an . Where does he/she work? He/She works . How does he/she go to work? He /She goes to work .。 教具准备教具准备 CAI,单词卡。 二、学习者分析 本节课的教学对象是阜阳市颍东区育新小学六年级的小学生,他们的总体英语水平中等 偏上,有一部分学生水平较高,经过近一个学期的相处,我和学生已经很熟悉了。学生处在 六年级上学期的学习阶段,也已经有了一定的英语基础,在对本单元的主要句型和词汇学习 之后,再来学习本节课应该是没有问题的。在教学过程中出现的,如:teacher, doctor, cleaner, driver, nurse 等有关职业类的词汇,学生在本套教材的四年级下册中学习过。 在“近因效应”的作用下,本单元出现的有 8 个有关职业的词汇对学生来说可能更容易认读, 但也需要集中复习、重现。另外,本单元的两个对话情境对学生来说不陌生,因为在学习者 两个对话的时候,学生曾多次接触它们。 Teaching procedures Teaching ActivityStudents ActivityPurpose of Design Step1Greeting&Warm-up Everyday English. Teacher and students chant and do together. T: Before our class. Lets chant and do together. Follow the CAI, chant and do together. 引领学生,在这首自编 chant 中,包含了五个有关职业的单 词,跟随音乐,学生边做边 chant,不仅进入了英语学习状 态,还复习了于本节课有关的 旧知。 StepStep 2 2 RevisionRevision & & Lead-inLead-in Game1:Game1: BrightBright eyes.eyes. When seeing the words, students read out them as quickly as possible. Game2:Game2: BestBest partners.partners. Teacher put the cards of jobs on the board, students find their best partners, the cards of working places. Game3:Game3: BrainBrain storm.storm. Students think of the ways people go to work. 1. Students look at the screen and read out the words as quickly as possible. 2. According to the cards of jobs on the board, students find their best partners, the cards of working places. 3. Students think of the ways people go to work. 1. 在小组比赛的情况下, 学生很容易就明白了每个活动 的进展过程,也以很快的速度 复习了与本节课相关的重点职 业类词汇。 2.在复习的过程中,我也始 终用本节课的重点句型,如: Where does he/she work? / How does he/she go to work? 引导学生活动。 StepStep 3 3 PresentationPresentation 1. Show the first situation in A Lets talk. T: Who is he? T: What does he do?. 2. Teacher and students watch the video again. Check the answers. 3. Show the second situation in B Lets talk. T: Who is he? T: What does he do?. T: Where does he work? T: How does he go to work? 4. Teacher and students watch the video again. Check the answers. Students get the answers from memory for the first time. Then watch the videos and check the answers. 大部分学生凭借记忆能够回答 老师的提问,只是完整与否的问题。 对话情境的重现,所有的学生都能 重现将答案脱口而出。老师在将句 子呈现在黑板上,听觉和视觉的双 重刺激,学生会相当熟悉这 6 个重 点句子。这就为接下来的运用环节 做了很好的铺垫。 Step4Step4 PracticePractice & & ConsolidationConsolidation ActivityActivity 1: 1: PairPair work.work. Teacher shows 11 pictures on the screen. Students work in two and talk about one picture from the given pictures. ActivityActivity 2: 2: GroupGroup work.work. Teacher gives students charts. Students work in four and make a survey about their family members working information. 1. Students work in two and talk about one picture from the given pictures. 2. Students work in four and make a survey about their family members working situations. 1. 结对合作这一环节是为了给 学生以 11 幅图片的形式提供 Drills 的机会,学生根据黑板上主要句型 的示范,很容易地就能看图说出自 己的对话。 2.小组合作这一环节的设计给 学生提供真正的 Practice 的机会, 学生已经具备了使用本节课重点句 型的能力,在这一活动中就可以将 它们运用到实际生活中了。 3.这两个活动都很好地巩固了 学生掌握的句型,并锻炼了学生的 口语。 StepStep 5 5 ExtensionExtension Teacher and students sing the song “What do you want to do?” in this unit. T: So what do you want to do? Teacher guide the students to work hard and realize their dreams. Students share their dream jobs together. 每个学生都有自己梦想的职业,老 师借机引导学生为了梦想的工作而 努力,这也不失为情感教育的渗透。 StepStep 6 6 SummarySummary 1. Teacher and students look at the blackboard and read aloud. 2. Teacher evaluates students performance today. T: So today the winners are . Students look at the blackboard and read aloud. 给学生培养总结的习惯。 Homework:Homework: Talk about one people in the survey chart after class. BoardBoard DesignDesign Unit 5 What does he do? A: What does he do? B: Hes a businessman. A: Where does he work? B: He works at sea. A: How does he go to work? B: He goes to work by bike. Teaching Reflection
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