人教PEP版四年级上册Unit 4 My home-B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:83587).zip

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Learning tips : 1、Listen and answer.听录音选择正确答案:(播放两遍) A. near the phone B. on the fridge C. on the sofa D. under the table (1)Where are the books? (2)Where are the pens? (3)Where is the bag? (4)Where are the glasses? 2、Fast-reading and find.(快速阅读文段划出关键词) 3、Find and answer:回答下列问题 Where are the keys? 4、Read and match. (将物品与位置连线) Homework:介绍自己的房间及物品摆放位置 This is my _. The _ is _ the _. The _ are _ the _. The _ are_ the _. I like my _! Unit 4 My home Read and write 人教版人教版PEP三年级起点三年级起点(吴欣主编)四年级上册(吴欣主编)四年级上册 My home bathroomstudybedroom kitchen living room The _ is _ the _. Where is the bag? bagonbed Where are the books? booksThe _ are _ the _.underdesk Where are the pencils? The _ are _ the _. pencilsinpencil-box Where are the erasers? The _ are _ the _.erasersnearbag 1 1、L Li is st te en n a an nd d c ch ho oo os se e. .(听听录录音音选选择择正正确确的的答答案案 ) (1)Where are the books? (2)Where are the pens? (3)Where is the bag? (4)Where are the glasses? 2 2、F Fa as st t- -r re ea ad di in ng g a an nd d f fi in nd d. .(快快速速阅阅读读划划出出关关键键 词)词) 3 3、ReadRead andand match.match. (将物品与位置连线)(将物品与位置连线) B. on the fridge A. near the phone C. on the sofa D. under the table This is my living room. My books are on the sofa, and my pens are on the fridge. My bag is under the table, and my glasses are near the phone. Where are my keys? Can you find them? bookspens on sofa on fridge near phone under glasses table bag keys Question:Where are the keys? Theyre near the sofa. Dictionary chairs glasses pens books toys keys phone fridge bed sofa schoolbag computer table desk bedroom living room study bathroom kitchen box The _ is/are _ the _. This is my _. The _ is _ the _. The _ are _ the _. The _ are _ the _. I like my _ ! bedroom Unit4 My home Part B Read and write 一教学内容:一教学内容:人教版四年级上册 Unit 4 Part B Read and write 二教学目标:二教学目标: 知识知识目标:能够读懂描述起居室小文段,完成图片与文字的连线以及描述 钥匙的位置。 能力能力目标:能够按意群朗读文段并能够综合运用本单元核心词句。 情感情感目标:引导学生在家能够学会收拾屋子、把物品摆放整齐,养成良好 的生活习惯。 三教学重难点:教学重难点: 教学重点:能简单描述自己房间物品的位置。 教学难点:描述位置时注意复数物品后面要加-s 或-es,be 动词要用 are。 四教学准备四教学准备: 多媒体教学课件,单词卡,四线三格,课堂评价小道具。 五教学方法:五教学方法: (1)听说法:通过听录音锻炼学生获取信息的能力。 (2)情景教学法:在教学中创造接近真实的实际情景,通过大量言语交际活动 培养学生运用语言交际的能力。 (3)任务教学法:通过独立思考和小组讨论完成学习任务。 (4)趣味教学:采用唱歌、有趣的课件呈现以及有效的评价机制来激发学生的 学习兴趣。 六教学过程六教学过程 Step 1: Warming-up(7mins) 1、播放歌曲 Where is my toy car? 调动课堂气氛,学生们跟着哼唱。 2、Greetings T : Good morning, boys and girls! Ss: Good morning, Miss Wang! T : Welcome to our English home. 3、介绍本节课课堂评价机制。 T : Look! This is our home. We have two groups today. If you do a good job, your group can move one step, if you are excellent, your group move two steps. Which group get home first, you are the winner. Are you ready? Lets go! 4、复习与课堂内容相关的物品单词及句型。 (1)Review words and sentences. T: This is my home, there are some rooms. This is the study, this is the T: Where is the? Ss: Its in the. T: Where are the ? Ss: Theyre near the (2)通过课件介绍吴一凡家的客厅 T : Look! This is Wu Yifans living room, its very nice. What can you see in his living room? Ss: Sofa, phone, table, fridge, glasses, a bag, a TV, some books, some pens, keys(奖励步数)2 5、通过讲故事的方式导入主题 T : Wu Yi fan has a pet dog called Candy. Hes a cute and naughty boy. One day he made a mess of the living room. Oh, no! Wu Yifan cant find his keys. Can you help him clean up his room? Ss: Yes. T : Great! You are very helpful! There are some clues can help you! (设计意图:通过唱歌和讲故事的方式能使学生迅速地进入到学习的状态,复 习旧单词既可以更快的进入到新情景中。 ) Step 2: Presentation (10mins) (1) Listen and choose. 听录音选择正确答案:(播放两遍) (3 mins) A. near the phone B. on the fridge C. on the sofa D. under the table 1. Where are the books? 2. Where are the pens? 3. Where is the bag? 4. Where are the glasses? Ss: They are on the sofa (奖励步数)2 (2) Fast-reading and find. (快速阅读快速阅读文段划出物品及其位置) (3mins) T : Are you all right? (3) Find and answer (1mins) T : Where are the keys? Can you find them? Ss: They are near the sofa. Step 3: Practice (15mins) (1) Lets read. (7mins) Read and match. (4min) Now read this passage together. 打拍子按意群齐读,先示范打拍子按意群齐读,先示范(奖励步数) G1, G2 比拼按拍子节奏朗读。 T: “Good” or “Great” ? (生生评价,一个赞或两个赞) One student read, one match. 边说边连 (奖励步数) (1min) 1 T : Now finish read and match. Ill ask two students to finish it. According to the picture retell the passage. (2min) S1, S2(奖励步数)1 T: Thanks for helping Wu Yifan clean up the living room. You are very helpful! (2) Lets write.(3mins) T : Look at this picture. Where is the sofa? Ss: The sofa is in the living room. T : Lets spell “living room” together. (板书) Where are the chairs? Ss: The chairs are in the bedroom. T : Pay attention to “is” and “are”. (强调复数用法) (3)Writing Show(5mins) T:Now its your turn. Finish the practice. Ill find two students write on the blackboard. (找两位同学在黑板上示范书写。 ) T: “Good” or “Great”?(生生评价,一个赞或两个赞) (奖励步数) (设计意图:通过一些游戏对朗读和书写进行操练,吸引学生参与到学习活动 中,并对学习的知识进行巩固) Step 4: Consolidation: According to the picture, lets talk my bedroom. (5mins) Ss: The _ is/are _ the _. Step 5: Evaluation: 评价各个小组的步数, ,哪个组最先到达 English home 就是 胜利组。 (1min) Step 6: Homework: (2mins) 介绍自己的房间及物品摆放位置。 This is my _. The _ is _ the _. The _ are _ the _. The _ are _ the _. I like my _ ! (设计意图:培养学生的书写和写作能力) 板书设计: Unit 4 My home Lets go home! The sofa is in the living room. The chairs are in the bedroom. The _ is in the _. The _ are in the _. English home
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