人教PEP版四年级上册Unit 6 Meet my family!-Unit 6 Meet my family!(通用)-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级优课-(编号:f11fb).zip

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B Family doctor nurse student erfarm A: Whats your grandfathers job? B: My grandfather is a farmer. nursedoctor farmer driver A: Whats your uncles job? B: Driver, driver, hes a driver. nurse doctor farmer driver A: Whats your brothers job? B: Cook, cook, hes a cook. nurse doctor farmer driver cook Love your family, love your job(工作工作 )! A: Whats your grandfathers job? B: My grandfather is a farmer. A: Whats your brothers job? B: My brother is a cook. Talk about your familys jobs with your partners by using the following sentences. (用下列句子与同伴一起讨论家人的工作。 ) A: Whats your fathers job? B: My father is a cook. NameJobs Kitty Teacher Li Jiaye Doctor Report(报告报告): My name is Kitty. Im a teacher. I have a good friend. His name is Li Jiaye. He is a doctor. (假设(假设2020年后,我们都有了自己的工作。年后,我们都有了自己的工作。 ) 1.Read and write the new words. 2.Ask about your familys job at home. Homework 教学设计与反思教学设计与反思 基本信息基本信息 课题课题Unit 6 Meet my family! 作者及作者及 工作单位工作单位 教材分析教材分析 1在学习完家庭成员后,学生们有必要进一步的去认识自己的家庭成员,比如从本单元的这 一课时去了解家人的职业。 2主要学习几个日常生活中常用及常见的职业名称,如何去询问一个人的职业。 学情分析学情分析 1在前面的教学中,学生们已经掌握了大部分家庭成员的具体称呼,所以在学习本课时内容 时不会特别困难,而且新课时的单词及句子都比较简单且能够激发学生们的学习兴趣。 2通过本学期的学习,学生们对英语单词的拼读及句子的认读都有了一定的自学能力,在学 习本课时的单词及句子时不会特别困难。 3在本课时学习的最大的困难就是句子的正确运用,能够自如地与同学们交流家庭成员及朋 友们的工作。 教学目标教学目标 1知识目标:The new words and drills. 2能力目标:Be able to talk with your friends about others job and introduce your familys jobs to others fluently. 3情感目标:Love your family and love your job. 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点 1. The new words and drills. 2. Be able to talk with your friends about others job fluently and introduce your familys jobs to others. 教学过程教学过程 1. Warm-up/preview Enjoy the video of the ad about family. Father and mother, I love you. 2. Presentation (1) Teacher show a picture of Chen Jies family tree:What is Chen Jies job? Chen Jie is a student. What about her family? 学习 job 这个词,然后反复操练。 (2)Show a picture about Chen Jies father and guess what her fathers job is. Ask Chen Jie together: Chen Jie, whats your fathers job? My father is a doctor. a、拼读 doctor Doctor,doctor,act like a doctor。 (边说边做) b、开火车的形式操练单词 (3) Teacher show a picture of Chen Jies mother and ask Chen Jie together: Chen Jie, Chen Jie, whats your mothers job? My mother is a nurse. a、拼读。Nurse , nurse , act like a nurse.(边说边做) b、开火车的形式操练单词 (4)通过图片及单词 farm 导入单词“farmer” Ask Chen Jie together: Chen Jie, whats your grandfathers job? My grandfather is a farmer. a、拼读 farmer. Farmer, farmer ,farmer, act like a farmer. b、Read it again and again. ( 5 )通过汽车的声音导入“driver”这一单词。 Ask Chen Jie together: Chen Jie, whats your uncles job? My uncle is a driver. a、拼读 driver. Driver ,driver,act like a driver。 b、升降游戏操练单词 (6)看图片猜人物的职业导入“cook” Ask Chen Jie together: Chen Jie, whats your brothers job? My brother is a cook. a、拼读 cook Cook cook ,act like a cook b、操练单词。 3. Practice 1. Practice sentence “Whats job? SheHe is ” 2.Do a survey. 4. Homework and enjoy the song together 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动预设学生行为预设学生行为设计意图设计意图 1.Warm-up 2. Presentation 3. Practice 4. Homework and enjoy the song together Show the video of the ad about family. Present Chen Jies family one by one and know their jobs in different ways. Practice the words and sentences with your friends. Do a survey. The song is about the jobs. Its a good way to connect the knowledge with daily life. Enjoy it and read family. Be able to know the meaning o family. Students are able to learn the new words and sentences quickly and well. Its a little difficult to talk with each other, But after the teachers example, they will get to practice better. Enjoy the song. Get interested with it but its a bit difficult. Review family and lead to familys jobs. Create a situation for students to learn the words and sentences better After learning, students have to find a way to use what they learn in daily life. 板书设计板书设计(需要一直留在黑板上主板书) Unit 6 Meet my family! Whats your fathers job? farmer cook My father is a doctor. JOB doctor driver nurse 教学反思教学反思 1. 教学目标具体化,教学流程自然流畅,学生们积极参与,参与面较广; 2.但是在整堂课中也存在一些问题,比如教师带领学生对于新单词的操练方式不是特别多变 有趣,所以造成学生在后面操练句子的时候不是特别熟练。Do a survey 这一环节,教师交 代的不够清楚,或者是交代的有点复杂,所以学生操练起来有点,茫然。 3.在以前的课堂上,只是一味的去教授单词和句子,但是在这节课中,首先就创设了一个情 境,让学生融入进去,循序渐进地去认识陈洁的家人以及他们的工作。 4.如果重新上这一节课的话,我会丰富单词操练的形式,让整堂课更加地活跃有效,设置更 多有趣又有用的游戏,在玩儿中学,在学中玩儿,创造一个轻松愉快又有效率的英语课堂。
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