人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 5What does he do -A-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:4108a).doc

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人教PEP版六年级上册Unit 5What does he do -A-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:4108a).doc_第1页
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1、1 Unit5Unit5 WhatWhat doesdoes hehe do?do?教学设计教学设计 Unit5Unit5 WhatWhat doesdoes hehe do?do?教学设计教学设计 执教: 教学年级:小学六年级 课程名称:Unit5 What does he do? 2 教材版本: 人教 PEP 小学英语六年级上册 授课时间:40 分钟 一、单元教学内容分析 本单元 Unit5 What does he do?的教学内容是让学生掌握一些有关 职业的英语表达方式并就此展开相关讨论,能够简单介绍人物职业, 会询问他人的工作情况并给出相应的回答。 让学生了解不同的职业特 点,能够根

2、据自身的爱好为自己的未来设想职业并为之努力。四会单 词有:factory worker、postman、businessman、police officer、 fisherman、scientist、pilot、coach. 重点句型有:What does your mother/father /she/he do? Where does she/he work? How does she/he go to work?在教学中结合学 生实际情况,运用学生已学本册教材二单元 Ways to go to school 内容,以“How do you go to work?”等相关知识点为“How

3、does she/he go to work?”的教学做铺垫。还可以适当的进行拓展延伸。 本单元的重点是使学生掌握一些职业类话题的英语表达如:What do es your mother do? Where does she work? How does she go to work? 难点是四会单词的读音和让学生在任务活动对话中熟练运用 不同句型进行交流。 二、单元教学目标设计 1.能力目标 (1)能够简单介绍人物职业,如:He/Shes a factory worker/s 3 cientist/pilot/coach. (2)能够运用句型“What does your mother do

4、? Where does she work? How does she go to work?”等询问他人工作情况,并给出相 应回答。 (3)能够初步掌握语音中的停顿知识。 2.知识目标 (1)能够掌握 A. B 部分 Lets learn, Lets talk 中的重点单词 和句子。 (2)能够听、说、认读 A B 部分 Lets talk 中的句子。 (3)能够按要求较好完成 Read and write、Lets check 等检测活 动。 (4)了解 Story time,Pronunciation 的内容。 3.情感、策略、文化等有关目标 (1)情感态度:热爱生活,尊重他人劳动,树立

5、远大职业目标。 (2)学习策略:能积极与他人合作,运用所学英语进行交流,共同 完成学习任务。 (3)文化目标:了解职业特点及职业中名称对于不同性别的差异。 第一课时 一、教学内容 A Lets learnListen,match and sayB Tips for pronunc iation 二、教学目标 4 a.能够听.说.读.写单词:factory worker、postman、business man、police officer b.能够听、说、认读:“What does your / XXs mother/fath er /she/he do?”并能在情景中运用。 c. 初步依据句

6、子的长短把句子分成两个或更多的部分,注意阅 读时的停顿。 三、教学重难点 重点是掌握 Part A Lets learn 的四种职业的英文表达,并能 简单回答、介绍,表达自己的理想。 难点是能够正确把握语句的停顿。 四、课前准备 本课单词卡片、课件 五、教学流程 Step1:Freetalk(Greeting) T:Now,class begins. S:Stand up. T:Good morning,everyone. S:Good morning,teacher. T:OK,sit down,please. S:(sit down) T:Now,boys and girls,nice t

7、o meet you. S:Nice to meet you,too. T:I am very glad to hear that.First,let me introduce my 5 self.You see,I am a teacher,and my husband is a policeman.M y English name is Tina.Now I have questions for you.What s your hobby? S:I like T:Well,my hobby is singing.I like singing very much.No w,lets enjo

8、y a song together.Please listen to the song.(P lay a song) Step2:New words. (1)T:OK,so I like the song very much.Do you like it? S:Yes! T:So,there are a lot of words about jobs in this song.C an you hear them?Tell me.If you know,please hands up. S1:policeman. T:Policeman!I think so. S2:Singer. T:Yes

9、.Do you want to be a singer?How about you,boy? S3:Postman. T:Yes!Any other words? S4:Doctor. T:Thats right. S5:Actor. T:Yes!Give me five. 6 (2)T:Today we will learn more words about jobs.Do you w ant to have a try? S:Yes. T:OK.So lets look at the first one.So the first on e(幻灯片 3,4) T:Now,group one,

10、football player,three times,ready go!(T 领读,分小组读单词) (3)T:Now,lets play a guessing game.Look at the first o ne.What does he do? S: T:Lets review them once again.Can you find the missing letters? Step3: 1.T:Now,lets play a game.Stand up quickly and answer m y questions.If you did a good job,I will give

11、 you a gift,O K? T:Please just stand up quickly, no hands up.I dont lik e the traditional way.Look at the first one. Lets have a try. One,two,three,go! S:(此环节设置奖励,发糖果) 课堂用语:Yes,great!I think you are so clever!You are so smart. 7 2(Pair work)T:What does your fathermother do?Make sent ences.You have o

12、nly one minute.(T 走动询问指导) (师先找一位学生我问他答,然后他问我答,给其余学生做个示 范,然后再开始 pair work) T:OK,time is up,Lets stop here. 3.Lets talk 课文 T:Now,look,I have two good friends named Sarah and Oliv er.They are also talking about jobs.Now,listen to them and answer the questions.Q1:Can Sarah s mother come here today? Q2:W

13、hat does Olivers father do?(听两遍) T:Please just look and listen.(我读一遍) T:Thats all.Are you clear? Look at the questions. Q1: Q2: Q3: Q4: T:Team one, Team two.分组读。 You are Sarah.You are Oliver. Now,Lets turn around. You are Oliver.You are Sarah.Lets read the dialogue to gether.Ready,go! 8 T:OK,boys an

14、d girls,you all did a good job.Give me fiv e. 3(Work in groups)设计游戏 T:OK, now, Lets work in groups.Look at the screen.Mak e a dialogue and show off!Use what,where,and how (幻灯片出示 句型)First, I will give you an example.Look,what does he d o?Yes! He is a teacher.And where does he work?Guess.Yes!He works

15、in a school.And how does he go to work?Guess.Very goo d.He goes to work by subway.Now, please make a dialogue jus t like this. Now I have some envelopes.Each group can choos e one.Group one,please.Group2,3,4,5,6. OK,now please open it and work in groups.Now,begin.You have five minutes,go! T:OK.Now,L

16、ets stop here. (小组展示,评出 the best group)T:Group one,who is the leader?Please come to the blackboard. T:You all did a good job.Now,I just want to say to you. Work hard for your dreams,OK?Just like the song we have hea rd.And I believe you will be successful!Thats all for tod ay.Thank you.Goodbye, class. S:Goodbye,teacher!(stand up). 9


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