外研版(一起)三上Module 1-Unit 1 Do you use chopsticks in the UK -教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:01569).docx

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外研版(一起)三上Module 1-Unit 1 Do you use chopsticks in the UK -教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:01569).docx_第1页
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1、一、 教学目标与要求 1、知识与能力目标 (1) 使学生认读词汇 chopsticks, a knife and fork, use, easy, hard,以及能达到听说要 求的 mess。 (2)能理解和认读句型 Do you want? Do you use ?, 并能够运用此 类句型进行问答练习。 (3)进行语音意识培养,了解 a e i o u 的短音 2、情感态度目标 比较中西方饮食文化的差异,使学生了解一些西方相关的文化,同时 对学生进行德育的熏陶,当别人遇到困难,我们应当帮助他人。 二、 教学重点及难点 Do you use chopsticks in .?Do you use

2、 a knife and fork in . .? 难点:个别单词的发音,如,chopsticks 三、 课前准备 课件,CD-ROM,教学单词卡片 四、 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1. 出示大量食物的图片 ( noodles, rice, hamburgers, cakes, etc.)先引导学生复习这些食 型: Do you like noodles?Yes, I do.No, I dont. Do you want .?Yes, I do.No, I dont. Step 2Presentation and practice 1. (1) 教师借用 noodles 这张图片

3、引出 chopsticks T: I like noodles. I eat noodles with chopsticks. 拿出实物“筷 子” ,边做动作边说 chopsticks 引出单词并出示卡片。 小活动:一口气说单词。 Lets have a look who can read more words. 这个单词的读音对于 学生来说是一个难点,因而要让学生尽可能多说,及时纠正学生的发 音。 (2)教师在与学生的交流中引出新单词 use T: Can you use chopsticks? use 出示卡片 We use chopsticks in China. 引导学生跟随老师自然的

4、说出句型 并 且板书,We use chopsticks. Do you use chopsticks? Yes, we do. No, we dont. Ask and answer in pairs. 2. 教师通过询问在英国, 人们是否使用筷子, 引出 a knife and fork, 并出示卡片,教读单词 . T: We use chopsticks in China. Do the English people use chopsti cks? S: No, they dont.English people use a knife and fork.引 出 a knife and

5、fork,并教读。 补充板书,并且进行简单句型操练,再进行一般疑问句的问答练习: Do you use chopsticks / a knife and fork? Yes, I do. No, I don 3.Presentation of the text. Amy and Daming are in the park. They want to eat noodles. Watch t he CD-ROM, then answer the questions:“Does Amy use chopsticks in England?”第一次观看 CD-ROM,并回答问题。 (2)再次观看课

6、文 Now Amy is using chopsticks. Watch again, then answer the next q uestion: Are the chopsticks“easy”or “hard”for her? easy ha rd 引出两个新单词,并引导学生说出完整的句 子 Chopsticks are hard for Amy. A knife and fork are easy for her. 课件出示学生过去学习过的反义词,可先让学生来试着说说 看: big-smalllong-short fat-thinhot-coldwhite-black ea sy-h

7、ard Listen again, then answer: Are the chopsticks“easy”or “hard” for English people? 进行小活动:快速说出所出示单词的 T: If I say “big” . You should say “small” . Please say the words a s quickly as you can. Chopsticks are hard for English people. So Amy make the mess. In China, we use _. In England, people use_. C

8、h opsticks are _ for Chinese people. They are _ for English people. (2)In , we use In , people use is / are easy for is / are hard for 5.Chant: Do you use chopsticks? Yes,I do. Yes, I do. We use chopsticks i n China. Theyre easy for us. 通过课件,学生跟随老师有节奏地表演 Chant,同时运用课件给出结 构,学生编第二首 Chant Do you use _?

9、Yes,I do. Yes, I do. We use _ in England. Theyre easy for us. Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1. Activity Book Page 2 Exercise 1 Look and write the missing words (1) 学生补全句子 (2)借用实物投影仪,展示出学生的练习,读出句子,并进行纠正。 2. Guessing Game E.g. Do you use chopsticks? Yes, I do. Do you want rice? No, I dont. Do you

10、 want noodles? Yes, I do. (2)在课本练习 3 的基础之上拓展相应的内容,可以再提供更多的 食物图片,如:cakes, bread, vegetable, soup, etc. 还可以再给学 生增加一种餐具, 如:spoon,进行相应的拓展,对比中西方饮食文 化的差异。 Step 4Summary: 引导学生说出中西方饮食餐具的不同。 Step 5 Homework 1、Listen, point and recite the text 2、运用 Do want ? Do you use ? 句型在班级里进行小调查,调查同 学们都喜欢那些食物? Step 6 Blackboard design Module 1 Unit 1 Do you use chopsticks in England? We use chopsticks. a knife and fork Do you use in ? Yes, we do. No, we dont.


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