(2019新人教版)高中英语必修第一册 (高一)阅读理解专练 1.doc

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1、20222022 年人教版高中一年级英语阅读理解专练年人教版高中一年级英语阅读理解专练 1 1 英语英语阅读阅读训练训练. .第第 1 1页页( (共共 8 8 页页) ) (一一) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案. Republic Services garbage trucks dump 4,500 tons of trash into its landfill(废物 填埋场) in Oberlin, Ohio, six days a week. “Trucks coming in from every direction, Downtown Cleve

2、land all the way to Vermilion, dumping garbage,” said operations supervisor Gary Capan. Last Wednesday, Capan said they got a frantic call from a customer saying she lost something important in the garbage. “It turned out to be $25, 000,” said Capan. “They were cleaning out their house for their gra

3、ndmother and they cleaned out the refrigerator, threw out all the garbage, grabbed all the freezer stuff and put it in a bag, and then the grandma was like, Hey, theres an envelope with $25,000 in there, dont lose that, and shes like, Grandma, I already lost that, its in the garbage!” Capan said the

4、y immediately got to work to find the missing money. “One team was trying to track down the driver and find out exactly what his location was and if he made it to the landfill yet,” said Capan. Fortunately, the truck driver had not dropped his load at the landfill yet, so Capan and his team made arr

5、angements to have the truck driver drop off his six-ton load at a recycling center in Oberlin. As soon as it was dumped out, it was all hands on deck to find the cash. Dan Schoewe was one of the 10 workers who jumped in to search for the money and was the lucky one who spotted the bag it was inside.

6、 “Couldnt believe it took 10 minutes and actually, I said, Man, it looks just like that, pulled it off, opened it up and there was the package inside with the money. They were so happy, they were tearing up,” said Schoewe. 1 . What can we learn from the first paragraph? A . Garbage trucks remove gar

7、bage only on weekdays. B . The landfill in Oberlin receives a great deal of trash. C .Republic Services recycles trash in its landfill. D . The destination of the trucks is Downtown Cleveland. 2 . Where did Grandma exactly put the money? A .In a bag. 20222022 年人教版高中一年级英语阅读理解专练年人教版高中一年级英语阅读理解专练 1 1 英

8、语英语阅读阅读训练训练. .第第 2 2页页( (共共 8 8 页页) ) B .In the house. C . In the garbage. D .In the refrigerator. 3 . How did Republic Services respond to the missing money? A . They asked the truck drivers if they saw it. B . They hurried to the landfill to search for it. C . They informed the drivers of stopping

9、 working. D .They got down to looking for it without delay. 4 . According to Dan Schoewe, we know that_. A .they are skillful in sorting garbage B . they searched the trash with tools C . the lost money was found in a short time D .the owner got the money back calmly (二二) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中

10、选出最佳答案. Anthony Muobike, from Edmonton, Canada, loves basketball, and plays for hours a day in his driveway. He was using branches as a net and dribbling (运球) for up to 4 hours a day. “He was just a kid who dribbled a basketballall day, all night,” Ian said. “I kind of figured it would be cool if he

11、 had a net.” Ian ended up raising $750, but the post attracted so much attention, Canadian Tire donated a brand new net. The money raised has now been added to a gift card for Canadian retailer Sport Chek, so that Anthony can pick up some more basketball equipment. Anthony was shocked when neighbors

12、 arrived with gifts. “I thought that whenever I dribble it made a noise and people want to sleep or something like that,” he said. “I did not know that dribbling that ball, practicing at least maybe two or four hours a day, would actually have an influence.” The whole thing has seemingly tugged at t

13、he heartstrings of manyincluding Anthonys idol, Lebron James. 20222022 年人教版高中一年级英语阅读理解专练年人教版高中一年级英语阅读理解专练 1 1 英语英语阅读阅读训练训练. .第第 3 3页页( (共共 8 8 页页) ) “Its a lot to take in,” Anthonys mom Leticia Moubike said. “My heart is full of joy. Im overwhelmed.all I can say is thank you so much. Thank you north

14、 Edmonton, thank you Canadian Tire, thank you to Mr. Ray and his family.” The Moubike family only moved into the neighborhood last year, and Leticia said shes grateful for the sense of community. “The messages I saw, the love, the support, Im so proud to live in this community,” Leticia said. “We sa

15、w LeBron James post earlier. I told my son, he was crying.” 1 . What is Anthony Muobike probably in great need of? A . Some money. B . A basketball net. C .A basketball court. D .A brand new basketball. 2 . How did Ian raised money for his neighbor? A .Through his community. B . Through the charitie

16、s. C . Through social media. D . Through large companies. 3 . What was Anthony thinking when neighbors arrived with gifts? A . They wanted to play basketball with him. B . They brought him a brand new net. C .His dribbling basketball affected others. D .A bad news about Anthony would come. 4 . Which

17、 statement can replace the underlined part in Paragraph 5? A . I dont like the surprises. B . I am joyful from heart. C .I am overcome by fear. D . I dont know what to do. (三三) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案. 20222022 年人教版高中一年级英语阅读理解专练年人教版高中一年级英语阅读理解专练 1 1 英语英语阅读阅读训练训练. .第第 4 4页页( (共共 8 8 页页) ) A

18、 Russian icebreaker ship was going about its usual route when the sailors on board noticed something that didnt belong on the ice below. After taking a closer look, they realized they had come across a white dog. They kept an eye on the lost dog while they lowered a ladder so they could rescue her a

19、s quickly as possible. Aika the dog must have been ready to end her adventure away from home. Without any encouragement, she managed to make her way onto the ship using the stairs. “With the help of mobile phone, we established contact with the local population, found the owner of the dog,” said Evg

20、eny Nagibin, a navigation( 领 航) assistant. The dogs owner, Svetlana Chereshneva, was completely stunned. It always feels likeamiraclewhenamissingdogisfound,butAikasstoryis especially astounding. Svetlana and Aika live in the nearby village of Mys Kamenny. One day, the two of them were on a walk when

21、 Aika managed to get out of her moms sight and ran away. The herding dog ended up wandering around for over a week before she was found. Aika is a Samoyed herding dog(萨摩耶牧羊犬), which are native to northern Russia and Siberia. Theres no doubt that it helped her survive her cold journey in the Arctic.

22、However, Svetlana recognizes the huge role the sailors played. In fact, she said she doesnt believe Aika would have survived if it had not been for their kindness. Soon after the dog returned home, Svetlana was happy to report that she and Aika are both excited to be back together again. Despite all

23、 she endured, it didnt take long for Aika to go back to her normal self. 1 . What was Aika doing when she was noticed by the sailors? A . She was putting an end to her adventure. B . She was trying to find her way home. C .She was waiting for the ship in the Arctic. D . She was looking for her owner

24、. 2 . How did Aika respond to the ships rescue? A .She ran away quickly. B .She got on board with pleasure. C .She was frightened and hid herself. 20222022 年人教版高中一年级英语阅读理解专练年人教版高中一年级英语阅读理解专练 1 1 英语英语阅读阅读训练训练. .第第 5 5页页( (共共 8 8 页页) ) D .She continued to make her way forward. 3 . Which of the followi

25、ng is TRUE according to the passage? A .Svetlana adopted Aika from an animal shelter. B .It took Svetlana over a week to look for Aika. C . Svetlana and Aika had a good relationship in life. D .Aika left her owner for no reason when they went out. 4 . What can we infer from the last paragraph? A .Ai

26、ka spent a long time recovering herself. B . Svetlana expected to find her dog with efforts. C .Aikas survival ability depends on regular training. D .The Samoyed herding dog is well adapted to cold areas. (四四) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案. More than 200 climate scientists just released a stark

27、 look at how fast the climate is warming, showing heat waves, extreme rain and intense droughts are on the rise. The evidence for warming is “unequivocal” but the extent of future disasters will be determined by how fast governments can cut heat-trapping emissions. Here are the top findings from the

28、 report. Humans are causing rapid and widespread warming Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has now reached the highest level in at least the past 2 million years. As a result, temperatures are warming quickly. Since 1970, global temperatures have increased faster than in any other 50-year period in t

29、he last 2,000 years. Some parts of the globe, like the poles, are warming even faster. Extreme weather is on the rise and will keep getting worse Heat waves are more frequent and intense. Storms are dumping more rainfall, causing floods. Droughts are getting hotter and drier. Scientists are finding

30、these trends are directly linked to the human influence on the climate and theyre getting worse. If humans cut emissions, the worst impacts are avoidable While the planet will continue warming in the near-term, scientists say there is still time to prevent catastrophic climate change. That would mea

31、n a rapid drop 20222022 年人教版高中一年级英语阅读理解专练年人教版高中一年级英语阅读理解专练 1 1 英语英语阅读阅读训练训练. .第第 6 6页页( (共共 8 8 页页) ) in emissions from power plants and cars over the next few decades, essentially halting the use of fossil fuels. 1 . Which aspect is not mentioned on the rise according to the report? A . Intense dro

32、ughts. B .Heat waves. C . Sea level. D .Extreme rain. 2 . Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 2? A .Carbon in the atmosphere has now reached the highest. B .Water is getting warmer and warmer these years. C .In the last 50 years, global temperatures decreased quickly. D .Poles are

33、warming faster than other parts of the globe. 3 . What does the underlined word “That” refer to? A .Continuing warming. B .Preventing catastrophic climate change. C .Cutting emissions. D .Avoiding the worst impacts. 4 . What is the last paragraph mainly about? A . The planet will continue warming in

34、 the near-term. B . There is no time to prevent catastrophic climate change. C .If we do something, we can avoid the worst impacts. D .We will stop using fossil fuels over the next few decades. (五五) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案. Until recently, losing a limb( 肢 ) or two meant certain death for

35、most animals. Luckily, new technology now enables us to create prostheses( 假肢) for 20222022 年人教版高中一年级英语阅读理解专练年人教版高中一年级英语阅读理解专练 1 1 英语英语阅读阅读训练训练. .第第 7 7页页( (共共 8 8 页页) ) animals of all kinds! Thanks to 3D printing, for example, a cat named Dymka got four titanium feet that have given her a new lease

36、 on life! A kind human found Dymka on the side of a road in Novokuznetsk, Siberia. The poor cat had been out in the cold for so long that all four of her feet were destroyed and needed to be cut off. Instead of euthanizing(使安乐死) the animal, a team of veterinarians and researchers from Tomsk Polytech

37、nic University decided to try out some new technology to get Dymka moving again. First, they took CT scans of Dymkas legs to create detailed X-rays. Using those scans, they 3D-printed titanium rods (杆)to insert into the cats remaining legs. The rods attach to small rubberized feet. Scientists coated

38、 the roads with calcium phosphate(磷酸钙), turning them into a “biomaterial” to reduce the risk of infection. This way, the cats body can accept the rods as part of herself, rather than feeling a foreign material that could be rejected. It has been two years since Dymka got her new feet, and she is gro

39、wing well! She can now walk, run, jump, and even manage stairs. This isnt the first time that a cat has received this sort of revolutionary treatment. Another Russian cat named Ryzhik was the first to receive new titanium feet after losing her limbs to frostbite. Dymka and Ryzhik actually live toget

40、her in the medical facility that saved them. These two cats are now the best of friends! 1 . What can we learn from the first paragraph? A . Titanium is often used to produce feet. B .3D printing can help animals walk freely. C . Animals cant live without one or two limbs. D . Dymka survived because

41、 of new technology. 2 . What had happened to Dymka before she was found? A . She lost all her feet. B . She slept and never woke up. C. She suffered serious cold injury. D .She couldnt live in the cold. 3 . Which of the following statements about the titanium rod is TRUE? 20222022 年人教版高中一年级英语阅读理解专练年

42、人教版高中一年级英语阅读理解专练 1 1 英语英语阅读阅读训练训练. .第第 8 8页页( (共共 8 8 页页) ) A . It becomes the new foot of Dymka. B .It is used to reduce Dymkas pain. C . It isnt accepted by Dymkas body. D .It is the connecting part of Dymkas limb. 4 . What can we infer from the passage? A .This treatment has been widely promoted.

43、 B .Dymka has got rid of all trouble of life. C . Ryzhik first tried using new titanium feet. D . Dymka and Ryzhik keep company with each other. 【答案】【答案】 (一一) 1-4 BDDC (二二) 1-4 BCCD (三三)1-4 BBDD (四四)1-4 CDBC (五五)1-4 DCDD 20222022 年人教版高中一年级英语阅读理解专练年人教版高中一年级英语阅读理解专练 1 1 英语英语阅读阅读训练训练. .第第 9 9页页( (共共 8 8 页页) )


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