人教版九年级Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.-Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-部级公开课-(编号:a0b75).zip

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Exercise Sheet for Attributive Clauses Task I: Complete the mind-map with which; who or that. A few months has passed since we got into Senior 3. Life is not easy for us students because we are under too much stress. Today, we have learned some good ways to deal with our stress. If we learn to deal with our stress, we are sure to learn happily and learn well. Task II: Put the two sentences into one using the new grammar. 1. Mike is a boy. Mike always tries to help others. _ 2. I like movies. Movies can give me something to think about. _ Task III: Read Jennifer s CD review.Then complete the sentences using the new grammar. 1. It s the kind of music _. 2. It s a CD _. How to deal with stress? Talking can help! We can talk to people _1_ we trust. They can give us great advice _2_ may be very helpful. Volunteering can help! We can help people _3_ are less lucky. For example, we can raise some money for children _4_ are badly ill. Having fun after school helps! After school, we can do some activities _5_ can make us relaxed. For example, we can watch movies _6_ are funny with our family to get a good laugh. Listening to music helps! We can listen to music _7_ we can dance to or a song _8_ we can sing along with. 3. She likes musicians_ 4. She doesn t like the songs_ 5. She likes singers_ Group work: Lending a helping hand! Work with your group members and talk about who is under too much stress and write a report to help him/her. 1. Who can you help? 2. What are your suggestions for him or her? (List 2 or 3) (Tips: Try to use some attributive clauses!) Now, there are many people who are under tons of stress. After our discussion, we want to help _ To begin with, _ can talk to _ _In addition, _ can do something interesting. For example, _ _ _ In a word, we should try our best to help people who have too much stress. 1 附件 3 教学设计 授课材料(教材)的电子文档授课材料(教材)的电子文档 人教版新目标英语(go for it)九年级 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. Section A; Grammar Focus -4C 补充资料:补充资料:Exercise Sheet for Attributive Clauses Task I: Complete the mind-map with which; who or that. A few months has passed since we got into Senior 3. Life is not easy for us students because we are under too much stress. Today, we have learned some good ways to deal with our stress. If we learn to deal with our stress, we are sure to learn happily and learn well. Task II: Put the two sentences into one using the new grammar. 1. Mike is a boy. Mike always tries to help others. _ 2. I like movies. Movies can give me something to think about. _ Task III: Read Jennifers CD review.Then complete the sentences using the new grammar. 1. Its the kind of music _. How to deal with stress? Talking can help! We can talk to people _1_ we trust. They can give us great advice _2_ may be very helpful. Volunteering can help! We can help people _3_ are less lucky. For example, we can raise some money for children _4_ are badly ill. Having fun after school helps! After school, we can do some activities _5_ can make us relaxed. For example, we can watch movies _6_ are funny with our family to get a good laugh. Listening to music helps! We can listen to music _7_ we can dance to or a song _8_ we can sing a long with. 2 2. Its a CD _. 3. She likes musicians_ 4. She doesnt like the songs_ 5. She likes singers_ Group work: Lending a helping hand! Work with your group members and talk about who is under too much stress and write a report to help him/her. 1. Who can you help? 2. What are your suggestions for him or her? (List 2 or 3) (Tips: Try to use some attributive clauses!) Now, there are many people who are under tons of stress. After our discussion, we want to help _ To begin with, _ can talk to _ _ In addition, _ can do something interesting. For example, _ _ _ In a word, we should try our best to help people who have too much stress. 一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明 3 鉴于初三的孩子们入学以来在学习上一直有或多或少的问题,因而现在面临很 大的学习压力。针对这一问题,展开教学主题“How to deal with stress?”让孩子们学习 到应对压力的好方法的同时,达到今天的教学目标。让定语从句的语法课以应对压 力为主线,通过听、说训练,在孩子们的讨论、发言中摸索到语法的线索,以饱满 的精神面貌、充沛的精力迎接中考。 本节课通过看、听、说、演练和游戏等一系列教学活动,使学生掌握最基本的 英语听说能力,并在教学中充分激发学生强烈的求知欲望,在注重学生语言表达能 力发展的同时,特别强调学生人格的发展和思维的发展。 二、教学背景二、教学背景 1. 教学内容分析:九年级上册 Unit 9 语法是定语从句。教师通过加入“How t o deal with stress?”这一话题并以此为主线,从四个基础教学板块,引导学生从 感知语法,到揣摩语法,到运用语法,循序渐进地逐步完成教学任务。学生在听, 说,讨论,游戏的过程中轻松学会如何使用定语从句来描述人物和事物。本节课, 教师主要从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和学生的认知水平出发,倡导参与、合作与 交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。 2. 学生情况分析:本班学生活泼开朗,对英语学科兴趣浓厚,但是表达能力和 英语应用能力处于年级中等水平。结合学生的实际,教师主要运用情景教学法和任 务型教学法,从听说读写四方面设计教学任务,由浅入深,层层深入地开展教学活 动,教会学生理解和抓住语法线索和规律的技巧,让学生通过各个环节的体验,体 会到成功的喜悦,体会到英语语法学习是有趣的,而非枯燥乏味的,以此调动学生 学习的积极性,激发他们的学习热情。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1. 语言能力目标:语言能力目标:能在练习和阅读中很好地理解带有定语从句的句子;能在口 头和笔头熟练地运用定语从句来描述人物和事物。 2.2. 学习能力目标:学习能力目标: (1)能读懂 4b 的阅读表格并完成学习任务。 (2)能理解定语从句的语法特征,并运用定语从句完成各项任务。 3.3. 思维品质目标思维品质目标:通过本课的学习,让学生正确地合理地认识学习中的压力并 找到合适的方法来减轻自己的压力。 4.4.文化品格目标文化品格目标:学生通过本课的学习能运用所学帮助周围的人合理地应对压力。 四、四、 教学重、难点教学重、难点 4 1.1. 教学重点:教学重点:(1)能很好地理解教材的语法内容。(2)熟练地运用定语从句。 2.2.教学难点:教学难点: (1)定语从句的教学。(2)用定语从句在交际语言中的运用。 五、五、 课堂风貌设计课堂风貌设计 1.1. 兴趣课堂:兴趣课堂:在运用定语从句的时候,设计了“The game of taboo”通过游戏 的形式来运用语法,同时加入同学和老师的照片,让孩子们觉得有趣又贴近生活。 2. 自主课堂:自主课堂:pairwork, groupwork,自己完成课本的练习和 grammar exercise sheet 以及最后的团队合作讨论完成报告都由孩子们自主完成。 3.“3.“英语做事英语做事”课堂课堂:本堂语法课以应对压力为主线,通过各个任务让孩子们听 说读写能力都得到了训练,杜绝了学“哑巴”英语的现象。 4. 人文素养课堂:人文素养课堂:学生先正确看待压力,学会如何合理地应对压力,最后还通过 自己所学来帮助身边的人减轻压力。 六、六、 教学过程设计教学过程设计 一、教学目标一、教学目标 SkillSkill aimsaims: 本节课主要围绕定语从句展开 1.能明白定语从句的基本语法结构和用途; 2.能在练习和阅读中理解包含定语从句的句子;能在口头和写作表达中熟练地运 用定语从句来描述人物和事物。 EmotionalEmotional aimsaims: 1.通过本课的学习让学生能正确认识学习中的压力; 2.学生能学会合理地应对学习中的压力; 3.学生能通过所学帮助身边的人排忧解难。 意图:让学生明确本节课教学目标,带着目标去学习。 5 二、教学流程二、教学流程 (一)组织教学,热身运动组织教学,热身运动 通过 chitchat 跟学生聊一聊最近升入初三来他们遇到的各种困难。正好学生的 各种困难的英文首字母组合在一起就成了“stress”从而引入到今天的主题“How to deal with stress?” (二)进入正题,应对压力,感知定语从句(二)进入正题,应对压力,感知定语从句 How can we deal with our stress? A.Talking can help! a.I can talk to my parents who are always there for me. b.We can talk to our teachers who can give us good advice. c.(students brainstorm).e.g.I can talk with my friends who know me well. B.Volunteering can help! a.We can cheer up the children that are ill in hospital. b.We can read newspapers to the old that cant read. c.(after a short discussion) . e.g. I can give out food to the people that are homeless. C. Having fun after school also helps! a.I like to play with my dog which can make me happy. b.After school, boys like to play soccer which can teach them the meaning of teamwork. c.(students brainstorm).e.g.I like to listen to music which can make me relaxed. D. Listening to music is also a good way to reduce stress. a.Mary likes music that she can dance to. b.Peter likes music that he can sing along with. c.I like music that has great lyrics. Introduce the new word “lyrics”: Lyrics are the words that we can hear in a song. (三)(三)Grammar Focus: Attributive Clauses A. The introduction of the golden rule of Attributive clauses: Rule A B C. B. How to apply the rule A B C: Step 1: find A. (A is the things or the people talked about in the first sentence.) 6 Step 2: choose B. (A plays an important role in deciding B.) Step 3: cut off C. (C has the same meaning as A.) C. Students put what they have learned to practice: Grammar Exercise Sheet a.Task1: Complete the mind map with who, which or that. b.Task2: Put the two sentences together using the new grammar. c.Task3: Complete 4b using the new grammar. d.Task4: The game of Taboo. Challenge 1: One student guess and the rest of the class describe with the key words on PPT. Challenge 2: A competition between girls and boys. One representative guess and the rest of the boys/girls help to describe. (四)小组活动:(四)小组活动:Group work: Students work in groups of six and talk about: a.Who can you help? b.What are your suggestions for him/her? Tip: Try to use the new grammar. After the discussion, students need to write down a short report. (五)(五)Homework: Make a poster! In your poster, you need to compare Chinese students with western students and talk about: a.What are the causes for your and their stress? b.Who have more stress? And why? c. List a few ways to help reduce stress. (六)(六)Conclusion (结束语结束语): Stress is common among students and many other people. Its not scary. Its important for you to find your own ways to reduce stress and be helpful to others when they are under too much stress. This year is not easy. I hope all of you can learn happily and learn well. Good luck to you all! 七、教学评价七、教学评价 7 1. 评价内容: 本节课通过谈论如何应对压力为主线,用情景教学法贯穿本课让孩子在真实的语境 中感知和摸索定语从句的规律;通过 rule ABC 将定语从句的讲解难度降到最低让大 部分的孩子都能听懂并熟练运用;通过听说读写四个环节的兼顾,让孩子们在课堂 中愉悦地运用定语从句完成各项任务;最后通过小组讨论运用自己所学来帮助身边 的人应对压力。本节课教学容量教大,难易度适中,将语法和真实情景有机结合, 合理的设计和贴近学生生活的真实情景使语法课堂充满趣味。 2. 评价方法: (1)创设各种情景,鼓励学生大胆地使用英语; (2)为学生提供自主学习和直接交流的机会,以及充分表现和自我发展的一个空间 尊重每个学生,积极鼓励他们在学习中的尝试; (3)把英语教学与情感有机地结合起来,创造各种合作学习的活动,促进学生互相 学习,互相帮助,体验成就感,发展合作精神。 八、板书设计八、板书设计 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to . Section A (Grammar Focus-4C) people who/that things which/that parents teachers friends doctors dog soccer music piano find choose cut off Rule A B C people who that things which I can talk to my parents.They are always there for me. I like to listen to music.Music has great lyrics. Unit Unit 9 I like music that I can dance 9 I like music that I can dance to.to. Grammar Grammar Focus-4cFocus-4c Leading into the topic! subjects examinations tasks requests scores sleep deprivation (匮乏) HOW? ! Four ways to reduce stress. 2 Talking Volunteering Having fun after school 4 Listening to music 1 3 How to deal How to deal with stress?with stress? Talking can help! My parents are always there for me. I can talk to my parents. I can talk to my parents who are always there for me. Talking can help! Our teachers can give us good advice. We can talk to our teachers. We can talk to our teachers who can give us good advice. Talking can help! My . I can talk to my . I can talk to my . who . I can talk to my friends. My friends know me well. I can talk to my friends who know me well. We need to talk to doctors who can give us professional help. Volunteering can help! The children are ill in hospital. We can cheer up the children. We can cheer up the children that are ill in hospital. Volunteering can help! The old cant read. We can read newspapers to the old. We can read newspapers to the old that cant read. Volunteering can help! The. I can . I can . that . I can give out food to the people. The people are homeless. I can give out food to the people that are homeless. Having fun after school helps! I like to play with my dog. My dog can make me happy. I like to play with my dog which can make me happy. Soccer can teach them the meaning of teamwork. After school, boys like to play soccer. After school, boys like to play soccer which can teach them the meaning of teamwork. Having fun after school helps! . can . I like to. I like to. which can. I like to listen to music. Music can make me relaxed. I like to listen to music which can make me relaxed. Having fun after school helps! Mary likes music Peter likes music Mary likes music that she can dance to. Peter likes music that he can sing along with. Listening to music also helps a lot! Lyrics are the _ that we can hear in a song. words I like music that has great lyrics. lyrics Listening to music also helps a lot! Four ways to reduce stress. 2 Talking Volunteering Having fun after school 4 Listening to music 1 3 How to deal How to deal with stress?with stress? Grammar:Attributive Clauses 1.I can talk to my parents who are always there for me. 2. We can cheer up the kids that are ill in hospital. 3. I like to play with my dog which can make me happy. 4. I like to listen to music that has great lyrics. Task IV:The game of Taboo! Rule: You cant say the word! challenge 1 challenge 2 Rule: Try to use the new grammar! Lets try first! computer back Its something that we use to surf the Internet. Lets try first! running back Its a kind of sport that Bolt is good at. Lets try first! Zhang Ziyi back She is an actress who is Wang Fengs wife. The game of Taboo-1 book backping-pongSean something; readsport; Chinese are good atteacher; teaches us Englishgirl; has a loud voice Rachel A B Rule: You cant say the word! Rule: Try to use the new grammar! The game of Taboo-2 The game of Taboo-A back phonebasketball DanMiss Cao The game of Taboo-B back dictionaryswimmingWang Yuan Trump Do Do you you think think you you are are the the only only people people that have too much stress?that have too much stress? Groupwork: Lending a helping hand. people under stress teachers parents doctors . Groupwork: Lending a helping hand. WhoWho can you help? can you help? WhatWhat are your are your suggestionssuggestions for him/her? for him/her? Try to use Try to use the new grammarthe new grammar (Attributive Clauses).(Attributive Clauses). Chinese studentsChinese students & & Western studentsWestern students What are the What are the causescauses for your and their stress? for your and their stress? Who Who have more stress? And have more stress? And whywhy? ? List a few common List a few common waysways to reduce stress. to reduce stress. Homework: Make a poster! StressStress is is commoncommon among among students students and and many many other other people. people. ItsIts notnot scary. scary. Its Its important important for for you you to to find find your your own own waysways to to reduce reduce stress. stress. I I hope hope you you can can learn learn happilyhappily and and learn learn wellwell. Good luck to you all!. Good luck to you all! Conclusion
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