人教版九年级Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.-Section B 2a—2e-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级公开课-(编号:80f39).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to._Section B 2a—2e_ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_市级优课_(编号:80f39)
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古 风 韵 Unit9 I like music that I can dance to. Section B 2a-2d 壹 掌握以下单词:掌握以下单词:sense, sadness, pain, sense, sadness, pain, reflect, perform, pity, total, master, reflect, perform, pity, total, master, praise, wound, painfulpraise, wound, painful 掌握以下短语:掌握以下短语:in total, by the end of, in total, by the end of, be known for , not only but be known for , not only but also , look upalso , look up 贰理解含有以上重点词组的句子理解含有以上重点词组的句子 叁能读懂 能读懂2b2b中的文章,并能在文中每中的文章,并能在文中每 段的支持性细节的帮助下,了解文段的支持性细节的帮助下,了解文 章的大意。章的大意。 肆体会 体会二泉映月二泉映月所传出来的情感,所传出来的情感, 学习阿炳逆境中的奋斗的精神。学习阿炳逆境中的奋斗的精神。 Teaching Aims: 教学目标 Game1 Say out the name of the song! 听歌识曲 说出你所听到的歌曲名字,看谁说得快,加油哦! 小苹果小苹果 双节棍 和你一样 Pop music 青春修 炼手册 I like music that . Game2 Say out the name of Chinese musical instruments! 听歌识乐器 说出你所听到的乐器名称,看谁说得快,加油哦! Musical instruments drums guzheng dizi erhu Sad but Beautiful Reading skill阅读技巧 Para 1Para 1 Para 2Para 2 Para 3Para 3 Main idea Supporting Supporting detailsdetails 支持性细节支持性细节 examplesexamples reasonsreasons opinionsopinions other other detailed detailed informationinformation SupportSupport 支持支持 Watch a video Abing 阿炳 erh u Task1 Skimming Skimming 速读全文,回答问题速读全文,回答问题 1 1)Which musician does the passage mainly talk about?Which musician does the passage mainly talk about? 2 2)What is the name of his most famous piece of music?What is the name of his most famous piece of music? 3)Which Chinese musical instruments are mentioned (3)Which Chinese musical instruments are mentioned (提提 及)及) in this passage?in this passage? 4)4)How many pieces of music could How many pieces of music could AbingAbing play play? Abing Erquan Yingyue (Moon Reflected ( 反射反射)on Second Spring) Drums,Erhu and Dizi Over 600 pieces of music Erquan Yingyue was played on the _. had a simple name, _ was strangely _, but under the beauty I _ a strong _ and _. The piece The music _ me. was one of the most _ pieces of music _ Ive ever heard. Task2 Careful reading paragraph 1 erhu moved ErquanErquan YingyueYingyue ( (Moon Reflected on Second SpringMoon Reflected on Second Spring) ) beautifulbeautiful sensed sadness pain movingmoving that I was _ by a piece of music named Erquan Yingyue. Main idea:Main idea: moved Careful reading paragraph 2 读第二段完成下面的时间轴 In 1893, Abing was _. 3 years later, his mother _. By age 17, Abing was known for _ _. After Abing got married, he _ _. For several years, he had _, and lived _. After his father died, Abings life _. borndied his musical ability grew worse no home on the streets had a home again He continued to _ on the streets. He _ in this way for many years. performedsing and play Main ideaMain idea: : Abing lived a very _ life. hard Careful reading paragraph 3 1.By the end of his life, he could play 2. His most famous piece is still 3. Today, Abings Erquan Yingyue is a. played and praised by (被表扬)(被表扬) erhu master today. (大师)(大师) b. one of Chinas national treasures. c. over 600 pieces of music. Match the two parts into sentences 把两边连成正确的句子把两边连成正确的句子 Main ideaMain idea: : Abings musical skills made him very _.popular 2c Read the passage again and use suitable words to complete the main idea of each paragraph. Then list the supporting details in each paragraph. Paragraph Main ideaSupporting details 1I was _ by a piece of music named Erquan Yingyue. The music was strangely beautiful 2Abing lived a very _ life. 3Abings musical skills made him very _. moved Paragraph Supporting details 1 The music was strangely beautiful but under the beauty I sensed a strong sadness and pain. It was one of the most moving pieces of music that Ive ever heard. I almost cried along with it as I listened. hardhard popularpopular Paragraph Supporting details 2 His mother died when he was very young. His father died when he was a teenager. u He was poor and homeless. He developed an illness and became blind. He lived on the streets and played music to make money. Paragraph Supporting details 3 He could play over 600 pieces, and he wrote many of them himself. His most famous piece is still played and praised by erhu master today. Erquan Yingyue has become one of Chinas national treasures. Task3:Read and think What is the influnce(影响) of Erquan Yingyue? Its sad beauty not only paints a picture of Abings own life but also makes people recall their deepest wounds from their own sad or painful (痛苦的)(痛苦的) experiences. 2014Name:_ Profession(职业):_ Musical instruments:_ Important events:_ 青春,是与七个自己相遇。一个明媚, 一个忧伤,一个华丽,一个冒险,一 个倔强,一个柔软,最后那个正在成 长。 谁不是一边受伤,一边学会坚强。 人要像梅花一样,只要凌寒傲霜,积极向 上,才能开出美丽而芳香的花。 彩虹,在大雨后出现;腊梅,在风雪 中吐蕊;雄鹰,在险峰上空盘旋;人, 在困境中弥坚。 就像阿炳一样。 No matter how many difficulties we have face our life ! try our best to solve them ! 不管生活中遇到多大困难,尽力去解不管生活中遇到多大困难,尽力去解 决它!决它! Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。有志者,事竟成。 Thank you! Bye! Unit9Unit9 I I likelike musicmusic thatthat I I cancan dancedance to.to. SectionSection B B 2a-2c2a-2c 教学设计教学设计 章节名称九年级全一册 Unit9 Section B 2a-2c学时1 教材分析 本节课是人教版 go for it 九年级全一册 Unit9 I like music that I can dance to. Section B 2a-2c。本 单元围绕“谈论自己喜爱的音乐及原因”学习定语从句,在本单元的 A 部分中,学生已经学习了定 语从句的相关知识要点,所以这节阅读课中,一方面是复习定语从句,另一方面是通过学习这篇文 章,让学生运用定语从句来表达对事物的看法,而这些表达能力都是对 A 部分的知识扩展和语言 综合运用的提升。 学情分析 在语法方面,学生在八年级时已经对定语从句有了一定的了解,而且在本单元的 A 部分也全面 学习了这个知识点,所以这节课是对这一内容的巩固和深化;在语言知识方面,学生刚好在语文课 上学习了阿炳的文章,所以学生对阿炳这个人物并不陌生,有利于学生对这节课中的文章的理解, 这节课就侧重于引导学生学会通过细节来了解文章大意。 1.语言目标语言目标 (1)掌握以下单词: sense, sadness, pain, reflect, perform, pity, total, master, praise, wound, painful (2)掌握以下短语:in total, by the end of, be known for , not only but also , look up (3).理解含有以上重点词组的句子 2.技能目标技能目标 能读懂 2b 中的文章,并能在文中每段的支持性细节的帮助下,了解文章的大意。 并能用定语从句来表达自己对人和物的看法。 教学目标 Teaching Aims and Demands 3.情感目标情感目标 体会二泉映月所表达出来的情感,学习阿炳逆境中奋斗的精神。 教学重点教学重点 1.掌握本课的生词和重点短语 2. 能读懂 2b 中的文章,并能在文中每段的支持性细节的帮助下,了解文章的大 意。 教学重难点 Teaching Important and difficult points 教学难点教学难点 能用定语从句来表达自己对人和物的看法。 教学方式 Teaching Method 创设情境法、口语交际法、group work。 通过创设开放式教学情境,分小组进行合作交流,使学 生在具体的语言环境中体会文章的深意并能自由运用定语从句表达自己的观点。 信息技术应用多媒体课件 教学过程教学过程 教学内容 教学活动 设计意图 StepOne: Leading-in 一、听歌识曲 T: Hello ,everyone! First, lets enjoy some beautiful songs. If you know the names of these songs, please tell me, ok? 活动一听歌识曲, 激发学生的学习 兴趣,活跃课堂 , 再引出 I like Ss:OK. (先欣赏几首学生熟悉的歌曲,让学生自由说出听到的歌曲的名字) T:I like these songs. And I like music that has great lyrics. How about you? (谈论喜欢的歌曲,复习本课重点句型的表达) 二、听曲识乐器 播放不同的乐器音乐,让学生自由说出所知道的中国乐器名称 music that复 习定语从句。 活动二听曲识乐 器,引出本课主 人公阿炳用的二 胡,并由悲伤但 优美的音乐引出 文章标题。 Step 2 Pre-reading T: How many paragraphs in this passage? Ss: Three. (讲解本课阅读技巧,细节支持大意。) T: Who is he? Ss: He is A bing. T: What is this? Ss: Its erhu. T: Now lets watch a video to learn something about A bing. (播放阿炳的视频资料) 通过让学生总结 文章有几段而引 出每段都有大意, 每段大意都有细 节支持,让学生 在后面的文章阅 读中注意运用这 一技巧。 通过视频来让学 生了解阿炳的一 生,为课文阅读 作情感铺垫。 Step 3 While-reading 一、速读全文,回答问题 T: Now read this passage quickly, then answer some questions. 1)Which musician does the passage mainly talk about? 2)What is the name of his most famous piece of music? 3)Which Chinese musical instruments are mentioned (提及) in this passage? 4)How many pieces of music could Abing play? 第一环节先快速 阅读,找出文章 关键信息来回答 问题。 二、细读每段文章,完成相关任务。 1.播放课文录音,让学生细读段落一,完成句子并总结本段大意。 T:Now listen to the tape and finish the setences. 2. 播放课文录音,让学生细读段落二,完成时间轴。 T:Now listen again and finish the setences. 3. 播放课文录音,让学生细读段落三,配对信息。 T:Now listen again and match the setences. 细读第一段,抓 住本段两个要点, 通过补全句子的 方式引导学生理 解和注意文章细 节。 细读第二段,以 本段的时间轴特 点来让学生找出 文章细节。 通过配对信息的 方式把第三段内 容简化,让学生 能更好地理解和 抓住关键信息。 Step 4 Post-reading T: Read the passage again and use suitable words to complete the main idea of each paragraph. Then list the supporting details in each paragraph. (Ask students to work in group. ) Then check the answers. 让学生再次阅读 文章,并小组合 作找出每段大意 的支持性细节, 通过学生的小组 合作来达到好帮 差的效果。 T:What is the influence (影响) of Er quan Ying yue ? Can you answer this question with the sentences in this passage? Ss: Yes. Then ask the students to find out the answers in this passage. 在全面理解了文 章之后,让学生 找出文中总结性 的句子,为后面 的自我表达准备 素材。 Step 5 sum up T:Today we learn an article about A bing. Can you say something about him. Talk with your partner and then tell me your idea. 通过总结阿炳的 人生来让学生学 会自由表达和运 用文章细节内容。 Step 6 情感教育 Show some pictures of these students, and some sentences to encourage them not to give up when they have some trouble. T: Lets learn the spirit of A bing. Dont give up when you are in trouble. 通过激励的音乐 和话语,让学生 掌握本课内容的 同时,能学习阿 炳身上不怕困难, 逆境中奋斗的精 神。 Homework 把今天学习的文章细节写在作业本上,并对阿炳的一生作总结,并表明自己的观点。 教学反思:教学反思:本课对教材和学情做了深入的分析,设计上思路非常清晰,由浅入深,教学任务设计贴近学生生活,有趣 又实用,且难易程度环环相扣,层层递进,教师带来学生一步一个脚印,渐渐近入任务,让学生非常自然的领会本课 的知识点。 板书设计:板书设计: Unit9 I like music that I can dance to. Section B 2a-2c sense, sadness, pain, reflect, perform, pity, total, master, praise, wound, painful 短语:in total, by the end of, be known for , not only but also , look up
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