人教版九年级Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.-Section B 2a—2e-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:50a70).doc

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人教版九年级Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.-Section B 2a—2e-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:50a70).doc_第1页
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人教版九年级Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.-Section B 2a—2e-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:50a70).doc_第4页
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1、导学案导学案 Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. Section BReading LearningLearning aim:aim: 1. To understand the stories aboutApril Fools Day . 2. To learn to use some words and phrases. 3. To be able to tell jokes. procedureprocedure Pre-reading-StagePre-reading-Stage Show pictures, ask : Have youpla

2、yed jokes on(戏弄)(戏弄) others orbeen fooled (被愚弄被愚弄)by others ? what do you think of these tricks? Whendo these tricks(恶作剧恶作剧) usuallytake place ? While-readingWhile-reading StageStage SkimSkim( ( 略 读略 读 ) )thethepassagepassagequickly.quickly.ThenThenmatchmatcheacheach paragraphparagraphwithwith theth

3、e mainmain idea.idea. ParagraphParagraph 1 1OneOne ofof thethe mostmost famousfamous tricktrickplayedplayed ParagraphParagraph 2 2ExamplesExamples ofof funfunstoriesstories thatthat happenedhappened onon AprilApril FoolFools s DayDay ParagraphParagraph 3 3AnAn introductionintroduction toto AprilApri

4、lFoolFools s DayDay ParagraphParagraph 4 4A A sadsad storystory thatthat happenedhappened ononAprilApril FoolFools s DayDay ScanScan(扫读)(扫读)thethe passagepassage andand completecomplete thethe table.table. TimePlaceTrick(骗局骗局)Result On _ _ In England There would be _ All of the spaghetti was _ On _

5、_ In _ Thespecial water wouldhelp people _ Morethan10,000people _ OnApril Fools DayAfamousTV staraskedhis girlfriend _ The TV star lost_ _ In _, 1983In _ _ landedonthe earth Thousandsofpeople_ _ CarefulCareful readingreading(细读)(细读) ReadRead thethe passagepassage againagain andand answeranswer theth

6、e questions.questions. 1.1. WhyWhy diddid thethe supermarketssupermarkets runrun outout ofof spaghettispaghetti oneone AprilApril FoolFools s Day?Day? 2.2. WhatWhat diddid thethe TVTV showshow saysay thethe specialspecial waterwater couldcould do?do? 3.3. WhyWhy diddid thethe TVTV starstars s jokejo

7、ke havehave a a badbad ending?ending? 4.4. WhenWhen diddid OrsonOrson WellsWells telltell peoplepeople aboutabout aliensaliens fromfrom MarsMars landinglanding onon thethe earth?earth? 5.5. WhyWhy diddid soso manymany peoplepeople believebelieve OrsonOrson Wells?Wells? ReadReadthethe passagepassage

8、asas fluentlyfluently 流利流利(朗读朗读) asas possible.possible. T Thenhen choosechoose fourfour studentsstudents toto readread inin frontfront ofof class.class. KeyKey phrasesphrases( ( 汉译英汉译英) ) AprilApril FoolFools s DayDay isis a a celebrationcelebration thatthat takestakes placeplace inin differentdiff

9、erent countriescountries aroundaround thethe world.world. ItIt happenshappens onon AprilApril 1st1st everyevery yearyear andand isis a a dayday whenwhen manymany peoplepeople彼此开各种玩笑彼此开各种玩笑. . OneOne AprilApril FoolFools s Day,Day, a a reporterreporter inin EnglandEngland announcedannounced thatthat

10、therethere wouldwould bebe nono moremore spaghettispaghetti becausebecause thethe spaghettispaghetti farmersfarmers inin ItalyItaly hadhad stoppedstopped growinggrowing spaghetti.spaghetti. ManyMany peoplepeople ranran toto theirtheir locallocal supermarketssupermarkets toto buybuy asas muchmuch spa

11、ghettispaghetti asas theythey could.could. ByBy thethe timetime peoplepeople realizedrealized thatthat thethe storystory waswas a a hoax,hoax,遍及全国的所有意大利面条遍及全国的所有意大利面条 hadhad beenbeen soldsold out.out. InIn anotheranother famousfamous tricktrick, a a TVTV showshow inin EnglandEngland reportedreported

12、 thethe discoverydiscovery ofof specialspecial water.water. TheyThey saidsaid thisthis waterwater wouldwould helphelp peoplepeople 减肥减肥andand thatthat oneone customercustomer hadhad alreadyalready lostlost a a lotlot ofof weightweight inin justjust fourfour months.months. ByBy thethe endend ofof the

13、the day,day, moremore thanthan 10,00010,000 peoplepeople hadhad phonedphoned thethe TVTV stationstation toto findfind outout howhow toto getget thisthis water.water. ManyMany AprilApril FoolFools s jokesjokes maymay最后没那么有趣最后没那么有趣 . . A A famousfamous TVTV starstar onceonce invitedinvited hishis girl

14、friendgirlfriend ontoonto hishis showshow onon AprilApril FoolFools s Day.Day. HeHe askedasked herher toto嫁给他嫁给他. . TheThe ladylady waswas soso happyhappy becausebecause sheshe reallyreally wantedwanted toto结婚结婚. . However,However, whenwhen sheshe saidsaid “yesyes” , , hehe replied,replied, “AprilAp

15、ril Fool!Fool!” ThatThat littlelittle jokejoke didndidnt t havehave a a veryvery happyhappy ending.ending. TheThe TVTV starstar lostlost hishis girlfriendgirlfriend andand hishis showshow waswas canceled.canceled. OneOne ofof thethe worldworlds s mostmost famousfamous tricks,tricks, however,however,

16、 happenedhappened inin OctoberOctober ratherrather thanthan April.April. InIn thatthat monthmonth inin 1938,1938, actoractor OrsonOrson WellesWelles announcedannounced onon hishis radioradio programprogram thatthat来自火星的外星人来自火星的外星人 hadhad landedlanded onon thethe earth.earth. HeHe describeddescribed

17、wherewhere theythey hadhad landedlanded andand toldtold howhowtheythey werewere走遍美国走遍美国. . WellesWelles使它听起来如此真实使它听起来如此真实 thatthat hundredshundreds ofof peoplepeople believedbelieved thethe story,story, andand恐慌传遍整个国家恐慌传遍整个国家. . ByBy thethe timetime police police o offi cerscers announcedannounced t

18、hatthat thethe storystory waswas a a hoax,hoax,thousandsthousands ofof peoplepeoplehadhad leftleft theirtheir homes.homes. FindingFinding outout detailsdetails CorrectCorrect thethe mistakes.mistakes. If If necessary,necessary, discussdiscuss withwith youryour group.group. 1.1. ByBythethe timetime p

19、eoplepeople realizedrealized thatthat thethe storystory waswas a a hoax,hoax, allall thethe spaghettispaghetti acrossacross thethe countrycountry hadhadsoldsold outout. . 2.2. InIn anotheranother famousfamous tricktrick a a TVTV showshow inin EnglandEngland reportedreported thethe discoverdiscoverof

20、of specialspecial water.water. 3.3. TheThe ladylady waswas soso happyhappy becausebecause sheshe reallyreally wantedwanted toto getgetmarrymarry. . 4.4. ManyMany AprilApril FoolFools s jokesjokes maymay endend upupbebenotnot veryvery funny.funny. 5.5. ByBy thethe timetime peoplepeople realizedrealiz

21、ed thatthat thethe storystory waswas a a hoax,hoax, allall thethe spaghettispaghetti acrossacross thethe countrycountryhashasbeenbeen soldsold out.out. TellTell youryour storystory ShareShare youryour jokesjokes iningroupgroups s. . ThenThen choosechoose studentstudents s toto showshow forfor class.

22、class. HomeworkHomework 1.Read1.Read thethe wholewhole passagepassage aloudaloud severalseveral times.times. (D)(D) 2.Remember2.Remember thethe newnew wordswords andand phrases.phrases. (C)(C) 3.Practice3.Practice narratingnarrating a a pastpast tricktrickhappenedhappenedtoto yourselfyourself .(A,B).(A,B)


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