人教版九年级Unit 3 Could you tell me where the restrooms are -Section A 1a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:82836).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 3 Could you tell me where the restrooms are _Section A 1a—2d_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:82836)
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Moral Education: Be nice to the people who need your help. Give them directions politely and accurately when some people ask you the way. Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Ask for information politely:Could you please (not) do something? Affirmative answer(肯定回答):Sure./Of course./No problem./ Id love to. Negative answer(否定回答): Sorry, Id love to, but . Could you please _ us Marys telephone number? A. to giveB. give C. givingD. to giving B Which sentence is right? 1. Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 2. Could you please tell me where are the restrooms? Objective Clauses (宾语从句): 特殊疑问词+陈述句语序 - Could you please tell me _ the Bamboo Garden? - The day after tomorrow, I think. A. when will you visit B. when you will visit C. when would you visit D. when you would visit B a postcard Round 1Round 1 a stamp a bank Do you know these places? a bookstore a post office a restroom a department store Where is it? a restaurant Where is it? _ get some money _ get some magazines _ have dinner _ get a dictionary _ get some information about the town _ buy a newspaper _ buy some stamps _ get a pair of shoes b f/c a f d/f f e c Match each thing with a place in the picture. Many different answers are possible. get a pair of shoes get some magazines get a dictionary get information about the town Presentation: Could you please tell me where I can .? Sure. Theres a . on . Street. get some money buy a newspaper buy some stamps have dinner Could you please tell me where I can .? Sure. Theres a . on . Street. Listen and find the general idea. The general idea of the conversation is about _. A. vacation place B. asking the way C. some students vacation activities B Listen and complete the conversation. Excuse me, do you know where I can get a dictionary? Yes. Theres a post office on Center Street. Sure. Theres a bookstore on Main Street. Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy some stamps? 1b The sentences used to ask the way Excuse me, where is the . ? Excuse me, is there a . near here? Excuse me, how can I get to .? Excuse me, do you know the way to.? Could you (please) tell me how I can get to . ? Could you (please) tell me how to get to . ? Could you (please) tell me the way to . ? supermarket Could you tell me where the supermarket is? on Bridge Street Bank beside the bank next to the bank Bridge Street supermarket Round 2: Give directionsRound 2: Give directions BankHotel between the hotel and the bank Library in front of the library Park across from the park supermarket supermarket Turn left.Turn right. Go / Walk along until Go past Give directionsGive directions Go to the third floor Make conversations. 2a Listen. First find out where the boy is going, then draw a line in the picture below to show how the boy walks there, and last fill in the blanks. 1.Go to the _ floor. 2.Turn _. 3.Go past _. 4.The _ is between the _ and the _. second left the book store supermarket flower store bookstore Round 3 Please take out a piece of paper and write down a short passage on it to show the way to someplace. Let other students guess where your destination (目的地)is. Enjoy a video and then answer the following questions. 1.What is not commonly used in China, toilet,restroom or washroom? 2.Does Alice need to rush? 3.Where are He Wei and Alice? 4.What different parts does Fun Times Park have? 5.Alice used a word that He Wei didnt fully understand at the beginning. What was the word? Role-play the conversationRole-play the conversation 1.What is not commonly used in China, toilet, restroom or washroom? Restroom. 2.Does Alice need to rush? No, she doesnt. 3.Where are He Wei and Alice? Fun Times Park. 4.What different parts does Fun Times Park have? Space World, Water World, Animal World. 5.Alice used a word that He Wei didnt fully understand at the beginning. What was the word? Restroom. Role-play the conversation. To ask for information politely -Excuse me, do you know where I can.? -Sure, there is a . on . To follow directions 1. Go to the third floor. 2. Turn left / right. 3. .between.and. 4. Go past the bookstore. 1.Review and preview the words and expressions in Section A. 2.Read 1b and 2a after the tape. 3. Use your imagination and write an essay with the following words and expressions. (at least 80 words) restroom, stamp, have dinner, restaurant, post office, next to, go past, on the second floor HomeworkHomework Aims and Requirement s 1. Language goals: 1) To grasp the new words and expressions:restroom, stamp, bookstore, postcard, pardon, washroom, bathroom, normally, rush 2) To learn the following sentence patterns: - Could you please tell me where I can .? - Sure, there is a . on . Street. - Go to the third floor. - Turn left / right. -.between.and. - Go past the bookstore. 2. Ability goals: 1) To ask for information politely; 2) To follow directions. 3. Emotional goals: Be nice to the people who need your help. Give them directions politely and accurately when some people ask you the way. Key and difficult points 1. Teaching key points: 1) To ask the way politely and give directions accurately; 2) To follow directions. 2. Teaching difficult points: To ask the way politely with objective clauses. Teaching contents & time schedule Approach & Methods Step 1 (3 min): Lead-in and Emotional Education -Brainstorming: What should we do if we get lost in our daily life to lead in. -Enjoy a video to educate students to ask the way politely and give directions accurately. Step 2 (2 min): Review - Make students recall the sentences used to ask the way politely and its responses. - Do some exercises to remind students of the sentence order of objective clauses. Step 3 (10 min): Presentation and Listening Practice -Show pictures about new words. -Make students match each thing we can do with a place in picture of 1a. -Present the new sentences: Could you please tell me where I can .? Sure. Theres a . on . Street. And ask students to do presentation one by one. -Listen to the record of 1b, get the main idea of the conversation, fill in the blanks of 1b and ask a pair of students to read the conversation. Step 4 (8 min): Pair Work - Summarize the sentences used to ask the way and give directions in the form of group contest. - Read the conversation of 1c together and make up the conversation with partner to find out where the given places are in the picture. Step 5 (8 min): Listening and Guess Game - Listen to a record and finish three tasks: First find out where the boy is going, then draw a line in the picture of 2b to show how the boy walks there, and last fill in the blanks to show his route. - Guess Game: Please take out a piece of paper and write down a short passage on it to show the way to someplace in the picture and write the destination at the back of the paper. Let other students guess where your destination is. Step 6 (10 min): Role-play - Enjoy a video of 2d and then answer the given questions. - Role-play the conversation. Step 7 (4 min): Summary and Homework -Summarize the sentences used to ask the way and give directions we have learnt this class. -Ask the students to review and preview the words and expressions in Section A, read 1b and 2a after the tape and use the imagination to write an article with the new words and expressions we have learnt this class. Brainstorming Speaking Listening Reading Analysis Exercises With multi-media Blackboard Design: - ask the way politely and give directions accurately - Could you please tell me where I can .? - Sure. There is a . on . Street. Teaching reflection: This topic is close to students life. Its easy for them to understand. With the help of multi-media, students interest to study the topic can be aroused easily. Emphasize the target language about asking the way and giving directions through the whole class and help them become helpful and polite people. Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? Class begins. Good morning, class. Sit down please. In our daily life, when we get lost, what should we do? Yes, we can ask others the way. Recently a foreigner came to China and he couldnt find the way. So he asked a passerby the way. Then what happened to him? Lets enjoy a video. Could you please tell me what you think of the young man? Please imagine that you were the foreigner, how would you feel? So if someone asks you the way, what should you do? Be nice to the people who need your help. Give them directions politely and accurately when some people ask you the way. Please pay attention to the two aspects: politely and accurately. Then here comes to the question: how can we ask the way politely and give directions accurately. Today we will study unit 3 of Go for it Grade 9 could you please tell me where the restrooms are. After studying this unit, you will find the answer by yourselves. Before the class, would you please focus on the title of this unit and answer me two questions: First, do you know any sentence used to ask for information politely? Yes, could you please do sth.? How to give an affirmative answer to this question? Sure. Of course. No problem. Id love to. Then how to give a negative answer: Sorry, Id love to, butLets do an exercise. Which one is right? B. My second question is which sentence is right, the first one or the second one? The first one. So please pay attention to the sentence order of objective clauses. What about this question? Which one is right? B. Now look at the following pictures, and tell me what it is. A postcard, a stamp. Do you know these places? A bank, a book store, a post office, a rest room, a department store, a restaurant. Ok, all of you have a good memory and have remembered all the places you have learnt before. Then do you know where can we do the following things? Please match each thing with a place in the picture. Many different answers are possible. I will give you 1 minute to finish the task of 1a on page 17. Ok, have you finished it yet? Lets check the answers together. Any problems? Ok, lets do the presentation with the target language: Could you please tell me where I can ? Sure, Theres a on Street. For example, Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary? Sure. Theres a bookstore on Main Street. Please do the presentation one by one. From you, please. What about getting some magazines? All of you did a good job. Now, lets listen to one record and find out the general idea of the conversation. Which one is the general idea? B. Then listen again. And fill in the blanks in the picture of 1a on page 17. Id like to invite one pair of students to read the conversation for us and other students, please check your answers. Any volunteer? Very good. Do you have any questions? Then do you know any sentences used to ask the way? Anything else? Is that all? Lets look at the screen. Those sentences are often used to ask the way. Would you please read these sentences once after me? Lets take the bookstore as an example. What about the sentences used to give the directions? Now lets do a little contest. Id like to divide you into two groups. Anyone who can first find out where the supermarket is after I announce ready? Go!, please raise up your hand. If you answer the questions correctly, you will get 1 point for your group. Understand? The first one ,ready? Go!Do you know these traffic signs? Our contest is continuing. The first one, ready?Go! Now look at the result of our contest. Group wins. Lets give a big hand to Group. Congratulations. Now please read the conversation of 1c together on page 17. Do you have any problems with this conversation? Now I will give you 3 minutes to make conversations to find out where the hospital, the bank, the drugstore, the store and the library are based on the conversation of 1c? Ok, time is up. Any volunteers to perform your conversation to us? You can choose any place to talk about. Any other volunteers? You can choose any place except Im very glad that all of your pronunciation has improved a lot. Now, please listen to another record. I have three tasks for you. First find out where the boy is going, then draw a line in the picture of 2a on page 18 to show how the boy walks there, and last fill in the blanks to show his route. First please tell me where the boy is going? Then who knows how the boy can walk there? Any volunteer? First, Go to the second floor, then turn left. Next go past the bookstore. Finally he will find the supermarket is between the flower store and the bookstore. Well done. Now, Lets play a game. Look at the picture again. Please take out a piece of paper and write down a short passage on it to show the way to someplace and please write down your destination at the back of your paper. Let other students guess where your destination (目的地)is . If other students guess your answer, then you win. If not, you fail. Understand? I will give you two minutes to finish the passage. Are you ready? Any volunteers to read your passage? Can you guess where he is showing? Ok, all of you have given the directions directly and accurately. Now lets enjoy a video and answer the given questions. Last would you please role play this conversation with your deskmate? Dont forget to add some movements and try to recite this conversation. All of you did very well in this class. Thank you all. Today weve learnt how to ask for information politely and how to follow directions. Any problems with todays class? At the end of the class, Id like to give you the homework.
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