人教版九年级Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.-Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:b0b05).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected._Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_省级优课_(编号:b0b05)
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1 学学 案案 语法专题语法专题感叹句感叹句 感叹句是中考英语常考语法知识之一,是必须掌握的语法。本节课的重点是 掌握 what, how 引导的感叹句,在选择题中会区分选用 what 还是 how。 请认真观察下列句子并补全结论部分所缺的内容。请认真观察下列句子并补全结论部分所缺的内容。 【观察观察】 1. What a beautiful flower it is! 2. What cute pandas they are! 3. What cold weather it is! 4. How tall the man is! 5. How wonderfully he writes! 6. How I love China! 【结论结论】 1.通过观察以上例句可知:感叹句通常由 和 引导,表示“多么”之 意,句末用 号。 2.仔细观察例句 1,我们会发现其结构为:What + a/an + 形容词+单数可数名词 + 主语+谓语! 3.由例句 2 可知,其结构为:What + + + 主语+ 谓语! 4.由例句 3 可知,其结构为: + + + 主语+谓语!! 5.由例句 4 可知,其结构为:How + + 主语+ be 动词动词! 6.由例句 5 可知,其结构为:How + + 主语+ 实义动词实义动词! 7.由例句 6 可知,其结构为:How + 主语+谓语! 【句型运用句型运用】 一、翻译下列句子。(what 引导引导) 1.多么新的一本书啊! it is! 2.这些照片真漂亮啊! they are! 3.多么美味的牛肉啊! it is! 二、用 How 改写下列句子。 1. The story is interesting. the story is! 2. The food tastes good. the food tastes! 3. Mary does her homework carefully. Mary does her homework. 4. You are playing happily! How you are playing ! 三、观察第二大题中的四个感叹句。思考并讨论:如何判断 how 后用形容词还 2 是副词? 【走进中考】 ( )1.(2013 云南)_ exciting sport it is to go bike riding! A. What a B. What an C. What D. How ( )2.(2014 云南) - _ sweet song it is! - Yeah, its My Heart Will Go On sang by Celine Dion. A. How B. How a C. What a D. What ( )3.(2015 云南)_useful robot! It can help with the housework like a human servant. A. How B. What an C. How a D. What a 【练习】 一、用 what(a, an)或 how 填空。 1. _ important information we got ! 2. funny book it is! 3. _useful the computers are ! 二、单项选择 ( )1. (2014. 南京) - _ brave(勇敢的) Zhang Hua is! - Yes. He helped his neighbor, Mrs. Sun, out of the fire. A. What a B. How C. How a D. What ( )2.(2014. 西宁)_ important _ it is! It will help me a lot. A. How; advice B. What; advice C. What an; advice D. How; advices ( )3.(2015 安顺)-Listen! Someone is playing the piano. - Wow! _ beautiful music! I like it very much. A. What B. How a C. What a D. How ( )4. (2015 娄底) _ nice day today! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a ( )5.(2014 江苏盐城) -_ they are talking to each other! -Yes. They are really happy to see each other. A. What excited B. How excited C. What excitedly D. How excitedly ( )6.-Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖) on Oct.5,2015. - good news it is! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 二、写句子(赞美家乡) 。 语法专题语法专题感叹句感叹句 * W What a beautiful girl (she is)! What a beautiful flower (it is)! How fat (the woman is)! What a fat woman! 感叹句 什么是感叹句? 感叹句是用来表达喜、怒、哀、乐 等强烈感情的一种句式。 1.What a beautiful girl she is! 2. What a beautiful flower it is! 3. How fat the woman is! 有时感叹句也可以由一个单词、词组、 祈使句等构成。Eg: Great! Hello! Happy New Year! Lets go! Lets discover! 1. What a beautiful flower it is! 2. What cute pandas they are! 3. What cold weather it is! 4. How tall the man is! 5. How wonderfully he writes! 6. How I love China! 观察下列句子并补全结论部分。 结论 1.通过观察以上例句可知:感叹句通常由 和 引导,表示“多么”之意, 句末用 号。 2.仔细观察例句1,我们会发现其结构为: What + a/an + 形容词+单数可数名词+ 主语+谓语! 3.由例句2可知,其结构为: What + + +主语 +谓语! what 感叹 how 形容词 可数名词复数 结论 4.由例句3可知,其结构为: + + + 主语+谓语! 5.由例句4可知, 其结构为:How + + 主语+ be动词! 6.由例句5可知, 其结构为:How + + 主语+ 实义动词! What 副词 形容词 形容词 不可数名词 What +a (an) + adj. + 单数可数名词 (+ 主语+谓语)!1. What + adj. + 可数名词复数(+ 主语+谓语)! 2. What + adj. + 不可数名词 (+ 主语+谓语) ! 3. How + adj. ( + 主语+谓语)! 4. How + adv. ( + 主语+谓语)! 5. How + 主语+谓语!6. Lets summarize and memorize! 请快速记忆! 1.多么新的一本书啊! _ _ _ _it is! 2.这些照片真漂亮啊! _ _ _ they are! 3.多么美味的牛肉啊! _ _ _ it is! aWhatne w book Whatnic e photos What delicious beef Lets do! 一、翻译下列句子(用what引导)。 二、用How改写下列句子。 1.The story is interesting. the story is! 3.Mary does her homework carefully. Mary does her homework. Lets do! How carefully How interesting happily 2. The food tastes good. the food tastes! How How good 4.You are playing happily. you are playing! Lets do! 三、观察以下句子并回答问题: 1.How interesting the story is! 2.How good the food tastes! 2.How carefully Mary does her homework! 3.How happily you are playing! 问题:如何判断how后跟形容词还是副词 ? 难点突破 How 后面是跟形容词还是跟副词,取决 于感叹句的谓语是连系动词,还是实义动 词。 1、如果是连系动词,则用形容词; 2、如果是实义动词,则用副词。 (特别注意be + doing 形式 时, 用副词)。 走进中考 1.(2013云南) _ exciting sport it is to go bike riding! A. What a B. What an C. What D. How B 解析:解析:考点是感叹句。此句子翻译为: 骑自行车兜风真是一项令人兴奋的运动。 sport是名词,用what引导。 sport指某项体育活动时是一个可数名词, exciting 以元音音素开头, 用an。 2.(2014云南) - _ sweet song it is! - Yeah, its My Heart Will Go On sang by Celine Dion. A. How B. How a C. What a D. What C 走进中考 解析:解析:考点是感叹句。此句子翻译为: -多么甜美的歌声啊!-是的,它是由席琳. 翁迪演唱的我心永恒。song可数名词 , sweet以辅音音素开头,用a。 3.(2015云南) _useful robot! It can help with the housework like a human servant. A. How B. What an C. How a D.What a D 走进中考 解析:解析:考点是感叹句。此句子翻译为: 多有用的机器人啊!它像人类的家仆一 样帮忙做家务。robot可数名词, useful以辅音音素开头,用a。 1. 找主谓结构 2. 看主语前有名词还是有形容词、副词。 (2) 若有形容词或副词, 用How (1)若有名词,用What (a)是单数可数名词,用What a/an (b)是复数名词,用What (c)是不可数名词,用What 另辟蹊径 例如: 1. _ honest girl | Mary was ! 1. _ important information| we got ! 2. _ heavy | the boxes are ! 5. _ useful | the computers are ! What an How How What a Lets try! 用what(a,an)或how填空。 What 2. _ funny book | it is! 一、选择题 1. (2014. 南京) - _ brave (勇敢的)Zhang Hua is! - Yes. He helped his neighbor, Mrs. Sun, out of the fire. A. What a B. How C. How a D. What 2.(2014. 西宁)_ important _ it is! It will help me a lot. A. How; advice B. What; advice C. What an; advice D. How; advices 3.(2015 安顺)-Listen! Someone is playing the piano. - Wow! _ beautiful music! I like it very much. A. What B. How a C. What a D. How 一、选择题 4. (2015 娄底) _ nice day today! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a 5.(2014江苏盐城) -_ they are talking to each other! -Yes. They are really happy to see each other. A. What excited B. How excited C. What excitedly D. How excitedly 6.-Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖) on Oct.5. -_ good news it is! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a Lets write! 玉溪是我们的家乡。我们热爱家乡的山、 水、人、景、食物等,请赞美我们的家乡吧 ! (记住:1个句子用how1个句子用what哦!) Eg: How wonderful / beautiful / interesting / strange Gushan is! What delicious food (it is)! LetsLets shareshare proverb!proverb! 金窝、银窝不如自己的草窝。金窝、银窝不如自己的草窝。 * Summary and homework. 1.总结本节课所学知识。 2. Homework. 课后请大家复习并熟记本 节课所学内容。 * Thank you! Goodbye! 1 教学内容:教学内容:语法专题感叹句(感叹句(Exclamations) 教学目标:教学目标: 1.掌握 what 及 how 引导的感叹句。 2.掌握 what 与 how 引导的感叹句的判断方法。 教学重点教学重点: 1.what,how 引导的感叹句。 2.如何判断用 what 还是用 how. 教学难点:教学难点: 如何判断用 what 还是用 how. 教学方法:教学方法:情景教学法、任务型教学法、讨论法、练习法、交际教学。 情感目标:情感目标:热爱家乡(East, west, home is best.) Teaching procedures: Step I. Warming-up (4 minutes) Greet the students as usual. T: How are you? S: Im fine. T: What is the weather like today? Ss: It is cold/ sunny T: Yes. How cold/warm it is today! 展示图片,学生感知意境,给出感叹句。点出本节课所学内容为感叹句,告 知感叹句的概念。 设计意图:通过创设真实的语言情景激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生积极地 加入课堂教学。此设置旨在让学生在情境感受感叹句。 Step II. Work in groups and discuss. (10 minutes) 【观察】 1. What a beautiful flower it is! 2. What cute pandas they are! 3. What cold weather it is! 4. How tall the man is! 5. How wonderfully he writes! 6. How I love China! 【结论】 1.通过观察以上例句可知:感叹句通常由 和 引导,表示“多么”之 意,句末用 号。 2.仔细观察例句 1,我们会发现其结构为:What + a /an+ 形容词+单数可数名词 + 主语+谓语! 2 3.由例句 2 可知,其结构为:What + + + 主语+ 谓语! 4.由例句 3 可知,其结构为: + + + 主语+谓语!! 5.由例句 4 可知,其结构为:How + + 主语+ be 动词动词! 6.由例句 5 可知,其结构为:How + + 主语+ 实义动词实义动词! 7.由例句 6 可知,其结构为:How + 主语+谓语! Check the answers with students, summarize and memorize the structures. 总结 what 与 how 的六种结构: What+ a(an)+形容词 +单数可数名词+主语+谓语! What 形容词可数名词复数主语谓语! What+ 形容词+ 不可数名词+ 主语+ 谓语! How +形容词 + 主语 + be 动词! How 副词主语实义动词! How + 主语 + 谓语! 设计意图:围绕本节课的教学目标,结合教学重难点,设计了此自学任务, 旨在通过学生自学、与小组成员探讨来熟悉并熟记感叹句的结构。本环节采用 了任务型教学、生生合作、学生展示等方法。 Step III 小组活动完成小组活动完成“句型运用句型运用”。(6 minutes) 【句型运用】 一、翻译下列句子。(what 引导) 1.多么新的一本书啊! it is! 2.这些照片真漂亮啊! they are! 3.多么美味的牛肉啊! it is! 二、用 How 改写下列句子。 1. The story is interesting. the story is! 2. The food tastes good. the food tastes! 3. Mary does her homework carefully. Mary does her homework. 4. You are playing happily! How you are playing ! 3 三、观察第二大题中的四个感叹句。思考并讨论:如何判断 how 后用形容词还 是副词? 难点突破:难点突破: How 后面是跟形容词还是跟副词,取决于感叹句的谓语中是连系动词连系动词, 还 是实义动词实义动词? 1、如果是连系动词,则用形容词; 2、如果是实义动词,则用副词 (特别注意 be + doing 形式 时,用副词)。 设计意图:围绕感叹句的结结构设置了这三道练习题,旨在使学生通过练 习、沟通、探讨等多种活动形式来完成任务,以达到学习和掌握目标感叹句目 的。本环节采用了小组合作和成果展示等方法。 Step IV. 走进中考走进中考 (5 minutes) ( )1.(2013.云南)_ exciting sport it is to go bike riding! A. What a B. What an C. What D. How ( )2.(2014 云南) - _ sweet song it is! - Yeah, its My Heart Will Go On sang by Celine Dion. A. How B. How a C. What a D. What ( )3.(2015 云南)_useful robot! It can help with the housework like a human servant. A. How B. What an C. How a D. What a 解析这三道中考题。 设计意图:感叹句是近几年中考中出现的题型,让学生了解近几年中考中 感叹句考什么,怎么考。 Step V.另辟蹊径另辟蹊径 (4 minutes) 除了记住结构外还可以用另外一种方法来解题。 1. 找主谓。 2. 看主语前有没有名词,如有名词用 what, 有形容词或副词用 how。 例如:1._ honest girl Mary was ! 2._ heavy the boxes are! 练习:用 what(a, an)或 how 填空。 1. _ important information we got! 2. _funny book it is! 3. _useful the computers are ! 设计意图:根据教学经验的积累,在考试中除了直接套用结构意外,还有 4 另外的做题方法。此环节设置旨在拓宽学生解题思路,寻找最简单的解题方法。 采用了观察、感知、练习的方法。 Step VI. Do exercises. (15 minutes) 一、单项选择。 ( )1. (2014. 南京) - _ brave(勇敢的) Zhang Hua is! - Yes. He helped his neighbor, Mrs. Sun, out of the fire. A. What a B. How C. How a D. What ( )2.(2014. 西宁)_ important _ it is! It will help me a lot. A. How; advice B. What; advice C. What an; advice D. How; advices ( )3.(2015 安顺)-Listen! Someone is playing the piano. - Wow! _ beautiful music! I like it very much. A. What B. How a C. What a D. How ( )4. (2015 娄底) _ nice day today! A. What a B. What C. How D. How a ( )5.(2014 江苏盐城) -_ they are talking to each other! -Yes. They are really happy to see each other. A. What excited B. How excited C. What excitedly D. How excitedly ( )6.-Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖) on Oct.5. - good news it is! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 二、写句子。 玉溪是我们的家乡。我们热爱家乡的山、水、人、景、食物等,请赞美我们 的家乡吧!(分别用 what 和 how 写一个句子。 ) 设计意图:通过做练习来进一步巩固感叹句。练习的第二部分让学生写 句子赞美家乡,在真实情景中运用感叹句,达到学以致用的目的。同时激发学 生热爱家乡的情感。 Step VII. Summary and homework. (1 minutes) Summarize this lesson by asking different students to share what theyve learnt . Homework:课后请大家复习并熟记本节课所学内容。 设计意图:通过独立回顾、教师概括等方法进行课堂小结,旨在给学生对 本节课的重难点留下一个清晰地整体印象便于记忆、理解和掌握。作业的设置 旨在让学生牢记感叹句相关知识点,以及深刻在考试中会出现什么题型,怎么 考。
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