人教版九年级Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!-Section A 1a—1c-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:401c8).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_九年级全一册(2014年3月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth!_Section A 1a—1c_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:401c8)
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Section A (1a2a) . 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。 1. I think Janes kite is beautiful. However, Tinas is u . 2. As you can see, our desks are w , not plastic. 3. There are tea leaves in the b of my cup. 4. People who drop l can be fined (罚款) in some cities. 5. She had the a of a good education, so she got the job. . 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。 bin, cost, coal, fisherman, takeaway 1. A hot _ fell out of the fire and burnt the carpet (地毯). 2. A _ is hot cooked food that you buy from a shop or restaurant and eat somewhere else. 3. Do you want this or shall I throw it in the _? 4. Writing such a long novel _ much time and patience. 5. Look! Some _ are catching fish over there. III. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A: Hi, Zhang Hua, did you watch the 9 oclock program on CCTV 1 last night? B: No. (1)_ A: Environmental protection. (2)_ B: What can we do? A: (3)_ After washing something, we can use the water to do something else. B: I agree with you. Also we must stop factories from pouring waste water into rivers and lakes. (4)_ A: Youre right. Besides, we shouldnt use plastic bags, either. B: Good idea. What else can we do? A: (5)_ Making paper takes too many trees. B: Right. We should process waste paper so that it can be used again. A. If they keep doing that, more and more living things will die. B. There are many things he can do. C. We can save electricity. D. We can also save paper. E. What was it about? F. We can start by saving water in our daily life. G. It told us some good ways to do that. 答案:答案: . 1. ugly 2. wooden 3. bottom 4. litter 5. advantage . 1. coal 2. takeaway 3. bin 4. costs 5. fishermen . 1. to cut down 2. full of / filled with 3. played a part in 4. is good for 5. instead of 6. made a difference 7. turn; into 8. keep; clean 9. Remember to buy 10. noise pollution . 1-5 EGFAD The earth is polluted. air pollution Thefactoriesthat burncoalpollute theairwithalotof blacksmoke. n.煤炭 Factoriesput wasteintothe river. water pollution mobile phone pollution litterv.乱扔 n.垃圾 rubbishwaste 垃圾,废弃物 Peopleshouldthrow awaylitterinthebin. n.垃圾箱 noise pollution Therearemore carsontheroad. 1a Here are some words related to different kinds of pollution. Write them in the box below. Then add more words. noisepollution _ _ _ _ airpollution _ _ _ _ waterpollution _ _ _ _ loudmusic planes mobilephones factories cars smoking ships factories littering rubbish buildinghouses buildinghouses loudmusiccarsrubbishplanes litteringshipsfactoriessmoking buildinghousesmobilephones 1bListen and complete the sentences. What was the problem? Theriverwas_.Eventhe bottom(底部)oftheriverwasfullof _.Therewerenomore_ forfishermen(渔民)tocatch. reallydirty rubbishfish What caused the problem? Peoplearethrowing_intothe river.Factoriesareputting_into theriver. How should the problem be solved? Weshouldwritetothe_and askthemto_thefactories. Everyoneshouldhelpto_the river. litter waste government closedown cleanup Listen again and answer the following questions. 1. WhatdoesTonywanttodolaterthis afternoon? HewantstogoswimmingwithMark intheriverlaterthisafternoon. 2.WhydoesntMarkwanttogowith Tony? Becausetheriverwasreallydirty. Eventhebottomoftheriverwasfull ofrubbish,andtherewerenomore fishforfishermentocatch. 3.Howwastheriverinthepast? Itusedtobesoclean.Ithasbeenthe nicestriverinthistown. 1c Theriverwasdirty. Eventhebottomofthe riverwasfullof rubbish. Butitusedto besoclean! Yes,butpeopleare throwinglitterinto theriver. Everyoneinthistown shouldplayapartin cleaningitup! Make conversations using the words in 1a. Theriverhasalways beenthenicestriver inthistown. Yes,itusedto besoclean. Whatcaused theproblem? ButIwastherelast weekendandthe riverwasreallydirty. Factoriesarealso puttingwasteinto theriver. Peopleare throwinglitter intotheriver. Whatshouldwe do? Weshouldwritetothe governmentandask themtoclosedown thefactories. Whatelsecan wedo? Everyoneshouldhelp tocleanuptheriver. 2a Listen to the interview. Circle the kinds of pollution that Jason and Susan talk about. A.landpollutionB.airpollution C.noisepollutionD.waterpollution 2b Listen again and complete the sentences. 1.Theairisbadlypollutedbecausethere are_ontheroadthese days. 2.Factoriesthatburncoalalso_ theairwithalotofblacksmoke. morecars pollute 3.Thereisalsotoomuchrubbishand waste.People_ thingseveryday. 4.Peoplearealsolitteringin _likeparks.Thisis turningbeautifulplacesintougly(丑 陋)ones. arethrowingaway publicplaces Use the information in 2a and 2b to role-play conversations between Jason and Susan. 2c Theairhasbecome reallypolluted aroundhere.Im gettingveryworried. Yes,Iusedto beabletosee starsinthesky. Theproblemis that What should we do to save the earth? Turn off the lights when you leave a room. 关掉 stop riding in cars stop using paper towels or napkins n. 餐巾, 餐巾纸 recycle books and paper v. 回收利用; 再利用 Andremembertothrow rubbishinthebinsand keeppublicplacesclean andbeautifulforeveryone. So together, our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future! 根据句意用take,spend,pay或cost的适当 形式填空。 1.Thatnewcar_themlotsof money. 2.Mona_50yuanonthebooks justnow. 3.Itusually_meanhourtodo myhomework. cost spent takes 4.Youshould_sometime practisingyourpronunciation. 5.Mybrother_3,000yuanforthe newcomputeryesterday. spend paid The earth is badly polluted. Please make a poster and think of what we can do. 1. Copy the new words and remember them. 2. Read the listening materials of 1b, 2a. Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth! Topic: Protecting the environment Functions: Talking about pollution and environmental protection I Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims (1) Grasp all new vocabulary in the unit. (2) Review Present Progressive Tense、Present Prefect Tense 、Passive Voice and used to 2. Ability aims (1)Enable students listening, speaking, reading and writing skills using the target languages. (2)Improve students skill of talking about the topic about environmental protection 3.Emotional aims Make students know environmental protection is very important. Its an important topic around the world. As a student ,we should protect environment. Its our duty. II. Teaching important and difficult points Key words and phrases in the unit and the use of Present Progressive Tense、Present Prefect Tense 、Passive Voice and used to. III. Teaching arrangements 5 Unit 13 Were trying to save the earth! Period 1 I Teaching aims: 1. Knowledge aims Key words and phrases: litter, bottom, fisherman, coal, ugly, advantage, wooden, plastic, takeaway, bin Key sentences: Were trying to save the earth! The river used to be so clean. The air is badly polluted. 2.Ability aims (1) Learn to talk about environmental problems and how to protect environment around us. (2) Improve students listening and speaking skills. 3.Emotional aims Make students know its our duty to protect environment. II. Teaching important and difficult points Words and phrases;Review Present Progressive Tense、Present Prefect Tense 、Passive Voice and used to; The ways to protect environment III. Teaching aids Multi-media IV. Teaching Methods Interactive approach V. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Lead-in Show some pictures to the class and ask the class to guess what topic is talked in this unit. Then write “Environmental protection” on the blackboard. Then show more pictures about different kinds of pollution. And tell the class our earth is polluted. We should save it. Step 2 Discuss Ask the class what causes these pollution. Tell the class the words in 1a can help them to finish the task. First learn some new words in 1a.After a while ask some students to share their opinions with others. And add more points. Step 3 Listening practice 1b Tell the class well listen to a conversation between Tony and Mark. First go through the chart in 1b.Pay attention to the three questions and the answers. Play the record once and tell what pollution in the conversation. Then listen again and complete the sentences to answer the three questions. Then check together. After then listen again and answer some questions. Step 4 Listen practice 2a, 2b First ask the class to go through the four kinds of pollution. Tell the class an interviewer is interviewing Jason and Susan. They are talking about environmental problems. First listen and circle what kinds of pollution are talked about by them. Then go through the four sentences in 2b and listen again and complete the sentences. First some students to give their answers and check together. Step 5 Group work Ask the class to think over ways to save the earth. According to different kinds of pollution , come up with proper ways to solve the environmental problems. After a while ask some students to share their ways with others. Summary and homework Ask the class what you have learned in this class. And add more. 1.Read the listening materials more times and the conversation in 2d. 2.Write some ways to save the earth.(at least five) Teaching Reflection: 本节课利用播放视频导入本节课话题:保护环境,防止环境污染个人感觉课堂 效果较好。如何利用多媒体技术为英语课堂服务,作为英语教师必须要掌握的 一门技术。本节课,我的课堂多方面利用这一技术,尤其白板的使用让课堂节约 时间而形象。发现学生学习兴趣更浓,效果较好。在以后的教育教学中更加注 重自身的信息技术学习,为课堂服务。
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