- What is nature?.pptx--点击预览
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What Is Nature? Shanghai Tengchong Qingdao Los Angeles Nature is what we see a hill a lake a desert a waterfall raining snowing breeze shining clouds a tiger a panda fish penguins trees forest Nature is what we hear Nature is what we feel Eric Mike Sydney Hows the weather in? Its Whats the temperature? Its Sanya 23 31C kunming 6 18C Harbin -12-3C Alaska 0 4C Hows the weather in? Its Whats the temperature? Its Shanghai 1116C Alaska LalaMaomao It doesnt snow in summer. Why? Because its hot and snow becomes rain. Clever. Ice can become water and water can become ice. Weather is changing in Lets act. The sun heats water. We go up and become water vapor. We cool down and become water drop. We stay together and form clouds. We get heavy and fall down as rain. We are so heavy. When it is very cold. We become ice crystal. We become bigger and bigger and fall down as snow. We are so big! Homework: 1. choose your favorite city and make a travel brochure. 2. Act the water cycle for your parents. Weather Clothes Activities sunny ! 1116C Shanghai visit the bund go to Disneyland 1 基本信息 姓名年龄42教龄23学历本科 学区学校 骨干级别 手机邮箱 教材北京版小学英语四年级上册 课题 What Is Nature? Lesson 23 Weathers in nature 课时 第一课时 指导思想与理论依据 关注学生实际获得关注学生实际获得 英语课程标准 (2011 版)指出:教师应根据学生的语言水平、认知能力和生活经验,设计英语教学 活动。鼓励学生通过观察、模仿、体验、合作等方式学习和运用英语。尽可能多地为他们创造语言实践的机 会。 教学背景分析 教材分析:教材分析: 本单元是北京版英语What Is Nature?的第七单元。本单元主要谈论的是有关人们身边的自然现象:如 冰、雪、雨、水的变化和人与自然的关系。本单元分四课时。前三课时以对话学习为主,本课是本单元的第 一课时。分为三个部分,A是听两个对话,感知天气的学习。第一个对话是;Lala和Maomao探讨对天气变化 及雨雪的形成。第二个对话是Eric和Mike谈论北京和悉尼的天气情况。虽然这两个对话没有直接联系,但可 以看出,两个对话中的主人公都非常喜欢雪天。也可以看出天气的不同跟季节有关系也和地点不同有关系。 B是听、操练某地的天气怎么样的功能句型Hows the weather in?Its 此处我通过出示不同城市的关键信 息,让学生通过小组问答来进行操练。C是试验的环节。考虑到C项在课堂上的操作有危险性,因此将C项实 验环节替换为让学生观看、了解雨雪形成过程,并体验雨雪形成的过程。本课涉及的与天气有关的raining, snowing, sunny, windy, cold, hot, warm 及功能句型:Whats the weather like in? 与季节相关的词汇: 2 summer, winter学生曾在二年级seasons 和Weather单元有所涉及。 学情分析:学情分析: 1、 生活经验:附小四年级4班的同学外出旅游经验丰富,经常会利用业余时间游山玩水,接触自然。这样 学 生对什么是自然的话题有所了解。另外对于雨、雪、冰、水现象学生并不陌生,这些现象学生比较熟悉。但 是对于雨雪的形成,大部分学生停留在和Maomao一样的认知。所以本节课拓展让学生了解雨雪的形成过程。 2、 语言技能:学生通过三年的英语学习,已经具备一定的图片观察能力,学生能够尝试运用英语表达自己 的想法,如喜欢什么季节、表达在什么的天气穿什么服装及做哪些活动等。这些能力为本课对话学习谈论主 题图,能从主题图中获取相关信息,以及学生相互交流时提供了很好的技能支持,同时学生喜欢小组合作的 方式学习,喜欢具有挑战性的活动,喜欢表演。 3、语言知识:附小学生学习的教材是人教社一年级起点英语 ,通过三年级的英语学习,学生具备一定的 图片观察能力,能够尝试用简单的语言表达自己的想法。根据前测,四(4)班86%的学生能够认读词汇 raining, snowing, hot, cold, water, ice, summer等表示季节和天气的词及Hows the weather in ?Its 功能句型 的认读。对话中的below zero, degrees则是新词出现。需要教师在课堂上帮助学生处理音、形、义。 教学目标 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 通过学习对话,学生能够识别、理解描述天气的相关词汇:snowing, raining, cold, below zero, degrees。 能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。 2. 能够根据城市的图片,用 Hows the weather in? Its进行问答。 3. 通过观看水循环的短片及阅读水循环的短文,抓住关键信息,能够理解雨雪形成原因。 教学重点:教学重点: 3 1、 能够用 Hows the weather in? 交流获取信息,询问天气情况及穿什么服装。 2、 能够正确理解雨、雪变化的现象,并能用简单的语言表述雨水形成的过程。 教学难点:教学难点: 能够正确理解雨雪形成的过程,并用恰当简单的语言表述雨水的成因。 教学准备 教师准备:教师准备: 课件、水循环的视频、词卡等 学生准备:学生准备: 了解雨雪形成的过程。 教学过程与教学资源设计 上课伊始,师生演唱英文歌曲。Hows the weather? Step one: Lead in 1.Free Talk: Today I want to tell my hobby to you. I like travelling very much. When I have time, I often go travelling. Lets have a look. Where did I go? What do you see on the picture? (教师出示自己旅游的照片,与 学生谈论季节、天气、城市、景点等信息) 2. Do you know why I like travelling? Because I love nature. When I travel, I close to nature. What is nature? 8 Lets enjoy some beautiful pictures. (配乐出图片) 引出自然的话题。Nature. 3.师生交流:What is nature? 头脑风暴 教师总结:Nature is what we see, what we hear and what we feel. Plants are nature. Animals are nature. Weathers are nature. Today well talk about the weathers in nature. (出示板书) 设计意图通过出教师旅游的照片和美丽的自然图片,引出自然的主题。与学生头脑风暴谈论自然,激活设计意图通过出教师旅游的照片和美丽的自然图片,引出自然的主题。与学生头脑风暴谈论自然,激活 学生对自然的认知。学生对自然的认知。 Step two: Learn the two dialogues. 1、 Free talk: Hows the weather today? Do you like days? What do you wear in days? 2、 出示主题图介绍新人物,让学生谈论主题图,获取图中信息。What do you know from the picture? 学生 的回答会关注这些细节。 (Pair Work) Who are they? Are they in the same place? What clothes do they wear? Hows the weather? 3、 教师介绍情景:Beijing is snowing. Mike is very excited. So he makes a phone call to his friend Eric. Lets watch where is Eric? ( 可以让学生观察对比两个人的穿着,判断两个人肯定不在同一个城市) 4、 Beijing is snowing. Mike is very excited. So he makes a phone call to his friend Eric. Lets watch where is Eric? 5、 学习对话二。 5 (1)观看视频第一遍,关注:Where is Eric? (学生的回答 Sydney) Eric is in Sydney. 出示地图,解释 Mike, Eric 的位置。让学生明白两个城市的位置。 (2) 再看视频,关注: How s the weather in Sydney? Its 与学生交流讨论对话的意思,如:Why does Eric say Lucky you? Bad. Its raining hard. 让学生谈出自己的想法。 (3)What do you know from this dialogue? We know the weather is different in Beijing and Sydney. 教师指着 黑板板书,让学生再次复习对话) (4 )How about other cities? 教师出示其他城市,让学生一起谈论天气,先全班问答,小组内谈论各地天 气。 (5) 小组问答天气。 教师小结:Weather is changing in different places. 6、学习对话一。 (1)Beijing is snowing now. Mike is very happy. There are also two friends are happy too. Lets have a look. Who are they? Lala 和 Maomao. Lala is very excited too. Because this is the first time for Lala to see the snow. Lets watch the video. What are they talking about? (2)观看视频第一遍,What are they talking about? They are talking about the weather./ snow. (3)再次观看视频:Lala is very excited to see the snow. He asks Maomao a question. Lets listen whats Lalas question? It doesnt snow in summer. Why? 让学生小组讨论,试着回答。听录音,出示 snow and 5 rain 的图片,帮助学生理解 Snow becomes rain in summer. Rain becomes snow in winter. Maomao 总结:Ice can become water and water become ice. (When does ice become water? 出示图片冰变水的图片) 教师小结:Its amazing. Weather is changing in different seasons. Step three: Practice 1.跟读录音,朗读对话。 2.学生两人一组朗读对话,汇报。 Step Four:Expansion 1.Today well talk about the weathers in nature. Weathers are different in different seasons and in different places. Do you want to know more about nature? We know snow becomes rain in summer. Rain becomes snow in winter. Do you agree? How does rain form? How rain is formed? 让学生说一说,观看视频。 2.教师出示雨形成的过程的短文,让学生同伴阅读,了解雨水形成的过程。 雨水形成的过程短文参考书上 P64 Can you read? 的语篇。 The sun shines on the sea, rivers and lakes. Water can go up into the air and becomes part of it. We call the water in the air water vapor(水蒸汽)The warm water vapor rises. The higher it goes, the cooler it gets. The water vapor cools down and becomes water drop. They stay together and then they form clouds. The water drop gets heavy and falls down as rain. Water from the rain runs into the sea, rivers and lakes. 3.给学生时间,学生以小组为单位,将雨水形成的过程,表演出来。 4.小组表演雨水形成过程。 5 设计意设计意图图通通过观看视频,让学生过观看视频,让学生 了解雨水了解雨水形形成成的过程,为了检测学的过程,为了检测学 生对视频生对视频的的理理解程度,教师出示雨解程度,教师出示雨 水形成过程的短文,让学生划出雨水形成过程的关键词。之后让学生体验雨水形成过程,用自己的肢体和简水形成过程的短文,让学生划出雨水形成过程的关键词。之后让学生体验雨水形成过程,用自己的肢体和简 单的语言来将过程介绍出来。单的语言来将过程介绍出来。 Step Five Homework: 1.Choose your favorite city and make a travel brochure. 2.Act the water cycle for your parents. 板书设计:板书设计: Weather Clothes Activities sunny ! 1116C Shanghai visit the bund go to Disneyland 5