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What will you do in Chengdu? 北京版英语五年级上册 Unit 7 Lesson 23 Winter vacation Do you go travelling?Where are you going? Where am I going? Chengdu How can I go to Chengdu? ? What does she feel? excited What are they talking about? What are they talking about? They are talking about _.going to Chengdu What do you want to know about her trip(旅行)? How? What? Where? When? Who? Who? Why do you look so excited, Lingling? Because my parents and I are going to Chengdu. Who will go to Chengdu? _and_are going to Chengdu.Lingling her parents Lucky you! Do you know Chengdu?Where is Chengdu? Where is Chengdu? 成都成都 北京北京 Lingling wants to know more about Chengdu. Delicious food famous places hotels 1807km far How will she go to Chengdu? ? What do you choose? Why? 3 hours 28 hours Are you going there by train? ? No, were going by plane. Its fast. Why? by plane 3 hours 28hours Its fast. What will she do in Chengdu? What will you do in Chengdu? Well_. Well_. visit my grandparents see the pandas Read and underline Whats Baobaos suggestion(建议)? Dont forget to see Du-jiang-yan. Du-jiang-yan 2200 years old Dont forget to see Du-jiang-yan. No, we wont. She is going to see Du-jiang-yan. Sara writes a message to Mike. Hi , Mike. Im going to_. I will go there by_. I will_. I will_. I will _. Chengdu plane visit my grandparents see the pandas see Du-jiang-yan Read the dialogue Act the dialogue Its time for reading. Are you going there by train? ? No, were going by plane. Are you going to Chengdu by train? No, we are going by plane. Can you read a little faster? Hi , Mike. Im going to Chengdu. I will go there by plane. I will visit my grandparents. I will see the pandas. I will visit Du-jiang-yan. Sounds interesting! Beijing Hi, Lingling. I want to visit some famous places in Beijing, where can I go? the Great Wall the Tiananmen Square Beihai Park Beijing Zoo The Palace Museum You can go to the Birds Nest and the Summer Palace. I want to visit some famous places in Beijing, where can I go? the Birds Nest bird nest + the Birds Nest Hui Xinli Are you going to the Birds Nest by car? No, were going by subway. subway Xidan subway station Liangxiang subway station Are you going to the Birds Nest by car? No, were going by subway. the Summer Palace summer palace + the Summer Palace The Summer Palace, the Summer Palace, I will go to the Summer Palace. Can you say? No, were going by taxi. Are you going to the Summer Palace by bus? by bike by bike by bike Lets chant! the Birds Nest, the Birds Nest. Are you going to the Birds Nest? Subway, subway, we are going by subway. the Summer Palace, the Summer Palace. Are you going to the Summer Palace? Taxi, taxi, we are going by taxi. Im going to Chengdu. Do you like travelling? Interview(采访)your friends A: Hi,*.Where are you going? B: I am going to_. A:Are you going there by_? B: No, we are going by_./Yes, we are. A: What will you do? B: I will _. This text can be replaced with your text. Chengdu see Du-jiang-yan plane train My travel plan Im going to_. Im going there by_. My travel plan We have learnt: 1. Talk about travelling with your friends. 2. How to choose transportation. Homework 1. Read the dialogue on page 50. 2. Read the sentences and words on page 51. 3. Finish your travel plan. Chengdu? Are you going to Yes, we are. No, we are going fast cheap greener comfortable Chengdu the Birds Nest the Summer Palace by car by bus by train by subway by plane by taxi by ship on foot visit my grandparents see the pandas see Du-jiang-yan 1 教学基本信息 课题 Unit 7 What will you do in Chengdu? Lesson 23 是否属于 地方课程或校本课程 否 学科英语学段:高年级 年级五年级 相关 领域 旅行 教材书名:英语 出版社:北京出版社 出版日期: 2015 年 1 月 教学设计参与人员 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 实施者 课件制作者 其他参与者 指导思想与理论依据 学科教学改进意见提倡学校、教师关注学生,以学生需求为出发点开展教学,增 强学生的获得感,这与新课标中强调的教师要坚持以学生为本,为学生提供更加广阔 的思维空间和自主空间不谋而合。本节课立足于单元整体备课,创设主题式情境,采 用循序渐进的语言实践活动,帮助学生解读文本,力求提高学生获得感。 英语学科核心素养要求,既要关注学生的语言能力,也要关注学生的思维能力、 学习能力及文化品格方面的培养。在本节课对话教学中,教师通过问题引领,帮助学 生构建思维导图,让学生融入主题式情境,帮助学生学会合理选择交通出行方式,倡 导绿色出行,培养学生的语言能力和思维品质,养成正确的情感态度价值观,促进学 生核心素养的提升与落实。 教学背景分析 3 教学内容:教学内容: 本单元为北京版小学英语五年级上册 Unit 7 What will you do in Chengdu?。话 题为旅行,在本套教材中是首次出现。单元中的三节学习课分别创设了不同的情境来 谈论旅行计划,包括旅行的地点、交通工具、做的事情以及具体的活动安排,三课时 逐课延伸,层层递进。本单元的主旨是通过了解国内著名的文化旅游景点,感受旅行 带来的快乐。第 23 课话题为谈论旅行计划,以 Lingling 一家去成都看望爷爷奶奶并 游览当地的景点为情境主线,引入单元话题,依托文本,丰富学习内容。重点学习功 能句“Are you going toby?/No, we are going by”并能在语境中运用。学生 在三年级学习了询问活动计划的句型:“What are you going to do this afternoon?”四年级又复现了句型:“What are you going to do on May Day?”, 为本课的学习奠定了基础。 学生情况:学生情况: 本课的教学对象是小学五年级学生,针对本课他们具有以下特点: 1. 从知识层面看:五年级的学生有一定的语言基础和生活经验积累,在听、说、 读、写能力方面有了进一步的提升,接触过“What are you going to do?”等相关句 型,为理解新语言做了铺垫;学生对旅行这一话题有相关背景知识,但对于国内的著 名文化景点和远途旅行的交通方式,了解的内容还不够丰富。 2.从兴趣层面看:本单元话题为旅行,跟实际生活联系紧密,学生的学习兴趣浓 郁,乐于和教师、同学真实交流;但是由于自尊心较强,而不太乐于参与课堂的发言 及表演。 3.从能力层面看:学生善于观察,对词汇、句型的理解能力不断提高,具备了一 定的文本解读能力和逻辑思维能力。并在原有知识和生活经验积累的基础上,养成了 较好的学习习惯。 教学方式:教学方式: 学生在教师的引导下,通过观察、提问、小组合作、动作演示、说唱表演等一系列多 样化的教学方式,让学生在主题式情境中学习语言。 教学手段:教学手段: 主题式情境教学、借助思维导图引领对话教学、结合学生实际落实核心素养 教具准备:教具准备: Powerpoint 课件及教材配套优盘、点读笔、单词句型卡片、交通工具小卡片、彩色卡 4 纸 教学目标(内容框架) 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 能在图片、声音、视频、游戏的帮助下,充分地理解对话内容;并在此基础上,分 角色朗读对话。 2. 能在图片、动画、声音的帮助下,初步应用 “Are you going to by?/No, we are going by ”等表达旅行时询问交通方式的语句,并能在情境中运用。 3. 能在图片的帮助下理解、听说、认读交通工具类词汇 train, subway,场所地点类词 汇 Chengdu, the Birds Nest, the Summer Palace。 4.通过本课学习,能够对出行方式做出合理的选择,学会绿色出行。 教学重点:教学重点: 1. 能在图片、声音、视频、游戏的帮助下,充分理解对话内容,并正确朗读对话。 2. 能运用主要功能句“ Are you going to by?/No, we are going by ”并在适当语 境下进行对话交流。 教学难点:教学难点: 能正确辨认单词,掌握 forget、subway 和 the Summer palace 的发音。 5 教学流程示意(可选项) 教学过程(文字描述) StepStep 1:1: WarmingWarming upup & & leadlead inin 1.1. FreeFree talktalk 师生交流,激趣导入师生交流,激趣导入 (1) Greet and get to know each other. (2) Talk about travelling with students. (创设本课主题情境,寒假去旅行) T: The winter vacation is coming soon. I will go travelling. Do you go travelling? Where are you going? Step 1: Warming up 创设情境 激趣导入 Step 2: Listen and say 思维导图 引领对话 Step 3: Listen, look and learn 结合实际 灵活运用 Step 4: Consolidation& Extension 巩固操练 拓展提升 师生交流,引入话题 视频解析,渗透文化 基于思维导图,理解文本 小组合作,表演对话 联系实际,学习句型 创设情境,促进语用 说唱歌谣,巩固语言 采访同伴,提高表达 观察图片,预测信息 整体感知,理解大意 视听结合,学习对话 1 自主阅读,学习对话 2 自主提问,形成思维导 图 创设情境,梳理对话 14 Ss: Im going to T: How will you go there? Why? Ss: I will go there by,because 【设计思路设计思路】热身环节创设寒假去旅行的情境,和学生自由交谈旅行的话题,激活学热身环节创设寒假去旅行的情境,和学生自由交谈旅行的话题,激活学 生的思维和已知,使学生尽快融入到课堂教学中来;还能够在语境中初步引导学生感生的思维和已知,使学生尽快融入到课堂教学中来;还能够在语境中初步引导学生感 知和理解交通工具类词汇以及知和理解交通工具类词汇以及 “be“be goinggoing to”to”的表达,降低新知学习的难度。的表达,降低新知学习的难度。 2.2. GuessGuess wherewhere thethe teacherteacher isis goinggoing andand enjoyenjoy a a videovideo 视频解析,渗透文化视频解析,渗透文化 T: Can you guess where am I going? Ss: You are going to T: Let me show you my travel plan. (教师呈现原创视频并通过图片和关键词介绍自己去成都的旅行计划) T: This is my travel plan, but I have no idea about how to go to Chengdu? Can you help me? Ss: You can go by,because T: Thank you. I feel so excited about my trip. 【设计思路设计思路】让学生猜一猜教师去哪儿旅行,增加新知复现率;基于对话情境,呈现让学生猜一猜教师去哪儿旅行,增加新知复现率;基于对话情境,呈现 图文并茂的视频,便于学生了解成都的著名景点和文化,为对话学习做铺垫。图文并茂的视频,便于学生了解成都的著名景点和文化,为对话学习做铺垫。 StepStep 2:2: ListenListen andand saysay 1.1. LearnLearn thethe dialoguedialogue withwith mindmind map.map. 基于思维导图,理解文本基于思维导图,理解文本 (1)Predict what they are talking about. 观察图片,预测信息 T: Look at our friend Lingling and Baobao. What do they feel? Ss: They are happy. T: What does Lingling feel? Ss: So happy. / Excited. T:Why is she so excited? What are they talking about? 15 Ss:They are talking about 【设计思路设计思路】引导学生观察主题图,获取对话发生的人物、场景等背景信息;整体视引导学生观察主题图,获取对话发生的人物、场景等背景信息;整体视 听对话,帮助学生理解大意。听对话,帮助学生理解大意。 (2)Watch the dialogue and get the main idea. 整体感知,理解大意 T: What are they talking about? Now,lets watch. Ss: They are talking about _. (播放第一遍动画,整体视听,理解大意,抓取关键词回答问题) (3)Form the mind map 自主提问,形成思维导图 T: Lingling will go travelling this winter vacation.(板书帖卡片 Travel) What do you want to know about her trip? Can you ask her? S1: Where are you going? S2:Who will go with you? S3:How will you go there? S4:What will you do? S5:When do you go to Chengdu? S6: Why do you go to Chengdu? (贴卡片 Who/Where/How/What 等,在板书上形成思维导图) 【设计思路设计思路】让学生让学生对对 LinglingLingling 的旅行计划提出自己想了解的问题,体现以生为本的的旅行计划提出自己想了解的问题,体现以生为本的 理念,培养学生的问题意识;运用思维导图,帮助学生建构知识脉络,初步感知对话理念,培养学生的问题意识;运用思维导图,帮助学生建构知识脉络,初步感知对话 内容。内容。 (4)Understand Part I T: Look at the first question: Who will go with her? 1 (播放对话前两句声音,让学生回答问题 Who will go to Chengdu?) Lingling is so excited, Baobao doesnt know why, what does he ask? Ss: Why are you so excited, Lingling? T: Then, what does Lingling answer? Ss: Because T: So, who will go to Chengdu? Ss: _and _are going to _. (板书 Lingling 一家人的图片) T: Wow, wonderful. She is going to Chengdu. She is so lucky. What does Baobao say? Ss: Lucky you!(教师示范有表情、动作的朗读句子) T: But boys and girls. Where is Chengdu? (板书贴成都的图片) I think we need a map. We can find it on “Baidu maps.” Ss: (Point to Chengdu.)It is in the south of China. Lingling wants to know more about Chengdu. (She wants to know delicious food, famous places) What can she do? Ss: She can read books/watch TV/search on Internet. T: Lets find Chengdu on “Tuniu.” 1 We can see many delicious food and famous places in Chengdu, we can also choose the hotel. Its very convenient. T: Our friend Lingling lives in Beijing. Is Chengdu near Beijing? No, Its 1807km. Its very far. So how will she go to Chengdu? (指着黑板) Ss: By T: Here I find some information on Tuniu. If we take these public transportation. What do you choose? Why? Ss: By plane is fast. By train is cheap. T: Baobao has an idea. What does he ask? Ss: Are you going there by train? (板书贴句子,学生观察教师口型,模仿发音,正确朗读单词 train 和 plane, 注意字母 a 的发音和组合 ai 的发音,用高低音的形式朗读句子) T: Is she going there by train? (点读笔播放第三、四句声音) T:What does she say? Ss: No, we are going by plane. / Yes, we are. T: Who wants to be Lingling, who wants to be Baobao? (点读笔点读、分角色朗读) T: Why is Lingling going to Chengdu by plane? Ss: Its fast. (动画演示火车和飞机行驶的快慢程度) 【设计思路设计思路】引用引用“百度地图百度地图”和和“途牛旅游网途牛旅游网” ,询问学生选择哪种出行方式,让,询问学生选择哪种出行方式,让 学生根据自己的生活经验表达自己的想法,引导学生学会解决实际问题。学生根据自己的生活经验表达自己的想法,引导学生学会解决实际问题。 1 (5)Understand Part II T: What will she do in Chengdu? Baobao wants to know, what does he ask? Ss: What will you do in Chengdu? T: Please read by yourself and underline the sentences. Ss: Well _. Well _. (板书词组 visit my grandparents,see 然后 the pandas,用点读笔跟读) 【设计思路设计思路】让让学生自主阅读对话,提炼关键信息,让思维可视化,有效地发展学生学生自主阅读对话,提炼关键信息,让思维可视化,有效地发展学生 深度阅读的能力,提升阅读素养。深度阅读的能力,提升阅读素养。 T: What does Baobao suggest her to do? Ss: Dont forget to see Du-jiang-yan. (图片呈现都江堰的悠久历史) T: Is she going to see Du-jiang-yan? (打节拍朗读 forget,利用点读笔跟读) Ss: No, we wont. T: What does it mean? It means: she is going to see Du-jiang- yan. (6)Set a scene to review the dialogue T: Lingling is so excited. She wants to tell her friend. So she writes a message to Mike. What does she write? 1 【设计思路设计思路】通过通过当下十分流行的软件微信,当下十分流行的软件微信, 创设创设 LinglingLingling 和好友分享自己旅行计划的情境,梳理对话内容;采用留白的方式,让和好友分享自己旅行计划的情境,梳理对话内容;采用留白的方式,让 学生提取关键信息,如此生活化的学习情境让学生乐于学习英语知识,在主动实践活学生提取关键信息,如此生活化的学习情境让学生乐于学习英语知识,在主动实践活 动中锻炼了学习能力。动中锻炼了学习能力。 2.2. ReadRead thethe dialoguedialogue 朗读对话,复习巩固朗读对话,复习巩固 (1 1)ListenListen andand repeat.repeat. T:Please open your books and turn to page 50. Ss: Lets listen and repeat. (2 2)LetsLets follow!follow! T: Now, lets follow the talking pen. (3 3)ReadRead inin roles.roles. T: Now, please read in pairs. One is Baobao, and the other is Lingling. 【设计思路设计思路】增加原声输入,有利于学生对语言的理解与内化;通过多种形式的朗读增加原声输入,有利于学生对语言的理解与内化;通过多种形式的朗读 练习,提高学生发音的准确性,培养学生的语感;练习,提高学生发音的准确性,培养学生的语感;通过角色扮演活动,鼓励学生进行通过角色扮演活动,鼓励学生进行 语言实践。语言实践。 StepStep 3:3: Listen,Listen, looklook andand learnlearn 1.1. StudyStudy thethe mainmain structuresstructures T: In this dialogue. How will Lingling go to Chengdu? What does Baobao ask? How does Lingling answer? If she wants to go by train, what should she say? Ss: Yes, we are. (结合日常交际中的多种可能性,呈现另一种回答方式 Yes, we are. 给学生更 多的语言支撑) T: Can you read by yourself? Can you read a little faster? 1 (朗读小游戏:在规定时间内快节奏朗读句型) 【设计思路设计思路】增加原声输入,有利于学生对语言的理解与内化;通过多种形式的朗读增加原声输入,有利于学生对语言的理解与内化;通过多种形式的朗读 练习,提高学生发音的准确性,培养学生的语感;练习,提高学生发音的准确性,培养学生的语感;通过角色扮演活动,鼓励学生进行通过角色扮演活动,鼓励学生进行 语言实践。语言实践。 2.2. SetSet a a scenescene T: Mike receives Linglings message. Look at his position, he is in Beijing now. Wow, here he comes. What does he say? Ss: Read the sentences. (Hi, Lingling. I want to visit some famous places in Beijing. Where can I go?) Can you introduce(say) some famous places in Beijing? (创设 Mike 收到 Lingling 的微信,目前住在北京惠新里,想要参观北京著名景点的 情境,让学生告诉 Mike 一些北京的著名景点) T: What does Lingling say? Ss: Read the sentences. (You can go to the Birds Nest and the Summer Palace) T: Mike is going to the Birds Nest. He lives in Hui Xinli now. 1 If you are Mike, how will you go there? (示范 Subway 的发音,呈现贴近生活的西单、长阳、良乡等地铁站图片,学习 subway) Lingling has an idea. What does she ask? Ss: Are you going to theby.? T: How does Mike answer? Ss: No, we are going by T: Then from the Birds Nest, he will go to the Summer palace. How will he go there? What does Lingling ask? What does Mike answer? T:If you travel in one city, what transportation can you choose? If you travel from city to city. What can you choose? If you dont go very far, you can ride a bike or on foot. Its a good way to protect our environment. (呈现思维导图,采用问题引导,帮助学生学会选择出行方式) 【设计思路设计思路】创设创设 MikeMike 想去北京的著名景点,请求想去北京的著名景点,请求 LinglingLingling 帮助的情景,让学生在帮助的情景,让学生在 情境中学习巩固语言。出示地图,帮助学生合理选择交通方式,渗透绿色出行。情境中学习巩固语言。出示地图,帮助学生合理选择交通方式,渗透绿色出行。 1 StepStep 4:4: ConsolidationConsolidation & & ExtensionExtension 1.1. LetsLets chant!chant! T: You are great, lets chant together! Ss: The Birds Nest, the Birds Nest. Are you going to the Birds Nest? Subway, subway, we are going by subway 2.2. InterviewInterview youryour friendsfriends T: Boys and girls. There are many famous places in China. Lets enjoy a video. Do you like travelling? Where are you going this winter? I want to interview one of you. (Set an example) Now, please interview your friends. 【设计思路设计思路】 呈现中国著名的旅游胜地,增加输入量,激发学生旅行的热情,并采用呈现中国著名的旅游胜地,增加输入量,激发学生旅行的热情,并采用 采访学生的形式增加对话趣味性。采访学生的形式增加对话趣味性。 3.3. MyMy traveltravel planplan ( (此活动为预设活动,如有时间则会讲解此活动为预设活动,如有时间则会讲解) ) T: Here, I made a travel plan. It is beautiful? Do you want to make your own travel plan? Please finish it after class. T: Today we have learned to talk about travelling with our friends. And how to choose transportation. StepStep 5:5: Homework:Homework: 1. Read the dialogue on page 50. 2. Read the sentences and words on page 50. 3. Finish your travel plan. 板书设计:板书设计: 1 学习效果评价设计 评价方式 本节课中,教师通过自己的口头语言、体态语、眼神和表情等,对全体学生或个体学 生在课堂上的积极主动的学习态度、语言知识掌握的程度、学生之间的合作与创新精 神等能力等给予相应的评价和奖励,让每一名学生都能感受到成功和进步,增强他们 的自信心。同时,学生之间也展开互相评价,进一步肯定学习态度。整节课,通过小 组比赛,获得交通工具小图片的形式完成过程性评价,这种评价方式新颖有趣,激发 了学生的学习兴趣,并巩固了所学知识。 评价量规 评价活动评价方法评价标准 Warming up 教师评价 能通过 Free talk 和猜一猜的形式,流畅、自如 地和教师谈论旅行的相关话题。 能通过 Free talk 和猜一猜的形式,积极和教师谈论关于旅 行的相关问题。 Listen and say 教师评价 学生互评 能在图片、视频、声音的帮助下,理解对 话内容,尝试表演对话。 能在图片、视频、音乐的帮助下,理解对话内容, 正确朗读对话。 1 Listen, look and learn 教师评价 学生互评 能在情境中熟练掌握功能句型,语音、 语调好。 能在情境中运用功能句型,语音、语调正确。 Consolidation教师评价 学生互评 能熟练朗读小韵文,能和同伴流利地谈论 旅行计划。 能正确朗读小韵文,和同伴谈论旅行计划。 本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500 字数) 一、以思维导图为方向,解读文本信息一、以思维导图为方向,解读文本信息 文本材料是小学英语教学的重要载体,准确解读文本内容是有效开展教学的重要保障。本节课, 教师先让学生围绕 Lingling 的旅行提出自己的问题,培养问题意识,根据学生的思维模式形成思 维导图,引领对话教学,帮助学