北京版五年级上册UNIT SIX WHAT ARE YOU FAVOURITE SPORTS -Lesson 21-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-(编号:d00e2).zip

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Unit 6 What are your favourite sports ? Lesson 21 Round1: Find out “Feeling” excited fun Thanksgivin g sad clean water Big Ben snow 30s GO! excited fun sad Round2: Find out “Country” China America sunny theU.K. first mother working visit 30s GO! China America footballtheU.K. Round3: Find out “Sports” Jun e rugby swimming tennis mother first month basketball Europe 30s GO! basketball rugby swimming tennis Round4: Find out “Sports” Jun e golf horseracing football mother first month goskating Europe 30s GO! goskating golf horseracing football Feeling:excitedfunsad China America the U.K. Country: Sports: goskatinghorseracing basketbal l swimming golf tennisfootballrugby skiing thethe 24th24th WinterWinter OlympicsOlympics Welcome to Ottawa! As little envoys (小使者小使者)of theWinterOlympics, Guoguo and Baobao go to Canada to learn ice sports. Glasses skis Gloves Skisticks Ski suits What kits(装备装备) do they have? Whataretheytalkingabout? Watch & Answer (1) Whataretheytalkingabout? SportsinCanada. Watch & Answer (1) I feel so good. You are doing great! Am I doing well? Shall we take a break? WhatsportsareCanadians goodat? Watch & Answer (2) Watch & Answer (2) Whatsportsare Canadians goodat? Icesports. We are good at ice sports. What are you good at? Watch & Answer (3) Whichkindsoficesports doCanadianslikebest ? 1.5minutes Watch & Answer (3) Whichkindsoficesportsdo Canadianslikebest? Icehockey. Canada mens national ice hockey team (简称“加拿大男冰”) We have the best Ice hockey teams in the world. Canadiens de Montral (蒙特利尔加拿大人队) Toronto Maple Leafs (多伦多枫叶队) Vancouver Canucks (温哥华加佬队) Ottawa Senators (渥太华参议员队) Edmonton Oilers (埃德蒙顿油人队 ) Calgary Flames (卡尔加利火焰) Winnipeg Jets (温尼伯喷射机队) Team logos (队徽队徽) Why are ice sports so popular in Canada ? NaturalNatural skiski resortresort ( (天然滑雪场天然滑雪场) ) Watch & Answer (4) WhatdidGuoguoseetoday? 1.5minutes My grandma goes skiing every winter. I saw some old people skiing today. The old people can be sport lovers. Is Is it it goodgood oror notnot goodgood forfor oldold peoplepeople toto dodo iceice sportssports? Pleasediscuss itinpairs. Pair Work Tips: 1.Beloudly(大声) 2.Pronunciation(发音) 3.Tone(语调) Role play Retell the story We are good at . table tennis What are you good at ? We have the best table tennis teams in the world. What are you good at ? We are good at . diving We have the best diving teams in the world. Eric LisaKevi n Lily Lets do a survey Eg:1.Whatsyourfavouritesport? 2.Whydoyoulikeit? 3.Whatareyougoodat? NameFavourite sports whyBe good at This is My friend _. His /Her fovourite sport is _. Because its _. He/She is good at _. Sports: Football Basketball Ping-Pong Badminton Swimming Tennis Running Jumping rope Bike-riding Roller-skating Feeling: I t s f u n / c o o l interesting/exciting/ popular Homework: Makeaposteraboutthepopularsports indifferentcountries.(atleast3countries) 1 教学基本信息 课题Unit6 What are your favourite sports? Lesson 21 学科英语姓名: 郑毅年级五年级 教材书名:小学英语实验教材 出版社:北京出版社 出版日期: 2013 指导思想与理论依据 “语言与文化是密切相关的。英语教学应有利于学生理解外国文化,加深对祖国 文化的理解,进而拓展文化视野,形成跨文化交际意识和初步的跨文化交际的能力。 ” 因此,在本课的会话教学中,以教材信息为依托,以学生的真实需求为出发点, 紧密联系学生的生活实际展现学生参与冰雪运动运动这一情景,制定出了本节课 的教学目标,并精选出了符合学生认知的教学内容。旨在让学生去体验、思考、理解 真实、创设有意义的语言环境,并最终达到在真实情景中运用语言的目的。 教学背景分析 教材分析:教材分析: 本节课是第六单元第三课时的内容,主要围绕加拿大人热爱运动,对于冰上运动 十分擅长这个主题展开。课文主题明确,在教学中,可以借助不同情景,增强语言学 习的可持续性。同时,结合具体内容,适时渗透情感态度及价值观教育。在本课的学 习中,主要将教材中的语言情景和学生真实的教学活动相结合,学生在课上展现自己 对于某种运动的擅长,通过真实体验,渗透功能句型,让学生体会用“英语做事情” 。 学情分析:学情分析: 1、五年级的学生通过四年的英语学习,课上养成了良好的听、说、读的学习习惯, 有一定的语言基础,具备了一定的语言表达能力,并具有一定的合作和归纳总结的能力。 2、通过前两课时的学习,学生初步了解一些运动项目如: baseball、basketball、table tennis and so on.孩子们可以用如 I like/ My favorite game is等句型表达自己对于某种运动的喜爱。 3、我校开展“冰雪进校园”活动已经一年多的时间了,因此学生对冰雪运动有了 一定的了解。并且在这项常态活动中,许多五年级孩子都已经有过冰雪活动的体验, 有的甚至在比赛中获了奖。 4、通过课前调查,发现学生对于西方的国家以及其各国擅长的一些体育运动都不 太了解。因此,通过品社课帮助学生了解了法国,澳大利亚,加拿大等几个国家的地理位 置、气候、天气等。借助体育课帮助学生深入了解各种体育项目。同时课前还给孩子 布置了各国都擅长什么体育运动等相关作业,鼓励孩子上网站搜寻查阅有关信息,从而 加深自己的经验,能力得到了提升。 6 教学目标 1. 学生能够听懂、理解,并正确朗读对话; 2. 通过本课的学习,学生能够听懂、会说体育运动的词汇。并就擅长的体育运动 进行简单交流。 3. 能够正确朗读课文,提取相关信息并尝试复述课文。 4. 通过语言学习和对扩展活动的体验,形成体育文化具有差异性的意识,同时懂 得尊重其他国家的体育爱好,尊重世界文化的多样性。 教学重点: 1. 句型“What are you good at ?”及其答语“We are good at sports.”询问 他人擅长什么运动,并且能够自由表达。 2. 理解、感知、模仿情景语汇, “I fell so good. Am I doing well?/ We have the best ice hockey teams in the world.”等情感语句。 教学难点: 1、Canadian、world 等词汇的发音。 2、能够在运用的过程中综合运用语言。 教学准备: PPT 课件、配套 U 盘、单词图片、单词卡等。 教学过程 一、一、 Warm-up & Lead-in 1、Greeting each other 1 2、Game T: Whats your favourite sport? Why do you like it? 设计意图:渗透给学生分类记忆词汇的学习策略,既激活相关词汇又引出本节课话题。 3、Lead in T: You can ski. Can you show us? Let do together. S: Its fun/interesting. T: Please enjoy the video, maybe You can find yourselves in it. T: Do you know why we have skiing lessons every Thursday in our school? S: Because the 24th the winter Olympics will be held in Beijing-Zhangjiakou in the 2022. T: And our school is near Snow World Ski resort. Its convenient to ski for us. 设计意图:通过提问激发孩子的好奇心,唤起学生对滑雪这项冰雪运动的知识储备。 让更多的孩子了解冰雪项目,热爱冰雪项目,并作为线索贯穿课文。 二、二、 Presentation 情景设置:为了加深对冰雪运动的了解,Guoguo 和 Baobao 作为冰雪小使者去加拿大 6 体验冰雪项目。 T: As little envoys of the winter Olympics, Guoguo and Baobao go to Canada to learn ice sports. 1、观察图片,引发思考,预测对话 T: Look, Guoguo and Mike are skiing. What kits do they need? 2、学习对话 1 学生观看动画,初步感知课文内容。回答问题 1:What are they talking about? S: Talk about sports in Canada 设计意图:让学生带着任务,提取主旨大意,培养学生总结主要信息的能力。 学生看动画,学习对话 1 T: How does Guoguo feel? S: She feels so good. T: Is she doing well? S: Yes, she is. T: Guoguo does ski very hard. From 7:30-10:30, She has been skiing for three hours. So she is tired. And then she asks Mike? S: Shall we take a break? 3、学习对话 2 观看动画,回答问题 2:What sports are Canadians good at? S: Ice sports. T: How does Guoguo ask? 板书出示主句型: -What are you good at? - We are good at ice sports. T: Can you tell me some other ice sports? T: Please enjoy a video about ice sports. 设计意图:通过播放冰雪运动的视频,使学生了解“更高更快更强”的奥运精神。 观看动画,回答问题 3:Which kinds of ice sports do Canadians like best? T: Ice hockey is very popular in Canada. They got many first prizes in Olympic winter games. Canadians are very proud of it. So mike says . T: Do you know why ice sports are so popular in Canada?Please talk with each other. T: The temperatures in theses six months are very low. That shows their winters are long and cold. T: Theres a lot of snow in winter. They have many Natural ski resorts. 6 Its very easy to do ice sports for them. 观看动画,回答问题 4: What did Guoguo see today? T: Mikes grandma likes skiing very much. She must be a sports lover. So not only the young people even old ones can be sports lovers. T: When I saw this, Im thinking about a question. Is it good or bad for old people to go skiing?You can discuss in pairs. Can tell me why? S1: Its good. Sports can make us happy and keep our healthy. S2: I think Skiing isnt good for old people. Because they may fall and hurt themselves. Its dangerous for them. T: No matter who, be careful, ok? 设计意图:通过设置开放性问题,培养孩子发散性思维,鼓励孩子大胆表达自己想法。 4、Read books 5、Role play 6、Retell T: Today Guoguo learned a lot. Lets see what she has learned today. She learned: Canadian people are good at ice sports. They go skating and skiing in winner. Even old people can be sports lovers. Canada has the best ice hockey teams in the world. 设计意图:通过思维导图的复述方式帮助学生梳理本课内容,提升学生总结概括能力和 逻辑思维能力。为学生在下一阶段真实语境中的综合运用提供语言支持。 三、Practice 1、Listen, look, and learn. 情景设置:通过宝宝和加拿大小孩交谈,完成替换练习的学习。 T: Baobao is in Canada, too. Now, he is talking with a Canadian girl. T: What sports are Chinese people good at? S: We are good at table tennis. We have the best table tennis teams in the world. T: We Chinese are also good at other sports. Lets listen. 设计意图:用与课文相似的情景自然导入句型教学,并给学生提供语言复现的机会。 2、Listen and Match T: Different people are good at different games. What sports are these children good at? 6 T: Lets check. Where from? What is he/she good at? 设计意图:通过创设不同国家四个孩子擅长的不同运动,学生根据听到的内容进行连 线。培养学生听关键词获取信息的能力。 四、四、Production 1、Do a survey Now, please ask your friends these questions. If you are NOT good at sports. Thats doesnt matter. You can choose one on the blackboard. 2、Group work. T and one child make an example. Whats your favourite sport? Why do you like it? What are you good at? 表格: NameFavoriteWhy?Good at 设计意图: 通过调查表的使用,训练本单元重点句型,用于巩固本单元所学知识。同时 感受到人与人之间存在的差异是正常的,要懂得尊重别人。 3、Group show T: Can you talk about it with others in a group? This is My friend_. His /Her fovourite sport is _. Because its_. He/she is good at_. 设计意图:进一步在真实的语境中,理解、操练运用句型进行口语交际运用。培养学 生使用第三人称转述的能力。 五、五、Summary & Homework 1、Summary T: Now lets see what kinds of sports other countries are good at. 6 设计意图:通过梳理不同国家擅长的体育活动,在积极的情感体验中,对语言和文化 的广度进行拓展,进一步增强热爱体育运动、关注健康的意识。 2、homework Make a poster about the popular sports in different countries.(at least 3 countries) 设计意图:这项作业既是课内学习的延伸,意在验证学习效果。也为学生进行个性化 的自主学习搭设了平台。 板书设计 学习效果评价设计 教师通过语言、体态语、眼神和表情等,对全体或个体学生在课堂上表现出的积 极的学习态度、探索与创新精神、分析与解决问题的能力等给予肯定和及时的评价, 让学生感受到成功,树立自信。通过生生间的口头评价,进一步肯定学习态度,提高 综合素养。
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