北京版五年级上册UNIT FIVE WHERE ARE YOUR FROM -Lesson 16-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-(配套课件编号:f0012).doc

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1、1 北京版小学英语五年级上册北京版小学英语五年级上册 UnitUnit 5 5 WhereWhere areare youyou from?from?LessonLesson 1616 教学目标 2 1. 能正确地理解课文内容,朗读课文。 2. 能够理解表示城市与国家、国家与所在大洲的关系的句子,如: “Where is ? Its in . 3. 能 认 读 : the U.K., London, Canada, the U.S.A., the North America, Europe, Australia, Big Ben, the Thames, Asia 等词汇。 4. 能够识别英国

2、的首都伦敦的标志 Big Ben 和 Thames, 并能对伦敦的标志做简单的描 述。 教学重点 1. 用“Where is? Its in .”的句型就城市与国家、国家与所在大洲的关系进行 交流。 2. 对表示洲、国家和城市的词理解、认读和记忆。 教学难点 1. Europe 的理解和发音,Thames 的发音。 2.在文化层面上除了对英国和伦敦所处位置以及城市标志有所了解以外,还要对其他洲 的国家和标志有初步认识。 教学过程 (一)(一)Warming-up:Warming-up: Step1:Review BaoBao has many friends.They are Sara and

3、 Mike. T: Where is Sara from? S: She is from New York. / She is from the U.S.A. T: Where is Mike from? S: He is from Canada. T: Where is Canada? S: Its in the NorthAmerica. 设计意图:通过了解宝宝的朋友们回忆不同城市所在的国家以及所学的大洲。 Step2:Leading in 3 T: BaoBaos friends are from different countries. He will visit different

4、countries with his family. Can you guess where they go? S: 自由回答 T: OK, lets listen. Where are they? 设计意图:通过观察主题图,引导学生关注教材图片信息,发现宝宝在伦敦。 ( (二二) ) PresentationPresentation andand practicepractice Step1:Listen and say 1. T: Oh, they are in London. What do you know about London? S: Big Ben, London Eye T:

5、 Lets learn more about London. S: 观看伦敦简介 T: We know more about London. Where is London? S: Its in the U.K. T: Great. Look! This is the map of the U.K. S: 句型操练 T: London is in the U.K. Where is the U.K.? Ss: Its in the Europe. Europe 跟读,纠正发音,操练句型 2. 打开书,点读图 1,小组练习,合上书。 3. T: Now we got it. London is

6、in the U.K. and the U.K. is in the Europe. But what did BaoBao see in London?Now, lets watch the video. S: Big Ben, Thames. T: What do you think of the Thames? S: Its long and wide. 3. 打开书,点读图 2,小组练习。 4. 整体听读课文。 5. 小组对话练习,表演对话。 T: Lets do some pair work. S: Pair work and act out. 4 设计意图:通过文化信息渗透帮助学生

7、理解情景,采取分段学习对话内容、分角色朗读 等多种形式学习对话,丰富学习方式,训练学生听读技能,培养学生学习能力。 Step2:Listen, look and learn 1. T: OK, we know BaoBao visited London.Where is London?Where is the U.K.? S: Its in the Europe. T: Europe is one of continents. How many continents are there in the world? Lets watch a video. S: 观看七大洲视频。 T:Look!

8、This is a map of the world. How many continents?Lets count! Which continent do you know? S: Europe,Asia, North America (认读七大洲,板书七大洲各板块) 练习检测七大洲的认读,连线题。 T: Today we visited the U.K. We know the U.K. is an English-speaking country. Do you know any other English-speaking countries? S: U.S.A., Canada, A

9、ustralia, the U.K. T: Great! Where are those countries? S: They are in. T: Where are we from? S: We are from China. T: Where is China? (引导学生运用句型 Where is? Its in .) S: Its inAsia. T: We know China is large. Do you know the largest country in the world? S: Russia.(认识俄罗斯国旗) T: Where is Russia? S: Its in Europe. 设计意图:通过视频、板书等形式引导学生认识大洲板块,对北美洲、欧洲、亚洲、 大洋洲进行主要的学习,其他大洲作为次重点学习,同时了解国家与大洲的关系。 ( (三三) ) ProductionProduction 5 Step1: Lets do 完成作业单上的 2、3 题,小组内互相提问,完成练习。 国旗认读: Whats this?Its the national flag of . 国家与大洲的位置关系:Where is ?Its in . 设计意图:通过小组合作学习,丰富学生的认知,训练学生的口语表达能力。 板书设计


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