Unit 8 Dolls-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版四年级上册(编号:9002a).zip

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Unit 8 Dolls (Story time ) Period 1 Enjoy a song. My eyes,nose, mouth,ears. What to learn? 1.能听懂、会说单词:eyes,nose, mouth,ears,hair. 3.能简单描述娃娃的脸部特征。 2.能正确理解、朗读课文。 How to learn? 眼睛要看仔细哦! 耳朵要听清楚 哦! 嘴巴要大胆说哦 ! Unit 8 Dolls (Story time ) Period1 Lets enjoy. Lets enjoy. eyes eyean Lets learn. eyes,eyes big,big,big Lets learn. eyes,eyes small,small,small ose Lets learn. nose,nose , , , th n mouth Lets learn. mouth,mouth , , , shout ears an ear Lets learn. ears,ears , , , Lets learn. ears,ears , , , air long hair, long hair, long,long,long Lets learn. hch short hair, short hair, short,short,short Lets learn. 看见五官和单词说英文, 看见娃娃拍一下手。 long short big small mouth hair eyesnose ears Lets play. Lets watch. Lets watch. Whose dolls are they? 他们是谁的娃娃? Whose dolls are they? 他们是谁的娃娃? Think and say. What does he look like? 他长得什么样? Listen and circle.听并圈出正确答案. Listen carefully and catch the key words. 仔细听,抓住关键单词。 ? Theyre talking about dolls_. A.B. C. D. E. F.G. Watch and circle 观看动画,圈出他们谈论了 洋娃娃的什么? What are the dolls like?娃娃长得什么样? Read and find hair eyes nose mouthears hair eyes nose mouth ears Learning tips: 读课文,四人小组合作,找出形容女 娃娃或男娃娃外貌特征的词,试着读读,并填入表 内。 What is the girl doll like? 女娃娃长得什么样? Read and say Her is/are . hair eyes nose mouth ears Her 她的 longbig small small ? isareis What is the boy doll like? 男娃娃长得什么样? Read and say His is/are . hair eyes nose mouth ears His 他的 short small small bigbig But his mouth is big. His ears are big too. . . This is our doll.His hair is short. His eyes and nose are small. . . Listen and repeat. 朗读时注意重读和升降调。 Her nose and mouth are small. Her hair is long. Her eyes are big. Read and circle.读并圈出五官的特征. Her hair is long. Her eyes are big. Her nose and mouth are small. Listen and repeat. What do the boys think of the girl doll? 男孩们认为女娃娃怎么样? Shes beautiful. Look at our doll. What do the girls think of the boy doll? 女孩们认为男娃娃怎么样? Look! Hes a king now! Cool! king 国王 How to describe the dolls? 1.自己读课文,划出文中描述洋娃娃外貌的句子。 2.同桌交流找到的句子,并背出来。 Read and find Look at our doll. Shes beautiful. Look at our doll. Shes beautiful. Lets read. 朗读时注意重读和升降调。 Her hair is long. Her eyes are big. Her nose and mouth are small. Her hair is long. Her eyes are big. Her nose and mouth are small. . . . . . . Lets read. This is our doll. His hair is short. His eyes and nose are small. But his mouth is big. His ears are big too. This is our doll. His hair is short. His eyes and nose are small. His ears are big too. But his mouth is big. Lets read. . . . . . . . . Look! Hes a king now! Cool! Look! Hes a king now! Cool! Lets read. . 1.四人齐读。 2.一人领读,三人跟读。 3.四人分角色朗读。 选择一种你喜欢的方式读。 Have a try! Read in groups. 1.当你想介绍女洋娃娃的头发很长,可以说: 2.当你想告诉别人男洋娃娃的眼睛很小,可以 说: 3.当你想说他的嘴巴很大时,可以说: Her hair is long. His eyes are small. His mouth is big. Summary Rules(规则):请说出以下人物的特征 Describe and say Can you describe them? Hes a boy. His/Her are small/big. nose is . mouth . Rules(规则): 请选择班级里的一个同学来描述,其他学生根 据描述猜出被描述的同学是谁。可以提示被描述人 所在的小组。如: A: Hes/Shes in group .(在第几小组) Hes a boy. /Shes a . His/Her are small/big. nose is . mouth . Who is he/she? B:Is he ?/Is she? Describe and guess 你可以介绍课文中的娃娃。 让我们来介绍可爱的娃娃吧! 你也可以介绍你自己的娃娃。 Lets talk. Look at. Shes/Hes Her /Hisis Her/Hisare. Her/Hisand .are. Shes/Hes I like Do you like? 你可以谈谈五官特征哦 ! 也可以谈谈服饰哦! 最后说说整体形象哦! Come on! 你可以介绍课文中的娃娃。 让我们来介绍可爱的娃娃吧! 你也可以介绍你自己的娃娃。 Lets talk. Look at. Shes/Hes Her /Hisis Her/Hisare. Her/Hisand .are. Shes/Hes I like Do you like? 你可以谈谈五官特征哦 ! 也可以谈谈服饰哦! 最后说说整体形象哦! Dolls are our good friends. Ticking time 能听懂、会说单词 : eyes,nose,mouth,ears,hair 能正确理解、朗读课文。 能简单描述娃娃的脸部特 征。 Homework: 1. Read the text. 2. Introduce your doll to your friends. Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!Thank you! Unit8 Dolls (Story time) 基础性目标基础性目标 1能听懂、能理解、会读课文。 2能听懂、会说、会读单词 hair ,long, short, eyes, nose, mouth, small, ears, king 3初步理解、会读句型: Hes/Shes His/Heris/are 提高性目标提高性目标 1.能大声流利地朗读对话,并能根据图片提示说对话,尝试在小组内尝试分角色朗读对话。 2.能用英语描述人物的外貌。 教学重难点教学重难点 1. 能听懂、能理解、会读课文。 2. 能用英语描述人物的外貌。 教学准备:教学准备:教学光盘 单词卡 教学过程教学过程 Step1 Warm up 1.Enjoy a song (第一遍让学生注意倾听,教师根据歌词做动作,让学生理解歌词含义,第二遍学生 可以轻轻地哼唱,边唱边做动作) Step2 Presentation 1.Learn some new words. T: Boys and girls, do you like this song? S: Yes, I do. T: But can you read these words? (PPT 出示歌曲里唱到的单词 eyes ,ears, mouth, nose) (学生在平时的生活中有的已经学会用英文表达人体部位的名称,同时通过预习, 也有不少学生会说这几个单词,因此,在新授这几个词时,我们尽量可以让学生 兵教兵学单词) 2.Play a game:Listen, point and say(在此游戏中教学单词 hair) eyes/ears/mouth/nose. (当老师说 hair 时,学生可能不理解,这时 PPT 出示一个洋娃娃,指着洋娃娃的头 发教学单词 hair) 3.导入课题 T: Look at this doll. Her hair is long. Today we will learn Unit8 Dolls (揭题,带读) 二、 进入课文,尝试自学: (一)呈现学习目标 1看动画初步感知课文 活动形式:Watch the cartoon and answer Q:Who has a doll? 学生认真观看对话动画,根据要求找出答案。 反馈: T:Now, do you know the answers? Who has a doll? Where can we find? (指名回答,呈现 P1P3,跟读 Look at our doll. Shes beautiful. This is our doll.) (二)呈现学习目标 2读课文,深入理解课文 1. Look and compare. T: Look at the dolls. This is a girl doll. And this is a boy doll. Lets compare. (学生看娃娃图,教师板书娃娃身体部位的特征) 2.Read the story and find out the answers. How to describe the dolls? 活动形式:Read and find. 自读故事,找出文中描述洋娃娃外貌的句子。 呈现学习要求 (3) 自己大声读课文,划出文中描述洋娃娃外貌的句子。. 学生打开课本朗读对话,根据要求进行自学。 反馈: T: Can you find? How to describe the dolls? 学生反馈所划的句子,顺势呈现 P2 和 P3,跟读,特别注意 her, his 的发音,讲解 is, are 的用法 。 三、会读课文 学习目标通过互学竞赛的形式促进学生会读课文 第一遍,听录音跟读课文。注意人体部位单词的读音,以及 her 和 his 的发音。 第二遍,同桌互读课文。 要求:圈出不会读的单词或句子,注意互相帮助,实在不会举手问老师。 第三遍,小组分角色朗读。 第四遍,看图说一说。 Ticking time 1.I can read the story correctly 2.I can imitate the story. 3.I can say the story. 四、Summary 1.当你想介绍女洋娃娃的头发很长,可以说: 2.当你想告诉别人男洋娃娃的眼睛很小,可以说: 3 当你想说他的嘴巴很大时,可以说: Step 3 Homework 1.听录音熟读课文,练习背诵,明天表演。 2. 听录音跟读单词,并拼一拼,每个至少拼读两遍。 3.(选做)尝试用句型 Hes/ShesHis/Heris/are 描述自己喜欢的小动物。 板书设计板书设计 Unit8 Dolls Hes/Shes His/Heris/are a girl dolla boy doll hair long/short nose big/small mouth big/small eyes big/small ears big/small
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