Unit 3 Our animal friends-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:f011b).zip

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Unit Lets review Learning tip 1.可数名词单数前用准可数名词单数前用准a/an。 2.可数名词复数在词尾可数名词复数在词尾+s(注意变化规则和不注意变化规则和不 规则变化规则变化)。 3.否定句和疑问句中否定句和疑问句中and变成变成or,some变成变成any。 SoundSound timetime What does the rubber duck have? He has an umbrella. He likes the rain. But he doesnt like the sunny weather. SoundSound timetime SoundSound timetime Rubber duck likes the rain, But he doesnt like sunny weather. So when the summer sun comes out, He carries an umbrella! u / bus duck summer sun umbrella weather天气天气 come out 出来出来 carry 携带携带 up such gun plum cut luck truck butter 同学们,给自己打个分吧!同学们,给自己打个分吧! 同学们,试着读一读这些单词吧!同学们,试着读一读这些单词吧! SoundSound timetime u / u Rubber duck is going to_.the farm Where? Look and say Cartoon time Q:What do Sam and Bobby have? They have. crab 螃蟹螃蟹 apple animal They have a new friend. Cartoon time Cartoon time 1.Their new friend has ten legs . ( ) 2.Their new friend has a big body . ( ) 3.Their new friend bites ( 咬咬) Sam s finger. ( ) True or false finger 手指手指 Cartoon time 自读课文,回答问题自读课文,回答问题 Q1:What does the crab have? Q2: Is its body hard or soft? Q3:What does Sam give the crab? It has eight legs, two big arms and a big body. Its body is hard. its 它的它的 g gi iveve 给给 Sam gives it a cake. Cartoon time Cartoon time Hello, Im Sam. Nice to meet you. Cartoon time It has big arms! Cartoon time It has a big body too! Its body is hard. Give it a cake. Cartoon time Ouch! ReadRead andand underlineunderline Hello , I,m Sam. Nice to meet you. Sam gives the crab a cake. A. Crab eats the cake. B. Crab hurts Sams finger. C. Crab doesnt like Sam. ReadRead andand findfind Does the crab like Sams fingers? 害怕,惊慌,害怕,惊慌, 误解误解 Lets read and act. I am rubber ducks good friend. Im small and black. I have a big body and a short tail. I can swim. A B tadpole I want Mum. Me too. But wheres Mum? Are you our ? No, your mum has a big and two big Are you ? has four ? I want Mum.a bigand two big four 五人小组将图片表演出来。 Act correctly 准确地表演 Act correctly and fluently 准确、流利地表演 Act with your emotions 有感情地表演 This is my animal friend. It is _. It has _ _ _. It can _. You can see it_. green a big mouth, a big body, two big eyes and four legs swim and jump in summer in the river Tip:请根据动物的颜色、外形特点、 本领、活动地点等进行描述。 PracticePractice moremore Omework 1. Finish the exercise. 2. Read and recite ST and CT. 3. Prepare for the dictation. It has eight long legs. It has two big arms. It has a big and hard body. Its body is big and hard. _ are big. _ are long. Its arms Its legs 它的它的身体身体 1. 2. 3. Unit3 Our animal friends (Cartoon time Sound time &Checkout time) 第 3 课时 教学目标教学目标 1复习巩固四会单词及日常交际用语:animal, arm, body, foot, leg, tail, wing。 have. It has It can 能用一般疑问句等来提问了解动物特征。 2能听懂、会说、会读词汇:crab,give,finger,rubber duck, sunny weather, carry an umbrella 3. 能正确朗读卡通并体会其幽默之处。 4. 能了解字母 u 在单词中的读音,即/ / 5. 会熟练朗读 Rhyme time 6. 通过学习如何描述动物的特征,让学生了解动物,喜爱动物,更能够与动物交朋友,以 此来保护动物朋友。 教学重点教学重点 1. 能正确朗读卡通并体会其幽默之处。 2. 能了解字母 u 在单词中的读音,即/ 3. 能与他人交流动物朋友。 教学难点教学难点 1. 准确运用 have 与 has 表达相关话题。 2. 理解本单元 Cartoon time。 3. 能初步了解并运用发音规律 u/, 准确朗读相关的单词。 教学准备教学准备 学生准备 了解更多动物的特征,能简单描述。 教师准备 课件 Step 1 Daily report 1. What day is it today? 2. Whats the weather like today? 3. Whats the date today? 4. Do you have.? Does it have.? Step 2 Lets review 朗读默写中错误多的词汇,归类给出 Learning tip 可数名词单数前用准 a/an 可数名词复数在词尾+s,注意变化规则和不规则变化。 否定句和疑问句中用 and 变成 or Step 3 Sound time 1. These words are about the bodies. Look at the rubber ducks body. What does it have? Can you describe it? 2. Lets read. 3. Lets watch and say u / 4. Try to read the rhyme. 5. Can you read the new words? Step 4 Checkout time Look! Where is the rubber duck going? Hes going to the farm. Whats on the farm? 1. Look an d say Theres/ There are. on the farm. It has/ They have. Step 5 Cartoon time 1. Look at Sam and Bobby. Do they have a new friend? -crab 2. Watch and judge Their new friend has ten legs . ( ) Their new fiend has a big body . ( ) Their new friend bites ( 咬) Sam s finger. ( ) 3. Read and answer Q1:What does the crab have? Q2:Is its body hard or soft? Q3:What does Sam give the crab? 4. Read 跟读 齐读 5.Q1 Why is Sam not happy at last? Q2 Does Crab like Sams finger? Why? 6.Act 分角色读 表演或配音 Step 6 Think, guess and say 1. Read and guess I am rubber ducks good friend. Im small and black. I have a big body and a short tail. I can swim. -tadpole 2. Look and say 3. Read and act Act correctly 准确地表演 Act correctly and fluently 准确、流利地表演 Act with your emotions 有感情地表演 Step 7 Draw and write (Checkout time) Step 8 Homework 1. Copy the new words and phrases. 2. Read and recite the Story time. Preview Fun time and Culture time . 3. Introduce your animal friend. 板书设计: Unit 3 Our animal friends u / This is my animal friend. It is It has It can.
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