Unit 3 Our animal friends-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:60e81).zip

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StoryStory timetime (Period(Period I) I) Unit 3 Our animal friends 学习目标:学习目标: 1.I can talk about the animals in the text. (会谈论课文中的动物。)(会谈论课文中的动物。) 2.I can talk about my animal friend(s). (会谈论自己的动物朋友。)(会谈论自己的动物朋友。) Ready? Go! Quick response I can Quick response 请小朋友们看请小朋友们看 清楚清楚大小大小和和长短长短哦哦 ! Ready? Go! 28 long short big small curly( (卷的)卷的) head eye ear mouth nose hair have 28 30 My name is Shelley. I have a big mouth. I have two small ears. I have long hair. I can sing. This is me. Frank Panpan animal oneone thethe otherother ( (一个一个另一个另一个) ) I have two (animal) friends. One is and the other is o o (动物(动物 ) tr nai t l arm let g dad bby dy bo 身体身体 eI f e nose eyes ears mouth has It 28 30 28 30 How many animal friends are there in the story? 28 30 How many animal friends are there in the story? There are five animal friends in the story. AB bodybodies 请小朋友们思考课文中描述的请小朋友们思考课文中描述的 是哪种动物朋友,是哪种动物朋友,为什么为什么? They have no legs. They have no arms. They have no legs arms.or no We have legs arms.and Tips: 并列结构中并列结构中, or 通常用于否定句通常用于否定句; and 用于肯定句。用于肯定句。 We have legs. We have arms. 28 30 I I havehave anan animalanimal friend.friend. ItIt isis (white(white black)black). . ItIt hashas (two(two four)four) legslegs andand a a (short(short long)long) tail.tail. ItIt hashas (small(small big)big) ears.ears. ItIt cancan runrun andand jump.jump. 28 30 I I havehave anan animalanimal friend.friend. ItIt isis (white(white black)black). . ItIt hashas (two(two four)four) legslegs andand a a (short(short long)long) tail.tail. ItIt hashas (small(small big)big) ears.ears. ItIt cancan runrun andand jump.jump. dog 28 30 I I havehave anan animalanimal friend.friend. ItIt isis whitewhite ItIt hashas fourfour legslegs andand a a shortshort tail.tail. ItIt hashas bigbig ears.ears. ItIt cancan runrun andand jump.jump. 30 How to describe our animal friends? 怎样描述我们的动物朋友呢?怎样描述我们的动物朋友呢? Our animal friends What colour is it? What is it like? What can it do? red black white big eyes big body big tail big ears run swim jump My animal friend is It has It can MyMy animalanimal friendfriend isis whitewhite. . ItIt hashas redred eyeseyes andand longlong ears.ears. ItIt hashas fourfour legslegs andand a a shortshort tail.tail. ItIt cancan run.run. rbIt r ra abbbbi it t My animal friend is It has It can ingw I s MyMy animalanimal friendfriend isis yellowyellow andand green.green. ItIt hashas twotwo legslegs andand twotwo wingwings.s. ItIt hashas a a bigbig mouthmouth andand a a longlong tail.tail. ItIt cancan talktalk andand flyfly. . parrot 28 30 I have two animal friends. They have big eyes and big bodies. One is red and the other is black. They have no legs or arms, but they have big tails. They can swim. 28 30 I I havehave anan animalanimal friend.friend. ItIt hashas bigbig ears.ears. ItIt cancan runrun andand jump.jump. ItIt isis white.white. ItIt hashas fourfour legslegs andand a a shorshor( (t t) ) tail.tail. MyMy animalanimal friendfriend isis white.white. ItIt hashas redred eyeseyes andand longlong ears.ears. ItIt hashas fourfour legslegs andand a a shorshor( (t t) ) tail.tail. ItIt cancan run.run. MyMy animalanimal friendfriend isis yellowyellow andand green.green. ItIt hashas twotwo legslegs andand twotwo wings.wings. ItIt hashas a a bigbig mouthmouth andand a a longlong tail.tail. ItIt cancan talktalk andand fly.fly. What animal friends do they have? Nancy has. Nancy has two fish.Liu Tao has a rabbit. Mike has a dog.Su Hai has a parrot. 请根据板书,替这四位小朋友介绍一下请根据板书,替这四位小朋友介绍一下 他们的动物朋友吧!他们的动物朋友吧! I can say one. 我会说一个。我会说一个。 I can say two. 我会说两个。我会说两个。 I can say three. 我会说三个。我会说三个。 I can say four.我会说四个。我会说四个。 My animal friend I have an animal friend. ItIt isis _. ItIt hashas _. _ ItIt cancan _. Put your animal friends picture here. (请把你动物朋友的图片(请把你动物朋友的图片 贴在这里。)贴在这里。) I I cancan talktalk aboutabout thethe animalsanimals inin thethe text.text. I I cancan talktalk aboutabout mymy animalanimal friend(sfriend(s). ). 28 30 Homework 1. Listen, read and try to recite and retell the story. (听读,尝试背诵和(听读,尝试背诵和 复述。)复述。) 2. Draw and write.(完成(完成“动物朋友动物朋友”卡卡 。)。) 3. Think and write. (完成书本(完成书本28页练页练 习。)习。) Unit 3 Our animal friends .Listen and choose! (请在正确单词上打请在正确单词上打“”“”) I have an animal friend. It is (white black). It has (two four) legs and a (short long) tail. It has (small big) ears. It can run and jump. .Match and say! (请将人物和相对应的动物朋友用线连起来)(请将人物和相对应的动物朋友用线连起来) . “Animal Rescue” card! (请完成这张动物救助卡)(请完成这张动物救助卡) Our animal friends Teaching aims and learning objectives: 1.学生能够看图描述书中的动物朋友。学生能够看图描述书中的动物朋友。 2.学生能够描述自己的动物朋友。学生能够描述自己的动物朋友。 Focuses and difficulties: 1.能够介绍课文中的动物朋友,并能用一些连词。能够介绍课文中的动物朋友,并能用一些连词。 2.能够正确描述自己的动物朋友。能够正确描述自己的动物朋友。 3.能够听懂人家描述并猜出相应动物。能够听懂人家描述并猜出相应动物。 Teaching procedures: Step1 Pre-reading 1. Quick response (设计意图:激发学生兴趣,并激活本课中所要呈现的单词。(设计意图:激发学生兴趣,并激活本课中所要呈现的单词。 ) 2. Look and say (设计意图:唤醒学生对单词(设计意图:唤醒学生对单词 have 和和 has 的认识。的认识。 ) Step2 While-reading 1. Watch and answer. Watch the video, and answer one question “How many animal friends are there in the story?” (设计意图:整体感知文本,了解大意。(设计意图:整体感知文本,了解大意。 ) 2. Read and choose. Read Paragraph 1 and choose the correct answer. 3. Listen and choose. Read Paragraph 2 and choose the correct answer. “I have an animal friend. It is (white black). It has (two four) legs and a (short long) tail. It has (small big) ears. It can run and jump.” 4. Summary. “How to describe our animal friend?” 1)What colour is it? 2) What is it like? 3) What can it do? (设计意图:总结归纳出描述动物的三步骤。充分发挥其学习自主(设计意图:总结归纳出描述动物的三步骤。充分发挥其学习自主 性。性。 ) 5. Look and say. 6. Listen and imitate. Step3 Post-reading 1.Retell the story. 2.Talk about their animal friend(s). 3.Ticking time. 4. Enjoy some pictures. Step4 Homework 1.Listen, read and try to recite and retell the story. (听读,尝试背(听读,尝试背 诵和复述。诵和复述。 ) 2. Draw and write.(完成(完成“动物朋友动物朋友”卡。卡。 ) 3. Think and write. (完成书本(完成书本 28 页练习。页练习。 )
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