Unit 5 What do they do -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:a211b).zip

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    • Unit 5 What do they do 第一课时.pptx
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    • 歌曲.swf
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一、基本信息一、基本信息 学校 课名Unit 5 What do they do?教师姓名 学科(版本)译林牛津小学英语章节Unit 5 学时1年级5 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1. 知识目标 (1)能听懂、会读、会说单词:teacher, doctor, worker, writer, at home, sick, people, factory. (2)能听懂、会读、会说句子:What does your father/ your mother do? He /She is a . . . He/ She 2.能力目标 (1)理解、掌握对话内容,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并初步表演对话及复述课文。 (2)初步感知本单元话题,能在学习课文的基础上,简单地谈论职业。 3. 情感目标 通过谈论职业话题,引导学生尊重、热爱每一种职业以及热爱劳动的美好品质。 三、学情分析三、学情分析 1. 学生已有的学习经验: 学生在四年级初步接触过一些职业类词汇。 2. 学生可能遇到的问题: 在对第三人称 she/he/it 描述时,不能正确使用动词的第三人称单数形式及动词三单形式的 读音。 四、教学重难点分析四、教学重难点分析 【教学重点】 能整体理解语篇,正确流利地朗读课文,并能灵活运用所学句型谈论职业的话题。 【教学难点】 能初步复述,表演课文,运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论自己或他人的工作。 五、教学设计五、教学设计 教学环节 起止时间 ( ”- ” ) 环节目标教学内容学生活动 媒体作用及 分析 Warming up 010-220激发学生已 有的知识经 验,并在轻 松愉悦的歌 曲情境中感 知新的语言 知识 Free talk & Enjoy a song 1.回忆已知 的职业单词 2. 通过听歌, 获取信息 使用 PPT 中 的音频播放, 进行视听觉 输入,节奏 明快要求简 明 Pre-reading 0220- 0550 学习歌曲中 提及的四个 职业名称, 为文本阅读 做铺垫 Learn new words& Sing the song 学习歌曲中 提及的四个 职业名称 视频播放, 让学生直观 感受单词的 音形意 0550- 0802 整体感知文 本情景和文 本内容 Listen and Choose 学生听录音 整体感知文 本 播放课文录 音,通过听 的方式进行 第一次输入 0802- 1330 细读文本第 一段,在阅 读中梳理文 本内容、进 行语言知识 的学习 Watch and Match& Read and find 学生通过看 动画片连线 梳理文本内 容,通过阅 读找问句学 习语言知识 利用课件呈 现动画,通 过视听两种 方式进行输 入,通过课 件呈现答案 更加直观。 本环节通过 多媒体实现 多模态的文 本学习。 1330- 1830 进一步巩固 文本理解并 进行朗读指 导 Listen and read & Think and write 学生完成填 空并进行课 文朗读 利用课件进 行答案呈现 和朗读指导 1830- 2335 自主阅读文 本第二部分, 进行主要内 容的梳理, 小组内互帮 互帮学习新 单词 Read and learn 1. 自读文本 并画出关键 词 2.小组内交 流并学习新 单词 3.进行汇报, 全班学习 利用多媒体 课件呈现自 学的要求, 答案,让学 生直观感受 单词的音形 意 While-reading 2335- 2705 进一步巩固 文本理解并 进行朗读指 Think and write & Listen and 学生完成填 空并进行课 文朗读 利用课件进 行答案呈现 和朗读指导 导read Post-reading 2705- 3228 基于文本进 行语言输出 Act in pairs Sing a song 学生选择一 个部分进行 表演 用课文中的 重点句型进 行新歌曲的 创编 利用课件呈 现场景,创 设情境 利用课件播 放音乐 Consolidation 3228- 4000基于课文学 习的拓展运 用 Lets show 学生和 Mike,Su Hai 谈论家 人 实物投影展 示照片 PPT 课件提 供更多的语 言素材 六、详细教学步骤六、详细教学步骤 Step One: Warming up 1.Free talk: T: Hello, boys and girls. Today we will talk about Jobs. Whats my job? S: You are a teacher. T: Yes. I am an English teacher. And I teach you English. Do you like my English lessons? Ss: Yes. T: Thank you. I love my job and I love you all. Do you know any other jobs? Ss: 2. Enjoy a song T: Good job, boys and girls. Here, I have a song about jobs for you. Lets enjoy and get the jobs. Step two: Pre-reading 1. T: Wonderful, boys and girls. Its a beautiful song. What jobs do you know? Teach: doctor/teacher/driver/farmer Ss read. 2. T: Now, boys and girls. Can you sing the song? Lets sing together. Ss sing the song. Step three: While-reading 1. T: Great, boys and girls. You sing so well. Look at our friends Su Hai and Mike. Where are they? Ss: Theyre at Mikes home. T: Yes. What are they talking about? Here are two choices. Now, lets listen and choose. Ss: Theyre talking about their parents jobs. T: Great. What do Mikes parents do? What do they do? So, today, we will learn 揭题 Unit5 What do they do? 2. T: Well, what do Mikes father and mother do? Do you know? Now, lets watch and match. Ss watch and match. Teach: teaches English/writes stories/works at home 提醒 teach-teacher, write/writer 对比。 3. T: Wonderful, boys and girls. We know Mikes father and mothers jobs. And how does Su Hai ask? Open your books and find. Ss find and underline. 4. T: Great, boys and girls. You did a good job. Now lets listen and repeat. Ss listen and repeat. Teach: work 5. T: Well done, boys and girls. Can you read now? Lets read in roles. Ss read in pairs. 6. T: Perfect, boys and girls. Now, we know带学生尝试说一说 Mike 的父母职业同时贴板 书。 7. T: Good job, boys and girls. Now can you do this? Ss write on P50 and report. 8. T: Wonderful, boys and girls. We know about Mikes parents jobs. What about Su Hais? Do you want to know? Lets learn. 学生按要求自学 Su Hai 父母的内容。1.找出关键信息。2.组内读读生词。 Teach: sick people/factory worker T: Thats great. Who can write the key words on the blackboard? Ss write the words on the blackboard. T: Can you talk about Su Hais father and mother? Ss: T: You did a good job, boys and girls. Now, can you do this? Ss 汇报 P50 苏海的表格信息。 T: Boys, youre Mike. Girls, youre Su Hai. Lets read in roles. Step Four: Post-reading 1.T: Woo, boys and girls. You read so fluently. Now, lets act. Work in pairs. Choose one picture to act. 学生 2 人一组选择一幅图根据提示表演。 2.T:Your performance is very interesting. Now, listen to me. What does his father do? His father is a doctor.学生跟唱. 3.T: What does your father do? 4.Ss: 5.Ss work in four. Step Five: Consolidation. 1.T:Oh, boy and girls, you sing so beautifully. Look, today, Mike and Su Hai come to our school too. They also want to know about your family. Can you tell them? 2.T: Now, lets show. 1. 四人小组分别扮演同学,苏海,迈克。2.用家庭照谈谈你的家人。 Make a model. Ss work in group and show. 3.T: Good job, boys and girls. I think your families are very happy. Now, lets share. People work day and night to make life better. So respect every job. 板书: Unit5 What do they do? Date
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