Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:716a2).zip

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Unit 1 Goldilocks and the three bears Unit 1 五年 级 上册 (Sound time, culture time and cartoon time) Unit 1 五年 级 上册 1. I know the sound of the letter “c”. 我知道字母我知道字母c的的发音发音。 2. I can read by myself and act the cartoon. 我能独自我能独自读并读并表演卡通表演卡通。 3. I know what is popular in China and Western countries. 我知道中国和西方国家流行什么我知道中国和西方国家流行什么。 Watch and answer Whats in the classroom? blackboard pictures flowers Play a game Whats in your classroom? There is/are 1 minute-non-stop-talk (一分钟不停说) Play a game Whats in your classroom? There is/are 1 minute-non-stop-talk (一分钟不停说) Look and guess Watch and choose Whats the matter with Bobby? A. tired B. thirsty C. hungry Whats the matter with Bobby? Watch and choose Watch and choose Whats the matter with Bobby? A. tired B. thirsty C. hungry Read and judge 自主阅读课文,判断正自主阅读课文,判断正(T)误误(F)。 ( ) 1. Bobby wants to eat some cakes. ( ) 2. Bobby finds some cakes in the fridge. ( ) 3. Tina eats the cakes. Learning tips: 当你阅读课文时,别忘记划出关键的词组或句子。当你阅读课文时,别忘记划出关键的词组或句子。 Im hungry. You can have some cakes. There are some in the kitchen. Read and judge ( ) 1. Bobby wants to eat some cakes. 自主阅读课文,判断正自主阅读课文,判断正(T)误误(F)。 T There arent any cakes here. ( ) 2. Bobby finds some cakes in the fridge. Read and judge 自主阅读课文,判断正自主阅读课文,判断正(T)误误(F)。 F . Here are the cakes. Read and judge 自主阅读课文,判断正自主阅读课文,判断正(T)误误(F)。 ( ) 3. Tina eats the cakes.F cousi n Read after the tape Bobby is hungry. Im hungry, Tina. You can have some cakes. There are some in the kitchen. Read after the tape Where are the cakes, Tina? They are in the fridge. Bobby is in the kitchen. Read after the tape Bobby cannot see any cakes in the fridge. There arent any cakes here. Really? Read after the tape Then, Bobby and Tina find their cousin. Here are the cakes. Read in groups 三三人一组,人一组,选择选择一一种你们喜欢种你们喜欢 的的方式朗方式朗读课文读课文吧!吧! Read in paragraphs 分段读分段读 Read together 一起读一起读 Read in roles 分角色读分角色读 三人一组大声朗读课文三人一组大声朗读课文! Read in groups 1.Read the cartoon correctly. 正确朗读卡通。 2.Read the cartoon correctly and fluently. 流利的正确朗读卡通。 3.Read the cartoon correctly, fluently and emotionally. 有感情的、流利的正确朗读卡通。 Act in groups 三人一组表演故事,注意用语气、动作和表情三人一组表演故事,注意用语气、动作和表情 演出他们不同的心情。你也可以给故事加一个演出他们不同的心情。你也可以给故事加一个 结尾哦!结尾哦! Listen and answer Whats the matter with them? My uncle has a cold, And my cousin too. The doctor comes and says, “Put on your coats, you two!” My uncle has a cold, And my cousin too. My uncle has a cold, And my cousin too. The doctor comes and says, “Put on your coats, you two!” Think and say cold cousi n docto r come coat Think and say C /K/ Try to say more C /K/ cold cousi n docto r come coat 请尝试说出更多请尝试说出更多的的同类单词同类单词! Look and say Which is popular in China? 受大众欢迎的受大众欢迎的 _ is popular in China. Tea Look and say _ is popular in China. _ is popular in Western countries. Different food and drinks are popular in different countries. 不同的国家流行不同的食物和饮料。 Tea Coffee 西方国家 Look and say Try to say more is popular in China. is popular in Western countries. Enjoy some pictures We usually sit at a circle table and share the dinners with our families or friends. 我们经常坐在圆桌上与亲朋好友们一起分享晚餐。我们经常坐在圆桌上与亲朋好友们一起分享晚餐。 But Western people dont. They like to enjoy their own dishes. 但是西方人不这样。他们喜欢享受自己盘中的食物。 Enjoy some pictures We usually use chopsticks. But Western people use forks and knives. 我们经常使用筷子。但是西方人使用刀和叉。我们经常使用筷子。但是西方人使用刀和叉。 Enjoy some pictures We like rice, noodles, rice balls and dumplings. 我们喜欢米饭,面条,汤圆和饺子。我们喜欢米饭,面条,汤圆和饺子。 Enjoy some pictures But western people like beefsteaks, pizzas, hamburgers , hot dogs and sandwiches. 但是西方人们喜欢牛排,披萨,汉堡,热狗和三明治。但是西方人们喜欢牛排,披萨,汉堡,热狗和三明治。 Enjoy some pictures Enjoy some pictures LetsLets enjoyenjoy differentdifferent foodfood andand drinks!drinks! LetsLets enjoyenjoy ourour beautifulbeautiful life!life! 让我们享受不同的食物和饮料吧!让我们享受不同的食物和饮料吧! 让我们享受我们美好的生活吧!让我们享受我们美好的生活吧! Enjoy some pictures Unit 1 五年 级 上册 1. I know the sound of the letter “c”. 我知道字母我知道字母c的的发音发音。 2. I can read by myself and act the cartoon. 我能独自我能独自读并读并表演卡通表演卡通。 3. I know what is popular in China and Western countries. 我知道中国和西方国家流行什么我知道中国和西方国家流行什么。 1. Act the cartoon for your families and friends. 2.Try to find more words that have this sound C /K/. 译林版译林版 5A Unit1 Goldilocks and the three bears 课时课时: The third period ( Sound time, Cartoon time & Culture time ) 教学目标:教学目标: (一)知识目标:(一)知识目标: 1. 能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇:really, then, find, their; 2. 能够流利地表达 There is There are的意思; 3. 能够理解并掌握 There are 句型的否定句式 There arent any ; 4 能够听懂、会说、会读日常用语:Really? 5. 能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话; 6.能够了解字母 C 在单词中的发音。 (二)能力目标:(二)能力目标: 1. 学生能熟练运用本单元所学的词句谈论某处的物品; 2. 学生能正确理解、朗读 Cartoon time 中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能 在教师的指导下表演故事; 3. 学生能了解中西方传统的饮食,并能用英语作简单介绍。 (三)(三) 情感目标:情感目标: 让学生体会到卡通故事的乐趣,通过了解中西方传统饮食的区别增加一些人文 知识。 教学重点教学重点: 能正确理解、朗读卡通故事,了解中西方传统的饮食。 教学难点:教学难点: 1. 能正确并且熟练地运用本单元所学的词句谈论某处的物品。 2. 能用简单的英语介绍中西方传统的饮食。 3. 能够了解字母 C 在单词中的发音。 教学准备教学准备: 1.教师准备:PPT,板书。 2.学生准备:提前预习 Sound time, Cartoon time 和搜集 Culture time 资讯 教学过程教学过程: Step 1 Warming up and revision 1. Greetings: T: Class begins. Ss: Stand up. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Wang. T: Sit down, please. 2. Teaching aims: T: Boys and girls, please look. Here are many stickers. Are they nice? Ss: Yes. T: Oh, I see. So in this class, if you do a good job. You can set one sticker. At last, Ill see who has the most stickers. Are you ready? T: First, lets see what we will learn today. 1. I know the sound of the letter“C”. 2. I can read and act the cartoon. 3. I know what is popular in China and Western countries. Boys and girls, dont be nervous. Just try your best. 3. Enjoy a song. T: First. Lets enjoy a song to relax, then tell me whats in the classroom?(TSs listen) S1: There is a blackboard in the classroom T: (总结) There is a blackboard, some pictures and some flowers in the classroom. T: There are so many things in the classroom. What about our classroom? Whats in our classroom? 4. play a game. T: Lets play a game. one-minute non-stop-talk. You can use the sentence patterns: There is/are in our classroom. eg. lights, doors, students, desks, pictures, some windows, flowers, books, pens, pencils, some girls, school bags, pence case, rulers, rubbers, some boys, ball pens, a computer. Step2 presentation T: Well done. We are in the classroom too. What about our friends? Bobby and Tina. Where are they? Ss: There are in the sitting room. 1. Watch and choose: T: Look at Bobby, Is he happy? Ss: No. T: Whats wrong with him? Ss: Tired, thirsty, hungry. T: Oh. Maybe. Now, lets watch the cartoon then answer the question.(TSs watch) Bobby is hungry. T: What does Bobby want to eat and where is the food. Can Bobby find the food? 2. Read and judge: Lets read the cartoon by yourself then judge. Theres the learning tip for you: when you read the cartoon. Dont forget to underline the key sentences. (check the answers) T: Their cousin eats the cakes. How does Bobby feel now? Ss: Angry. T: Oh. Bobby is hungry, he looks for some cakes in the fridge, but there arent any. Because their cousin eats them. Its so interesting. 3. Now lets read the cartoon after the tape. (注意语音语调) T: Well done. Now, its your turn. You can choose one way to read in groups. If you read it correctly, fluently and emotionally. You can get three stickers. How many stickers do you want to get? Ss: Three. T: Good. Try your best. Ss read (How many stickers can they get?) T: Good job. You read it well. Can you act it well too? Ss: Yes. T: OK. Come on. Ss act. T: You are good actors. 4. Learn Cartoon time: You know Bobby is hungry what about my uncle and cousin. Whats wrong with them? Lets listen(听) Ss: They have a cold. Good. My uncle has a cold and my cousin too.(PPT) The doctor comes, what does he say? Ss: Put on your coats, you two. T: This is a chant. Lets say it together.(show) (ask some groups to show) T: Look at these words! What can you find? Ss: All the words have the letter“C”. All the sound of letter“C”pronounce lkl T: Clever: What other words have the same sound, you can have a prepare, discuss in groups. T: Lets check it. cup, coffee, cool, car, class, cow, clock, close, cap, catch, cat, computer. 5. Learn Cartoon time: T: Wonderful. My uncle and cousin have a cold. They should put on their coats and drink some? Ss: Water. T: Yes. This is a glass of water, this is a cup of coffee and tea. Which is popular in China? -Tea. Coffee is popular in? -Western countries. America and Canada are western countries. T: Different food and drinks are popular in different countries. Can you try to say more. China: noodles, rice, dumplings Western countries: hamburger, sandwich, salad(欣赏音乐,图片) T: Do you like them? Ss: Yes. They look so nice. T: So lets enjoy different food and drinks! Lets enjoy our beautiful life! Step 3 Summary: Today we learnt: 1.know the sound of the letter“C”. 2. I can read and act the cartoon. 3. I know what is popular in China and Western countries. Step 4 Homework: 1. Act the cartoon for your families and friends. 2.Try to find more words that have this sound C /K/.
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