Unit 2 A new student-Sound time, Culture time & Cartoon time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:b0bff).zip

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      • In the classroom.swf
      • U2Cart01.mp3
      • U2Cart02.mp3
      • U2Cart03.mp3
      • U2Cart04.mp3
      • U2Cart05.mp3
      • U2Cart06.mp3
      • U2Cart07.mp3
      • U2Cart08.mp3
      • U2Cart09.mp3
      • U2Cart10.mp3
      • U2Cart11.mp3
      • U2Cart12.mp3
      • U2Cart13.mp3
      • U2Soun(句子).mp3
    • 5Aunit2第三课时课件.ppt--点击预览
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    • 课堂练习.doc--点击预览


Unit2 A new student The third period (Cartoon time & Sound time) I can use ”first”,” second” and ”third”. I can talk about my school. I know different names about floor in the UK and the US. I know the sound of the letter “c”. Whats in the classroom? librarycomputer room Nancys classroom table tennis room music room Nancys school Hello, Im Nancy. Im a new student. Look at my school. There are. . Oh, I like my school ./. NancyNancy 会怎样介绍自己会怎样介绍自己的的新学校呢?试着说一说吧新学校呢?试着说一说吧! etsets alkalk Whose school?Bobbys school Whats in Bobbys school? 游戏规则:游戏规则: 看到单词,大声朗读;看到单词,大声朗读; 看到图片,拍两次手。看到图片,拍两次手。 Play a game library playground table tennis room classroom music room art room computer room WhereWhere areare SamSam andand BobbyBobby now?now? InIn thethe playground.playground. ThereThere is is a a swingswing. . AreAre BobbyBobby andand SamSam happyhappy atat lastlast? ? BobbyBobby 和和SamSam最后最后都开心都开心吗?吗? How do you know? 自读故事,判断下列内容自读故事,判断下列内容T”/T”/“ “F”.F”. 1. 1. ThereThere is is a a swingswing inin thethe playground.playground. ( ( ) ) 2.2. BobbyBobby is is soso heavy.heavy. ( ( ) ) 3.3. BobbyBobby is is veryvery happy.happy. ( ( ) ) 4.4. ItsIts timetime toto havehave dinner.dinner. ( ( ) ) T F F T SamSam =Its=Its timetime forfor dinner.dinner. afraidafraid Lets read Listen and imitate (听听、跟读,、跟读,模仿模仿语音语调) Lets read Listen and imitate (听听、跟读,、跟读,模仿模仿语音语调) Lets read Listen and imitate (听听、跟读,、跟读,模仿模仿语音语调) Lets read Listen and imitate (听听、跟读,、跟读,模仿模仿语音语调) 两人一组,先朗读再表演两人一组,先朗读再表演 这个有趣的故事吧。这个有趣的故事吧。 Act in roles. (分角色演)分角色演) Read together. (齐读齐读) Read in roles. (分角色读)(分角色读) Lets think Is Bobby timid? 波比波比胆小吗?胆小吗? 注意安全注意安全! sing and dance 唱歌跳舞唱歌跳舞 drink some nice juice 喝些美味喝些美味的的果汁果汁 go to the cinema 去电影院去电影院 have a nice ice cream 吃个美味吃个美味的的冰激凌冰激凌 I AliceAliceandand Alice and I /sing and dance, And drink some nice /juice! Then we go to the /cinema, And have a /nice ice cream! Alice and I /sing and dance, And drink some nice /juice! Then we go to the /cinema, And have a /nice ice cream! Alice dance nice juice cinema nice ice cream C /s/ /k/ 说说一些其他C发成/s/的单词。的单词。 S S kk 给单词找到正确的家 ice cup doctorrice comecake juice dancecinema coat 1.Listen to the tape and follow the tape three times. 听录音并跟读3遍。 2. Recite sound time and cartoon time. 背sound time 和cartoon time Unit2 A new student The Third Period 教学内容教学内容 Sound time,Cartoon time 教学目标教学目标 1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写单词 sing and dance, then, go to the cinema, swing, push, heavy, high, stop。 2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型 XX is/are too/so . 3.能理解并且会读字母 c 在单词中的发音。 教学重难点教学重难点 1.理解 cartoon time 的故事意思并能绘声绘色地表演。 2.能理解字母 c 在单词中的发音,能总结归纳过去所学单词。 教学准备教学准备 多媒体(PPT) 教学过程教学过程 一、新知链接一、新知链接 Step1 Warming-up Greetings and free talk. Show the learning aims. Enjoy a song: Whats in the classroom? 二、引领学习二、引领学习 Step2 Presentation Review the rooms in Nancys school. Lets talk. How will Nancy introduce her school? Show a picture: Whose school? 引出 Bobby. Whats in bobbys school? Play a game Step3.Cartoon time Q:Where are Sam and Bobby? Ss:Theyre in the playground. Q:Whats in the playground? Ss:There is a swing. Teach:swing Try to say: Are Bobby and Sam happy at last ? How do you know? Watch the cartoon and answer Read the cartoon and judge. Listen and read after the tape(notice the pronunciations and intonations. ) Try to read this story. Read in roles. Act this story. Step4.sound time Show the pictures of Alice and I Read the phrases. Try to say: read the sentences. Lets find out the words that include the letter “c”. Read the words: cinema, dance, ice cream, juice, nice Learn the pronunciation of letter “C” Find the other words and write on the blackboard. Attention to the word “cream”. What does the “c” pronounce here?/k/ Lets do a exercise. 3、回顾与提升回顾与提升 Step4 Homework 1.Listen to the tape and follow the tape three times. 2. Recite sound time and cartoon time. 教学反思教学反思 1、Nancy 会怎样介绍自己的新学校呢? Hello, Im Nancy. Im a new student. Look at my school. There are. . Oh, I like my school ./. 2、给单词找到正确的家。 cake coat cinema dance come rice juice doctor ice cup s k
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