Unit 3 Our animal friends-Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:00316).zip

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Sing a song Unit3 Our animal friends Grammar time& Fun time Lets review . has . retelling nameanimal friend colourbody partsability ears legstail Mikebigfour shortrun & jump retelling nameanimal friend colourbody partsability eyes body legs arms tail Nancyswim retelling Lets talk nameanimal friend colourbody partsability eyes ears legstail Liu Tao fourrun & jump nameanimal friend colourbody partsability mouthtailwings legs Su Hai two talk & fly retelling have/has 第一人称单数第一人称单数 第一人称复数第一人称复数 第二人称单第二人称单/复复 数数 第三人称复数第三人称复数 第三人称第三人称 单数单数 have, has通常表示通常表示“拥有拥有” 当主语是第一、二人称单当主语是第一、二人称单 复数和第三人称复数(即复数和第三人称复数(即 I/We/You/They)时,后面)时,后面 要用要用have。 当当主语是第三人称单数(主语是第三人称单数( 即即he/she/it或单数名词)时或单数名词)时 ,后面要用,后面要用has。 Tim & Helens animal friends think, write and guess hashave hashas have have has hamster think, write and guess Does . have a .? Game: What animal freinds do your classmates have? do/does do和和does都是助动词,都是助动词, 用于引导一般疑问句。用于引导一般疑问句。 主语为第三人称单数时,主语为第三人称单数时, 用用does引导一般疑问句。引导一般疑问句。 不管用不管用do还是还是does引导一引导一 般疑问句,后面都用动词原般疑问句,后面都用动词原 形形have. do/does dont = do not doesnt = does not Miss Chens animal friend fish swim & crawl sideway s red small eyes eight legs a hard body two big arms abilities food body parts Does it have .? Yes, it does. /No, it doesnt. What does it eat? /Does it eat .? Can it .? /What can it do? What colour is it? Miss Chens animal friend Do you have an animal friend? nameanimal friend colourbody partsability food Useful questions: 1. What colour is it? 2. Does it have big eyes? 3. What can it do? / Can it fly? 4. What does it eat? 5. Is it a .? do a report _ is my friend. He/She has an animal friend. It is a . It is . It has . It can . It eats . . summary 1. have/has 2. do/does two new friends hamster crab Homework 五上五上 Unit3 Our animal friends (Grammar time & Fun time) . Teaching contents: Grammar time & Fun time . Teaching aims and learning objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Talk about animals. 2. Use have and has. 3. Use do and does to ask Yes/No questions. . Focus of the lesson: 1. To use have and has to talk about animals. 2. To use do and does to ask Yes/No questions. . Predicted area of difficulty: To use do and does to ask Yes/No questions correctly. . Teaching aids: Pictures, PPT Step 1. warming up 1. Sing a song 2. Greeting 3. Free talk 1) Do you have a tail or wings? Who have tails or wings? 2) Animals are our friends. Do you have an animal friend? 3) What is it? Does it eat .? Can it .? Step 2. Revision 1. What animal friends do they have? T: You have some animal friends. Do they have any animal friends? (Show the characters in the story time) Ss: . T: What animal friends do they have? Ss: . has . 2. Retell Mikes dog T: Do you like Mikes dog? Lets talk about it together. Ss: . 3. Choose one animal you like & retell T: Do you like the fish/.? Choose one you like and talk about it. Ss: . Check Step 3 Grammar time: have/has 1. Free talk T: So you like the rabbit, right? Do you have a rabbit? What animal friend do you have?/ Does it have .?/Can it jump high? S: . T: I like the fish. They have big bodies and big tails. 2. Rules T: Look at these sentences. Here is have/has, what do they mean? S: . (PPT: .) T: When do we use have? When do we use has? Look at these sentences carefully, then tell me. S: (think and say) (PPT .) 3. The third person singular form T: When the subject is the third person singular form, we use has. But, what it the third person singular form? S: . T: Are they the third person singular forms? (Show some words) Can you put them at the correct places? And the you can match these words on your paper. S1 stick & Ss match T: . are the third person singular forms. . are not. They are . Are your answers right? 4. Drill T: We know Mikes animal friend is a dog. What animal friends do Helen and Tim have? Lets fill in the blanks and guess. Ss fill in the blanks and check. T: What animal friends do they have? You can ask me like this Does . have a .? S: Does . have a .? T: Yes, he/she does. / . Step 4 Grammar time: Do/Does .? 1. Free talk T: Do you like the cat? Do you have a cat? What animal friend do you have? S: . 2. Game T: Some of you took animal toys here. Do you want to know what they are? Whod like to come here and tell us about it? S1 choose one and read the owners name. Talk about it in details. S1: S2. It is . It has . It can . T: Can you ask? Does S2 have a .? Ss: Does S2 have a .? S1: Yes, he/she does. / . T: Lets have a look. Wow, its lovely/cute. Do you like it? 3. Rules T: We asked Qs with do/does. When do we use do? When do we use does? Think about it then tell us? Ss think and say T: Should we change have when the subject the third person singular form? S: . T: Why? S: . 4. Help T finish the sentences on the blackboard Step 5 Fun time 1. Miss Chens animal friend T: I know some about your animal friends. I have an animal friend, too. Do you want to know what it is? Can you ask me Qs about it? S: .? T: Its . You also can ask: .? S: Is it a .? T: Yes/No Its a crab. Do you like it? 2. Do a survey T: Lets do a survey about your animal friends. Who can try? S1 T: Lets ask him Qs about his animal friend. Ss - S1 T: Can you show us your picture? Wow, . 3. Group work 4. Make a report S1: . S2 show the picture Step 6 Summary 1. do/does, have/has Ss say the rules freely 2. Two new friends Homework 1.朗读 Grammar 的句子,向你的好朋友说一说 do/does, have/has 的用法。 2.向你的家人介绍你的动物朋友和你同学的动物朋友。 教学反思: 1. 在教学“have/has”时,我们设计了让学生来贴一贴主语,区分一下哪些 是第三人称单数,哪些是第一、二人称等。因为在日常教学中,我们发现,学 生并不真正理解什么是“第三人称单数” 。通过这样的活动,可以让学生更全面 的理解这个语法知识。 2. 本课教学内容是用 grammar 板块,用 do/does 提问。这不仅是提升学生 思维的载体,也是本单元的教学目标。这个句型是一个教学难点,学生会把这 个句型和 be/can 混淆,因此在教学中可以将这些句型通过活动,都有条理的 罗列出来,让学生自己来读一读,议一议,想一想。 3. Have/has 这个句型,在第一课时的学习中,学生就已经反复接触使用了, 并不是很难理解。所以可以通过让学生看表格,并互相讨论,再提出“什么时 候使用” , “如何使用”等问题。在这样的活动中,学生可以通过实践,逐渐学 习到思考、自主学习语法知识的方法。这才是英语教学中,老师最需要做的事 情。 4. 这节课的活动中,真正放手让学生来提问的机会并不是很多。比如复习 story time,也是可以让学生来提问的。而且本课设计的问题也过于局限于本 单元的句型,其实询问动物朋友,还可以问“how many . does it have?” 等句子。在日常的教学中,教师应该更多的放手学生来自主的思考、讨论、总 结。应该给予学生引导和帮助,帮助学生思考运用,真正的深刻理解知识,真 正的运用知识,真正的把知识都串联起来,融会贯通。
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