Unit 7 At weekends-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:c1e14).zip

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Sing a song: Unit 7 At weekends (story time) SipSip XinggangXinggang School,School, VanessaVanessa lu lu English name? Hobby? Can do? Usually do? Please ask me : Im Vanessa. I like reading books. I can swim well. I usually swim on Saturdays and Sundays. weekendsweekends At weekends A:A: WhatWhat dodo youyou dodo at at weekends?weekends? B:B: I I usuallyusually at weekends play go watch Know my weekends: Hello, boys and girls. Im your new English teacher today. Glad to see you! I always visit my parents at weekends. I often go shopping with my friends. I usually have dinner at home. I sometimes go climbing with my husband. We are a happy family! usually visit my parents go shopping have dinner at home go climbing have a picnic How often? always also /Z/ Know my weekends: usually? often? sometimes? always? 总是总是通常通常 often / 不发音不发音 经常经常 sometimes /Z/ 有时候有时候 A:A: WhatWhat dodo youyou dodo at at weekends?weekends? B:B: I I always/always/ usually/usually/ often/often/ sometimessometimes Pair work: flyfly a a kitekite listenlisten to to musicmusic gogo to to thethe cinemacinema watchwatch TV/filmsTV/films gogo shoppingshopping readread books/storiesbooks/stories growgrow flowersflowers havehave a a picnicpicnic playplay computercomputer gamesgames playplay thethe piano/violin/piano/violin/ guitarguitar playplay football/football/ basketball/basketball/ tabletable tennistennis gogo climbing/climbing/ boating/boating/ swimming/swimming/ 回答回答1句句 回答回答2句句 回答回答2句句 以上以上 WhatWhat aboutabout SuSu HaiHai andand MikesMikes weekends?weekends? LetsLets watchwatch thethe cartooncartoon andand findfind outout thethe threethree questionsquestions.(观 看卡通,找出文中人物所提的三个问题 ) Watch and find: 仔细看动画,找仔细看动画,找 出动画中人物所出动画中人物所 提的提的3 3个问题个问题! Watch and find: Q1: What do you do at weekends, Su Hai? Q2: What does Helen do at weekends? Q3: What about you, Mike? Lets do fast reading. Open your books and turn to page 68. 快速快速 阅读阅读第一和第三幅图第一和第三幅图 ,女生划出,女生划出Su Hai 的的 周末活动,男生划出周末活动,男生划出 Mike的周末活动!的周末活动! I usually We often Hello, Im Su Hai. Lets talk about my weekends. visit my grandparents have dinner with our grandparents playing with our cat Kitty very muchSu Yang and I like visit sit / it/ is/ give 和和一起玩耍一起玩耍 Q1: What do you do at weekends, Su Hai? BoysBoys ask:ask: whatwhat dodo youyou dodo atat weekends,weekends, SuSu Hai?Hai? visit:visit: A.A. ToTo gogo andand seesee sb.sb. B.B. staystay atat homehome playplay withwith grandpa and grandma grandparentsgrandparents my grandparents I usually We often Hello, Im Su Hai. Lets talk about my weekends. visit my with our grandparents playing with very muchSu Yang and I like Try to say: 同学们,现在你是同学们,现在你是SuSu HaiHai, , 请你来说说请你来说说SuSu HaiHai的周末活动吧!的周末活动吧! Q3: What about you, Mike? Hello, Im Mike. Lets talk about my weekends. chat with my grandparents on the Internet I usually I sometimes I usuallyin the park Girls ask: what do you do at weekends, Mike? Lets learn: Internet Internet on the Internet chair at chat with my grandparents chat Hello, Im Mike. Lets talk about my weekends. I usually chat with my grandparents on the Internet I sometimes I usuallyin the park play football with Liu Tao fly a kite have a picnic go to the park with my family Q3: What about you, Mike? Hello, Im Mike. Lets talk about my weekends. my grandparents on the I usually I sometimes I usuallyin the park play with fly a have a go to the with my Try to say: 同学们,现在你是同学们,现在你是 Mike,Mike, 请你来说说请你来说说 MikeMike的周末活动吧!的周末活动吧! Mike can only chat with his grandparents on the Internet. Su Hai can visit her grandparents. Why cant Mike visit his grandparents? His grandparents live in the UK. Read and find: Q1: What do you do at weekends, Su Hai? Q2: What does Helen do at weekends? Q3: What about you, Mike? Listen and tick “T” or “F”: 1. Helen always has singing lessons. 2. Helen sometimes goes to the park. 3. She goes to the cinema with her family. F F F dancing friends. cinema. Mike: What do you do at weekends, Su Hai? Su Hai: I usually visit my grandparents. Su Yang and I like playing with their cat Kitty very much. We often have dinner with our grandparents at weekends. Mike: My grandparents live in the UK. I usually chat with them on the Internet at weekends. Read and imitate: 同学们,当我们在朗读英同学们,当我们在朗读英 文长句时,文长句时,要根据句子的要根据句子的 意群来读意群来读,同时句中的,同时句中的动动 词词和和名词名词是句子的重要意是句子的重要意 思,要思,要重读重读! Su Hai: What does Helen do at weekends? Mike: She always has dancing lessons. She sometimes goes to the cinema with her friends. Read and imitate: Su Hai: What about you, Mike? Mike: I usually play football with Liu Tao at weekends. I sometimes go to the park with my family. We usually fly a kite and have a picnic there. Read and imitate: 1.1. ReadRead inin pairs!pairs! 2.2. RetellRetell andand act!act! Retell and act: Mike usuallysometimes Su Hai often usually Helen always sometimes Hello, Im Mike. At weekends, I usually I sometimesHelen is my sister. She alwaysShe sometimes Hello, Im Su Hai. At weekends, I usually I oftenMike is my friend. He usuallyHe sometimes Hello, Im Helen. At weekends, I always I sometimesSu Hai is my friend. She usuallyShe often go goes have has visit visits like likes live lives chat chats play plays fly flies 同学们,请根据所给的三同学们,请根据所给的三 个例子,任选其一,参考个例子,任选其一,参考 板书,完成复述。注意板书,完成复述。注意I用用 动词原形,动词原形,He/ She用动词用动词 三单哦!三单哦! Hello, everyone! We are from Australia! Do you want to know our weekends? We usually go shopping and buy a lot of things.We sometimes go to the museum.We often go cycling and take a walk along the river. We go to the church every Sunday. My familys weekends Hello, Im _. At weekends, I always_. I often_. Sometimes I _. My _usually _, Sometimes he/she_. We are happy at weekends. How about your weekends? Think and write: 第一步:介绍自己及周末活动。第一步:介绍自己及周末活动。 第二步:介绍家人的周末活动。第二步:介绍家人的周末活动。 第三步:评价全家的周末活动。第三步:评价全家的周末活动。 1.Read and recite story time fluently. (熟熟读并读并流利得背诵故事时间流利得背诵故事时间) 2.Find more weekend activities on the Internet and write down some of them on your notebook. ( (上上网查网查找找更多关于周末更多关于周末活动的活动的词组词组, ,并并写在笔记写在笔记本上本上) ) 3.3.Talk about your weekends with your parents and write a short passage about your weekends. (和你和你的的父母亲父母亲讨论讨论周末生周末生活活,并并写成写成一篇小一篇小短短文文) Homework: Unit 7 At weekends 教案 一、教学目标: 1. 学生能听说读写单词 chat, Internet, picnic, weekends, always, usually, often, sometimes. 2. 学生能听说读写句子 What do you/they do at weekends? What does he/she do at weekends? I/ They/ She/ He always/ usually/ often/ sometimes 3. 学生能区分当主语三单时,动词及助动词也要用三单,保持主谓 一致;同时学生能正确理解并在教师创设的真实语境中运用频率副 词 always, usually, often, sometimes. 4. 丰富学生课堂活动,借助 Mind Map 的概念,小组合作复述课文 文本并以小组竞赛的形式展示;促进学生英语思维,开阔学生视野, 结合中西方文化差异,通过 discuss 和 survey 的操练形式,进行 my friends weekends 的写话练习。 二、教学重点: 1. 学生能听说读写单词 chat, Internet, picnic, weekends, always, usually, often, sometimes. 2. 学生能听说读写句子 What do you/they do at weekends? What does he/she do at weekends? I/ They/ She/ He always/ usually/ often/ sometimes 三、教学难点: 3. 学生能区分当主语三单时,动词及助动词也要用三单,保持主谓 一致;同时学生能正确理解并在教师创设的真实语境中运用频率副 词 always, usually, often, sometimes. 4. 丰富学生课堂活动,借助 Mind Map 的概念,小组合作复述课文 文本并以小组竞赛的形式展示;促进学生英语思维,开阔学生视野, 结合中西方文化差异,通过 discuss 和 survey 的操练形式,进行 my friends weekends 的写话练习。 四、教学过程: Step 1: Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Im your new English teacher today, Im very happy to see you. Are you happy to see me? So please ask me. S1: Whats your English name? S2: What can you do? S3: what do you usually do? S4: Whats your hobby? Step2: Lead in: T: Im Vanessa. I can swim well and I usually swim on Saturdays and Sundays. So boys and girls, we also call Saturdays and Sundays: weekends. teach: weekendsat weekends T: So today we are going to learn Unit 7 At weekends. T: What do you do at weekends, boys and girls? Ss: I usually (play/ go/ watch) Step 3: Presentation(1) 1. T: Do you want to know about my weekends? Please listen carefully. I always visit my parents at weekends. I usually have dinner at home. I often go shopping with my friends. I sometimes go climbing with my husband. 2. teach four words: always/ usually/ often/ sometimes T: So please answer me: How often do I visit my parents? S1: You always visit your parents at weekends. teach: always Use the same way to teach: usually/ often/ sometimes 3. Pair work: A: What do you do at weekends? B: I always/ usually/ often/ sometimes Step 4: Presentation(2) 1. T: What about Su Hai and Mikes weekends? Lets watch the cartoon and find out the three questions. Q1: What do you do at weekends, Su Hai? Q2: What does Helen do at weekends? Q3: What about you, Mike? 2. T: Lets do fast reading. Open your books and turn to page 68. Read picture one and picture three quickly and underline the activities of Su Hai and Mike. T: Boys ask: what do you do at weekends, Su Hai? S1: I usually visit my grandparents. teach: visit& grandparents S2: We often have dinner with our grandparents. 3. T: Boys and girls, if you were Su Hai, what would you like to say about your weekends? S1: Hello, Im Su Hai. Lets talk about my weekends. I usually visit my grandparents at weekends. Su Yang and I like playing with their cat Kitty very much. We often have dinner with them. 4. T: Girls ask: what do you do at weekends, Mike? S1: I usually chat with my grandparents on the Internet. teach: chat & Internet S2: I usually play football with Liu Tao. S3: I sometimes go to the park with my family. S4: I usually fly a kite and have a picnic in the park. 5. T: Boys and girls, if you were Mike, what would you like to say about your weekends? S1: Hello, Im Mike. Lets talk about my weekends. I usually chat with my grandparents on the Internet. I usually play football with Liu Tao. I sometimes go to the park with my family. I usually fly a kite and have a picnic in the park. 6. T: well done, boys and girls. Until now, weve finished question one and question three. So what about question two: What does Helen do at weekends? Now lets listen and tick True or False. a. Helen always has singing lessons. b. Helen sometimes goes to the park. c. She goes to the cinema with her family. Step 5: Listen and imitate: T: Lets listen and read after the tape, please pay attention to the pronunciation. Step 6: Retell and act: Model one: Hello, Im Mike. At weekends, I usually I sometimesHelen is my sister. She alwaysShe sometimes Model two: Hello, Im Helen. At weekends, I always I sometimesSu Hai is my friend. She usuallyShe often Model three: Hello, Im Su Hai. At weekends, I usually I oftenMike is my friend. He usuallyHe sometimes Step 7: Think and write: T: Boys and girls, do you want to know the weekends of Australian people? Now lets take a look at some pictures. T: Do you like these pictures? Do you want to share your weekends with them? Please look at this writing model: My familys weekends Hello, Im _. At weekends, I always_. I often_. Sometimes I _. My _usually _, Sometimes he/she_. We are happy at weekends. How about your weekends? Step 8: Homework 1.Read and recite story time fluently. 2.Find more weekend activities on the Internet and write down some of them on your notebook. 3.Talk about your weekends with your parents and write a short passage about your weekends. Step 9: Blackboard design:
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