Unit 5 What do they do -Grammar & Fun time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:50b3c).zip

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五年级上册五年级上册 Unit6Unit6 MyMy e-friende-friend 教学设计教学设计 一、教学分析一、教学分析 本节课的教学内容为五年级上册第六单元 My e-friend。本单元 的“网友”话题综合了以前学过的年龄、学科和兴趣爱好等话题。 语法内容是介绍和询问他人时用到的一般现在时肯定句、一般疑问 句及其回答。文本中的一般现在时的一般疑问句及其回答是学生表 达的难点,如:Doeshe/shelike/have.?Yes,he/she does/No,he/shedoest。教师可以设置多种情景,让学生学会在 实际运用中掌握所学的知识。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1、 知识目标: 、能用一般疑问句 Is he/she? Does he/she have? Does he/she like? 和特殊疑问句 How old is he/she?What does he/she like?等句子来询问和猜测他人朋友或网友的信息。 、知道如何向他人介绍自己的网友或朋友。 2、能力目标:了解可以通过哪些途径进行交网友并学会其中的一两 种方式。 3、情感目标:知道交友能丰富自己的生活和促进自己的成长。 三、教学重难点三、教学重难点 能用一般疑问句 Is he/she? Does he/she have? Does he/she like? 和特殊疑问句 How old is he/she?What does he/she like?等句子来询问和猜测他人朋友或网友的信息。 四、教学策略四、教学策略 1、预设目标:课前布置学生准备各自好友的照片和信息卡,抓取学 生学习需求,为课堂活动提供素材。 2、选择媒体:用一体机、云课堂、平板电脑、高拍仪等媒体为教学 服务,提高信息化效率。 3、确立方法:采用启发、讨论、小组合作、游戏、练习、归纳总结 等方法。 4、组织活动:组织学生小组讨论、互助,通过云课堂采集数据,游 戏操练等活动充分调动学生学习积极性,实现自主学习。 5、跟踪反馈:通过云课堂平台采集、分析学生的答题数据,通过高 拍仪拍取学生作业评讲、直播学生讨论情况以及活动后再次讨论和 生成问题并解决问题。 五、教学环境及设备五、教学环境及设备 无线网络、西沃一体机、云课堂平台、平板电脑、高拍仪 6 6、教学过程教学过程 课前准备:提醒学生看自己的课前准备:提醒学生看自己的 PadPad 是否显示连接成功是否显示连接成功 Hi,boysHi,boys andand girls.girls. LetsLets callcall thethe rollroll beforebefore class.Lookclass.Look atat thethe screenscreen andand seesee ifif youyou areare online?online? IfIf youyou areare not,pleasenot,please clickclick reconnect.reconnect. 1 1、复习导入复习导入 T:Hello,boys and girls. Today Im your new English teacher. You can call me Miss Xu. Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you ,too. 1、老师认识学生。老师认识学生。老师问、学生答 T:First,I would like to know you.Whats your name? Do you have an English name?/ Whats your English name? How old are you?/Whats your hobby?/What do you like doing?/Do you like.?/Can you .?/Can you.well?/What subjects do you like? 2、学生认识老师。学生认识老师。学生问、老师答。 T:Now I know some of you.Its your turn. What do you want to know about me? S:. T: Do you want to be my friend? OK, if you study hard in this lesson , I will give you my QQ number. Now,lets begin our class. 3 3、通过复习、通过复习 storytimestorytime 引出第一个教学内容,即特殊疑问句型。引出第一个教学内容,即特殊疑问句型。 呈现 Storytime 中 WangBing 的网友 Peter 的照片。 T:Look at this picture. Whos he? S: Hes Peter.Hes WangBings e-friend. T: Do you know something about Peter? S:Yes. 二、新授第一个教学内容(询问他人网友信息时用到的特殊疑问句)二、新授第一个教学内容(询问他人网友信息时用到的特殊疑问句) 1 1、完成关于、完成关于 StorytimeStorytime 内容的检测习题内容的检测习题 T: What do you know about Peter? Please look at your pad and choose the right answers. S:用 Pad 完成习题。 T:Now lets check the answers. First, let me show you the right answers.No.1 choose B, 2 chooseC, 3chooseA, 4 choose C, 5 choose B. 纠正时呈现文本,让学生找出依据 T:Most of you are right. But look at No.,it has the highest error rate. Ill show you the storytime,who can find the key sentences in it? S:学生读关键句 T:Yes, so No. Should choose. (学生通过 Pad 完成关于 Peter 信息的单选题,提交云课堂平台后, 答题情况呈现在大屏上,教师检查、纠正。 ) T:Look,this is Peters name card.Can you introduce Peter for us? S:. T:Well done,class.So we know, when we want to introduce or know about someone, we can learn his age, ,country,hobby, abilities and so on. 总结出我们在认识一个朋友的时候可以从年龄、性别、居住地、爱 好、能力这几个方面去了解。 2 2、总结询问他人网友的信息的句子、总结询问他人网友的信息的句子 T: Now lets have a summary.How can we ask the information about other peoples friend/e-friend. S:. T: I have sent you the contents of this page . You can review these sentences after class ,OK? (学生说,老师点击之前被遮罩的句子,呈现板书,完整板书呈现 后通过云课堂平台推送给学生,用于课后复习用) 3 3、操练巩固、操练巩固 老师为学生推荐一位朋友,学生利用刚才的句子询问,老师回答, 最终呈现这位网友的完整信息卡。 T: Look at this pretty girl. Do you want to know her? S: Yes. T: OK, lets watch a viedo about her. (利用西沃白板可以拖动、放大、播放视频的功能) T: Now you can ask me some questions about her. (问学校时 可以提醒学生用 Which school is she from?来问) S:. T:Jessie has a favourite star. Do you want to know? Who can ask me? Ill tell you. S: Whos her favourite star? 学生不会就引导 T:Lets look.Wow ,who are they? S: TFboys. T: Yes. Do you like TFboys? S:Yes! T: You can make e-friends with Jessie.This is her QQ number.you can contact her after class. 三、新授第二个教学内容,即猜测他人网友信息时用到的一般疑问三、新授第二个教学内容,即猜测他人网友信息时用到的一般疑问 句句 1 1、AskAsk andand guess:guess: WhosWhos JessiesJessies favouritefavourite star?star? 呈现明星组合中三个男孩的照片和信息卡,但只有一位是前面女孩 Jessie 最欢的明星 。比一比谁能最快认识他们(记住相关信息) 。 给学生限定时间去记忆这两位人物的信息,时间到之后人物信息消 失,学生用一般疑问句去猜测。最终呈现答案,揭晓被猜测人物的 信息。 T: There are three boys in the team.Which one does Jessie like best?停顿一下 Now lets play a game:Good memory test. You have thirty seconds, please try your best to remeber their information.Now , Ill send this page to you. Can you see it on your Pad? S:Yes. T: Are you ready? Go! (利用西沃白板倒计时功能设置 30 秒倒计时) T:Time is up! Look ,here are some pictures about Jessies favourite star.Ill show you a little bit of them.You can ask some questions about him. Ill answer you yes or no. 如果有学生用特殊疑问句问:Pay attention!Ill just answer you yes or no. (利用西沃白板擦除遮罩的功能逐步呈现人物形象,从而让学生进 行区分和提问。 ) S: 用一般疑问句猜测 T;回答 Yes/No. T;Do you know who he is now?或者 Now,tell me. Who? 停顿 Yes, hes Wang Yuan. Wang Yuan is Jessies favourite star. 2 2、ThinkThink andand writewrite T: Boys and girls. Do you know how to guess the information about other peoples friend/e-friend?Now lets talk in groups and write the sentences. First,please look at the rule carefully.Got it? OK,go. S:学生小组讨论并写句子。 (利用云课堂平台进行分组交流并完成实拍题,学生拍摄作业并上 传给老师。同时老师利用西沃高拍仪对课堂情况进行直播,让听课 老师能更清晰直观得看到学生的活动情况) T:Now lets look at your answers. Ill choose some of your answers. First ,lets look at this one. Which group is this?Hands up. OK. (教师通过云课堂平台选取学生的作业,利用白板笔进行批改、对 比、分析和纠正) T:Now lets have a summary. What sentences can we use to guess the information about other peoples friend/e- friend? S:学生说,老师点击呈现。 T: I have sent you the contents of this page . Please review these sentences after class ,OK? (学生说,老师点击之前被遮罩的句子,呈现板书,完整板书呈现 后通过云课堂平台推送给学生,用于课后复习用) 3 3、PlayPlay a a gamegame(操练巩固)(操练巩固) T:Boys and girls, its show time now. Lets have a PK. First, look at the rule. Are you ready? S: Yes. T: Who wants to be try? Wow, so many students. Lets choose at random!平台随机选取两位学生 T;Group1 and 2 look at the left side carefully. Group3 and 4 look at the right side carefully.OK? 游戏结束呈现答案 T:Look,these are the right answers. We can use the sentences to ask or guess about someone. Understand? 四、对本节课两个教学内容进行综合运用和巩固。四、对本节课两个教学内容进行综合运用和巩固。 1 1、KnowKnow eacheach otherothers s friends:Askfriends:Ask andand guessguess 学生拿出各自提前准备好的朋友的照片,综合运用刚才板书中总结 的所有句子去同桌互相询问对方朋友的信息并记录。 (利用西沃高拍仪的直播功能对学生活动过程进行直播) 。 T:Now please introduce your good friends to your deskmates. First,take a photo of your friend,then ask and answer each other. 2 2、IndroduceIndroduce youryour friendfriend forfor everyone.everyone.为全班同学介绍自己的为全班同学介绍自己的 朋友。朋友。 T: Now lets meet one of your friends. Who would like to introduce your friend to us? T: Please show us your friends photo first. OK, come here please. Excuse me ,can you stop every sentence you say? (学生用 Pad 拍摄朋友的照片并打开,教师点击分享该同学的静态屏 幕,请该同学为全班同学进行完整的介绍。同时用高拍仪上的 APP 把语音转换成文字) 3 3、写作指导、写作指导 T: Boys and girls, look at the screen, I turned what he/she said just now into words. Lets see how to write an article introducing others.Oh,Im sorry. The app is not so good. Here are some mistakes in it.Who can help me revise them? (教师通过讯飞语记的语音转换文字功能把刚才上台学生的介绍形 成文字,然后进行写作指导。 ) 3 3、学生完成写作(全体学生完成一份介绍自己朋友的作文。学生完成写作(全体学生完成一份介绍自己朋友的作文。 ) T:Now its your turn. Please finish your writing on the paper. 如果时间充裕就让学生完成后用 Pad 拍照、提交上传,教师点评。 时间不够就布置学生课后完成。 5 5、情感升华(与学生分享一句话)情感升华(与学生分享一句话) Boys and girls, at the end of the class. I want to share with you a sentence. “The world is big,but the friends are close” I hope we can make more good friends at school or on the Internet. 倡议学生在学校和生活中多交好朋友,从而开拓自己的视野并互相 成长进步。 6 6、HomeworkHomework Todays homework: 1、Use thinking map to guess the classmates in your class. 利用思维导图写写班上的同学让大家猜一猜。 2、Try to write an email in English to your new e-friend. 尝试用英文写一封邮件给你的新网友。 板书设计板书设计
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