Unit 5 What do they do -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(编号:e0b81).zip

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Unit 5 Story time 练习 填空 1. Mikes father is a _ . He _ English. 2. Mikes mother is a _ . She _ stories. 3. Su Hai s father is a _ . He _ sick people. 4. Su Hais mother is a _ . She _ sweets. Unitnit 5 Whatat dodo t the ey dodo? (Stotory ti time e) Try to introduce me 试着介绍一下我吧! This is my new English teacher,Mr He. He is. (tall/short) He has. (big/small eyes/mouth/nose) He likes. (playing the guitar/runing) He can (play football/basketball) Let me say WatchWatch andand choosechoose What are they talking about? Theyre talking about _. A. their parents hobbies B. their parents jobs What are they doing? 他们在做什么呢? A: The are having a lesson. (上课上课) B. They are talking to each other.(聊天聊天) What are they talking about? 他们正在谈论谈论什么? Watch and think What are they talking about? Theyre talking about _. A. their parents (父母父母) hobbies B. their parents jobs ( 工作)工作) Do you know some words about the jobs? 你知道一些你知道一些关于工作的单词关于工作的单词吗?吗? What do their parents do? Read the story and circle the key words (自(自读读对话对话,弄清楚弄清楚人人物物/工工作作,并圈并圈出出关键关键词词。) Tips : 读书也要善于读书也要善于作记号作记号! charactercharacter(人(人 物)物) jobjob(工作(工作 ) functionfunction (职能)(职能) Mikes father Mikes mother Su Hais father Su Hais mother 1.What does Mikes father do? Hes a teacher. He teaches English. Shes a writer. She writes stories 2.What does Mikes mother do? What does Su Hais father do? Hes a doctor. He helps sick people. Shes a factory worker. She makes sweets. What does Su Hais mother do? 生病的生病的 工厂工厂 Read and repeat (跟读) 不齐读,当暂停时,读几遍由你自己决定!不齐读,当暂停时,读几遍由你自己决定! Tips:重点把重点把难读的句子难读的句子多读几遍!多读几遍! Challenge myself (挑战自我) Can you read some sentences that you feel its difficult? 你能把你能把难读的句子难读的句子大胆读给大家听吗?大胆读给大家听吗? Show myself(展现自我) 和你身边的好伙伴在一起和你身边的好伙伴在一起 读一读,演一演读一读,演一演 期待你们的精彩演出哟!期待你们的精彩演出哟! Tips:可以融入可以融入自己的语言自己的语言, 不必完全照搬课本!不必完全照搬课本! This is my father. He is tall. His eyes are big. His hair is short. He is a driver. He often helps old people. He likes playing football with me. I love my father! Can you introduce your parents to us? (向大家介绍一下自己的父母吧!) 范例: Respect your parents. Respect their jobs! 尊重父母,尊重父母, 尊重他们的工作!尊重他们的工作! Advice ( 老师的忠告)老师的忠告) 工作工作 You Raise Me Up 你养育了我 When I am down(D) 当我失意低落之时 and, oh my soul, (G)so weary; (D)我的精神,是那么疲倦不堪 When troubles come (D)当烦恼困难袭来之际 and my heart (G)burdened be;(A) 我的内心,是那么负担沉重 Then, I am still (Bm)然而,我默默的伫立 and wait(G) here in the silence, (DG)静静的等待 Until you come(D) 直到你的来临 and sit(A) awhile with me. (D)片刻地和我在一起 You raise me up, (Bm)你激励了我 so (G)I can stand on(D) mountains; (A)故我能立足于群山之巅 You raise me up, (Bm)你鼓舞了我 to (G)walk on stormy(D) seas; (A)故我能行进于暴风雨的洋面 I am strong, (Bm)在你坚实的臂膀上 when (G)I am on your (D)shoulders; (G)我变得坚韧强壮 You raise me up: (D)你的鼓励 To (A)more than I can be. (D)使我超越了自我 Homework 1.Read the story to your parents. 把课文读给父母听把课文读给父母听 2. Make a card about your parents, and stick it to their bed. 做一关于父母的张明信片,并贴在他们的床头做一关于父母的张明信片,并贴在他们的床头 。 Unit5Unit5 WhatWhat dodo theythey do?do? 单元教材分析:单元教材分析: 本单元的主要教学内容是职业名称和工作内容,同时继续呈现了动词的一般现在时第 三人称单数形式及用法。教学重点是职业类动词和句型 What do you do?和 What does he/she do?及其回答 He/She is a . . .。教师在课前要求学生了解家人的职业和具体工 作内容,为课堂教学做准备。在语法教学方面,教师可以将学生用书五年级上册 Unit3 中 has 的用法和 unit4 中 likes 用法作为话题引入活动,为学生学习更多动词的第三人称单 数形式做好准备。教师在讲解动词加“s”或“es”转换成为第三人称单数形式时,可以给 出多个实例,让学生自己观察总结转换的规律。 第一课时第一课时 ( (Story time) 教学目标:教学目标: 1.能正确运用日常交际用语:What does he/she do? He/She is a . . . 2.能听懂、会说、会读单词:writer, factory, worker, sick, people 3.理解对话内容,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并尝试表演对话。 4.能运用所学简单介绍自己的家人与工作,感受父母工作的不易! 教学重难点:教学重难点: 重点:能正确理解对话内容,朗读对话,初步表演对话。 难点:初步感知和运用动词的一般现在时第三人称单数形式。 教具准备:教具准备: 单词卡片,人物图片,多媒体 Step1 Preparation T:Hello, lovely boys and girls, Im your new English teacher, Mr He. (拿出一把吉他) Look, Its a guitar, Do you like music? So would you like to listen some music from me? Ss: T: (为学生演奏一曲) 投影自己平常的一些生活照片: So you know me a little more. Can you say something about me. S1:请两位学生看图直观介绍: This is my new English teacher. Hes. (tall/short) He has (small/big eyes /nose/mouth)(Unit 3 句型) He likes(running/playing the guitar)(Unit 4 句型) He can(play the guitar/run/play basketball) Step2Step2 PresentationPresentation andand practicepractice T: I have a question for you. What are we doing? Are we having a Music lesson? Ss: Were having an English lesson. T: 投影:What are Su Hai and Mike doing? Are they having a lesson? Ss: (看图)They are talking to each other.They are having a chat. WatchWatch thethe video.video. Question: What are they talking about? They are talking about ? A: their parents hobbies B: their parents jobs T: Make mention of(提到) jobs,I have some pictures about the jobs, can you read them? 单词新授单词新授 出示图一 S1: He is a teacher. (贴左上角) 出示图二 S2: She is a writer. (贴左下角) 对比朗读:(write-writer) 出示图三 S3: He is a doctor. (贴右上角) 出示图四 S4: She is a factory worker. (贴右下角) (对比朗读:work-worker,重 点指导 factory,fa-c-to-ry) ReadRead andand circlecircle T: We have know some words about jobs.Now lets open the books and figure out what they do? What does Mikes mother/father do? The same to Su Hais parents. T: You can circle the key words.(Tips : 弄清人物,工作及相关事项) 师生互动师生互动 T: Its time to check up your reading. 投影提示: 1.T:What does Mikes father do?或 What does he do? (板书) S1:Hes a teacher. (板书提示:He is 几组同学一问一答,然后交换) T: What subject does he teach? Ss: He teaches English. 在图片 teacher 旁边板书:teaches English. T: I have a lot of students. He has a lot of students too. (图片旁标注:has a lot of students) 2.T: Thats nice. What about Mikes mother. Is she an English teacher too? Ss: No, she isnt. T: What does Mikes mother do? 或 What does he do?(板书) Ss: Shes a writer. (教师提示且板书:She is) T:手指图片 What does the wrier write? Ss: She writes stories. (提示:She writes) T: Mikes mother writes stories. (在 writer 图片旁板书 writes stories) But where does she works? She works in the office,a factory or some other palces? Ss: She works at home. (图片旁标注:works at home) 3.T: Now its time to know Su Hais family. 走到一个学生面前,给他带上 Su Hais 头饰。 You are Su Hai now. What does your father do,Su Hai? S1: My father is a doctor. T: What kind of people does he help? S1: He helps sick people.(在 doctor 图片旁板书:helps sick people) 4.T: Thats great! What does your mother do,Su Hai(接着问戴头饰的同学) S1(Su Hai): Shes a worker. She makes sweets. (在 worker 旁边板书:makes sweets) 问某位学生: Do you like sweets. 肯定回答的学生:Oh,really? I likes sweets. When I was a boy , I ate a lot of sweets. So I am poor at my teeth. ReadRead andand repeatrepeat 跟着录音朗读 投影提示:老师只放一遍录音,你认为那句话难读,你就读多几遍投影提示:老师只放一遍录音,你认为那句话难读,你就读多几遍 ReadRead inin groupsgroups 和你身边要好的朋友好好读读吧! TalkTalk andand actact T: Now you are Su Hai and Mike. Can you act this story. 投影 Tips: 说出主要内容即可,不必完全照搬课本;融入自己的语言更棒! StpeStpe 3 3 ProductionProduction T: You have known something about Su Hai and Mikes parents. How about your parents? Can you introduce your parents. 1.Ss introduce their parents 2. Advice(忠告) Respect your parents. 尊重父母 Respect their jobs! 尊重他们的工作! 3.为学生演奏一曲歌颂父母的英文歌曲: You raise me up StepStep 4 4 HomeworkHomework 1. Read the story to your parents. (把课文读给父母听) 2. Make a card about your parents and stick it to your parents bed.(利用今天 所学,做一张关于父母的明信片,帖在他们的床头,以体现你对他们的爱!) 板书设计: (Mike 图) Unit 5 What do they do? (Su Hai 图) teacher doctor teaches english helps sick people what does he/she do? writer He/She is woker writes stories makes sweets
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