Unit 5 What do they do -Story time-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(配套课件编号:a01ec).doc

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Unit 5 What do they do -Story time-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(配套课件编号:a01ec).doc_第1页
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Unit 5 What do they do -Story time-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(配套课件编号:a01ec).doc_第2页
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Unit 5 What do they do -Story time-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(配套课件编号:a01ec).doc_第3页
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Unit 5 What do they do -Story time-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(配套课件编号:a01ec).doc_第4页
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Unit 5 What do they do -Story time-教案、教学设计-部级公开课-新牛津译林版五年级上册(配套课件编号:a01ec).doc_第5页
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1、英语备课本英语备课本 Teaching Plan for Primary Department of CIS 课课题题 Title Bar Unit 5 What do they do? 学情分析学情分析 Students Analysis 1. 学校除了译林教材外有自己的校本教材(美国原版教材 Get smart),因 此学生对于职业类词汇其实已经有了积累,但是学生对于职业职能的句式输 入和输出都还不够,所以本节课的目标需要强化和拓展教材中职业职能介 绍。 2. 学生对于第三人称的语法只有渗透,没有系统学习。可能在对第三人称 she/he/it 描述时,不能正确使用动词的第三人称单数形式及动

2、词三单形式的 读音。 教学目标教学目标 TeachingAims 知识目标知识目标 (1) 能听懂、会读、会说职业话题单词,如:teacher, doctor, worker, writer, cook, driver, farmer, nurse, policeman(cop), firefighter(fireman) (2) 能听懂、会读、会说动词三单形式,如:teaches, helps, works, writes, cooks, drives (3) 能听懂、会读、敢说职业话题表达,如:What do they do? They are They & What does he/sh

3、e do? He /She is a He/ She 能力目标能力目标 (1) 体验 KWL 的学习策略。 (2) 理解、掌握对话内容,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,复述课文。 (3) 能在课文学习及知识拓展的基础上,自信谈论职业。 情感目标情感目标 明白美好生活需要各行各业的努力;大胆畅想自己的梦想职业并为之“撸起 袖子加油干!” 教学重点教学重点 Teaching Points 1. The Ss can talk about jobs and the daily work about the jobs. 2. Ss can have an understanding about the 3

4、rdperson singular form. 教学难点教学难点 Teaching Difficulties 1. The Ss know verbs sometimes end with “s” or “es”. 2. Ss can apply the knowledge learned comprehensively to talk about their dream job. 教学准备教学准备 Teaching Preparation PPT, Word cards, task sheet, classroom job sticker. 教学内容教学内容 Teaching Content

5、s Story Time, Culture Time & Grammar Time 教教时时 Teaching Period The first period 教学教学设计设计 Teaching Designing 教学环节教学环节环节目标环节目标教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动教学设计分析教学设计分析 Lead in 5mins 浸入职业主题Enjoy the song课前欣赏歌曲营造氛围, 浸润主题 关联已知话题Lets review复习 hobby 话题, 并在影片欣赏的 过程中与 job 话题 进行联通 从 hobby 话题迁移 到 job 话题,让旧 知成为新知建构的 基础 Watc

6、h and talk about COCO 明确课堂目的KWL了解自己已知、欲 知和将知的知识 让教和学的目的更 加清晰明了 Pre-reading 15mins 三复人称语境下 职业名称及职业 职能描述的习得 Activity1: Super guesser What do they do? 小组读取线索(职 业职能描述),组 员猜测职业(名 称) 线索式调动学生, 并以小组形式自 学, 教师基本放手, 关注课堂学习的 Engage 维度 三单人称语境下 职业名称及职业 职能描述的习得 Activity2: Theyre superman What does he/she do? 聚光灯、音

7、效猜测 职业(名称),尝 试职业职能的表 述,了解英美文化 差异 调动感官参与,升 级句式难度,渗透 文化差异,关注课 堂学习的 Enjoy 维 度 While-reading 15mins 文本整体感知Watch & circle What jobs are 看动画,圈所谈论 到的职业 语篇整体输入,语 境下话题信息的整 mentioned?体感知 操练三单人称语 境下职业名称及 职业职能的听、 说能力 Match & answer: What does he/she do? 听取语篇并借助 连线、表格对语篇 信息进行处理,并 将其转码说出 对语篇进行细化的 处理,通过递进任 务,操练学生听

8、、 说、读、写的能力, 关注课堂学习的 English 维度 Read& choose: Lets read (Part1) 操练三单人称语 境下职业名称及 职业职能的读、 写能力 Read& fill:读取语篇并进行 关键词填写的信 息处理Lets read (Part 2) 巩固文本理解Retell & write复述语篇并巩固 所学内容 “快闪”方式回顾 并巩固新授词块, 强化大脑印象和语 言点熟练度。 Review Post-reading 5mins 拓展职业表达 升华情感目标 JobDuty(职责) 观看“撸起袖子加 油干”微视频 拓展更多的职业主 题词汇,给予优秀 学生“吃饱”的

9、机 会 实操语言运用Group Activity: My dream job 小组形式完成“我 的梦想职业”的综 合演讲 进一步拉近职业话 题的距离,让学生 学有所用 教学过程教学过程 Teaching Process Step1. Lead in 1. Enjoy the song (Before class) 2. Lets review T: What did we learn last week? S: We learnt sth about the hobby. T: What is the hobby? S: Hobby is sth we like doing/ we are g

10、ood at doing/ we do well. T: Great! So what do you like doing? S: I like T: Now do you want to know what I like doing? S: Do you like ? T: I like teaching English. I like watching films. 3. Watch and talk about COCO T: Now today I would like to share one of my favorite movies with you all. Whats tha

11、t? S: Coco. T: Lets enjoy one section. T: What is the movie about? S: The boy wants to be a musician. T: Why does he want to be a musician? S: a. His great great father is a great musician. b. He likes singing and playing the guitar. T: So it seems that theres a kind relationship between the hobby a

12、nd the dream job, right? Last week we talked about the hobby, and this week were going to talk about the job. 4. KWL T: Now lets take out our task sheet and see Weve already KNOWN some jobs, like Lets share with our friends. S: I know T: Great!And Ive got some information from your task sheet about

13、WHAT I WANT TO LEARN: a. How to talk about jobs? b. What are Mikes and Su Hais parentsjobs? Am I right? And at the end of the class, youre going to check WHAT I HAVE LEARNT. Ok?! Step2. Pre-reading T: In our daily life, when you want to know someones job, what will you ask? S: What are you? Whats yo

14、ur job? What do you do? 1.Activity1: Super Guesser T: Good job!At the beginning of todays class, were going to have an activity: Super Guesser. *One student of one group will click on the question mark to reveal each clue and group students try to read the clues. *The student will follow the clues t

15、o work out which person is being described. Does it make sense? Now which group want to try? Example: Ss: They are good at different subjects. They like being with children. They have a lot of students. T: What do they do? S: Theyre teachers. T: Great! Now follow me: teachteacher Clue1Clue2Clue3What

16、 they you do? They are good at different subjects. They like being with children. They have a lot of students. Theyre teachers. teacher-teach They can help to carry your bags. They can take you to places you want to go. They can drive safely. Theyre drivers! driver-drive They work in a factory. They

17、 are good at making things. They have a lot of tools. Theyre workers! worker-work They feed animals.They have a lot of animal friends. They work on the farm. Theyre farmers! farmer-feed (animals) They like yummy food. They work in the restaurant. They have a lot of cookers. Theyre cooks! cook-cook 2

18、.Activity2: Theyre supermen T: In our daily life, people work to make our life better. And actually some of them not only make life better, but also save our lives. So for me, I think theyre really supermen. Now next were going to see for those supermen, what does she/he do? (3rdperson singular form

19、) Example: T: What can you hear and see? (120) S: I can seeIts an ambulance! T: What can you see? S: I can see a doctor. T: Boys, try to ask girls! B: What does she do? G: She is a doctor. T: What does a doctor usually do? Ss: She sometimes wears a white coat. She helps sick people. She is good at c

20、hecking bodies. T: What does she/he do? Clue1Clue2Clue3 She is a doctor!She sometimes wears a white coat. She helps sick people. She is good at checking bodies. She is a nurse!She helps sick people. She looks after sick people. She gives injections.(打针) He is a policeman. In the US, we call a police

21、man a “cop”. He helps to keep people safe He catches bad people, like the thief. He sometimes drives a car with a siren. (汽笛) He is a firefighter! In the UK, we call a firefighter a “fireman”. He is strong and brave. He drives a big red truck. He puts out fires. Step3. While-reading T: Well done! I

22、think till now weve finished the first task which is to learn how to talk about jobs, and next were going to talk about Mikes and Su Hais parentsjobs. 1.Watch the cartoon. 2.Watch & circle:What jobs are mentioned? T: What jobs are mentioned? Ss: doctor/ writer/ teacher/ worker 3.Match & answer:What

23、does he/she do? T: Now lets ask and answer: What does do? Ss: Mikes father-teacher Mikes mother-writer Su Hais father-doctor Su Hais mother-factory worker 4.Read & choose:自读 48 页,圈划重点词句。 T: Next you will read the first part of the story by yourself, and try to underline the key words or phrases and

24、then choose the right answer. Ss: whojobDaily workwhere Mikes fatherF. teacherB. teaches EnglishD. works at school Mikes motherC. writerE. writes storiesA. works at home T: What does Mikes father do? S: Hes a teacher. T: What is his daily work? S: He teaches English. T: Please read the sentence in t

25、he text. S: My father is a teacher. He teaches English. T: Good, follow me: teach - teaches. The teacher teaches English. Ss: teach - teaches. The teacher teaches English. T: Pay attention to the following tips: The simple present tense 一般现在时 The third person singular 第三人称单数 The same way to teach wr

26、ite - writesThe writer writes stories. work - works. The worker works in the factory. T: Now lets read the first part. 5.Read& fill:自读 49 页,圈划重点词句。 whojobDaily workwhere Su Hais fatherdoctorhelps sick peoplein the hospital Su Hais motherfactory workermakes sweetsin the factory T: Next you will read

27、the second part of the story by yourself, and try to fill in the table. Ss: T: Who wants to try? S: Su Hais father is a doctor. Su Hais mother is a factory worker. T: How about their daily work? S: Su Hais father helps sick people. T: Good! help-helps. Why is there an “s”? Ss: 3rdperson singular for

28、m. The same way to teach “makes” T: Where do they work? Ss: Su Hais father works in the hospital, and her mother works in the factory. T: Great! Now lets read. 6.Retell & write Mikefather is a _. He _ English. His mother is a _. She _ stories. Su Hais father is a _. He _ sick people. Her mother is a

29、 factory _. She_ sweets. 7.Consolidation Quick flashing Step4. Post-reading T: Dear all, now I think you can think about what youve learnt today, and later we will try to use what we learnt to do a group activity My dream job. Lets see: Please show us your dream job with the help of the pictures bel

30、ow or the internet. And then make a presentation. JobDuty(职责)/ Responsibility(责任心) Lets roll up our sleeves and work hard. - Xi Jinping S: Presentation 作业设计作业设计 Homework Design 1. Read and recite Story time. 2. Copy the words and phrases of Story time. Optional: 3. 尝试归纳一般现在时“三单”动词变化 4. 选聘所获得的“班级职位”

31、板书设计板书设计 Blackboard Design Unit 5 What do they do? 教学教学反思反思 Teaching Reflection 1.课堂角色:本节课教师一直试图将课堂交给学生:从阅读前词汇及句子 的超大量输入,到阅读中语篇阅读的信息处理,再到阅读后借助多媒体的话 题综合运用,可以很直接看到都是“学生主体”。教师的点拨基本只集中在 对“三单”语法知识点的处理上。当然,也由于课堂上学生是主体,学习方 式更多的是自主学习,所以在时间的把控上还不尽理想。 2.课堂内容:本节课,其实语篇文本的学习不是学生的难点;但是教材中 涉及到 9 个职业词汇,却只有 4 个职业职能简述,所以学生有好奇心,教学 设计应该满足学生的好奇心。但是,在学习活动取舍上还比较保守:如文本 学习时,学生的回答内容已经高于前两项活动的要求,完全可以舍去,为自 主活动留出更多的时间。 3.课堂呈现:教的呈现主要以思维导图形式的板书帮助学生直观记忆及理 解职业话题及三单语法;学的呈现主要以听说读写活动层层递进,但是由于 最后小组活动时间有限,所以在语言综合运用及思维上的呈现还不够理想。


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