Unit 2 What a day!-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:926e6).zip

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What a day! Unit 2 Unit 2 What a day! Free talk: 1. What day is it today? 2. What date is it? Its the sixteenth of September. Its 3. What do you like? Hobbies Favourite food (最喜(最喜爱爱的食物)的食物) Favourite animal( 最喜爱的动物)最喜爱的动物) honey 蜂蜜蜂蜜 dumplings 水饺水饺 parrot 鹦鹉鹦鹉 drawing writing diaries diary 日记日记 sunny 晴朗的晴朗的cloudy 多云的多云的 windy 多风的多风的rainy 多雨的多雨的 the weather 天气天气 I like drawing and writing diaries, too. What a day! Unit 2 What a day! How to write a diary? Date 日期 e Weather 天气 e Special(特别的)things Yang Lings diary Unit 2 What a day! Yang Lings diary: Date:Sunday, 20th September Unit 2 What a day! Weather: Yang Lings diary: 1. It wasin the morning. 2. Then, the weather became 3. In the afternoon, there were black clouds in the sky. It become 变成,变为 过去式: became e Unit 2 What a day! Weather: Yang Lings diary: 1. It wasin the morning. 2. Then, the weather became 3. In the afternoon, there were black clouds in the sky. It cloud 云 a cloudy 多云的 昨天多云,天空中有许多乌云。 It was cloudy yesterday, there were a lot of black clouds in the sky. Unit 2 What a day! Weather: Yang Lings diary: 1. It wasin the morning. 2. Then, the weather became 3. In the afternoon, there were black clouds in the sky. It Listen to Yang Lings diary and find the answers. Unit 2 What a day! Weather: Yang Lings diary: 1. It wasin the morning. It was sunny in the morning. sunny 晴朗的 上午天气晴朗 be sunny in the morning Unit 2 What a day! Weather: Yang Lings diary: Then the weather became windy and cloudy. windy 有风的 2. Then, the weather became 变得有风 become windy Unit 2 What a day! Weather: Yang Lings diary: It rained. rain 下雨 e 过去式:rained rainy 多雨的 3. In the afternoon, there were black clouds in the sky. It It _ (rain) this morning. It was _( rain). rained rainy Unit 2 What a day! Read and underline自读16页划出他们做的事情 What did they do ? Unit 2 What a day! Special things: Su Hai, Liu Tao and _ went to the _ by _. I parkbike went go的过去式 e Unit 2 What a day! Was there a parrot show in the park? What did they see? parrot 鹦鹉 Yes, there was. They saw some interesting parrots. 一场鹦鹉演出 a parrot show saw see的过去式 : Unit 2 What a day! The weather became windy and cloudy. What did they do? They flew kites high in the sky. flew fly的过去式 u: Listen and choose ring- bring money _ What did they bring for lunch? They brought _. 带来带来 bring的过去式的过去式 _ /:/ A. dumplings B. bread C. cakes D. honey E. drinks jump _ Yang Ling and her friends were hungry. Do you know why? Because there were some ants and bees on the bread and honey. Unit 2 What a day! How were they in the afternoon? They were hungry and wet. wet 湿的 e c a f d eg b Unit 2 What a day! AB C DE F What a day! 注解:这一句是感叹语,需要与前后注解:这一句是感叹语,需要与前后 文相连来理解意思。可以是糟糕的一文相连来理解意思。可以是糟糕的一 天,忙碌的一天,累人的一天,倒霉天,忙碌的一天,累人的一天,倒霉 的一天等等。但是肯定这一天是要让的一天等等。但是肯定这一天是要让 人人难忘难忘的!的! 这是怎样的一天啊! 四人一组,任选一种四人一组,任选一种方式,方式, 看看看看哪一组读得最好。哪一组读得最好。 跟录音读,注意跟录音读,注意 模仿语音、语调和语速模仿语音、语调和语速 Read after one. (跟一个人读跟一个人读 Read together. (一起读一起读) Read one by one. (一个接着一个接着 一个读一个读) What a day! 1.It rained all day(整天整天) on 20th September(9月月20 号号). 2. The children saw a parrot show(鹦鹉表演鹦鹉表演). 3.They flew kites in the sky. 4.They brought(带来带来) lunch to the park. 5.They were hungry because(因为因为) they did not have lunch. F T T T T 默读课文,判断正误,正确默读课文,判断正误,正确 的写的写T,错误的写,错误的写F。 然后然后 天空天空 然后然后 然后然后 bring(带来带来) 的过去式的过去式 can的过去式的过去式 Read after one. (跟一个人读跟一个人读 ) Read together. (一起读一起读) Read one by one. (一个接着一个接着 一个读一个读) 四人一组,任选一种方式,看看哪四人一组,任选一种方式,看看哪 一组读得最好。一组读得最好。 1.熟读课文。熟读课文。 2. 试着根据杨玲的画复述课文。试着根据杨玲的画复述课文。 SUMMARY is/am - was are - were can - could tell - told 动词过去式不规则变化总结动词过去式不规则变化总结 : get - got say - said become - became bring - brought fly - flew go - went see - saw do - did take - took have - had find - found a lose丢失 - lost u: draw - drew u: Unit 2 What a day! l Unit 2 What a day! Seven days a week Sun.Mon.Tue.Wed. Thur.Fri.Sat. Unit 2 What a day! Tips: 1. 日期中要用到序数词代表“几日” 2. 序数词表达方式: 一般在基数词后加th,表示“第几” 特殊情况: onefirst, two second, three third 以ve结尾,变ve为f再加th。例如:fivefifth, twelve twelfth 以e结尾,去e加th。例如:nineninth 以t结尾,直接加h。例如:eighteighth 以ty结尾,去y加ie再加th。例如:twentytwentieth 缩略写法:数字+序数词的最后两个字母。例如: 20th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd 小学英语 (六年级上册) Unit 2 What a day! (Period 1) Teaching contents 教学内容:教学内容: Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标:教学目标: 1 能听懂、会说有关天气的单词。 2 了解动词动词 go , see, become, fly, bring, can 的过去式。 3 初步掌握英语日记的格式。 4 能熟读并简单复述课文内容。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重难点:教学重难点: 1 能听懂、会说有关天气的单词。 2 了解动词动词 go , see, become, fly, bring, can 的过去式。 3 初步掌握英语日记的格式。 Preparation 教学准备:教学准备: 课文挂图、录音磁带 Teaching procedures 教学过程:教学过程: Step1 Free talk T: How is the weather today? 渗透天气单词 S: T: What did you do last Sunday? S:I T: What a happy day!/ What a sad day! / What a terrible/ funnyday! 引入课题 What a day! Step2 Presentation 1.出示杨玲人物图片,Yang Ling wrote a dairy about her Sunday on September 20th . a.Where did she go? b.How was the weather that day? Lets watch the cartoon. S(观看卡通,回答问题) a. Where did she go? b. How was the weather that day? 学习几个天气词汇。 2. T: Yes. In the morning, its sunny, then, its windy and cloudy. In the afternoon, its rainy. PPT 按顺序出示天气图片。 a. T: What did the children do from morning to afternoon? Please read the diary by yourselves and circle the verbs in past tense. b. order the sentences on P18. c. check the answers and learn the sentences in the text.(在过程中学习动词过去式) 3.a. Read the text after the tape. b. Read in groups. c. Do the exercise on P18(True or false) d. What a _ day! (出示一些提示词汇,让孩子填空,深层理解是怎样的一天) Step3 Consolidation a. Retell the diary in 4 b. 让学生观察这篇日记,归纳出日记的格式 Step4 Homework (1)听录音,熟读课文。 (2)模仿杨玲的日记,写一篇你的日记。 Blackboard design 板书设计:板书设计: Unit2 What a day! (Period 1) sunny went brought windy saw could cloudy became rained rainy flew
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