Unit 2 What a day!-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:c072f).zip

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Unit2 What a day! (Story time) What did you do on May Day? 4th May. It was a cloudy day. My family and I went to Shang Hai by train. we saw a funny show. we also saw the fireworks high in the sky. We played all day. What a day! Saturday How was Yang Lings day? How was Yang Lings day? What a day ! Tip:What a day!的意思可以理解为的意思可以理解为“多么糟糕的一天啊!多么糟糕的一天啊!” 也可以是也可以是“多么美好的一天啊!多么美好的一天啊!” ,具体要看,具体要看上下文和语境上下文和语境哦哦 ! What elements are involved in a diary? 一篇日记包含哪些要素?一篇日记包含哪些要素? day date main body main body characters place time How was the weather in the morning? 自读自读1-2幅图幅图 , 划出划出关键词句关键词句 What did they do in the morning? 分组读分组读3-5幅图,划出幅图,划出关键词句关键词句 How was the weather? What did they do? lunch time then Group A (P3)GroupB (P4-5) What did they do in the aftenoon? 齐读第齐读第6幅图幅图 , 划出划出关键词句关键词句 They did nothing!They eat nothing! What did they do in the aftenoon? 齐读第齐读第6幅图幅图 , 划出划出关键词句关键词句 WHY? What did they do in the aftenoon? 齐读第齐读第6幅图幅图 , 划出划出关键词句关键词句 They were hungry and wet. What a day ! What do you think of their day? lovely funny wonderful( 精彩的)精彩的) terrible (可怕的)(可怕的) bad (你认为他们度过了怎样的一天呢?)(你认为他们度过了怎样的一天呢?) . What a/an _ day! Read together 一起读一起读 Read in group 小组读小组读 Read one by one 一个一个读一个一个读 四人一组,任选一种方式,读一读吧!四人一组,任选一种方式,读一读吧! write in an order 以时间以时间/事情发展顺序描写事情发展顺序描写 past tense 过去式过去式 summary No blanks 开头无需空格开头无需空格 What did you do with your family or friends on May Day? Write about it in your daiary. 1. Read the story. 2. Share your diary with your parents. THANKS 1 6A Unit2 What a day!教学设计教学设计 1、教材分析教材分析 本单元的话题是谈论天气情况和周末活动。Story time 以日记的形式记录了 Yang Ling 周末的一天,让学生进一步认识和理解一般过去时的用法。教学重 难点是一般过去时陈述句的表达和用英语书写日记的格式。教师可以利用学生 书本 5A Unit8 At the weekends 的词汇设计教学活动,要求学生运用一般过去时 描述刚过去的周末活动。 二、教学内容教学内容 Story time 2、教学目标教学目标 知识和技能:知识和技能: 1. 学生能初步理解并且会听、会说、会读和会拼写单词及词组:cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy 和会运用句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy. 2. 学生能初步听懂并且会说、会读单词 show, interesting, weather, high, honey, ant, bee, cloud, sky, rain 3. 学生能初步感知动词过去式的不规则变化及读音 过程与方法:过程与方法: 学生能在实际生活中初步感知天气表达的句型,并能会应用。 情感态度和价值观情感态度和价值观 : 学生能够运用英语书写日记格式给朋友或家人写信,增强彼此之间的感情。 三、教学重难点:三、教学重难点: 1. 能在语篇中初步理解天气的用语,并能在语言输出中初步运用。 2. 能运用本单元所学的词汇和句型谈论天气,并能自己尝试用英文记日记。 四、教学具准备四、教学具准备 PPT,pictures 等 五、教学过程:五、教学过程: Step1 Warming up 1. Enjoy a songWhat did you do yesterday? 2 【设计意图设计意图】歌曲是小学生最爱参与的课堂活动之一。通过歌曲的欣赏,引出 what did you do 的话题,自然有效。既能活跃课堂气氛,也为下面的新授知识 作好铺垫。 2. Free talk T: What did you do on May Day? S1:I played. S2: I . T: So, do you want to know my May Day? S: Yes. T: I wrote a diary about my holiday. Lets read it together. S: OK. T: Read the diary with students together. Learn: went to ./ saw a show/ high in the sky/ T: You know I had a good time last Sunday. What a day! (show the topic“Unit2 What a day!”) T: Do you know the meaning of “What a day” in my diary? S: 开心的一天。 T: Can you say it happily?引导学生用表情动作说“What a day!” 3 【设计意图设计意图】设计信息沟。通过询问学生的 May Day 自然转换到老师的 May Day,并利用“My diary”的话题,导入老师在上个周末做了哪些事情,学习 went to ./ saw a show/ high in the sky/等过去式短语,初步感知动词的不规则变 化以及发音的不同。利用生活中真实有效的情境,学习新知,便于学生理解, 效果更好。 T: Yes. And Yang Ling wrote a diary too. How was Yang Lings day? Was she happy? Lets watch and answer. Step2 Presentation and practice 1. Watch and answer. Q: How was Yang Lings day? T: Have you got it? Was she happy? S: No. She was sad. T: Yes, she said “What a day!”, she was unhappy. So whats the meaning of “What a day” here? S: 糟糕的一天!(贴哭脸) T: Can you say it sadly?引导学生用表情动作说“What a day!” T: You are right. When you want to know the meaning of a sentence, you must contact the context. (show the tip of “What a day!”) 4 【设计意图设计意图】通关观看语篇动画,初步感知文本意思。让学生根据对整篇日记 的理解来判断题目的意思,有助于他们更好地理解这句话,掌握一定的阅读策 略,从而运用到以后的学习中去。 2. Read and think T: OK, today well learn Yang Lings diary. But What elements are involved in a diary? Please open your books, read and think it over. S: (引导其说出 day)(板书) T: Yes, its Sunday. Do you know others days in a week? S: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday.(板书) T: Right. And what else should be involved in a diary? S: (引导其说出 date)(板书) T: Yes, What else?(板书) S: weather/time/place/things/characters T: Yes, its all part of the main body. T: So in Yang Lings diary, the characters are. They went to. (板书) 【设计意图设计意图】教师通过问题“What elements are involved in a diary? ”启发学生 的发散性思考。学生带着目的进行阅读,并能简单说出一篇日记的要素有哪些。 培养了学生的阅读能力与归纳整合的能力。 3. Read and find (P1-2) T: This time, lets learn the diary together. First, how was the weather in the morning? And what did they do in the morning? Please read picture 1-2 to find the answers. 5 S: Read and find. T: We know it was sunny in the morning and they went to the park and saw a parrot show. What happened then? What about lunch time? 4. Read and find (P3-5) Group read 3, Group read 4-5 T: We know they did something in the morning. What did they do in the afternoon? Please read P6 together. S: (找不到做的事情) T: Yes, they did nothing. And they eat nothing. Why? S: Because it rained. (板书) T: So they were hungry and wet. (板书)What a day! T: So what do you think of their day? What a _ day! 【设计意图设计意图】根据新课标的教学实施建议,应当更多的创设以活动为主的任务 型教学模式。通过不同层次,不同性质,不同形式的任务,师生共同参与,交 流合作,训练学生们的综合语言运用能力和与他人交际的能力。 5. Reading time A. Read after the teacher B. Read together C. Read in groups T: You can choose a way to read. Lets read it. 6 【设计意图设计意图】学生自主选择喜爱的阅读方式,可以是大家齐读,跟读,也可以 是一个一个地读。给了孩子充分的选择权,面向全体,尊重每一位学生。体现 了学生的自主学习能力。 Step3 Production 1. Retell the story T: Just now we have learned Yang Lings diary. And you read it very well. Can you retell it without your books? Lets say it according to the blackboard. S: Retell the diary. T: Wonderful. You did a good job. So do you know how to write a diary? We can write the day, date, and the main body. And we can write it from morning to the afternoon, as well as evening. What other aspects can we write? S: . T: We can write our feelings, or we can draw some pictures if youre good at drawing. Right?(板书 feeling,picture) S: Yes. T: So pay attention to these. Write in an order, use past tense, do a short summary. And no blanks. Are you clear? S: Yes. 【设计意图设计意图】复述对英语阅读学习有着重要的作用。学生能在理解文本的基础 上,通过板书中的重点词句简单说出语篇的内容。学生们在体验、实践、参与、 交流中不仅巩固了所学内容,也发展了学生的综合语用能力,使语言学习的过 程成为学生形成积极的情感态度。 2. Write a diary 7 T: So can you write a diary about your last Sunday? Lets do it. 【设计意图设计意图】学生能够运用英语书写日记格式给朋友或家人写信,增强彼此之 间的感情。为学生们提供一个展示他们作品的舞台,训练学生初步写作能力, 培养写作意识。 Step4 Homework 1. Read the story. 2. Share your diary with your parents. 【设计意图设计意图】学生的听、说、读、写能力在完成作业过程中得到了锻炼、提高。 学习英语的最终目的在于回归生活,结合课堂教学,让学生在真实的情境中运 用知识。 六、板书设计六、板书设计 Unit 2 What a day! 6A Unit2 What a day! 课堂练习单
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