Unit 3 Holiday fun-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级公开课-新牛津译林版六年级上册(编号:509d1).zip

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一、Read and answer 1.Where does Liu Taos aunt live ? 2.Where did Liu Tao go in Shanghai? 3.Where did Mike go for the holiday ? 4.Did Mike catch a big fish ? 5.Why did Mike call Liu Tao? 6.What do you think of the title-holiday fun? 2、Find and remember Find the question words and try to remember them. holiday What is your favourite holiday? 假日,节日假日,节日 Its. National Day holiday 国庆节假期国庆节假期 The students came back to school after the National Day Holiday. (在(在之之 后)后) How were their holidays? How were their holidays? They were great fun. 极大的乐趣极大的乐趣 Would you like to know more about his holiday? Tips:Read the dialogue and underline the questions. 阅读阅读P26对话,对话,划出划出相关的问句。相关的问句。 Mike: Hello, Liu Tao! Where did you go for the holiday? I called you, but you werent at home. Liu Tao: I went to Shanghai and visited my aunt. Mike: What did you do there? Liu Tao: We went to the Bund and visited the Shanghai Museum. I saw many interesting things. Where did you go for the holiday? did do过去式过去式 I went to Shanghai and visited my aunt. What did you do there? We went to the Bund and visited the Shanghai Museum. the Bund 上海(外滩)上海(外滩) museum 博物博物 馆馆 the Shanghai Museum 上海博物馆上海博物馆 many interesting things Mike: Hello, Liu Tao! Where did you go for the holiday? I called you, but you werent at home. Liu Tao: I went to Shanghai and visited my aunt. Mike: What did you do there? Liu Tao: We went to the Bund and visited the Shanghai Museum. I saw many interesting things. werent=were not Liu Tao went to _. He went to the _ and the _. He saw many _. Shanghai Bund Shanghai Museuminteresting things What did Liu Tao do for the National Day holiday? How was Mikes holiday? It was great fun. Where did he go for the holiday? His family went to a farm. lake湖,湖泊湖,湖泊 星星湖星星湖 His family went to a farm near Star Lake. What did he do on the farm? He picked some oranges. Did you pick any oranges? Yes, I did. No, I didnt. What else did he do on the farm? went fishing Did you catch any fish? 抓,捉抓,捉 He caught a big fish. catch过去式过去式 Wheres the fish now? Mike ate it. ate eat过去式过去式 Liu Tao: How was your holiday, Mike? Mike: It was great fun. Our family went to a farm near Star Lake. We picked some oranges and went fishing. Liu Tao: Did you catch any fish? Mike: Yes, I did. I caught a big fish! Liu Tao: Thats great. Why did you call me? Mike: Because I wanted to give you the fish. Liu Tao: Wheres the fish now? Mike: I ate it! Mike went to a _. He picked some _. He went _ too. He caught _ What did Mike do for the National Day holiday? farm oranges fishing a big fish Read the whole dialogue 朗读对话,注意人物的语音语调哦! Liu Tao and Mike _ back to school after the National Day _. They are talking about their holidays. Liu Tao _ his aunt in Shanghai. He went to the _ and _ the Shanghai _. He saw many _ things. Mike and his family went to a _ near Star Lake. They _ some _ and went _. And Mike _ a big _. He _ to give the fish to Liu Tao. But Liu Tao _ at home. So Mike _ the fish! Ha! Ha! Their holidays were great _. came holiday visited Bund visitedMuseum interesting farm pickedorange sfishingcaughtfish wanted werent ate fun Lets talk something about our National Day holiday.(和同桌说说你的假期经历吧!)(和同桌说说你的假期经历吧!) A: Where did you go for ? B: I went/visited. A: What did you do there? B: I (ed). A: Did you ? B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. 1.有感情地朗读课文,并进行录音传入班级QQ。 2.将课文对话改编成英语小故事,讲给家长听。 3. 将课上新编的对话故事写下来。 UnitUnit 3 3 HolidayHoliday funfun (storytime)(storytime) UnitUnit 3 3 HolidayHoliday funfun (storytime)(storytime) 教学目标教学目标: 1.听懂会说、会读、会写单词 holiday, National Day, Great Wall, 2 能听懂会说、会读词汇 call, Bund, Shanghai Museum, star , Palace Museum, Summer Palace, Tianan men Square 3 听懂、会说、会读、会写句型 What did you / he do for the holiday?I / He Where did you/he go for the holiday? Did you / he ? Yes, I / he did. / No, I / he didnt 教学重、难点教学重、难点: 1.能掌握本单元的四会单词、句型。 2.正确掌握,灵活运用 was,did 构成的一般过去时句型表达于真实情景中。 3. 能理解,正确朗读,表演 storytime.并能自编类似情景正确掌握,灵活运用 was,did 构成的一般过去时句型表达于真实情景中。 课前准备课前准备: 教教 学学 过过 程程二次备课二次备课 Step1:Step1: WarmWarm upup 1. Read and understand the name of the unit. Show the aims of teaching (Ticking time) 2. 小结一般过去时句型的基本用法:主语+was/were+其他。 语+动词过去式+其他 Step2Step2 : : PresentationPresentation T:Do you know the places of interest ? Can you choose one tell us(Tip: Look. This is _ . Its in_. Its _. ) I went there _years ago. / I saw it on TV/ the Internet.(出示新词汇的图片)S: . T: 指名作介绍的学生当小老师领读新词汇。带领其他同 学学习这些词汇。 T: 配乐滚动播放这些景观的图片,组织学生欣赏。 Do you want to visit these beautiful places? S: T: Our good friend, Liu Tao went to Shang Hai a short time ago. You can ask him to understand more .What do you want to ask ? 引导学生问出相关的问题?(Tip: Hi, Liu Tao. When/Where/whatdo)When did you go to Shang Hai? Where did you go ? What did you do ? S: 自读 P.26 课文,找到所有问题的答案,并读一读,了解 含义。 相机学习新词汇:holiday, National Day. T: How was Liu Taos holiday? S: Its _.(wonderful/great fun) T : Liu Tao had a good time. He didnt stay at home at that time. So he didnt answer the phone. Who called him? S : Mike. T :组织学生找出课文中的相关内容,表演(假如 Liu Tao 也 打电话给 Mike 的)情景。 Liu Tao : Is that Mike ? Mike : This is Mike speaking. Hi, Liu Tao.Where_ you _. I called you ,But you _at home. Liu Tao: I_ and _ Mike :What _ you do there? Liu Tao: I _and _ Mike :Great! Wish you a fun holiday. T : Liu Taos National Day holiday is so fun. How about Mikes holiday? S : Its fun,too. T : Why do you think so ? 组织学生倾听课文中有关叙述 Mike 过国庆假期的内容。 完成问答。 Did Mike go to shanghai, too ? No, he didnt . He_ Did Mike pick any oranges ? Yes, he did. Did Mike water trees? No, he didnt. Did Mike go fishing ? Yes, he did. He _. T: Finally, where was the fish? S: T: 引导学生学习 eat 的过去式 ate. 引导学生小结一般过去时一般疑问句的问法和回答。 S:跟录音朗读课文中的相关内容。 StepStep 3 3 PracticePractice 1.完整的欣赏课文内容视频,模仿人物的语音语调。尝试 配音。 2. Read the text in different roles in groups. StepStep 4 4 ConclusionConclusion 1.完成书 P.28 Think and write 和 Ask and answer. 2.请你作为校报记者,采访 Liu Tao 和 Mike 的好朋友。 (小组操练并 汇报) 3. Judge and tick.(Ticking time) 板书设计板书设计 Unit 3 Holiday fun
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